I am Quaresma

Chapter 92 It's Just Good Luck

"Do you think Ricardo can get the phone?" Meirelles stroked his forehead with a suspicious expression.

Postiga nodded, but shook his head again, not knowing what he wanted to say.

Let's say Quaresma walked towards some beautiful girls in the livestock... and her son, although he had the mentality of doing good things, he was a little apprehensive when he suddenly approached him. After all, this is not a wild nightclub.

But after focusing on the little boy, Quaresma suddenly had an idea.

"The little one looks so smart!" Quaresma complimented with a smile.

At this time, the young woman looked up at Quaresma, and Quaresma saw her face up close.

My skin is so tender, I can't wait for the water to pop out. No matter how I look, it doesn't look like I have given birth to a child. It's really well maintained!

"Of course I'm very smart, the kindergarten teachers say that about me!" The little boy raised his chin when he heard the praise, and said arrogantly.

Quaresma chuckled, "How about your uncle quiz?"

"Come on!" The little boy's tail was about to go to the sky.

"What if you get lost alone?" Quaresma asked, pretending to think about it.

The little boy replied without thinking: "Call mom, or find the police uncle!"

Quaresma was overjoyed and took the bait.

"You're so young, do you remember your mother's phone number?" Quaresma asked, feigning curiosity and disbelief.

"Of course I know, 9356691588, it's hard for me, I remember it when I was three years old!" The little boy looked expectantly, waiting to be praised by Quaresma.

good boy!

You sold your mother so easily!

Quaresma almost laughed, reached out and touched the top of the little boy's head, and praised: "You are so smart!"

Now that he succeeded, Quaresma didn't stay any longer. He smiled at the young woman, then turned and left, returning to the several animals.

"Sister, that uncle also praised me for being smart, but you are the only one who always calls me a little idiot!"

After Quaresma left, he didn't hear what the little boy behind him said to the young woman, otherwise he would regret it.

Several animals couldn't help applauding Quaresma. Although they didn't hear the specific dialogue between them, they could see that Quaresma had taken a different approach and started with children. Learned a trick.

Only the little boy's sister turned to look at Quaresma's back.

"Is that Quaresma?"

"Why does he want my mom's phone number?"


The next day, Quaresma came to the training ground early again, warmed up in advance, and then continued to practice his low instep pass, trying to master it completely and turn it into another killer of his own.

The lack of offensive means makes it easy for the opponent to make targeted defenses, but if the offensive means are abundant, then the opponent must be in a turmoil.

Just as Quaresma was practicing seriously, a young figure suddenly appeared on the training ground.

Quaresma doesn't know each other, but looking at the young face of the other party, he can probably guess that it is nothing more than a young player who has been transferred from the youth academy and added to the first team to follow the training. If you can get a little bit of playing time, as for whether you can gain a firm foothold in the first team, then you need to see the performance of the young players themselves.

Quaresma raised his hand and said hello. After all, he was considered an opponent, and Quaresma felt that he should be kinder.

But what Quaresma didn't expect was that the young player was completely indifferent to his greeting, and turned away very rudely.

Inexplicably, Quaresma was completely lost.

But he's just a nobody, and he doesn't take it to heart and doesn't think much about it.

Continue to start your own practice.

When the teammates came to the training base and the training was ready to start, Captain Costa began to introduce new people to everyone.

"Santos, Ricardo Santos, is a young player trained by our youth training camp. He will officially enter the first team from today. Everyone should take care of it!"

Santos walked before the team with a high-spirited expression. Although he didn't say anything, his confident look was full of vigor.

It turned out that this guy was also called Ricardo, the same name as himself.

Quaresma couldn't help rubbing his chin, thoughtfully.

Although there was no head-on conflict, judging from his performance in the morning, this guy seemed to be a little hostile to himself, and he didn't know where he had offended him.

Is it because of the name issue?

This little guy can't be a sophomore and be upset with himself because two people have the same name?

"Bring your sword, only one of us can survive, and only one can be called Ricardo!"

This is the picture that Quaresma made up in his brain, and it made him burst out laughing.

During the next training, Quaresma realized that the little guy Santos actually played the same position as himself.

Due to Delle's injury, the right winger had no substitute, so Adriance transferred Santos from the youth team into the first team to temporarily serve as a substitute for Quaresma, although Porto can buy a player in the winter transfer period , but perhaps Da Costa felt that it was less cost-effective to promote youth players.

But Quaresma still doesn't understand why this guy is hostile to him.

In fact, it is always possible for young people to be arrogant and arrogant, thinking that the world is nothing more than that and can be completely dominated by themselves, just like Santos in front of him.

He doesn't think that Quaresma is strong. It's nothing more than a little skill, and he can show off his work. As a professional player, who hasn't had a second chance?

Be yourself, be yourself!

If let him play, he must be able to perform better than Quaresma.

Therefore, he feels that the existence of Quaresma is blocking his way to become a superstar. After all, it is not so easy for him to seize the power.

In this way, he will be very hostile to Quaresma.

Competition for the same position on a team is normal, but mostly healthy, and Quaresma doesn't even think about it.

During the technical and tactical drills, the main substitutes were divided into two groups, and Santos was naturally assigned to the substitute side.

He muttered with a displeased face, as if to say that the head coach favored Quaresma and did not give newcomers a chance, just like a resentful woman.

Here, Quaresma just used his personal technical breakthrough to successfully score a wonderful single-handed goal. The teammates and the coach on the sidelines couldn't help applauding Quaresma and sincerely admired it.

However, this made Santos even more upset.

"It's just luck, I can do it, and I must do it better than him!"

With jealousy and displeasure on his face, Santos couldn't help belittling Quaresma.

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