I Am Not the Supreme God

Chapter 654: Star wars

boom! !

   At the moment the order was issued, the tide-like attack instantly annihilated the group of advance troops that had not been slowed by the gods. There was no dregs left, and they evaporated into nothingness.

   There is no such thing as a battle between the two armies, and there is no room for relaxation. It is the only purpose of the Silver Heaven Kingdom to bury all the monkeys of the Morning Star Empire.

When preparing for the battle before, the outsiders have been given room to retreat, and those who are still in this star field, or the chariot tied to Leger, the door has been welded, and the outsider who has no hope of getting off the car must Not only the monkeys are left.

   In that case, if there is no survivor, there is no survivor!

It can be said that it moved the whole body with a single stone, and a single stone stirred up a thousand waves of hatred that spanned thousands of years. At this moment, they all poured out, segregating the army of the four star regions, and at the same time began to act, collectively within the star region of the Morning Star Empire. march.

   And the Morning Star Empire naturally entered a state of emergency instantly, and the iron barrel-like defense system began to operate. From the depths of the star field, there were devastating attacks. The background of the entire civilization erupted, and the horn of resistance to invasion was sounded.

In a flash of artillery fire, the splendid rays spawned by various weapons dyed the starry sky incomparably magnificent, and the cobweb-like attack of you come and me, so that the people in the depths can't tell where the attack came from, and annihilate everything. The calamity energy shakes the world.

Silver Heaven’s attack is beyond comprehension. The trajectories of the stars in the sky do not follow the laws of physics in the eyes of ordinary people. In the blink of an eye, you can see that they have advanced for several light years. The shackles of space are for these creatures. , It seems meaningless.

What's more, as long as he doesn’t observe certain biological weapons all the time, he can disappear immediately. When he recovers, a star next to him may collapse suddenly, or burst out with the force of scrolling galaxies, or directly It collapsed into a small black hole, and in the scene of ruining the world, it was a terrifying thing that disappeared from a few light years away in the last second.

   This almost touches on the law of causality. Someone must always stare at them, triggering an indescribable observer effect, so that they can always be in the field of vision and will not suddenly invade the hard-to-defend interior.

To deal with such creatures, the best defense is to look at them. Only by focusing on them with your gaze can you stop their infinite jumping ability. The best attack is the projection of consciousness, which can be understood as a kind of mental power. The spiritual power is in the giant instrument. Under the urging, it can cause certain damage to it.

   It can be seen that the Morning Star Empire was not unprepared. After a brief rush, immediately projected a spiritual shock wave from the depths of the starry sky.

   This is an attack that is invisible to all kinds of people. Even if the weak are in it, they will not be affected by the fish at all. Just like an ultrasound, they can't even catch it.

   So I can see that the creepy and terrifying biological weapons, if the gods descend from the sky, suddenly staggered, or suddenly, a few kilometers in size were punched out of their chests, causing their bodies to crack.

   This is like a horror movie. The attack has no source. I don’t know when, an extinction blow will come.

However, this is just a common vision. In the eyes of both sides of the war, all of this is "visualized". The side of the Silver Heaven Kingdom can witness the forthcoming spiritual strike. Those biological weapons that have been traumatized are only because the strike net is too dense. , Failed to avoid it.

In the main control room responsible for the advancement of biological weapons, you can see on the screen of the instrument that those attacks that cannot be seen by the naked eye have been densely packed with only a few gaps, playing video games. Toss and turn in the starry sky, survive in the cracks, as long as the opponent is not very clear, and is covered by something, the biological weapon can activate the jumping ability that ignores the shackles of space and enter the enemy's interior.

   The related body has a more macro perspective. Facing the enemy's spiritual firepower network, she can make all of her own forces operate instantaneously to cover the advancement of these biological weapons.

   For example, starships from various departments rushed up before the onset of spiritual strikes, covering up the path of biological weapons like a swarm of insects, leaving them out of the opponent's field of vision, allowing him to use his jumping ability.

The Morningstar Empire also immediately noticed the opponent's tactics. The universe and the starry sky have multiple perspectives. Even in the encircling circle, they can use space folding technology to cast their vision to biological weapons from all directions, and let their personnel watch as much as possible. The figure of those creatures.

Under such a treacherous offensive, you can see the most "free" group of people in the battle room of the Morningstar Empire. They don't need to do anything. They just sit motionless in front of the screen and stare at the screen. Up.

   The observer effect does not have to be seen with the naked eye, as long as it is a real-time image, the device can also affect the opponent's ability.

   But it can’t be said that they are the easiest, at least they can’t blink, as long as they blink, they will lose their opponents, and they don’t know where the jump is going. They have to concentrate on opening their eyes.

   So in order to be foolproof, usually there must be two units at the same time for a short period of time, always staring at the screen.

Then at the end of this short period of mission time, the other two units pressed the successor button, and these two people were able to relax briefly, blink their eyes, wet their eyelids, rest for tens of seconds, and then prepare to join other units staring at the screen. Press the button to let others rest and take over by themselves, and the cycle repeats.

The battle of biological weapons is only the tip of the iceberg of this interstellar battle. The related hive battleships, star beasts annihilating planetary system-level strikes, dimensionality strikes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com all sorts of treacherous offensives, even more so. It's shocking and terrifying, and it's hard to count.

   But from the tip of the iceberg, you can see the terrifying degree of the battle. In an instant, the stars are annihilated, and in the blink of an eye, the creatures are utterly burnt, and it is light years away.

Under such a real torrent, even if the Morningstar Empire was the defender and had the absolute right to fight at home, a long time ago, it had placed world-destroying weapons outside of the encirclement, and used it to fit inside and out to penetrate the encirclement of Silver Heaven. From time to time, take a cold look, and march into the rhythm in chaos.

   But in the face of absolute strength, they are also difficult to support, the biggest effect is only to ease the opponent's advancing speed.

   Within a short period of time, the torrent of Silver Heaven has advanced for a few light years, eroding their perimeter defensive circles, and after a short rest and cleaning up, they launched the second round of offensive.

   Rest is secondary. The most important thing is to clean up the remaining forces of the opponent. As for the resources that can be captured, most of the silver heavens look down on them, and after the battle is over, aren't they all themselves.

It can be said that in the outer defensive circle, Azik’s words were completely fulfilled. Looking around, no one survived. If you are uncertain whether there are remnants alive, you will directly blow up the planet, or be full of stars. Never miss one of the planetary systems.

In addition to the original enmity of life and death, we must also ensure that the torrent is absolutely safe when advancing, and do not give the opponent any opportunity to perform self-destructive attacks when our army enters the outer protective circle, let alone let the disabled soldiers advance after they advance. Organize in the rear and interfere with your own advancing rhythm.

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