I Am Not the Supreme God

Chapter 471: I won

Tang Chuan didn't turn his head from beginning to end. For some reason, he even felt good.

Especially the constant trembling of human nature deep inside, as if agreeing with this feeling.

Bonnieville is destined to be a lonely soul. She may not find a place to live for the soul in her life. This is not what Tang Chuan should worry about. Everything has an end and a way out. Bonnieville is the world's all things. As a member, Tang Chuan shouldn't have made Tang Chuan a special favor like a friend.

But here, there is another existence that is more lonely and painful than Bonnieville-Tang Chuan's human nature.

The universe is endless, there are no relatives and friends, and even the hometown of Azure Star is devastated.

In the ocean of souls, that human nature is like a flat boat, struggling hard, surrounded by unmatched divine powers that can swallow it at any time.

Therefore, the remaining human nature will resonate strongly when touching another lonely soul, which makes Tang Chuan lose consciousness for a moment, and I don't know why.

That strong trembling humanity also turned into an unpredictable spiritual force, forming a strong infectivity, and amplifying Bonnieville's emotions and behavior.

Perhaps this was the reason she dared to do so, and it became more and more intense.

Maybe this is the kind of thing that hurts it.

Tang Chuan didn't know how to do it at the moment. He felt that his back was full of solidity, but if he didn't do something, it didn't seem to be his own style.

He had to say: "You hit my spine."

The pressure behind slightly relaxed, Bonnieville said: "Does this make you feel uncomfortable?"

Tang Chuan was silent for a while, and said, "It's okay, but... it shouldn't."

Bonnieville leaned his head forward slightly, brushed Tang Chuan's neck with his hair, and said, "That's good, I'm glad you didn't discipline me."

Tang Chuan turned his head and said, "Maybe it just didn't come."

Bonnieville said: "I don't know why this feeling is so strong, but I am so happy that my soul is no longer alone. It's good."

Tang Chuan murmured, "So you, or me, can only groan like this."

No one could understand these words, but Tang Chuan and Bonnieville who were in it had some unique and inexplicable feelings.

Tang Chuan knew that some of Bonnieville's words, especially the last sentence, were entirely his own human infectivity, spoken by Bonnieville's mouth.

At this time, he looked back at the past and realized that he really seemed to have lost a lot of things.

Questioning my heart, I found that the emotion of going back to rescue my relatives and hometown is not so urgent.

I haven't dreamed of them for a long time, even if I go home, it just becomes obsession, it seems that this obsession is weakening.

The soul is accepting loneliness, and the power, desires, and feelings that humans should be pursuing are also disappearing invisibly.

That touch of precarious humanity can only be moaned under the current incentives to alert oneself.

But those who feel that this gradual change is very good, don't need to change anything, don't need to deliberately entangle, let the flow of it take place, it seems to have occupied their subconscious mind.

Is this the part of divinity, but how can I save it? Why do I even feel the emotion of saving is unnecessary.

It seems that transforming gods from the commonplace is the absolutely correct choice, no matter if it is on the level of strength or the level of spirit.

Bonnieville spoke again: "So, what are you going to do?"

Hum! !

In his mind, Hong Zhong Dalü sounded, Tang Chuan was also lost for a while, and even felt his eyes white.

This sentence does not have a bit of Bonniville's will, even if Bonniville does not realize that he is controlled by any influence...

But Tang Chuan knew that this was human nature torturing him, making him a strong struggle, reminding him of his original intentions, to remember that he was a person, and that he could not lose the things he once loved and turned into a god, but lost it. Love, family affection, friendship, time concept, life and death cognition, all the beautiful parts of human nature are regarded as meaningless monsters!

His own warnings allowed Bonnieville to pick up his original intention and move forward in a better direction.

But Bonnieville’s wrist, now it seems, doesn’t go against his own interests at all...

Her powerful method is a way to arouse the beliefs of the bottom, as long as it is guided, it can completely ignite the absolute desire of the gods in the star...

Compared with the present, the unscrupulous behavior of the spokesperson can only provide him with the power of faith that will only be more majestic...

This was something that was beneficial to me, but I guided it to the current situation...

It seems...

It is not that he is guiding Bonnyville, but humanity wants to use Bonnyville to guide himself from the beginning!

Bonnieville was originally in the corner of the blue continent. An unknown female bishop gradually climbed to the peak of power, blurred her mind, and then forcibly broke away from the devil and regained her original intention.

Human nature is like telling itself that Bonnieville can do it, and you can do it.

You did guide her, but the ultimate goal is to let her guide yourself, or in other words, you always want to guide yourself!

Tang Chuan turned around, holding Bonniville's shoulders, watching her biting her lip, as if waiting for the trial, and said, "You come and tell me, what should I do?"

Bonnieville was a little at a loss. With trembling arms in Tang Chuan's terrifying eyes, he still tried to hug his waist and said, "It's all up to you."

Tang Chuan came back to his senses, yes, no one can help him make choices. It is difficult. It is difficult to deny oneself controlled by human nature, let alone denying oneself controlled by divine nature.

Tang Chuan moved his palm up, holding Bonnyville's head, and said, "Maybe there is no good answer in the end, maybe I am just looking at you as a tool for erasing demons, maybe you will be dead, maybe..."

Bonnieville's palm climbed onto Tang Chuan's arm and said, "It's okay, I said, it's sweet as a sweetheart."

This time she hugged Tang Chuan from the front, and the human infectivity in her mind was also disappearing. Bonnieville's emotions followed one after another, and the steady heartbeat began to beat faster. This was normal.

After she came back to her senses, she realized how bold she was just now, dare to blaspheme him above the gods.

But she didn't feel a sense of disobedience to the behavior just now, that was what she wanted to do, even if it wasn't what she should do, the soul told her like this.

Tang Chuan tremblingly placed his hand on the back of her head, and said, "You can only always exist on the dark side outside my world. Maybe next time I meet, I will completely forget, and even abhor your existence.

If one day you can stand by my side with integrity, I will win.


It was I who won. This is almost a foregone conclusion. I hope you have realized it. "

Although the two sounds of "I have won" are the same tone, they are both from Tang Chuan's heart, and they are not split like a split personality. They are words in his sane state, which are difficult to describe, but actually happen. .

The former is obviously more sorrowful and complicated, the latter is more indifferent and stable. Obviously one represents humanity and the other represents divinity.

Bonnieville has been invaded by a human being~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even though the infection has receded, she vaguely knows what Tang Chuan means, and she also knows that she can't ask too much.

She said: "Yes, I am enlightened, just now."

This is not love, but there is a slim chance of becoming love, because human love is that simple.

Material + beauty + willingness to accompany = pure love.

But the divinity is not. They will not be affected by such a simple and empty thing. They can see through time and space, gravity, and dimensions at a glance, and can even grasp it in their hands. How can they not see through things? The part of spiritual energy called love, let alone such a shallow thing as a holy thing.

So one day Tang Chuan had a slight love for Bonnieville, that is, human nature can barely fight against divine nature.

If not, it is temporarily impossible to describe their relationship, and Bonnieville will never ask for it, and die alone on the dark side outside the Tangchuan world.

Even if divine nature swallows humanity completely, she may be forever.

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