I Am Not the Supreme God

Chapter 340: Long lost in the world

The status of Barna's diplomatic envoy was obtained through his reasonable operation.

   As one of the promoters of the Canghuang Continent, he mobilized resources and justifiably earned such an identity, it is not surprising.

   He was not afraid to expose his identity in this way, because who could have imagined that a behind-the-scenes man would take the lead and risk his life to go deep behind the enemy before the situation was fully understood.

   Although I have guessed who I was once, in this era, no one has actually seen Kumbana.

   Those sculptures standing outside the Church of Truth are also the appearance of Cumbana in old age, with a big beard with a round face.

  The appearance of a man, with a beard and without a beard, is almost two people, let alone he is still young and vigorous at the moment.

   And his current name, Barna, is not at all reminiscent of the legendary wise Kumbana.

Just like the name "Singid" can be transliterated as "Kid", who would hear a syllable similar to "wax pulling" after countless years, and think of "Kumbana" in ancient times. .

   After returning as a diplomatic envoy, and after giving a perfunctory report to the high level of the kingdom to which he clearly belonged, Bana found a reason to hide.

One month after   , he locked himself in an underground secret room.

  Here, he extracted all the memories in his mind, and tried to digest and assimilate certain techniques that he merely memorized and couldn't understand.

   Numerous drawings were drawn by him, and they were stacked into mountains in the secret room.

  Because the knowledge is too vast and profound, Barna's time is also relatively short, and he didn't want others to be able to understand the drawings.

   So all the drawings are drawn by him with simple strokes. Everything is for efficiency, as long as you can understand it.

   If some techniques are too sophisticated, if they are not recorded quickly, they will confuse the memories in their minds, forget some details, and make them fall short.

This is the reason why Barna hides and retreats as soon as he comes back. Such a vast amount of knowledge, and many of them are beyond his previous cognition. If you don’t record it quickly and use it for later digestion, no one can remember it forever. live.

   People who have more rigorous thinking are also subject to physical hardware. The brain and genes want you to forget, but the spirit can only slow down this speed.

   Among the mountains of drawings, Barna has a haggard face and a thin body. In less than half a year, he has lost more than 40 catties.

   When the brain is full, the desire to dry meals also drops. This is the legendary sleeplessness.

   And Barna needs to keep his brain extremely active every minute and every moment, his body almost collapsed several times, his body temperature is also extremely abnormal, he clearly does not have a cold or fever, but his forehead is always hot.

   It seems that the hardware level is not enough, the advanced system is forced to drive, and the machine burns due to excessive load.

   When eating every day, no matter how delicious the food is, I force myself to swallow it to maintain physical function.

   is in a state of high-frequency load, abandoning most of the body's desires, so that he can draw out all the knowledge he has memorized in less than half a year.

   This is a thinking that is close to God, and it cannot be carried by a mortal body.

   finally finished the last drawing, Bana fell back on the chair, eyes staring at gold stars, and body twitching.

   But seeing this slowly house, only the blueprints that he can understand, Bana's heart is filled with real.

   Now even if there is a fire, it is no problem to burn most of the drawings.

   Drawing drawings is not only for records, but also a process of self-verification.

   Like some scholars, is the test paper he has done important?

   is not important anymore.

  The key knowledge is absorbed by him, and it is completely engraved in his mind, and it will not be easily forgotten.

   They don’t have to look back to review the previous test papers, and they can even write the questions themselves.

   It is true that Azik does not seem to have much checks and balances on the diplomatic envoys who are going to exchange.

   But Barna knows that this is definitely phishing law enforcement, letting you relax your vigilance, and then see if you will behave over the distance.

   Among the dozens of diplomatic ambassadors who went with him, there were a few who had special jobs. They were all spies sent by Cang Mang Xing who wanted to steal other people's intelligence.

   Those few people never came back. The human skins are now hanging in the square of the Dawn Empire, let alone bringing back intelligence, they are all killed.

  Whether it is recording crystals or copying other people's maps or books, these behaviors are completely prevented by Azik.

   In addition, the per capita scientists of the Dawn Empire don’t look at all lunatics and reckless people, but most people can look at the problem from a broader perspective.

   This is also caused. No one can be bought by you. Everyone is a humanoid camera, monitoring all your actions.

   Not only did the spies have no chance to dormant, they couldn't play with Azik and his subjects even more.

   or even deliberately release water to get them out of the scope of supervision, or use foul language to motivate you to do something, it is all people who have nothing to do, want to fish and enforce the law, just take off your dog's head.

   And only Bana, with his BUG-like memory and understanding ability, forcibly memorizing by rote, without even taking a note, can bring back the knowledge he wants.


  Simple computer.

   The part structure of the shuttle.

   Commonly used engine engine.

  All kinds of techniques were copied back by Barna.

  Only the starry sky engine. Even if he saw the internal structure by coincidence, Bana might not be able to figure out how the source material was extracted.

   The manufacturing process of annihilation bombs, he did not have the opportunity to observe at all.

   But Barna is not impossible. Didn't Cang Mang Star seize a few spaceships? Relying on the knowledge he has accumulated, he dismantled and studied the starry sky engine by himself, and it was not without an angle to reverse it.

   It just takes time and human lives to pile up, otherwise the extraction of energy materials from the starry sky engine is not merely something that can be produced by theoretical knowledge.

   Besides, I don’t have enough theoretical knowledge in this area.

   Now Barna’s plan is to simulate a real starry sky engine and master the skills to control the dawn.

   Then concentrated the resources of the Yellow Continent, while vying for dominance with Bonnieville, while fighting against Azik's Dawn Empire.

   Don't rush for annihilation bombs, anyway, Azik didn't dare to drop them here, they were also jealous and worshiped the gods.

   is just Bonnyville's power, and now it is difficult to overthrow it, even if they expose her scheming scheming, too many people already believe in her.

   And she has made a lot of twists and turns, and has many back-ups. It is also difficult for ordinary people to understand her methods, and can only see her high-sounding justice.

   When necessary, I might also use my identity as a saint of God to regain some of his dominance.

   As long as the identity is confirmed, the Church of Truth must support itself.

   Even if Bonnieville was gradually eating away at his church, at that time, they couldn't support themselves.

   If you don’t support yourself, do you want to blatantly disobey the gods?

   Are the sculptures standing at the door of your church fake?

   With the help of the power of the gods, it's not that I don't know how to do it.

   It’s just that this has never been used in the past, and Barna also felt from the bottom of his heart that using the majesty of the gods is blaspheming the greatness of the gods.

   But at very moments, Bonnieville was doing this, and he could only try it like that.

   It is equivalent to Barna wanting a person to challenge the two major chess players, Bonnieville and Azik, as enemies of the heavens and the earth and everything on the two planets.

   But for him, as a saint of God, he should have the responsibility and responsibility.

   Is it possible that Bonnieville, a mad woman, will always be in charge of the universe?

   Is it possible for Azik, a stranger, to inform the Cang Mang Star?

   These are the endings that Barna does not accept.

   Changed his fate against the sky, he is very good at it.

   must do the same.

   Otherwise he would not be Barna.

   Therefore, the Eagle Empire must go back and look at it, to see its unscrupulous descendants, and do not remember yourself.

   By tracing the source of blood, one can also prove his identity.

   In this way, he can also control the Canghuang Continent again with the Eagle Empire as the core.

   She Bonnieville has a hand, and in just a few years, she will not be able to surpass the saints of the gods, on the stalwart shore of the people of the Canghuang Continent.

  Bana stood up tremblingly with his hands on the chair. He was extremely weak and anxious, knowing it was time to return to the "world".

   The human body is destined to be not a solitary animal. Even if all distracting thoughts have been cast aside this month, the body is also suffering from problems.

  Physical problems ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can cause problems in my spirit and thinking.

Bana opened the door of the secret room and urged a certain magic circle to fill the space in the secret room with soil. So even if someone found this place, they would only see the soil full of dangdang when they opened the door, mistakenly thinking it was still There is no developed area.

  Outside the secret room, it is still a secret room, but it is wider. The things that are displayed here are all innocuous things that are used to confuse the eyeballs.

  Bana returned to the ground and finally saw the long-lost sunlight.

   His flesh is like a green sprout of a plant, he wants to absorb the nutrients of the sun.

   His mental anxiety gradually calmed down, but it was replaced by a deep confusion and emptiness.

   "It's been a long time, the world."

  Bana's chapped lips squirmed and said such a sentence.

   pushed open the real door, he came to the street, his thin body made people look at him.

   However, Barna retreated from the overclocking state, but finally began to feel the scent of civilization and food.

   This is a small town that is not too remote. Barna, bathed in the afternoon sun, came to a restaurant.

   In the waiter's weird gaze, Barna ordered a steak, a seasonal vegetable, and a fruit.

   eating silently, listening to the diners’ chattering silently, enjoying the leisure of returning to civilization.

   But after hearing the diners at the side table, he couldn't laugh at all.

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