There is no general trend in the prehistoric!

In other words, absolute power is the general trend!

Having opened up many worlds, Hong Jun understood this truth.

Originally, based on the information that Hong Jun poured into those unformed worlds, the stories in those information should be the so-called general trend.

But experiments have proved that as long as Hong Jun himself does not forcefully intervene, what kind of results will eventually come out based on the wild world evolved from those information is possible.

Therefore, the predecessor has no general trend, or, it should be said that the predecessor has no fixed trend.

If you really want to return to a general trend, then the one with absolute power is the general trend!

Just like those worlds opened up by Hong Jun himself, even if many worlds deviate from the original trajectory, as long as Hong Jun himself has the will, he can correct it to the original trajectory at any time.

The reason why the experiment took so long was just because Hong Jun wanted to see how likely the bunch of information would affect the development of the world under the circumstances of natural development.

And the final experimental results, to be honest, were a bit beyond Hong Jun's own expectations.

Such a piece of information that was forcibly inserted before the world took shape had too much influence on the development of the world!

That's right!

The impact is too great!

Not to mention the Chaos Demon God that would appear in the beginning, it only took Hong Jun more than 900 times to reproduce the development of that side's prehistoric world.

This alone was far beyond Hong Jun's expectations.

Although the probability of one in nine per cent seems very small, we have to see what is going on.

You know, there are so many variables in the development of a world!

If the world develops arbitrarily, there will not necessarily be two worlds with the same trajectory in billions of worlds.

However, under the influence of that string of information, after only more than 900 tests, Hong Jun was able to reproduce it successfully.

This influence is terrifying!

To some extent, the impact of this information on the world is comparable to the impact of DNA on children.

The impact of the Houtian environment on children can be said to completely change a person, just like those variables in the natural development of the world.

But there are always things engraved in DNA that will accompany a person's life, just like those prehistoric worlds opened up by the Hong Jun, there will always be chaos demon fetuses.

And this terrifying influence was also the reason why Hong Jun wanted to return to the original prehistoric world.

Although, for him, who has been able to open up countless prehistoric worlds, that ruined prehistoric world does not seem to be important.

However, this is not the case!

Opening up one by one world, accelerating the development of the world, and even squeezing those worlds into the body one by one, it seems that the power is unlimited, but in Hong Jun's view, it is nothing more than that.

There was no arrogance in his heart.

For him, he who came out of the world and stuffed a few four-digit worlds into his body, and he who came out of the world, in essence, is not much different!

Yes, in Hong Jun's opinion, there is not much difference!

Even if, in terms of strength, the current him can kill countless previous him in seconds, but this does not mean that he is now stronger than before.

Because Hong Jun's wisdom and Hong Jun's knowledge have not changed much at all.

The reason why he couldn't do this before was just a lack of resources.

And outside the world, it is no longer the issue of resources that restricts his progress.

In other words, the so-called resources are not attractive to him.

At least, he can't find the resources that can attract him now. That kind of thing may exist, but his concept, in his cognition, does not.

This is the limit of knowledge!

Knowledge is far more fascinated and valued by Hong Jun than resources and strength.

As Hong Jun did before, although it seems to have opened up thousands of worlds, in essence, it only opened up two kinds of worlds.

Thousands of worlds have brought an increase in power, but there are only two, but they are not worthy of Hong Jun's joy.

Because of this, preaching in the Zixiao Palace is still imperative.

As for why we must choose the previous world instead of choosing candidates from the world we created, this is also for a reason.

The world on that side was originally what Hong Jun had anticipated, but although the characters who appeared suddenly disrupted Hong Jun's original plan, they also brought him surprises and unknowns.

The attraction of these unknowns to Hong Jun is sufficient

What is unknown?

It's simple!

Once, Hong Jun didn't know why those familiar characters came out, but now, after such an experiment, he has guesses!

Perhaps, the appearance of those characters was formed by the interference of information in that world.

It's just that Hong Jun still didn't figure out whether the original development of the world was the direction of the prehistoric, it was just because of the appearance of someone Hong who interrupted this evolution, and now he returned to the right path?

Still, the original development of the world has nothing to do with the prehistoric times, and the world is receiving information such as Bu Zhoushan, Pangu, Hongjun Luohu, etc. because of various factors such as him, Luo Hu, and the coincidence of the three tribe wars.

Make the world change the scene temporarily?

With regard to these two guesses, Hong Jun personally prefers the second one.

The reason is simple. After all, he Hong has been an otaku since he crossed. Except when he was transformed, Sandao Qingqi had consciousness, gave a name to a mountain, squeezed the sun, and grabbed the ancestor. Outside Kunpeng.

He Hong hasn't done anything?

He stays at home, so he can experiment with peace of mind. For things like collecting resources and capturing test subjects, he will leave it to the puppets!

Compared with the fierce beasts in the prehistoric world that fight every day and destroy the environment, he Hong is the one who keeps himself safest in the prehistoric world and is the most harmless to the world.

Looking at the world sent back by the Chaos Tide, there was a trace of embarrassment in Hong Jun's eyes.

Ahem, even if... even if he accidentally caused such a small damage to the prehistoric world, wouldn't he still be able to repair it?

The reason why he hasn't repaired it for a long time is just to change the way!

What is wrong with him Hong?

Soon, the primordial world will be transformed. At that time, he will be the hero who promotes the transformation of the primordial world, and he will be the person who has contributed the most to the primordial world.

In this way, what is this pain?

Hong Jun thought this way, considering that he still needed to preach, and by the way, let's take a look at what caused this prehistoric world to develop like this.

Hong Jun's body shape changed, relying on his own body constructed like the world's fetal membranes, blending in, passing through...


Why didn't you go back?

There are three thousand potholes, and it is very troublesome to find the hole that is not blocked.

There is a more convenient way, why bother to find it?

As for the reason for the previous drilling...

He can pass through the world's fetal membranes, but puppets can't! Of course he came out to be guarded by the puppet. Be careful, what's the problem?

As for going back... then naturally you don't need to be so careful.

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