I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 780 It's always been like this, right?

"An inside story?"

Xu Xiaoshou keenly sensed that something was wrong.

He had suspected earlier that Bazun was so strong, how could he be so easily beheaded by Hua Changdeng with three swords.

I heard the legends before and thought they were not credible.

But the Meisi people also said the same, not only affirming the truth of the legend, but skipping the intermediate steps, and the last step is the result of Yu Tu killing the holy mountain of Guizhe.

The eight gods and Hua Changdeng are playing, what's the matter with Mr. Guang Youtu?

Moreover, even if the eight masters were beheaded, the target of revenge should be Hua Changdeng, right?

How did you find the previous Hall Master of the Holy Spirit Hall?

Besides, Xu Xiaoshou felt that Ruo was a fair match.

The eight masters are not as good at skills as others, and if they lose, they will lose. Is it possible that Yu Tu will not lose face and use the big to bully the small?


"During this decisive battle, what did the previous Lord of the Holy Spirit Hall do?" Xu Xiaoshou asked with his head.

Meisi smiled and said nothing, avoiding the question: "Aren't you familiar with him? Just go and ask the person himself. The old man is also an irrelevant person."

Xu Xiaoshou: "..."

He naturally knows that the "he" in Mr. Siren's words refers to Ba Zunfan.

Now his identity as a holy slave is no longer a secret in front of the old sword fairy.

From this point of view, Mr. Siren doesn't seem to be very opposed to the position of the holy slave?

In other words, judging from the attitude that Ye Meisi wanted to come in to help but was unable to help, he seemed to be biased towards the position of a holy slave?

"The direction of the holy slave is the right one?" Xu Xiaoshou couldn't help guessing like this.

But then he felt a headache again.

On the bright side, no matter how you say it, the Holy Slave is just a dark force, and the Temple of the Holy Spirit is the organization of justice.

The latter has maintained the stability of the mainland and has a history of no less than a thousand years.

However, in the way I have come into contact with, there are too many people who have the heart to challenge the authority of the Holy Spirit Hall.

The specific reason cannot be said.

But it's not always possible, everyone is attracted by the personality charm of Ba Zun, right?

Xu Xiaoshou speculated, and carefully asked the question that had been hidden in his heart for a long time: "If it is Mr. Siren, how would you view the position of the Holy Spirit Palace?"

He felt that the old monster Meisi who had lived for hundreds of years should have witnessed more thorough history and events than any "older generation" in today's era.

Therefore, to a large extent, the words of the Meisi people can represent the truth of history.


The Meisi people murmured, a little sighing, but also a little emotional:

"You have to admit that for thousands of years, the existence of the Temple of the Holy Spirit is equivalent to the pillar of the world. It has inherited the darkness and cast light on most of the world."

"This continent has been stable for thousands of years because of the existence of the Holy Spirit Temple."

"When there is injustice in the world, the Temple of the Holy Spirit will send people to judge; when there is a dark crime in the world, the white clothes will be dispatched immediately; when there are signs of strange power and chaos, the red clothes will stand up resolutely."

"Everyone approves of the Temple of the Holy Spirit."

"If justice can be equalized by 'quality' and 'quantity', then the Temple of the Holy Spirit is that steelyard. It has achieved what ordinary forces cannot do. For most people in the world, it is close to perfect...fairness !"

Xu Xiaoshou said in his heart that this official language is not what I want.

What I want is not the opinion of the majority of people, but your own opinion, Mr. Siren.

"What do you think?" he asked.

Mei Siren smiled and said, "Compared to all sentient beings, do you think the opinion of an old man is very important?"

Xu Xiaoshou said with a smile: "You are also one of the mortal beings."

Meisi was a little surprised, but didn't say much, and gave his own opinion: "I think that the Holy Spirit Hall has achieved its ultimate, which can be regarded as... very good."

"Not bad?" Xu Xiaoshou pressed on every step of the way: "So Mr. Siren thinks that existences like the Holy Slave and the Xuyue Gray Palace are actually wrong?"

Mei Siren nodded, then shook his head again.

Xu Xiaoshou frowned, not understanding what this meant.

"They are not necessarily right, but they are also right." Meisi explained.

Xu Xiaoshou was even more confused.

What kind of explanation is this?

It's okay if you don't say it, but if you say it, it's even more confusing.

Meisi shook his head with a smile: "Let's not talk about this first, the old man will tell you a story."

"Please, sir." Xu Xiaoshou immediately sat upright.

The old sword fairy opened his mouth slowly, and said eloquently: "I have lived for hundreds of years, and basically have gone through the five regions of the mainland, including the world of refining spirits and the secular world."

"In the secular world, there is such a strange phenomenon."

"A merchant conducts business, a farmer cultivates, a dynasty lasts for a hundred years, and its rise and fall are determined."

"When the world is prosperous, the world is peaceful, and when it is declining, the people suffer. But no matter when, the world follows a certain rule and lives in the established way."

"The hard-working farmers may lose their crops due to a natural disaster and suffer for several years, but they still have to contribute to the dynasty that has guaranteed their safety, even if they are very poor."

"Businessmen either rely on primitive accumulation, or wash their hands from the golden basin of others, and turn from black to white. Too many people use a certain amount of effort to fight hard."

"The losers disappear in the dust of history, and the winners earn a lot of money, start to realize commercial monopoly, and reach the pinnacle of life, even though their wisdom, status, means, and strength... are actually different from their wealth and wealth. Not equivalent."

"And these people only need to contribute to the dynasty that formulated such rules, which is a drop in the bucket."

"The rich discriminate against the poor, and the poor hate the rich, but within the rules, there are few disputes."

"Dynasty, as the rule maker, has actually achieved a certain sense of fairness."

Speaking of this, Mei Si gave a meal.

Xu Xiaoshou seemed to understand something, but also seemed to be a little confused, "So?"

Meisiren continued: "Very few people realize that the makers of the rules have only achieved fairness in a certain sense."

"A small number of people who feel that they are still in the injustice gather together, so they raise their banners and shout for an uprising, whether they succeed or fail."

"The losers may wake up the dynasty and perfect the rules, or be suppressed by force. If there is a phantom of the bubble, the success will fall short."

"Successful people may be able to uphold their original intentions and achieve a greater sense of fairness, or they may become kings with excesses and extravagance, and then be overthrown by the next group of people."

"Who do you think is right and who is wrong?"

Mei Siren asked back suddenly, like a blow to the head, which caught people off guard.

Xu Xiaoshou felt that he couldn't answer.

The old sword fairy's words actually revealed all the answers.

At this point, he probably understands what dark forces such as the Holy Slave and Xuyue Gray Palace represent in Mr. Siren's story.

And what role does the Holy Spirit Hall play?

"Whoever succeeds is right?" Xu Xiaoshou raised his eyebrows.

"You are clever!" Meisi scolded with a smile: "It is true that history is written by successful people, but when a dynasty formulates near-perfect rules that can last for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, the next A person who wants to overthrow it, who can guarantee that he can do better?"

Xu Xiaoshou was taken aback.

"So, in all the things I told you, there are only 'maybe wrong' and 'maybe right', but there is never a definite 'right' answer." Meisi raised his teacup and gave the young man in front of him Leave time for reflection.

Xu Xiaoshou nodded.

It is true that Meisi people are not like Bazunfan, who will give a yes or no answer.

He is like a spectator of history, like an outsider, who has witnessed the history of the mainland for hundreds of years, and will not make judgments easily.

And Ba Zun is an authority figure, from his point of view, his answer is correct.

Xu Xiaoshou knocked on the tea table and said: "It is precisely because of injustice that some people revolt. They may not necessarily be able to do better, but it is not wrong to try bravely... So starting from this point, the Holy Spirit Slaves, ghosts and beasts have their own answers that are closer to perfection, and they are right!?"

When Yu Yin mentioned it at the end, the exclamation tone became a questioning tone.

Meisi took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, put down his teacup, and said leisurely: "If this old man tells you, above the dynasty, there is also the empire, and any rebel army can only be destroyed for thousands of years. Putting on the name of a dark force, and disturbing the stability of the mainland, they did break the rules and created more disasters, do you still think they are right?"

Xu Xiaoshou was dumbfounded: "So the holy slave is wrong? Ba Zunfan is a leader who makes trouble, and he will surely die!?"

Mei Siren smiled: "I never said that before."

Xu Xiaoshou felt a toothache: "That is to say, the Temple of the Holy Spirit is right? According to what Mr. said, they have indeed achieved a large degree of fairness. If it is another person, it may not be better than them." Okay, so... so I should actually join the Holy Spirit Hall to maintain the justice and order that they have established for thousands of years?"

Mei Siren smiled again, and asked back: "But it has always been like this, right?"

Xu Xiaoshou's head went blank.

He only felt that a thunderbolt hit his mind, enlightening him.

It's always been like this, right?


Maybe this is what the eight gods, ghosts and beasts think?

Indeed, regardless of other things, Xu Xiaoshou couldn't agree with Hong Yi's approach to ghosts, beasts, and nine clans.

Perhaps most of the ghosts and beasts were like the rebel army, which disrupted the world and created turmoil.

But among them, there is really a thought that is sincerely looking for fairer thoughts for oneself, for the clan, and even for the whole continent?

family line...

Does it fit?

Xu Xiaoshou remained silent for a long time.

He thought of the situation of ghosts and beasts.

Thinking of the battle between Bazun Fan and Hua Changdeng, Yu Tu beheaded the previous master of the Holy Spirit Hall.

I thought of those forces who are still surviving in the dark under the light of the only light of justice for thousands of years.

If it is really called "justice", maybe there will be no injustice, and there will be no dark things, right?

Therefore, the so-called justice of the Holy Spirit Hall is only one-sided justice!

It is in the words of Mr. Siren. I dare not agree with it. It is undeniable, but I have to accept it. Because it has existed for too long, it has become a so-called "correct" system that regulates people's lives!

"I seem to understand." Xu Xiaoshou muttered to himself.

Before this night, he was not very aware of the opposing positions of the major forces.

But after talking with Mr. Siren, he suddenly came to his senses.

Maybe what everyone is fighting for is the other party's concession.

It doesn't have to be "I am justice".

But as a spiritual master, the biggest difference between the choices made by farmers, businessmen, and mediocre people in the face of injustice may be that...

I know.

I act.

I can!

Fighting the entire world with one's own strength is a myth that cannot happen in the secular world.

But in the world of refining spirits, there are indeed some people who can do it, and use their own strength to overwhelm an entire era.

For example... the Eight Masters!

Xu Xiaoshou's heart was pounding, and his blood was boiling.

He suddenly understood the intention of the Eight Venerable Masters.

Perhaps the three-line innate, three-year-old sword fairy eight masters really have the power to challenge an entire dynasty.

But in the end he was suppressed by the "Empire".

However, a genius who crushed an entire era is still a genius.

As long as he doesn't die, as long as he still wants to fight, he can always make a comeback and make a comeback.

Therefore, in the void island, there is a legend of "the black and white dual veins, everyone respects me".

So after 40 or 50 years of dormancy in the mainland, there were rumors that the Saint Slave would rise again, and the Eighth Sword Immortal would reappear.

This time, I understood who the real opponent was.

The Eight Masters know how to fight, and they are no longer limited to one dynasty.

All his planning and layout are for the real behind-the-scenes man named "Empire" behind the dynasty!

"I see……"

Xu Xiaoshou said again, there was a gleam in his eyes.

He understood the Saint Slave's position, and he also knew the ultimate meaning of joining the Saint Slave as a pawn and staying here.

For some reason, even a genius like Ba Zunyan needs to sink for decades.

How could he, Xu Xiaoshou, a mere talented master, use months, years, or even just a few decades to subvert the nearly perfect rules that have survived for thousands of years?

However, there is no need for precipitation anymore.

There are too many people doing and accomplishing things like "hibernation".

Holy Slave, Xuyue Gray Palace...

In other words, all the forces that do not belong to the lineage of the Holy God Hall!

Whether war is declared or not, these...

None of my business!

Before becoming a chess player who controls these things, the only thing I have to do is to do things in my own way, stir up shit, make the situation more chaotic, and then take advantage of the chaos to develop.

Finally, before everyone reacted.

Transformation, skyrocketing nine days!

"Damn old man, I seem to understand what you mean, and I understand your way..."

Xu Xiaoshou thought of Sang Lao.

Every time he thinks of Sang Lao, he has a new interpretation of Sang Lao's "cage theory".

What kind of person has experienced it to sum up this kind of cage theory that "the surface of the lake is the sky, and there is a sky beyond the sky"?

It is a person who has suffered so many blows before he can say such a sentence to his apprentice that seems to be out of tune, but is actually full of life philosophy...

"Before you have absolute strength, be serious and make a chess piece!"

On the opposite side of the tea table, Mei Siren suddenly got up.

"It seems that you understand something..."

He took a deep look at Xu Xiaoshou, and didn't care what his words made him think.

Maybe give up.

Perhaps more persistent.

But in any case, these have nothing to do with him.

Mei Siren turned around and paced, came to the window, looked at the empty island by the moonlight, and whispered softly: "Old man, I have to go..."

Xu Xiaoshou got up quickly.

During the conversation tonight, he was actually the one asking.

But at the beginning, it was Mr. Siren who came to the door by himself.

So, the old man came here specially to answer all the doubts he had accumulated along the way, and in the end, he came to say goodbye?

"Where are you going?"

Xu Xiaoshou didn't think Mr. Siren was going back to the practice room to sleep.

Rao Yaoyao has already set his sights on Mr. Siren. Even if he is persuaded to retreat, for the sake of the stability of the first floor in the sky, Mr. Siren should not stay any longer.

"Go to the next stop, to find the next person, to chase another possibility that can shake the old man's mind." Mei Siren turned around, gentle and elegant, with a smile on his face.

"What possibility?" Xu Xiaoshou was taken aback.

"Xu is Yutu, Xu is Bazunfa, Xu is you, Xu is it..." Mei Siren said, his figure suddenly became transparent and dim.

It wasn't until the whole body was shattered into light spots that dispersed with the wind that Xu Xiaoshou realized what the old sword fairy meant by what he said.

"You don't believe me, you're still looking for..."

He sat back on the tea table a little depressed, poured himself a cup of tea, took it to the window sill, and came to the position where the Meisi people were standing before they disappeared.

He also looked towards the Void Island, and looked over, but seemed to see Guizhe Holy Mountain far away in the central region.

"Actually, there is no need to look for it anymore..."

"Eight Masters will fail once, but I, Xu Xiaoshou, can't."

"What the Eight Masters can't do, given time, I will be able to do it!"

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