Oh! despair!

With steady steps, a young man walked towards him.

His slender figure is extremely well-proportioned, with thick eyebrows and very thin lips, making him a stubborn man at first glance.

The seventh of the ranking list, the outsiders call Wen Chong the boss, Wen Chong!

Xu Xiaoshou feels assaults the senses. He knows that Wen Chong has a growing cultivation technique. If he is allowed to take shape, he may not be able to take even one trick.

He held the Spirit Crystal in his hand, sniffed at the tip of his nose, and chuckled softly: "Junior Brother is good!"

Wen Chong staggered with anger, toothache and pressure Self-defeating.

Yes, even though he is imposing manner uncommon military might, in front of Xu Xiaoshou, he is also a Junior Brother who started a year late.

The audience was also worried about how Xu Xiaoshou would hold up the imposing manner coercion of the opening, but unexpectedly this kid made frequent tricks, which were quite effective.

"Laugh me so hard, this Xu Xiaoshou will serve me!"

"Mom, dare to speak like this in front of Boss Wen, my legs are weak."

"haha, otherwise you think why he can stand until now, Xu Xiaoshou is still very strong."

In the field, Wen Chong stared at him with eagle eyebrows: "Xu Xiaoshou, You are very good. If you dare to move me, you must be mentally prepared."

Xu Xiaoshou naturally knows who he is talking about, Liu Zhen, who doesn’t know!

He hates him in his heart, why he is so bad luck, when he hit the young one, the old one ran out, and he didn't give him time to develop!

He couldn't help but glared at the referee.

The referee waved his hand with anger, and said angrily: "The game begins!"

Xu Xiaoshou instantly opened the distance. This Wen Chong's strongest is not a coercive move, but A spiritual skill called "Split Shadow Spirit Art".

This spiritual skill can transform up to seven avatars at the same time, with Wen Chong's appear and disappear unpredictably dagger technique. Once it is glued, it cannot escape.

"Split Shadow Spirit Art" is Houtian Grade, but its practicality is comparable to Innate.

Wen Chong sees Xu Xiaoshou stepping back, coldly smiled, which is just what he wants.

The longer the "Split Shadow Spirit Art" gains momentum, the more Avatars can be summoned immediately. Since this Xu Xiaoshou wants to distance himself, let's drag the time together.

As soon as the Yin Jue fell, Wen Chong sneered, and when he called out the Seven Avatars, Xu Xiaoshou would definitely die!

The competition on the ring did not start and there was still sound. Instead, at first became silent, but the auditorium was not like that, it was always boiling.

"Xu Xiaoshou is crazy? He didn't know that the boss's "Split Shadow Spirit Art" could also gain momentum? He could wait to die?"

"I heard he only There will be a'White Cloud Sword Art', maybe you really don’t know?"

"It's over, when Boss Wen and Qidao Avatar rush up, this guy will be sliced."

"Yes, not only he has Grade 9 Spiritual Artifact, but others also have it! The pair of purple daggers, tsk tsk, terrifying, smelling the boss!"

"Look, Xu Xiaoshou also has a wooden sword Fuck, he, he closed his eyes?"

Liu Zhen has woken up from the care of the medical staff, and when he arrives in the audience, he sees both of them ready to go.

His eyes shrank, not because of Wen Chong's "Avatar Spiritual Method", but because of Xu Xiaoshou's familiar closed eyes.

This is...

The first style swordsmanship that he didn't use at the last moment in the last game?

At the beginning of the game, everyone revealed their cards directly. Is it so irritable?

Xu Xiaoshou really planned it this way. His body is no longer allowed to fight protracted battles. Since both "Avatar Spiritual Technique" and "Baiyun Yoyo" need to gain momentum, then one move will determine the outcome!

However, in order to prevent injury, he still used a wooden sword!

He is a caring player and always considers his opponents.

He tried the wooden sword yesterday, and the attack is not bad, barely able to cut through the bark.

Actually, "Baiyun Yoyo" is not a weapon, but a sword intent!

On the other side, one after another illusory silhouette appeared in Wen Chong's body. Everyone didn't dare to show up, knowing the victory or defeat was just an instant.

The referee's body has sunk. To tell the truth, what they fear most in this line is this kind of confrontation.

If you don't let them spell it, you won't see the winner; if you let them spell it, you may die.


His eyes fixed on Xu Xiaoshou, looking at his wooden sword, looking at him closing his eyes, looking at his fading breath, Panicked.

You can do it!

Isn’t there a Grade 9 Spirit Sword? Take it out and spell it out!

As long as you survive Wen Chong's first offensive, I can save you!

“weng! ”

A crisp sword cry sounded, everyone's heart tightened, and they looked towards Xu Xiaoshou's sword.

Uh, wooden sword?

Have you heard it wrong?

Is Wen Chong's dagger shaking?

Everyone turned their heads together, and saw Wen Chong eyes flashed a bright glint, his body turned into an illusory shadow, shifted and changed, and the Avatar flashed tangentially to Xu Xiaoshou.

The distance is getting closer...

Half time!


Xu Xiaoshou...still closing his eyes!

Everyone is bullshitting in their hearts. Death is approaching. If you don’t open it yet, you may never open it!

The referee rushed forward instantly. Xu Xiaoshou was crazy. He was seriously injured and he must have given up the game!

However, when the two were only a short distance away, Xu Xiaoshou seemed to open his eyes, holding the sword in his right hand, and he did not know when the sword was drawn!

This sword is extremely slow, like a long white cloud, instantly soothing everyone's restless hearts.


There was another sword cry, and everyone could see now that it was Xu Xiaoshou's wooden sword jumping for joy, not Wen Chong's dagger.

"Wooden sword?"

"What's the matter?"

Everyone in the audience was in desperate need of a reaction, but they also suffered.


With this sound, everyone's sabers are shaking, seeming to be pulled by the sword intent, connecting them together.

This scene is so familiar. All the sword cultivators present cannot help but think of the unknown sword cry in the outer courtyard of the previous day.

Could it be that Xu Xiaoshou caused it?

"This, how is this possible?"

"My eyes are dazzled?"

Void, Xiao Qixiu's eyes widened, and he held himself in shock sword.

Acquired sword intent? !

Is it really Xu Xiaoshou? !

In the field, as the buzzing sound rang, Wen Chong immediately changed his move, almost backing out against Xu Xiaoshou's nose, and instantly seven Avatars blocked him.

clang clang clang ……

The sword light and the purple dagger are handed over, and the sonorous sound is endless.

Wen Chong was shocked. This kid could cut hundreds of sword light with a single sword. This seemingly slow sword net not only blocked his offensive route, but also forced him into a Back again.

"How is it possible?"

"Isn't this kid from Body Refinement? How could there be such a terrifying sword technique?"

chi chi chi!

Wen Chong's Avatar one after another was cut to pieces, and one after another thin sword marks appeared on his body, and blood shot out!

Liu Zhen outside the court was shocked. This sword technique......

He remembers that Xu Xiaoshou still took "Hidden Bitterness" at that time, if it weren't for him to blow it up Xu Xiaoshou's offensive, didn't he become a piece of meat at this time?

Sure enough, this kid was just as he thought, and he kept it deep!

In the field, Wen Chong was chopped back to his original place by the sword light, and he was even forced out of the ring.

He put away the dagger and put his hands on his chest, a Spiritual Qi mask shot out from within the body suddenly, and instantly collapsed all the sword light.

"Chong Lingsha!"

Spiritual Qi disappeared, but Wen Chong eyes shrank.

Xu Xiaoshou's long forehead hair slanted along with the forward trend, and the wooden sword stood on his throat.

"You lost."

gu lu!

Wen Chong subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and while the apple jelly was rolling, a blood mark was drawn under the sword energy of the wooden sword.

His face is covered in blood, but all are superficial wounds, and even the state is still Peak, but he just lost.

One sword, one word.

The seventh on the list, lose!

Walking in the sand, the auditorium is absolute silence, and the referee stays sluggish in the back.

Xu Xiaoshou took the sword and turned around. He was going back to rest and recover. Under this sword, all the spirit strength was exhausted.

His legs flicked...

Hold it back, can't fall down, so many people are watching, must be done!

Wen Chong was full of unwillingness. In addition to gaining momentum, the real battle was not even a few breaths away. He was defeated?

The seventh of the ranking list, the boss of the foreign courtyard heard that he was defeated!

He didn't look back. In Formation, he seemed to have heard the merciless ridicule in the audience.

Both Xu Xiaoshou and Liu Zhen can defeat him, but Boss Wen was defeated by him!

This Xu Xiaoshou dared to use a wooden sword to molest Di Xiner, and he was helpless after hearing that the boss played!

Wen Chong's eyes flashed hard!

The purple dagger he held upside down in his cuff flashed with a vague aura, turned into an illusory shadow and rushed up again!

"Be careful!"

"Wen Chong, stop!"

"The game is over, over!"

The referee shouted When he stepped forward, he absolutely didn't expect, just because he was too late to say "The game is over", it would cause such a consequence.

Everyone with a discerning eye can see that Xu Xiaoshou has won, and Wen Chong even made a sneak attack!

He has no time to stop it!

"Sneak attack, passive value, +1."

Because of greed for money, Xu Xiaoshou always has a ray of attention on the information bar. At this time, he glanced at this information , Suddenly turned and dislocated his shot.


Wen Chong's Grade 9 spirit dagger fiercely plunged into Xu Xiaoshou's shoulder, and blood burst out.


Xu Xiaoshou's right hand passes through Wen Chong's chest. That position is the heart!

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