I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 206 How do the students in Laozhai Village Middle School study?

"Grandma, I'm back."

On the West Street of Laozhai Village, a young girl approached a rental house of Science with cheerful steps.

"The granddaughter is back, the meal is ready, you can eat!"

In the rental house, an old man looked at the girl kindly and said.

"Grandma, didn't you say that I will cook by myself when I come back? Why did you do it again? You are not in good health, so don't work so hard." The girl said to the old man.

"Don't be tired, don't be tired, this person is old, the worse his health is, the more he needs to move more." The old man said with a smile.

"Granddaughter, how is school going?" the old man asked the girl.

"Very good, I have passed the final exam for the third year of junior high school, and I can go to the first year of high school tomorrow." The girl said happily to the old man.

"That's good, that's good." Hearing what the girl said, the old man nodded.

She understood what it meant to pass the test in Laozhai Village. It meant that everyone had scored at least 600 points in the test. Without this score, they could not pass the test.

"Grandma, I'm reading." After dinner, the girl took out a book from her schoolbag and began to study.

Seeing his granddaughter studying hard, the old man showed a gratified smile on his face.

The mother-in-law and grandson are exactly Tian Xiuying and her grandmother.

Two months ago, an anchor named Daniu helped her raise more than 20,000 yuan, which gave her the money to bring her grandma to live in Laozhai Village.

She attends classes and studies at school during the day, and returns to the rental house to take care of her grandma at night. She lives a very fulfilling life.

Laozhai Village Middle School is indeed as powerful as the netizens say.

She studied in Laozhai Village for more than two months, and then picked up the knowledge from junior high school, and quickly surpassed her previous achievements through learning.

Early the next morning, Tian Xiuying got up early and made breakfast for her grandma before returning to school for morning training.

At noon, she would go home to make lunch for her grandma before going to school. Fortunately, the school was not far from the rental house.

She takes care of grandma while reading every day,

After the school learned of her situation, she was allowed to arrive at school a little later in the morning and go home earlier in the evening.

This morning, Tian Xiuying was watching a video learning course in the classroom.

At this time, a group of adults came in from outside the classroom.

The person leading the team was Zhou Cheng, the principal of Laozhai Village Middle School. Beside the principal, there were several school leaders and a group of people she didn't know.

Most of these people are wearing formal clothes, and they look like leaders.

"Leader, this is student Tian Xiuying." Principal Zhou Cheng introduced to a leader.

"Student Tian Xiuying, this is Director Hu of the Provincial Department of Education, and these are the leaders of the provincial and municipal education departments who came to inspect." Zhou Cheng said to Tian Xiuying, introducing a middle-aged man.

"Hu, Director Hu, hello! Hello, leaders." Tian Xiuying greeted everyone quickly.

Seeing that Tian Xiuying was a little nervous, Director Hu said with a smile: "Student Tian Xiuying, I saw you two months ago in a live broadcast room called Daniu. At that time, I thought, I have a chance to go to Laozhai Village I must meet you when you visit and study, and see how you are doing here."

After a pause, Director Hu asked Tian Xiuying with a smile. "How is it? Are you still used to studying here? How is your grandma?"

"I, I'm doing well studying here, and my grandma is in good health. I take care of her every day." Tian Xiuying answered honestly.

"I seem to have seen you all looking at your tablet just now. Did you buy this tablet yourself or was it issued by the school?" Director Hu Chaotian Xiuying asked.

"This one was issued by the school. Everyone has one. It is mainly for us to study. These tablets cannot be connected to the Internet, but there are many class videos and learning materials here. We can usually use this to study." Tian Xiuying replied.

The learning of students in Laozhai Village Middle School is not the kind of learning that traditional teachers teach in person every day.

Students learn more by watching recorded class videos and other animation videos, or by studying learning materials by themselves.

The head teacher, in Laozhai Village Middle School, has more of a role as a college counselor.

Other substitute teachers have become the role for many students to help clear up some knowledge when they don't understand it.

What Tian Xiuying likes to watch the most is the video recorded by Mr. Yang Xin when he gives students lessons. She thinks Mr. Yang's lectures are very vivid and easy to understand.

In the teaching videos of Laozhai Village Middle School, there are many animation videos of 3D models, accompanied by human voice explanations, which are easier to understand than listening to the teacher alone.

For example, if students want to learn the historical content of the Battle of Chibi, a short ten-minute video can explain the war clearly.

At the beginning of the video, we briefly introduce the background of the Three Kingdoms, and then begin to explain the Battle of Chibi, first from the geographical environment, the distribution of mountains and rivers, to the deployment of troops, to the decision-making of generals, to the process of the battle, and the final result, all using a timeline connect them in series.

Such a 3D model animation video can allow students to understand this period of history more intuitively.

If you talk about learning the content of history books, it is like reading a diary written by someone else. Then watching the 3D simulation video is more like witnessing this history from the perspective of God.

In terms of physics, a dynamic video of physics principles in just a few minutes can be equivalent to a physics teacher explaining the content of a class dryly.

"Can I see what you were looking at just now?" Director Hu asked Tian Xiuying with a smile.

"Yes." Tian Xiuying nodded, then opened her tablet, found a video he just watched, and showed it to Director Hu.

The content of the video explains the synthesis and decomposition of forces. It uses 3D model animation, subtitles, and human voice commentary, etc., to explain the rules of this thing in great detail, and teach you how to perform vector calculations and so on.

Such a video can be understood even by some students with poor foundation.

Director Hu also saw videos with many titles.

For example: [Teacher Li Yongle explained that parity is not conserved...]

[Teacher Li Yongle explains friction...]

[Explain amino acids to Mr. Bo...]

【Ms. Xiang Bo explains the chemical composition of farts...】

[Professor Dai Jianye analyzes the toast...]

[Teacher Yang Xin explained the ratio of pi...]

【Teacher Yang Xin talks about quadratic equations...】

Wait, wait, there are many such videos, including primary school, junior high, and high school.

"Very good teaching video, can you often watch these videos to study?" Director Hu returned the tablet to Tian Xiuying and asked.

"Yes, this kind of video can help me understand all kinds of knowledge more intuitively." Tian Xiuying replied with a nod.

"Principal Zhou, your school has done a good job in this area. No wonder the students in your school have such good grades."

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