I Am In Marvel

Chapter 165 Disturbing

In the main city of Saka, the bizarre and advanced buildings are like trees in the forest. Small patrol spaceships swept the low altitude from time to time, and the lights were swept, and the shadows were blurred.


A light-colored and nearly translucent figure, like a bloodthirsty beast hidden in the dark, uses the rooftops of various buildings in the main city as pedals, and bounces and leaps with flexible and lightweight movements. The direction of the city swept away.

There are aliens talking, laughing and revelling below, as well as the supervisors and guards on the patrol spaceship above, who did not notice this scene at all. Some people within ten meters only felt a breeze and shadows flashing by, as if they were tired during the day and at night. Delusions caused by drowsiness.

‘Buzz! ’

At the junction of the inner city, on the top of the three-story building, the five-meter-high lamp post shook a little bit by some kind of impact, and it pulled down and reflected a human-shaped black shadow.

The soles of his feet stood on the dome of the lamp post, Kyle's back was straight, facing the evening wind arrogantly, his eyes as sharp as eagles were cold, and his eyes looked through the black panther's vibrating gold mask to find the trace of the target.

"I found it." His eyes stopped, and Kyle stepped on the lamp post with a little force, and the light bulb underneath couldn't bear the pressure and burst open. .

In the outer city of Saka, there is a cul-de-sac only two meters wide between buildings. It is rare that there is no light shining here, and it is completely dark.

Three aliens with different shapes and looks, dressed in black cloaks, were buried in the shadow of the alley at night, leaning against the wall as if waiting for someone.

"I'm back." Big-Eyed Monster said aloud as he walked into the alley with his hands in his pockets.

One of them, a tall, thin, bamboo-pole-shaped alien walked quickly to the entrance of the alley, glanced out, and quickly shook his head at the people behind him.

"Igu, what about the two prey you mentioned, ran away?" Another big-eyed monster asked with wide eyes, slightly dissatisfied.

"You can't blame me, who would have known that they stayed directly in a hotel in the inner city." The big-eyed monster named Igu was also very depressed, and his eyes kept rolling.

I finally got my eye on the best target that I can start tonight, a low-level white bear transformed by genetic experiments, a human creature that seems to have no combat power, and has enough money to stay in a hotel...

"If that's the case, then let's go early tonight." The humanoid woman who was standing at the innermost part of the alley, always silent, said calmly, as if she didn't want to waste time.

"Yigu, you should have informed us in advance and stopped them in the outer city before they put things away." The big-eyed who looked like the leader snorted, looked at the woman covered in black cloak with respect and fear, and said with a gentle attitude : "Ye Ji, you should go back first. Come and run for nothing tonight."

Ye Ji nodded lightly, put her toes on her toes, and walked forward with a catwalk. Two big-eyed monsters, one big and one small, and the tall and thin alien leaned against the wall of the alley, leaving enough space for their bodies.

As she was about to walk out of the alley, Ye Ji frowned slightly, felt her hair stand on end, and even felt an inexplicable sense of oppression in her heart. She didn't care about remaining graceful, she rolled quickly on the spot following her instinct, and exclaimed:

"Be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, a tall and strong human black figure descended from the sky, stepping heavily on Ye Ji's original ground, without buffering power, and with an undisguised offensive intention, even the hard ground cracked slightly. , the faces of the people around him changed drastically.

"Who is it!?" The big-eyed monster leader asked quickly, trying to delay enough reaction time.

Kyle didn't mean to talk to them, and decisively stretched out his fists like lightning, the fists roared and roared, and the heavy punches fell on the big-eyed monster leader and the tall and thin alien who wanted to take out their weapons. body.

The two let out a scream, and the bullets flew into the wall behind them without any suspense, and collapsed into the wall slightly.

A dull, loud sound rang out clearly.

"It's so powerful, if I hadn't escaped, I would have been seriously injured by stepping on it just now." Ye Ji continued to roll and pulled a distance away, got up and looked at the two 'companions' who were screaming and screaming, secretly horrified, "Crazy How dare you do such a reckless act in the city - don't you know that you will provoke to supervise the guards!"

"Physical defense resistance is okay." Withdrawing his fist, Kyle glanced coldly at the two aliens.

Being punched and not dying can be regarded as a test of whether it is a racial creature with a physique and vitality that exceeds that of humans.

But that's all, from the moment he made his move, he decided to make a quick decision!

Kyle was preparing to make up for the attack, first to solve the two alien lives that had been severely damaged, and suddenly raised his head consciously, a light blue energy burst at close range, and the impact of the water ripples, covering the alley. small space.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Kyle took the initiative to send his forehead forward, and hit the energy wave with his head—

At the moment of contact, a sizzling blue arc erupted in the middle of the alley.

Electric shock?

The strands of electric arc wound down his body, and Kyle felt paralyzed all over his body, his body temporarily lost its function, and fell straight to the ground.

"You guy, who the hell are you!" Igu held the electric pulse gun in both hands and stared viciously at Kyle on the ground, wishing to swallow him alive.

Kyle didn't answer, he didn't move, as if he had been stunned by electricity.

"Hurry up and kill him and evacuate here. If you don't leave, the guards will come." Ye Ji urged calmly, if it wasn't for her friendship with this small team, she would have left here alone.

Fighting in the main city of Saka and being discovered by the guards is no joke!

"Yes, that's right." Igu nodded in a panic, the electric pulse shot gun aimed at Kyle lying on the ground, the blue light slowly lit up like charging, and the energy was concentrated to the muzzle the size of the baby's fist.

Just before the electric pulse gun was about to fire, under the vibrating gold mask of the black panther, Kyle's closed eyes suddenly opened, got up with an extraordinary reaction speed, kicked up quickly, and hit Igu's hand. the front end of the firearm.

The barrel of the gun was kicked up, and the blue energy beam passed through one of Igu's big eyes. Igu hugged the wound in pain, fell to the ground and rolled around constantly moaning.

The energy beam continued to go up, rushing out of the alley, and a blue electric wave erupted in the low sky, which was extremely conspicuous like fireworks at night.

"It's over!" Ye Ji looked at the radio waves in the sky above her head, her eyes under the cloak showed fear, "You must leave here as soon as possible, if you don't leave, it will be completely over!!"

At the same time, Kyle stomped on Igu's other big eye, and the viscous liquid stained the floor and soles.

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