I Am In Charge of Myriad Realms Bank

Volume 1_Chapter 2622 The first batch of artifacts are released

Next, something happened that puzzled the outside world: the pace of debt collection and world collection by members of Wanjie Bank slowed down!

Don’t even rush to find and trade artifacts!

"What happened at Wanjie Bank? Why did the trend suddenly change? Something must have happened!"

"Who knows what's going on? The insiders of Wanjie Bank don't reveal any information!"

"Whatever! What I'm more concerned about right now is, will Lord War God and Lord Origin God have a fight before entering the Divine Ruins? The situation between the two sides has become increasingly serious, and a large-scale conflict may break out at any time."

Although the strange behavior of Wanjie Bank is a bit surprising and unexpected, but...

After all, the behavior of Wanjie Bank did not affect everyone. On the contrary, the battle between the God of War Lei Tian and the Origin God became increasingly fierce, attracting the attention of most of the God Kings.

If these two camps really fight to the death, it will definitely cause a big shock and affect the entire void.

Therefore, it is impossible for these god-kings to not care.

Chen Fan didn't care at all about the situation outside.

He is still researching ‘black holes’, ‘Dead Sea’ and ‘pseudo artifacts’!

"How to avoid the void sturgeon?"

Chen Fan was driven out by the Void Sturgeon and the Void Insect again. Next to him stood Wuming and the God of Cookery: "Before those immortal weapons can become divine weapons, the Void Sturgeon will appear."

"This is not the way to go!"

"What a waste of time!"

"The owner of the village."

The God of Cookery said: "The Void Sturgeon seems to be able to quickly detect something entering the Dead Sea."

"We have to find a way to interfere with their perception, or hide it from their perception."


Chen Fan nodded and said nothing.

He also knew this, but...

How to interfere with or conceal their perception?

"The owner of the village."

Wuming expressed his speculation and judgment: "Anything entering the Dead Sea, or black water leaving the Dead Sea, will lead to the formation of 'false artifacts'."

"The formation of 'pseudo artifacts' is accompanied by the emergence and fluctuation of divinity."

"The void sturgeon can sense foreign objects entering the Dead Sea. Is it related to the 'divinity'?"

"If you want to interfere with or hide their perception, you should be able to weaken or block the fluctuations of 'divine nature'!"


Hearing this, Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and quite agreed with Wuming's judgment.


The God of Cookery asked: "How can we weaken or block the fluctuations of 'divine nature'?"

"There are quite a few means."

Wuming said: "It's just...I don't know how."

"I'm afraid the village owner needs to do this."


Chen Fan nodded and said: "'Divinity' means 'divine power'!"

"The God King has divine power!"

"Sacred weapons also have divine power!"

"If you want to block or weaken the 'divine power' fluctuations of the artifact, you can pass..."

He opened his mouth and said three solutions: "Artifact! Divine art! God-level secret art!"

"I have an artifact that blocks or weakens the fluctuations of 'divine power'."

"I can copy divine magic!"

"I know the divine secret technique!"

"Right now, let's use artifacts and god-level secret techniques to block or weaken the fluctuations of 'divine power' and try the effect."

God of Cookery: "Okay!"

Nameless: "Okay!"



Chen Fan led the God of Cookery and Wuming into the "Dead Sea" again.


Chen Fan used an artifact that blocked or weakened the fluctuations of 'divine power', and at the same time used a god-level secret technique.

A large number of immortal weapons turned into 'pseudo-artifacts' and then 'evolved' towards the level of 'artifacts'.

Wuming stared at the 'evolution' of the immortal weapon!

The God of Cookery is on alert all around.

at some point.

"The void sturgeon hasn't come yet!"

"Very good!"

The God of Cookery shouted in surprise.

It took longer than ever before, but the Void Sturgeon hadn't come yet.


Wuming couldn't help but said, "However, we can't be careless yet."


At a certain moment, Chen Fan frowned suddenly, and then left without hesitation with the God of Cookery, Wuming and a large number of 'fake artifacts'.

A moment later, outside the black hole.

"What happened this time?"

The God of Cookery looked puzzled: "No effect?"


"Prove that our thinking is correct."

Wuming said: "But...where is the problem?"

The three of them were discussing and thinking.


Soon, the God of Cookery left, and she was going to the Immortal God Realm to receive a new batch of immortal weapons.

"Another batch of immortal weapons has been sent, but we haven't found a solution yet."

Wuming looked at Chen Fan and asked: "Master, how about... let Vice Master Jiang and the others postpone the delivery of the immortal artifact?"

"The owner of the village!"

"The owner of the village!"

Seeing that Chen Fan didn't respond and was a little dazed, he couldn't help but shout twice more.


Chen Fan suddenly blurted out: "Artifacts that block or weaken the fluctuations of 'divine power' also emit divine fluctuations when entering the 'Dead Sea', thereby attracting void sturgeons."


"The divine fluctuations it emits are not as large as those emitted by a large number of immortal weapons, so it can last longer underwater this time."

"We shouldn't use artifacts!"

"So, you can only use god-level secret arts?"

Wuming's eyes lit up and he asked.

"That's right."

Chen Fan said: "If the god-level secret techniques that block or weaken the fluctuations of 'divine power' are useless, then... then there is nothing we can do."

"We have to change our thinking."


"Try again!"


With that said, he couldn't help but grab Wuming and enter the 'black hole' again.

Familiar steps, again.


An hour.

The Void Sturgeon is not coming!

Two hours.

The Void Sturgeon is not here yet!

Three hours!

Four hours!

When the God of Cookery arrived, the Void Sturgeon still hadn't appeared!

"Very good!"

"Found the reason!"

Wuming said.



The God of Cookery was also very excited.


Chen Fan also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Next, pay attention to three points."

“First, Wuming, when you enter the ‘Dead Sea’, be careful to restrain your ‘divinity’!”

"Second, if you encounter the appearance of void sturgeons by accident, don't panic and never attack them!"

"Third, we don't know if the Void Sturgeon can sense other fluctuations besides 'divine' fluctuations. For example: divine power!"


"Enter the 'Dead Sea' and prohibit all unnecessary behaviors."


Wuming nodded.

The God of Cookery simply chose not to enter the Dead Sea.



One day later, Chen Fan, Wuming and the God of Cookery witnessed the birth of the first batch of 'artifacts'.

"That's awesome!"

“It’s only been one day and so many ‘artifacts’ have been produced!”

"The speed is too fast!"

"It's a miracle!"

The God of Cookery exclaimed excitedly.

"A total of 781 artifacts!"

"The owner of the village!"

"Please check!"

Wuming said.


"Start refining the second batch of 'artifacts'!"

The next moment, Chen Fan said.


"Manager, I have a different opinion."

Immediately afterwards, Wuming spoke.

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