I am immortal

Chapter 119 How to be called the Supreme Emperor, and why to kill the Human Emperor!

Qi Wuzhuo returned to Lianyang Temple after a few days' absence. The young Taoist priest Ming Xin was very happy, but the old Taoist priest felt sad for a long time when he saw the young Taoist priest. When Qi Wuzhuo went to clean the house again, the old Taoist priest was in the house. After reading the Taoist scriptures, he still sighed endlessly. The little Taoist priest was very curious, so he came up to the master and said, "Master, why do you keep sighing today?"

"Didn't you say that sighing makes you age quickly?"

The old Taoist rolled up the Taoist scriptures in his hand, knocked the little Taoist on the forehead, and said angrily:

"I have lived for more than three hundred years, and I am already extremely old. So why does it matter if I am older?"

"The little Taoist priest knows a lot about football."

The little Taoist held his chin: "I'm only ten years old."

"After the New Year, you will be eleven years old."


"When I am three hundred years old, Master will be six hundred years old."

"How low did your white beard have to hang back then? At that time, Mingxin, who had white hair, pushed Master, who had even more white hair, to go out to bask in the sun. He could also raise a little Taoist priest. Two cats, well, let’s also feed two three-yellow chickens, just like Uncle Qi, one male and one female. In this case, they can eat chicken every day.”

"There may even be chicks hatched."

"Uncle Qi will have gray hair by then."

Young people's thinking is always very out-of-the-box.

The old man just smiled and said nothing, with kind eyes. The little Taoist shook his head knowingly and said, "But why are you sighing?"

The old Taoist priest looked at the young Taoist in the distance, and after a long time, he said:

"I don't know what he went through."

"Although he was in the world of mortals in the past, he still had an air of coming out of the world. Now, although the air of coming out of the world is still there, there is an extra air of coming out of the world. In this way, he is truly [entering the world to practice]. From then on, From the Taoist practice in the book to the Taoist practice in the world of mortals, the realm is improving, but it is also the time when we begin to face many disasters."

"When I see someone like him entering the mortal world, I always think of myself back then."

"I also thought of how many seeds of monasticism were lost in the world of mortals."

"So sigh."

The little Taoist priest was confused after hearing this, and then asked: "Will I have such a day?"

"Will do."

The little Taoist priest asked again: "Then can I walk back to the Taoist temple like Master?"

The old Taoist smiled gently, and after a while, he still replied: "Yes."

"What about Uncle Master?"

"Master doesn't know..."


The day after he came back, Qi Wuhuo went out with his sword box on his back, still going to fulfill the last wish that Tantai Xuan had made back then. Today was the last regret, it was the last wish of the bodyguard, saying that he originally wanted to I want to retire with my wife and find a village to spend some leisure time, but now I can't do that.

That's a very strong woman.

Since childhood, he and the deceased bodyguard studied martial arts under his teacher.

They are childhood sweethearts and friends from the same family.

When we were young and high-spirited, we also traveled together in the world, fought against injustices, and left a name for ourselves.

After that, it was natural to get married.

Facing her husband's departure, she remained calm and rational.

After Qi Wuhuo left, suppressed crying could be heard in the courtyard. It was extremely sad. Such sadness could be felt by one's own body, and it stung like a needle.

The young Taoist stood outside the door for a long time.

The sleeves and robes were swept, and the last line of text emerged. Then the shackles were released with the word "Emperor", allowing the bodyguard's thoughts to remain here to accompany his wife. At this point, the promises made in the town at the foot of Helian Mountain were all fulfilled. Finished, it was still early in the day, so Qi Wuzhuo had nothing to do for a while, so he walked aimlessly.

Everyone has suffering, and no one in the world is ruthless.

When Qi Wuhuo first entered the practice of cultivation in the village and saw the many people who were harmed by Tantai Xuan, he recorded their last wishes with pen and ink. At that time, the young man felt in his heart that the original life of a human being was... The regrets were just a few strokes of pen and ink on paper; later, when I finished the girl's regrets in Shuiyun Township, I felt so many regrets and reluctance.

I also feel that this is by no means a matter of pen and ink, but ultimately a person’s life.

It is the many loves, hates, regrets and deplores in the world.

Later I learned about Buddha’s teachings.

So I know that these are the five aggregates and eight sufferings mentioned in Buddhism. Life, old age, illness and death are ultimately unavailable.

A person's name may have two characters, or three characters. Occasionally, if it is a compound surname, it may have four characters.

A person's regrets and wishes are written on a piece of white paper, consisting of a few lines or about a dozen words.

In such a big city, Jinzhou, more than three million people have died in just a few months. Just writing all their names would take about ten million words. And if each person left two lines of regret, then the words would be too long to add up. How many will there be? Ancient people did not have white paper to use. At that time, they peeled off the green bamboo and dried it in the sun, and then burned the characters. There were not many characters that could be written on one piece of bamboo.

Just these names are enough to attract all the green bamboos in the world, and it is difficult to record them all.

Even if there are bamboo trees and thorn trees, there is still no book left.

It is the so-called "too many words to write"

Qi Wuhuo understood the weight contained in these four words.

As a monk, it seemed that he should let go, but he refused to let go.

Qi Wuhuo unknowingly walked to the largest bridge in Zhongzhou Fucheng and saw the tree planted by Mr. Ao Liu. The chessboard next to the tree was still there, but Mr. Ao Liu was not here today, and although he No, there are also chess sets here, but the chess pieces are replaced by those that can be seen normally, rather than the old gentleman's own antiques.

Qi Wuhuo sat down. While thinking about things, he subconsciously held something in his hand, picked up the chess pieces, tapped them lightly, and looked down at the chessboard. The questions in his mind kept popping up——

Is Mr. still alive?

Three demon kingdoms, which three demon kingdoms are they?

Who is the person wearing black clothes and red dragon suit...

In the end, there are those people who cannot be avoided.

The current emperor, human emperor, saint.

Should be killed, should be killed!

The young Taoist's eyes were calm, and the thoughts in his heart were clear without any hesitation.

What ascetics cultivate is the clarity of their own souls.

Never deceive yourself.

Be true to your heart and be true to yourself.

Instead of suppressing all your thoughts.

But, how to kill?

The way of the Human Emperor, protected by luck, the immortals in the heaven will not take action against the Human Emperor. This was an agreement thousands of years ago. When Qi Wuzhuo was in that village, he exchanged some information about the Human Emperor through the Taoist Alliance's waist card. After reading the basic books on luck, I came to understand that the Human Emperor combines the power of billions of people into one body. Even though each person is weak, the billions of people are already the best beings in the world.

His conduct is shallow and he cannot be killed.

Unless his luck is broken.

If he is strong, divide and transform him.

Qi Wuhuo was thinking as he placed both the black and white chess baskets beside him, and played the black chess and the white chess alternately. The first method was to use the Jinzhou incident as a guide to try to reveal it to the world and start a war in the four fields. Fire, people's hearts are righteous, people's hearts are beneficial, and they add fuel to the flames. If combined with other means, if this is the goal, it may cause great chaos. Even if it fails to succeed, it can also weaken the destiny of the emperor to a certain extent.

When the time comes, if you have cultivated enough, you can draw your sword and kill him.

Or it may lead to disputes among his descendants.

The young Taoist lowered his eyes and held the black chess piece by himself.

And he is the one holding the white chess piece.

Two big dragons, black and white, fight and face off.

Pressing harder and harder.

In the end, when the young Taoist made a move, his moves became slower and slower. He looked at the chess game and also 'watched' the thoughts in his mind.

The chess piece in his hand fell on the chessboard——

Today can never be said to be a troubled time, because luck is so important. Not only the emperor, but also hundreds of officials will try to keep their rulers in a stable state for the sake of their own strength and longevity. People from all aristocratic families also join the court as officials. From top to bottom, they are involved layer by layer, like an extremely complex and tight instrument. It is extremely difficult to defeat the Human Emperor.

But it is extremely difficult, but not impossible. With what Huang Liang Yimeng deduced, it is not impossible to try to lay it out in fifty years.

But the young Taoist raised his head.

He saw people coming and going, and the world was like a woven fabric, and if he tried to rebel, no matter whether it succeeded or not, it would bring disaster and chaos.

Otherwise, the fate of the Emperor cannot be weakened.

In today's era, weakening the Emperor's luck means the collapse of the Great Wall of Luck that defends many demon kingdoms. This will cause the effectiveness of the military formations deployed at the border to be instantly reduced, putting the soldiers defending the border at an immediate disadvantage. This will later lead to The outcome can be seen at a glance, and it may even cause the disaster in Jinzhou to occur on a larger scale.

The young Taoist put down the chess piece, and the murderous aura in his eyes dissipated.

Although there is an undercurrent, he is still the Feng Qing Yue Lang of a young man.

Then pick up the chess pieces again and put them into the chess basket.

"Isn't it a good rain?"

"Why don't you get off?"

There was a familiar voice. Qi Wuhuo raised his head and saw that there were many people around him unconsciously. However, he was playing fast chess by himself earlier and he played brilliantly. Among the passers-by, there were also old people who loved watching chess. He stopped and watched the young man playing chess alone, but the person he asked was an acquaintance, the fortune teller in gray clothes. He didn't know when he sat down and looked at the chessboard with his chin in his hands.

When he sat down, the people around him seemed to instinctively ignore the chessboard, the young Taoist man under the tree and Mr. Gray Clothes. Then the crowd dispersed, people came and went, the world was like weaving, and Under this tree, the chessboard is clean, except for the young man holding the chessboard and the man watching.

The latter was calm and calm, but actually he felt regretful when he opened his mouth.

His spirit had reminded him that it was best to stay away from the brat in front of him, but he didn't know why. It seemed that life in the world of mortals had become a bit boring recently, so he had to find something interesting to do.

At this moment, he came here to ask, for no other reason than curiosity. The young Taoist shook his head and just packed up the chess pieces.

He makes the common people become pawns for his own goals and plunges them into disaster, regardless of whether they can be accomplished or not.

If I do such a thing, I will fall into the devil's path.

That kind of me is essentially no different from the second prince back then.

The first method is not to take.

So is there any other way?

Still playing chess, this time the chess game became much softer. Qi Wuhuo lowered his eyes and thought in his mind, if he couldn't be forcibly broken by external force, what if he entered the court, like Yu Yangzi in other countries? Relying on some prophets who have had a dream for fifty years, they stepped into the court and moved around. "

"The Human Emperor has good luck, but to govern the country, order and civil and military officials are also needed, and they will be restricted to a certain extent. This is [Trapped Dragon Chapter].

But in the end, Qi Wuhuo ended the game before finishing the game.

The fortune teller was watching with great interest, seeming to see the young man's determination and judgment, as well as his judgment and preview of what would happen in the next fifty years or so, but Qi Wuhuo took away the chess piece, so unfortunately, he asked: "This If you can play a game of chess, why not move?”

The young Taoist spoke concisely and to the point:

"Can't kill the dragon."

The five words are gentle and calm, but they have a murderous aura.

Then the fortune teller raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyebrows twitching at the murderous aura.

Then he touched his palms and sighed:

"Hey, dear, if the Sword of Killing finds you with these five words, you will probably be tied up directly. Ah, no, there is no Sword of Killing anymore. That inheritance comes from an innate thing, and its origin is a blood-colored thread. Chang He was already chopped open by a being when he tried his sword, hey, he broke the sword with his sword, he was very domineering."

"So, what are you going to do next?"

Don't want to cause chaos.

I don't want to let the human emperor live.

These two are mutually exclusive.

Even the fortune teller was curious about what choice the young man in front of him would make.

Qi Wuhuo finally thought about it for a long time, but he directly picked up the chess pieces and replaced the most important black chess piece with a white chess piece.

The fortune teller's eyebrows twitched. It was a very simple action, but when the young Taoist priest in front of him performed it, there seemed to be an indescribable calmness and majesty. The fortune teller's brown pupils suddenly glowed slightly in the sun. With a golden color, he saw the young Taoist sitting there, but he seemed to see an old man who was almost unparalleled in the world.

It's Taishang Xuanwei.

This is Master Wuhuo.

Ask – ‘What are you going to do? ’


You have no way.


As for after the change, the destiny of the human world was maintained stable, and it still turned into the Great Wall to protect the people.

So one can imagine what the fate of the emperor who was [Yi] was.

I will achieve peace in the world and kill thieves and enemies.

The fortune teller's eyebrows were beating wildly. This was not just a dream in a young man's dream. This was the gathering of the fortunes of billions of people in the world. He was the emperor of the world, and he wanted to be the emperor. He wanted to intervene in the fortunes of billions of people. Being in this position would lead to an extremely tragic end. Even with his character, he couldn't bear the young man's broken bones, so he couldn't help but persuade him:

"You are a monk and you have to join the world. There are [Eight Difficulties] in Taoism and [Eight Sufferings] in Buddhism. These are things that disturb the ordinary mind. All practitioners are afraid of avoiding them."

"I'm afraid I will fall into these eight sufferings and eight difficulties and not be able to escape."

"Bodhisattvas are afraid of cause and effect. You are a good boy, but you want to be contaminated by these things?"

His voice paused. Fortune tellers are free from the world of mortals, but this time he was contaminated with too many things, which almost made his scalp numb. He couldn't help but persuade: "Calf nose, listen to others' advice and say it's enough." Fan, listen to me, although you are a bit stubborn, you still have a Taoist heart and understanding, so you should have great achievements."

"If he succeeds in cultivating the Tao in his youth, he can fly to the world and be called a true king. There is no way of knowing."

"Why, are you going to abandon the Tao and become contaminated with this world, and end up in disaster?!"

The young Taoist said: "Some time ago, I once told a friend who practices Buddhism that people should be allowed to experience various forms before they can finally reach the formless environment. They should not be allowed to directly enter a formless environment to practice. I think , cultivating Buddhism, cultivating Taoism, all you cultivate is yourself, the principles should be the same."

"Can I only persuade others, but can't I stick to my own point of view and just say it but don't do it?"

The young man's eyes were calm: "How can I prove that the path I am taking is the right one?"

"If I really practice the Tao, then the Eight Difficulties will not be able to trouble me."

"If I fall into eight difficulties, it is because my desire to seek the truth is not strong."

The fortune teller opened his mouth, but couldn't help but curse loudly, and then scolded:

"I...you took the initiative to contaminate Ba Nan, you are confused!"

Qi Wuhuo replied: "Not confused."

The young man stood up and made his own decision. His mood became clear again. He was wearing a Taoist robe and carrying a sword box on his back. He stood in the world of mortals with a peaceful expression. Suddenly he seemed to finally have some understanding and said: "The Supreme Being Wang Qing , the worst is not as good as love, but the one I love most is my generation."

"How come the so-called love only refers to the so-called love between children?"

"I seem to understand what Senior Sister is saying."

"But it seems different."

He thought quietly in his heart: "Teacher, if [love] is one of the eight difficulties of Taoism, then the disciple's eight difficulties have indeed come."

"Disciple can avoid it."

"However, disciples do not avoid it."

The fortune teller saw the young Taoist's eyes were peaceful, and it seemed as if naturally, his vitality and essence gathered together and turned into a long and long qi, which was the mother of pills, the root, and the innate energy. , not persistent, and did not choose to follow the promising method of the Mountain God Kung Fu left by his friend Mountain God Tiger.

Seeing the way of spiritual treasures, observing the Buddha's Dharma of the Medicine Master, transporting all living beings from the world of mortals, carrying cause and effect.

In the end, he drew the sword of entering the world through his transcendental body. He did not avoid the eight difficulties and did it naturally.

It seems to be so.

Never separated.

"Huh? I'm innately strong? Why is there no movement at all..."

"This fusion seems to be like this, seamless?"

The fortune teller seemed to notice something, and his pupils contracted violently.

Slowly raised his eyes.

There is only one sentence left in my heart.

Those who do it without limit are supreme.

He stared intently at the young Taoist priest, feeling countless waves in his heart.

"The second one after the Open Sky Era."


"Tai Qing Zhen Chuan..."

He murmured, watching the young Taoist walk into the world of mortals with his sword box on his back, gradually drifting away, his heart surged, he couldn't help blurting out, and asked:

"The great power of the world is all tied to the Human Emperor!"

"As a Taoist, what can you do?!"

The young Taoist paused slightly.

He spoke in a loud voice for the first time since he was a child.

"Then he will be the Emperor's Master."

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