I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World

Chapter 34 Burning, Looting and Looting

The deserted city quickly became lively.

The defeat of Liang Ying's army was just the beginning, and dozens of groups came later.

There were three or five hundred people at least, and one or two thousand more. They found a yard in the city to live in, and ordered the county magistrate to raise food and grass.

"There are no ghosts in the deserted city, how can we raise food and grass?"

When Zhao Tai met the civil servants, he was able to come up with a teacher to back him. Facing this group of routs who were extremely hungry, he couldn't explain why and didn't dare to speak out, so he had to transport the grain from the mine to share.

There are a total of several thousand people in the city, and this little food can last for three to five days at most.

The generals and governors of the various ministries also knew that there was no food in the deserted city, so they communicated with each other in private.

He declared to the outside world that he would resist Dayong by strengthening the walls and clearing the fields, and then began to search the surrounding villages and towns of the deserted city.

The army passed like a grate, legal and organized robbery, nothing left in the empty homes of the common people, so they had to become refugees and drag their families to the south to flee for their lives.

Those who dare to resist are Dayong's spies!

city ​​gate.

Li Hong looked at the carts of food and goods being transported to the various army leaders in the city, and tried his best to suppress his anger.

"Sir, I often hear from my eldest brother that the million-strong army in northern Xinjiang did not dare to say that they did not commit any crimes against the common people, at least they were strictly disciplined. How did they degenerate into such a state in just a few years?"

Fear of death in wars abroad, bullying the people at home, bandits and poisons are worse than bandits and rebels!

"It's human nature. It's hard to change, you need to abide by various rules, and you have to be disciplined uninterruptedly. It's easy to become bad. Let alone five years, you can change from an iron soldier to a rogue in a few months!"

Zhou Yi said slowly: "The war in the northern border is about to start. The soldiers are fierce and dangerous. A gentleman should not stand on a dangerous wall. I will return to Shenjing today. In the midst of the chaos, remember to save your life as the top priority."

After staying in the deserted city for less than half a month, a series of news of defeat came from northern Xinjiang.

Yesterday, the defeated army in the city almost mutinied, because the last well-organized army in northern Xinjiang was encircled and defeated by the Dayong army.

The two prefectures of Yi and Su in northern Xinjiang used to be the old land of Dayong, and now they have been completely returned. It is not yet known how much land the Fengyang Kingdom will fall in the future.

Li Hong was surprised and said: "With your strength, sir, you are even better than your father. Who else in this world can keep you?"

"You haven't even been out of Fengyang Kingdom, how dare you say how big the world is?"

Zhou Yi said solemnly: "Practitioners must remember not to be proud, this world is so big that mortals can't go all over it in their lifetime!"

Li Hong held the student salute, bowed and said: "Thank you for your teaching, sir."

In recent days, when communicating with Zhou Yi, many unconstrained ideas in words opened Li Hong's eyes and mind. Some remarks seem unimaginable, but every time you think about it carefully, they are really mysterious and extraordinary.

Li Hongming understands many truths that are not in the books. Although he and Zhou Yi do not have the name of master and apprentice, they have the reality of master and apprentice.


Zhou Yi is not procrastinating, has a long and endless life, and needs to get used to parting as soon as possible.

Li Hong left with tears in his eyes: "Sir, have a good journey."

Parents and brothers have all died, and today they say goodbye to Zhou Yi, the vast northern Xinjiang is really alone.

Zhou Yi looked back, and said through sound transmission.

"The chaos in northern Xinjiang is a huge bad thing for the people, the army and the court. It is only good for you. If you want to follow the example of Zhen Guogong, you can spend money to buy a guerrilla general."

After finishing speaking, he straddled his horse and swung his whip, and walked away.

The guerrilla generals with real power and troops are only tens of thousands of taels, and no matter how weak the Zhen Guo government is, Li Hong can still provide this little money.


Follow the official road all the way south.

Three days later.

Looking at the smoke rising from the kitchen, the front is Chenjiagou, where I stayed overnight when I came here.

The old man Zhengchen in the village is a wonderful person, he roasts crispy rabbit meat, brews high-quality rice wine, and has a good sense of conversation.

Zhou Yi chatted with him about the past and the present, but he couldn't gain the upper hand at all, and he chatted all night before he had a good time.

"Wonderful man in the mountains, nothing more than that!"

Zhou Yi touched his shriveled pockets: "I didn't even leave any loose silver. Brother Chen knows astronomy and geography, so he wouldn't be reluctant to borrow money for the night, right?"

Poor family and rich road, Zhou Yi went out with five thousand taels of silver notes, and another "hero" gave a few thousand taels on the way, and now there is not a penny left.

When Zhou Yi was thinking about it, he didn't stop, and he was already close to Chenjiagou.

When the wind blows, his face suddenly changes slightly!

"It smells so strong."

Zhou Yi leaped on horseback, and the distance of hundreds of feet was reached in an instant.

There is indeed smoke in the village, but it is not the farmers who cook, but two or three hundred soldiers lighting a fire at the entrance of the village.

The guard on duty found someone coming, and shouted with a simple knife: "What are you looking at, old guy, get away if you don't want to die!"

"Where are the people from Chenjiagou?"

Zhou Yi could guess without asking, that the soldiers and their knives were stained with fresh blood, and the cook was slaughtering pigs and sheep, with large and small grain bags piled up next to them.

The leader said: "What nonsense, just shoot it."

With an order, the bowstring rang, and more than a dozen arrows shot out.

"Zhou is not aggressive in his life, but someone is rushing to seek death!"

Zhou Yi's body swayed, his speed was as fast as lightning, which has exceeded the reaction limit of ordinary people.

The commander only saw a faint phantom, shuttling among the soldiers under his command. The soldiers couldn't even utter the screams of dying, and fell to the ground in pieces like mowing grass.


The commander screamed strangely, and ran towards Chenjiagou with his head in his arms.

The massacre of more than two hundred soldiers took only a dozen breaths, and Zhou Yi chased after him in a few flies, and the cold voice rang in Du Tong's ears.

"If you want to see ghosts so much, I will grant your wishes!"

After speaking, the Anzhai Talisman was activated, and ghosts floated out from the houses in the village. Most of them were empty and chaotic, and their faces could not be discerned.

Among them, there is a wronged soul that is the most obvious, with a broken neck and two holes in the abdomen, with blood dripping from the scoop.


Seeing the commander's appearance, the innocent soul suddenly became angry and let out a piercing ghostly whistle.

The rest of the ghosts with chaotic consciousness were called and guided by the wronged souls, and they came to kill them one after another.

The commander had never seen such a horrible scene, the ghost was dragging half of its intestines, and the ghost was holding his head, and he was so frightened that he rolled his eyes and passed out.

The group of ghosts threw themselves on the commander, and was about to devour his yang energy, essence and blood, when suddenly the evil spirit of the army manifested to protect him.

The severe pain, like a stabbing knife, made the ghost scream and retreat, and Nuonuo dared not go forward.

The innocent soul's eyes were about to burst, and black mist spewed out of his mouth, covering the commander.

Zhou Yi's mana was running, and he used the martial arts method of the lion's roar: "Brother Chen, hold on, I still have something to ask him."

The sound was like thunder, and the innocent soul woke up from the ferocity, and recognized Zhou Yi's appearance, with blood and tears in his eyes.

"Thank you, Mr. En, for avenging Chenjiagou's blood hatred!"

"My condolences to Brother Chen."

Zhou Yi walked in front of Dutong, his mana penetrated several acupuncture points, and Ling Chi's severe pain woke him up from a coma.

"Are you a defeated soldier in Northern Xinjiang?"

Dutong looked at the ghosts around him, his red eyes stared at him with resentment, his back felt cold, he got up and kowtowed and begged.

"I have no choice. Since the defeat in Northern Xinjiang, the imperial court has not issued a new military order, nor has it paid the army's food and grass!"

"I haven't eaten for seven or eight days. In order not to starve to death, I can only rob the people!"

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