"That's from the Li family, old Liu, you have to use your skills to suppress the bottom of the box!"

Zhou Yi opened the food box, four cold and four hot eight dishes, all delicious in color, fragrance and taste.

There is also a hundred years old wine in the jug, so it must be because of the hard work of the jailer to find such fine wine in one night.

"Of course."

Chef Liu curled his lips: "I have used all the skills of the eighteen generations of my ancestors, just for fear of annoying the nobleman."

There are also many unspoken rules in the small kitchen of the sky prison, especially for No. 9 Prison, Chef Liu must customize meals according to the prisoner's family title, official position, and relatives.

It must not be generalized, if the state's family and the servant's family eat the same dishes, there will be troubles afterwards!

These dandies are extremely bored, so there are all kinds of competition left. I can eat four cold and four hot dishes in the sky prison, and drink century-old fine wine, so I have more face than your four hot dishes!

In the eyes of ordinary people, the reason why noble dandies compete for power and jealousy is that they are full and have too much time to spare, but the officials and officials in the prison have to follow suit.

The most powerful family in the Chongming Dynasty was the Long family, and now the treatment of Mr. Long has been transferred to the Li family.

Li Wudang quelled the internal troubles in the north and south of Fengyang Kingdom. After a year of recuperation, he commanded a million troops in the Northern Expedition to fight the Dayong Dynasty, vowing to regain the lost land of the three states.

The prosperity of power today is even greater than that of the Long family in the Chongming Dynasty!

Zhou Yi went to Prison No. 9 with the food box first, and met Captain Zhu who was in charge of the daytime guard.

Zhu Xiaowei repeatedly warned: "Old Zhou, you must be careful in serving you. That master is a murderer. If you go crazy, I dare not save you!"

Zhou Yi was surprised and said: "Master Captain, we will deliver food as soon as..."

"Do you know why that master went to heaven prison?"

Zhu Xiaowei reminded in a low voice: "The army plundered the commercial roads, and pretended to attack the bandits, and slaughtered several villages to pretend to be credited!"


Zhou Yi was silent for a long time, and asked, "Who would dare to expose such a horrible thing?"

Let the soldiers loot, kill the good and take the credit!

Which one is not the great crime of punishing the nine clans, the Li family's nine clans must include the general Li Wu. The man who was leading the Northern Expedition with millions of troops, if he mishandled this matter, it would be a drastic change in the overthrow of the universe!

Now that even Colonel Zhu knows about it, it's obvious that he can't hide it. It's tantamount to announcing the Li family's crimes to the world.

Zhou Yi didn't think the court, or Emperor Hongchang had the guts!

Zhu Xiaowei said: "Who else can be, it is Zhang Xiangye!"

After Emperor Hongchang came to the throne, he bloodbathed the remnants of the dragon, and all four cabinet ministers were implicated. Now the first assistant is his Qiandi teacher, Zhang Zhengyang.

"No wonder."

Zhou Yi has never met Zhang Zhengyang, but from the rumors in the market, he only thinks that he is a minister of the country.

It is rumored that after Zhang Zhengyang ascended to the first assistant, he wrote the letter for the first time, and he solved the dilemma of Fengyang at home and abroad.

Anne and then outside, first north and then south!

Emperor Hongchang exempted all taxes for five years, which was also a strategy proposed by Zhang Zhengyang, so as to win over the people under the rebel army and completely solve the problem of the rebel army's defeat and resurgence.

Zhang Zhengyang is the only person who can be compared with Li Wu in the position of chief assistant for seven years.

Prison No. 9.

Zhou Yi opened the cell door, took out the dishes from the food box, and placed them on the table.

"My lord, it's time to eat."


The prisoner sat cross-legged on the soft bed in the inner room, his eyes still closed, and he hummed softly from the tip of his nose.

Zhou Yi bowed and retreated. The feeling he gave him was not that he was pretending to be arrogant like an ordinary dude to show his superiority, but that he looked down on anyone from the bottom of his heart.

"Be confident!"


After a few days.

Zhou Yi came to the boy's room to pick up food, but found that Chef Liu was not there.

"What's the matter with this guy?"

There has been a lot of rumors about the criminal Li Xiong's crimes in the market. A few days ago, many people beat the imperial drum to express their grievances, claiming to be relatives and clansmen in those villages.

The court pretended to be deaf and dumb, as if it didn't hear.

In the end, it was the police of the Beijing Yamen who asked the complainants to go away one by one, and put them in the cell for the reason of gathering a crowd to make trouble.

As soon as this incident happened, the Beijing Yamen became a place for the people to vent their anger, and the gate was covered with all kinds of filth every day.

In the imperial history book, he played the governor of Shenjing Prefecture, listing the crimes of harsh treatment of the people, negligence of supervision, cover-up of criminals, etc., but half a word has nothing to do with the Li family.

Shenjing Fu Yin had no choice but to write a letter to plead guilty, and then went to prison.

In a short period of time, Shenjing can be described as changing, and the center of all storms is in No. 9 Prison.

Chef Liu lost his mind for some reason, so Zhou Yi hurriedly went to Captain Zhu and asked how to deliver the food today.

Captain Zhu said righteously with a face full of righteousness: "The same is the prisoner in the sky prison. He eats what others eat, so there is no need to treat them differently!"

Zhou Yi frowned slightly, and then suddenly said: "Is there any news from the north?"

"You bastard..."

Captain Zhu didn't hide it either, anyway, he couldn't hide it in a few days anyway: "At noon tomorrow, all members of the Li clan in Li Xiong's branch will be ransacked and executed. It is estimated that Jin Yiwei will send them here soon!"

Zhou Yi asked: "The general asked?"

"It's true that things grow old and people grow old! Old Zhou, you are so smart, why do you give away a lifetime of food?"

Zhu Xiaowei said in a low voice: "I heard from the prisoner that the general personally wrote a letter of blood, saying that the Li family should have been imprisoned by the nine clans. I beg Your Majesty to forgive me. I only punish Li Xiong for extrajudicial mercy!"

"The general is upright!"

"The general is wise!"

Zhou Yi and Zhu Xiaowei looked at each other, their eyes were full of horror, and they felt that there would be a hundred times the wind and waves in Beijing.

Prison No. 9.

Zhou Yi poured the porridge into a bowl, knocked the spoon on the fence, and shouted.

"time to eat!"

Li Xiong glanced at the swill, horror flashed in his eyes, and then he regained his composure: "It seems that my cousin, for his own fame, wants to send his uncle's family to die!"

The patriarchal ethics of this era emphasizes concealment between relatives, and Li Wu's approach was despised by the aristocratic family.

Zhou Yi was surprised and said, "You know everything?"

Li Xiong said coldly: "Looking at you scumbags, you can guess that the situation outside has changed."

"At noon tomorrow, the whole family will copy and chop."

Zhou Yi said: "Your parents, wives and concubines, and children all gave their lives because of your greed!"

Li Xiong was expressionless, and glanced at Zhou Yi, as if mocking and contemptuous.

"Do you have a son? How old is he? Is he cute? In the future, he may practice martial arts, join the army, or study liberal arts. If he marries a virtuous wife, you will have grandchildren. Or a daughter, who will marry Give……"

Zhouyi described it without rushing, a happy scene of family reunion and children and grandchildren around their knees.

Li Xiong's expression gradually changed, and when he heard the last sentence, "Your ten-year-old son, his head fell to the ground with a click, and he spurted several feet of blood", his eyes turned red with anger.

"...When you are in your teens, you probably don't understand anything. He will ask you why you beheaded, and will it hurt?"

Zhou Yi said with a smile: "I'll teach you a way to get your son drunk before the execution, so as not to encounter the executioner with blunt knives and ineffective cutting of the flesh, it will be a hundred times more painful!"


Li Xiong roared angrily: "What do you know? My cousin only wanted to make a name for himself in history, so people stared at his relatives, and he wasn't even allowed to do business!"

"I fought with him for several years, and the blood shed on the battlefield was several liters. When I returned to Shenjing, there was no money for banquets, making people laugh like a bumpkin!"

"You can't be greedy for military pay, and merchants can't do it, so you can only grab it!"

Li Xiong said coldly: "I was fighting desperately on the front line, and those bullshit nobles who sold arms to Dayong were also guilty of treason, why can't they snatch them?"

Zhou Yi asked suspiciously: "How to explain the killing of a good man?"

Li Xiong vented, the resentment in his heart dissipated a lot, and his expression returned to calm: "The crime of robbing merchants must be borne by someone. Those people are unlucky and I chose them!"

"If you lead your troops into the Xungui Mansion and kill the traitor who smuggled arms on the spot, maybe General Li will save your life. But you dare not, so you can only slaughter the common people!"

Zhou Yi shook his head and said, "There seems to be no difference between such a bully and fearful temperament, and my doggy generation who tramples on the high and tramples on the low?"

Li Xiong turned his head slowly, and finally took a straight look at Zhou Yi

"Sharp teeth!"

Zhou Yi shrugged and left with the bucket.

"When your family comes later, I will arrange for you to be in prison with your children. Cherish the last night!"


Fengtian Temple.

It was silent.

The emperor withdrew the servants on the left and right, leaving only Zhang Zhengyang, the chief assistant, in the palace.

"Teacher, this incident is too dangerous."

Emperor Hongchang came down from the hall, carrying two brocade piers himself, and sat on the same level as Zhang Zhengyang, looking at each other.

"Your Majesty, the minister is also helpless."

Zhang Zhengyang bowed and saluted, sat down and said: "Civilian officials have the heart of disobedience, even if they are like a dragon rebelling against the power, they can be destroyed overnight. Military officials are like Li Wu, who are brave enough to shake the master and surpass the world..."

He paused at this point, as if he was considering his words, and said after a while: "It is already possible to abolish the establishment!"

Emperor Hongchang frowned: "Teacher, Li Aiqing is on the king's side externally, and is strict with the clansman internally. How can the generation of Long Ni be compared with him?"

"This is what makes him so frightening. Li Wu is really greedy and tyrannical like a dragon, but the harsh clansman buys people's hearts. Obviously, there is a big conspiracy! This time Li Xiong committed a crime, and the veteran sent someone to make it public. Li Wu wrote the letter, and the imperial court had no choice but to spare Li Xiong's family."

Zhang Zhengyang said: "How could the old minister think that even Li Wu's own uncle and cousin could be ruthless, so ruthless and ruthless in killing decisive people, there is no loyalty at all?"

Emperor Hongchang wondered: "The crimes committed by Li Xiong are beyond the tolerance of the laws of heaven, why should the teacher explain this?"

"In this way, Li Wu's fame and golden body have been broken. He can command troops and horses, and he can also conquer the north and south, but he must not be famous all over the world!"

Zhang Zhengyang said: "The people will never allow a person who shields his relatives to slaughter the people to rule the world. In this way, His Majesty can rest easy."

Emperor Hongchang shook his head and said: "Teacher, there is a saying in the history books, the world is dominated by those with strong soldiers and strong horses. It is true that Li Aiqing has the intention of rebelling, and with his prestige in the army, I am not sure..."

"What the history books say is good, but you can't believe it."

Zhang Zhengyang said: "After the chaos of the previous emperor's dynasty, the people have only been stable for a few years, and they are absolutely unwilling to have turmoil. The hearts of hundreds of millions of people are like this, which can be described as a general trend, which cannot be overpowered by soldiers and horses!"

Emperor Hongchang was silent for a long time, but still shook his head slowly.

"Li Aiqing is loyal to the country. He followed the imperial edict and swept the north and the south. That's why I am what I am today!"

"Li Qing has not failed me, and I have not failed Qing either!"

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