I Am God!

Chapter 93 The Flower of Despair

Wes Howson was tied up on the Isle of the Dead where the great poet Tito once suffered. This place was full of the corpses of the Hiinsai hundreds of years ago, but after the death of Saint Tito, it became a city. ancient ruins.

There are stone piles standing on the edge of the island. The mess and stench of the past have been cleaned up. A square was dug in the center of the island, and the ground was paved with stone slabs.

On it stands the statue of the great poet and the first King of the Demon Abyss.

The great poet Tito was carrying a basket on his back, and he was back to back with the old man wearing a stone helmet.

The eyes of the two were firm and pious, one bowed his head in prayer, and the other looked up.

The rock wall in the background depicts the scene of the land bestowed by the gods, the endless sea of ​​sunflowers, and the pyramid temple.


Above the sky and stars, it symbolizes the god Insa and the Creator.

Even in the kingdom of the abyss, Tito is still regarded as a holy person.

His legendary experience is also known to the nobles and people of the Demon Abyss Kingdom, and his "Hymn of the King of Wisdom" is also sung in the Demon Abyss Kingdom.

Weiss Huo Sen's hands and feet were chained by stone shackles and bound to one of the stone piles. Without powerful strength and weapons, it would be difficult to open the stone shackles.

Just like what the female devil knight said.

Perhaps, only the will of the gods can save him.

The female demon knight stood in front of the weak Whis Hosen, looking at him with eyes full of hatred.

"Whis Horsen, Prince of the Volcano Kingdom."

"Our sins were forgiven by the great God Insai the moment the first King of Demon Abyss ascended to the kingdom of gods."

"Now, under the watchful eye of God and saints."

"Pay for your sin!"

The people of the Demon Abyss dived into the sea again, and only Weiss Huo Sen was left in this forbidden sea area.

Under the fierce sun.

Weiss Huo Sen felt the scorching heat of the bone armor, felt the water in his body being taken away little by little, and dizziness, hunger and thirst crawled into his heart.

He moved his fingers slightly.

He could feel that his powerful power was still there, and the power derived from wisdom, power and blood was still rolling in his body.

As long as he releases it, he can undo the shackles on himself.

But as soon as he uses the power of wisdom, the cup of the sun will draw his mythical blood, and then swallow him completely.

Hope and death, condensed into a ring at this moment.

It was a ring he couldn't escape no matter what.

This is the scariest thing.

The female demon knight did not drive him into a desperate situation, but exiled him into the desert and gave him a glass of water.

By drinking the water in the cup, he may walk out of the desert.

But the water in the cup is poisonous.

He finally felt what is the real despair, what is the real pain and suffering.

The most terrifying darkness is not falling into the abyss, but false hope.

In the midst of pain and torment, he trembled his fingers again and again, trying to break free from the shackles on his body.

His eyes revealed longing and anticipation.

But when he saw the bright cup of the sun on his shoulder, he stopped with a look of horror.

Going back and forth again and again, wandering between determination and hesitation again and again, finally drove him completely crazy.


"Damn it! Damn it!"

"You bitch, you vile monster, offspring of the sinners."

"And you, Henir, and all those who betrayed me and coveted my throne."

"I curse you, I curse you to die badly."

"I curse you..."

If Saint Tito still had faith and ideals to support him in despair, the heart of Prince Whispers has completely turned into darkness at this moment.

His heart was empty, and nothing could fill the void, nothing could stop his descent into madness.

He could only vent his inner fear and despair by roaring loudly and struggling like crazy.

He cursed Henir, and cursed those who betrayed him.

He cursed at the monsters.

Until he didn't even have the strength to curse and curse, and leaned on the stone pile dying.

The blazing light shone on his eyes, and in his eyes blurred, he saw a silver shadow coming across the sea in the distance.

"what is that!"

"Is it an illusion?"

The shadow is getting closer and clearer.

He saw with his own eyes that the sacred boat he was looking for came from afar from the sea and passed by the shore of the island right in front of him.


"It's a sacred boat."

He didn't think that the sacred boat passed here by accident, and what he saw at this moment completely verified his previous thoughts.

Weiss Hosen looked at it with blurred eyes, and whispered weakly.

"So, are you really following the journey of the great poet and returning?"

"Where do you want to go?"

"Do you want to return to the kingdom of the gods again?"

He saw the divine ship approaching from the horizon, reaching the edge of the island, only a stone's throw away from him.

Then, little by little, she started to move away from him.

"do not go!"

"Don't go!"

He cried out in despair and wept bitterly.

At this moment, he has lost the glory of His Royal Highness, and he has nothing to be proud of when he has fallen to the extreme.

He begged bitterly, and violently hit the stone pile with his head as if kowtowing, as if he wanted to attract the attention of the sacred boat.

His behavior and expression were more humble than the slaves he had seen before.

"Wait for me!"

"Wait for me!"

"Help me!"


He is not the great poet Tito.

He is not a saint who goes on a pilgrimage to the kingdom of the gods with a divine weapon, and no one will come to rescue him with the will of God.

The sacred boat that sailed away in the dreamy starlight did not stop at all.

He finally couldn't take it anymore.

Weiss Huo Sen burst out with wisdom and power, and his mental power broke through his mind and consciousness, creating a violent storm.

In the midst of the roar, mental power controlled a stone to fall from a height, smashing the stone shackles that bound his hands.

He untied the shackles on his hands, but he didn't have the strength to untie the shackles on his feet.

"Wait for me!"

"Wait for me!"

Dragging the stone yoke with his legs, he climbed towards the sacred boat that reflected the silver light under the sun, the boat leading to the kingdom of gods.

He wanted to board that sacred ship.

He had climbed to the edge of the island, and just a few meters further he could have climbed onto the sacred ship.

A silver boat full of hope.

Ecstasy welled up on his face, but at the same time he felt something.

look back.

He saw that the Sun Cup that was integrated with him had drained the mythical blood in his body, expanding to the limit.

The metamorphic sunflower cup opened its mouthparts,



His Royal Highness died, leaving only a corpse.

A beautiful flower bloomed among the corpses, and dense roots took root in Weiss Horsen's body, devouring all his flesh and blood.

Even the bones were crushed and swallowed into the flower cup.

It was the flower that had blossomed out of Whis Horsen's despair.

It has consciousness and awakened its own wisdom.


Spiritual power bloomed, and it also saw the sacred boat in the distance.

It didn't know what it was, and there was an urge to chase the sacred boat in its heart, and it had a strong desire to board that boat.

The Goblet of the Sun that devoured Whis Hosen seems to have inherited part of his memory, chasing the sacred boat on the sea under the sun.

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