I Am God!

Chapter 26 Believe in God! Nothing to do with God!

Ryder Leakey is dead.

Yin Shen looked at the ocean outside the hall, lost in memory.

It turned out that so many things happened.

turn out to be.

It's been so long.

"Insay... Sen!"

"Because... Sai...God!"

In a daze, he heard Ledlich's lame and funny tone again, chanting his name in front of the gate of the temple.

Outside the temple.

Those patricide and blasphemous sinners also heard the last words of Ledlich, declaring that all the three-leaf Jessals would be the wise kings of the second generation of Heinsay Kingdom.

When Jesser put on the crown of wisdom, all the Sanye people knew what happened in the temple.

The old king dies, and the new king is crowned.

The sinners outside the temple cried together instantly, and even collapsed outside the temple, making ugly appearances.

They weep for the passing of the King of Wisdom, and even more for their own impending unknown fate.

Yin Shen cast his gaze over, looked at the big and small three-leaf people surrounding the two sarcophagi and said indifferently.

"Very noisy."

"Shut up."

Saying a word, you can see a force acting directly on the bodies of these three leaf people, affecting their origin from the original blood of the three leaf people.

The crying stopped abruptly, and they could no longer make a sound.

They were even horrified to find that their bodies had also changed accordingly. The vocal organs completely disappeared, the hard shell began to soften, and two things like tentacles grew on their heads.

They are more like a bug, or a soft-shell shrimp, than a person.

They could only keep kowtowing towards the temple, praying for forgiveness from the gods.

When everything stopped, they seemed to have become a species different from ordinary trilobites, a species that was more suitable for living in the sea than on land.

They were punished by God and deprived of the right to speak.

In the future, they will no longer be able to set foot on land, and can only live in the deep sea.

Yin Shen looked at Laidlich, and said to Jesser, the second generation king of wisdom.

"Let's go!"

"leave here."

"Take everyone in the city bestowed by the gods and go to the mainland to establish your kingdom."

"Don't come back again."

That voice, like Ledlich's wise kingship, was directly imprinted in the minds of all Sanye people.

This voice even directly erased the memory of the location of the God-given city in the minds of all Sanye people, making everyone suddenly unable to remember the name of the God-given city. Once they leave here, they will never find it again way back.

With the passing of Ledlich, Yin Shen completely lost interest in the game of building the kingdom, and didn't want to pay attention anymore.

Jesser looked at the god in panic, not understanding what happened.

"The great Insai?"

"Why is this? Did we do something wrong?"

Yin Shen stepped down from the altar, looked at everything that Ledrici had created for himself, and his voice echoed in the hall.

Empty and indifferent, no longer the tolerance for Led Leakey.


"Everything I bestow on you is only because you are the descendants of Ledlich, not because of you."

The god paused: "He is my eldest son."

"You are not."

"This is the god-given land I gave to Laidlich. It's my paradise and his, not yours."

Jesser knelt forward and prostrated himself in front of God Yin.

He said in a hurried voice, and even exclaimed and begged God not to do this.


"You don't need us?"

"We are believers who sincerely believe in you, and we are the first life you created!"

Yin Shen let out a chuckle: "Without God, you can still survive."

"It's the same as usual, just don't bother me again."

"I don't need your offerings, let alone your beliefs."

at last.

The aloof god said words that Jesser would never forget in his life, echoing in his mind like a roaring bell.

"It's up to you to believe in me."

"not my business."

Jesser walked down the pyramid as if he lost his soul, and what his father said not long ago suddenly echoed in his ears.

"The road to becoming a king is not just about getting."

"It's more about loss."

The agreement between God and the King of Wisdom exists only between God and Ledlich, and it will end with the passing of Ledlich.

God's preference only exists in the first generation of Wisdom King Laid Liqi, and the eldest son of God is only him, not other Sanye people.

Jesser summoned all the people of the God-given city and announced his decision to leave with everyone.

"I am your new king."

"Jesel, the King of Wisdom in the Kingdom of Hiinsai, I have inherited the power and ideals of my father's King of Wisdom, and I am the heir to his will."

"We will go to land and build a new city bestowed by gods."

"We will follow the footsteps of the King of Wisdom and God, and create our own future on the other side of the sea, in that same great place of origin."

As soon as Jesser finished speaking, all the Sanye people below knelt on the ground one by one in despair, and thousands of people wept together.

They felt like the sky was falling.

They had just lost their king and been forsaken by God.

Jesser stepped off the high platform and walked into the crowd.

He pulled up one person after another, and said in the eyes of people trusting.

"God has not given up on us, we still have the land of origin, which is another wider place that God promised us."

"There is endless land, and there is a vast coast suitable for farming archaeopteryx."

"The wisdom kingship that God gave us, the ancestor fish that God gave us, and the writing and language that God gave us are still there."

"One day in the future, we will be forgiven by God and return to this promised land again."

"Now we go to the other side of the sea and create a brighter future."


Tens of thousands of Trilobites left their homes deep into the ocean, along with dense shoals of archaeopteryx controlled by intellectual powers.

They will first arrive at the city of Jessel, and then set off from the city under the sea.

Then go to the legendary place of origin, another place promised to them by the gods.

What no one noticed was.

There were also a small number of Sanye people who were exiled into the deep sea, they were the descendants of Ens and Boone.

These people are called the people abandoned by God. They can no longer speak, and they will not be able to use the words of God for eternity.

They grow tentacles on their heads and communicate by touching them.

In the deep sea, they bred another branch belonging to the Sanye people.


Hymn to the Wisdom Lord Ledlich: The Final Chapter

Because of the betrayal of his son and the death of his queen, the wise king of the first generation ended his glorious and glorious life in front of God.

He passed the throne to his best son Jesser, together with his oath and agreement with God.

But the gods were outraged by Laidlich's death, and disappointed by the crime of killing their father and brother by the Sanye people.

God took back his promised land, and all the Sanye people were driven out of the land given by God.

The gods erased the location and memory of the god-given land in their minds, so that they would never be able to return to that piece of god-given paradise.

Even if they reach beyond the land bestowed by the gods, they can only hover on the sea forever and cannot land on this island of gods.

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