I Am an Editor at Marvel

Chapter 345: Stealing chicken but losing rice

After the promotion plan was launched, the name Leona and the code name of Goddess of Dawn spread throughout the magic side in a short period of time. Like some celebrities who become popular inexplicably, many people are confused, but their fame is real. It got bigger.

Of course, this kind of explosion also aroused the disgust of many people, but this is also part of Merlin's plan. Reversal, reversal, the effect must be good enough when it is reversed.

In an underground black market in Albania, Peter was walking around with a cloak, and he wanted to choose a wand for himself that could at least be used.

Peter would not dare to go to a wand shop that is open to the public. Every wand there is registered, and if you are not a young wizard and have a guardian, you need proof of identity to purchase a wand.

Whoops, a gust of wind blew up Peter's cloak, allowing many people in the black market to see Peter's face.

After his appearance was revealed, Peter didn't panic at all. He just silently pulled his cloak and covered his face again.

Then continue to wander in front of various stalls.

To be honest, with his current appearance, Peter didn't even recognize him, and naturally he wasn't worried about being exposed. His current appearance was completely different from that of the person on the wanted poster.

It was a sad story, and Peter didn't know why. During this period of time, he had nightmares every day. In his dreams, he was sent to see God by Sirius and others in various ways.

After a rough estimate, Peter felt that he must have a thousand ways to die, the kind that he would not be able to use up even if he went to take pictures of Death.

Tortured by nightmares, Peter now sleeps no more than four hours a day. If his body had not been able to bear it without sleeping, Peter would have even wanted to become a sleepless person.

Moreover, after escaping from John Bull, whenever Peter was about to fall asleep, he would use various methods to anesthetize his nerves, from alcohol to sleeping pills, and even physical methods - directly knocking him out with a brick, but all of these had no effect. , these will only make Freddy more able to control Peter's dreams.

Want to escape the control of dreams when you are in a coma? Where did the daydream come from.

Under such circumstances, the nightmare caused unimaginable damage to Peter's mind, and this damage also fed back to his body.

The sunken eye sockets and dull pupils made it seem like there were two holes in Peter's eyes. The dry lips and skinny body also made Peter look completely different from a normal person.

Peter's poor mental state also caused many mental problems, such as moodiness, depression and even self-mutilation. This means that Peter's desire to survive has reached a certain level. Otherwise, let alone coming to Albania to find Voldemort, Peter might have chosen to commit suicide on the way. .

"How much?" Peter's hoarse voice came from under the cloak.

The owner of the street stall raised his head and glanced at Peter, not paying much attention to it. Any kind of ghost might appear in this place, "Fifteen gold galleons, or other equivalent currencies."

Peter's gaze lingered on the boss's face for a moment, but he didn't expect that this was a wizard from his own side, and the commonly used trading currency was Galleons.

In addition, the price of this wand is ridiculous enough.

Although Peter is not very good at making wands, to be precise, he has never made a wand by himself, but after using it for so many years, Peter still has some experience in distinguishing wands.

The wands in front of you can tell at a glance that they are the work of a novice, and they are the kind of novice with a dark heart. All materials are the cheapest. The worst training wands used in Hogwarts are of higher quality than this one. Much better.

A wand like this that would be ridiculed when taken out sells for fifteen gold galleons. You must know that the average price of wands negotiated by Ollivander's Wand is only seven gold galleons.

But that price is subsidized by the Ministry of Magic.

In addition, in fact, it is expensive and poor, which may be the characteristics of the Albanian black market. If Peter had no choice, he really would not want to buy such low-quality products.

The little money Peter has in his arms now was all that he had worked so hard to grab along the way. In just one moment, more than half of it was gone.

Peter knelt down and looked at the wand with his eyes, wondering how he could lower the price.

In the black market, wand trading is not allowed casually. It will be seen as preparing for an attack, and there is no place to complain if you are beaten to death.

"Hey, I remember you are from John Bull's side, right? Your side is crazily promoting Leona, the goddess of the dawn, and puts her on the same level as Dumbledore. Do you know this person?"

While Peter was thinking about it, the stall owner next to him turned to the person in front of Peter and asked.

Leona! Peter was immediately attracted to it. He had heard this name from Ron, and he seemed to be the guy who wiped out the dementors.

"The sensational villain is still compared with Principal Dumbledore. Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic are really getting worse every year."

The stall owner seemed to have been a student at Hogwarts, and seemed to be a fan of Dumbledore. He was full of opinions about the newly introduced Leona at Hogwarts.

"If you ask me, this is a liar just like Lockhart, just trying to gain fame."

The stall owner continued to attack Leona from a distance. When he was excited, his words were full of words that needed to be silenced, which could not be broadcast at all.

Seeing that this was a good time, Peter stretched out his hand towards the wand, preparing to go straight to whoring for free.

"What do you want to do!"

After Peter stretched his hand forward a little, the stall owner immediately came back to his senses and stared directly at Peter. His right hand also dropped a little, and he tightened his grip on the wand inserted there.

"I'm just going to buy this wand." Peter responded. He didn't want to cause any conflict. His current mental state was completely unfit for fighting.

"Really?" The stall owner sneered, and then said, "Twenty gold galleons, pay the bill."

Peter took a deep look at the stall owner. Now he was losing money. Peter didn't dare to refuse the stall owner's temporary increase in price. He could feel the deep malice in the people around him. If he gave them a The reason is that I am afraid that I will die without a burial place.

After taking out twenty gold galleons from his wallet, Peter quickly left the black market with an inferior wand.

Many stall owners sighed with regret. Judging from the fullness of their wallets, the twenty gold galleons had basically emptied the guy's wallet. Even if the remaining money in it was all gold galleons, there would be nothing left. How much.

For that little money, it's not worth it to take risks and fight.

After making a huge mistake, the stall owner packed up his things without hesitation and prepared to leave. His face was disguised and it only took a little time to completely change his appearance. This is why he was not afraid of Peter's grudge. .

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Friendly Recommendation: The Ninth Curtain

On the day when Shen Mo turned twenty, a wisp of dark blue lightning pierced the night sky.

It was as if the inexplicable shackles between heaven and earth were broken.

Ancient ruins emerge everywhere, accompanied by the resurrection of beautiful myths.

The space collapsed, connecting to a world shrouded in the sky.

Reality and illusion overlap,

Chaos and order reciprocate,

The ancient history buried in the years emerges one by one,

The mystery of the lost past is revealed.

The immortal glory of the human race once again fills every corner.

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