Mid-autumn, the first day of August.

The first rain of three years came extremely late.

The sun hangs high in the sky, and the leaves of the raindrops crackle.

Knowing that this sun rain would not last long, Cang Xue, who was dizzy and swollen, gritted his silver teeth and got up.

Struggling to move a few clay pots in a wooden cart to an open area in the forest.

Sure enough, less than two quarters of an hour later, the rain stopped.

Cang Xue gathered six clay pots into one and only got a small half jar of rainwater.

Carrying the clay pot back to the wooden cart, Cang Xue took out a dry towel cloth from the theater box and wiped the rainwater off the little fart child.

“Xiaoyu, where is the mother?”

asked Cang Xue softly as she leaned over the little fart child’s ear.

The little fart boy snorted and dreamed: “The sugar gourd is so delicious, here are three more skewers, one string for the father and sister.” ”

After the rain, the mountains and forests were particularly hot, and the snow took off the wet clothes for the little fart and changed into dry clothes.

Light a campfire and disinfect the rainwater.

When the boiling water cools, drink half a cup by yourself, feed the little fart another cup, and finally fill the teapot and wait for the righteous mother to come back and drink.


When the sun was thinning, the sleeping snow looked around blankly, and there was still no trace of the righteous mother.

The uneasiness became stronger, and the girl could no longer sit still, picked up the mandarin duck sword and walked towards the depths of the mountain forest.

“No, definitely not

!” “My mother may abandon me, but she will never abandon Xiaoyu!” The

forest was exceptionally quiet, and the slightest bird chirping could not be heard, and Cang Xue gripped the mandarin duck sword, stepping on the dead leaves, and walked cautiously with a vigilant expression.

In the sweltering environment, the girl frowned suddenly.

“What smell, so smelly?” followed

the stench and walked forward for about ten zhang.

The girl’s two lacquer pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

What comes into view is a sea of flies like a black cloud.

Rats, crows, and countless maggots wriggling among the rotting flesh and blood.

“Ahhh!!” a

harsh scream resounded throughout the mountains.


Nearing one’s end.

The girl carried the woman’s body on her back and walked straight into the mountains.

Behind the big one and the small one, the black clouds of the sea of flies pulled into a river.

Between walking, from time to time, minced meat maggots fall.

The girl looked up.

I saw that not far away, under the cliff with a drop of tens of meters, there was a black cave mouth.

Two hours later.

Inside the cave.

The girl barely dug a shallow pit with a mandarin duck sword.

Drag the hideous and horrific carrion of the righteous mother into the burial pit.

The girl, despite the bloody hands that had been slashed by the blade of the sword, raised a handful of soil and sprinkled it on the woman.

Handful after handful, even if reluctant, the shallow pit finally became a slightly raised grave bag.

“Mother, wait, my daughter will definitely come back, and she will bury you in the same cave and coffin with your father.”

“Mom, you’re gone, what can my daughter do?”

“I’m only seven years old, and I need to be guarded too.” ”

The woman walked so suddenly that she didn’t even leave a last word.

The girl was at a loss, like a lost lamb.

“Mom, don’t worry, I will definitely guard Xiaoyu.”

“No one can take me away from Xiaoyu unless I die.” ”

The two mandarin duck swords of the righteous mother, the girl left one and took one away.


The sky is slightly bright.

The girl abandoned the wooden cart and took only the little boy, two play boxes, and two clay pots.


Mid-autumn, the third day of August.

On the ancient road, the girl carries a little fart on her back, and two drama boxes are hanging on her left hand and two arms.

Every step was tough.

At the end of the day, Cang Xue raised her head slightly and squinted.

A rough and red little face, beads of sweat dripping down his chin.

The yellow hair stuck to the forehead and between the sideburns, and the lips were chapped and blood burst out.

“That was… A village~”

A quarter of an hour later, the girl stood in front of a bluestone that was equal to the height of a person.

There are three large characters engraved on the bluestone, but unfortunately, girls who have never attended school do not recognize them.

Withdraw your gaze and turn to the village.

There are about twenty families scattered in the col, far less than Changliu Village.

The earthen wall collapsed and the courtyard gate was concealed. If you don’t hear the dog barking, it is difficult to find people.

“Is it also the whole village who fled collectively~”

Cang Xue found a small courtyard that was still intact, walked into the house, and put the little fart on the wooden bed.

From noon to sunset, they searched every household, almost the last grain of corn in every rice jar.

The girl barely gathered a small half bowl.

Early the next morning, after drinking the corn porridge, the little fart who had been sleeping for a long time finally woke up.

“Sister, why don’t you see your mother?” the

little fart child said, and Cang Xue was speechless.

After pondering for a while, the girl said softly: “My mother mentioned going to Dragon City, saying that she was exploring the way for the two of us.” ”


the little fart boy blinked at Cangxue with big eyes of Shui Lingling.

The girl nodded, “When did my sister lie to you.”

“Mothers are adults, and adults should not leave children behind.”

The little fart boy said with a serious face: “When I get to Dragon City, sister, I must spank my mother’s ass.” ”


After resting for two days and making sure that the little fart could run and jump, the siblings continued on the road on the sixth day of August.

At noon and afternoon, the scorching sun is fierce, hiding in the shade of the trees to escape the heat.

After nightfall, take advantage of the moonlight and find a place to sleep until you are exhausted.

On the eighth day of August, the sun rises.

On the ancient road, the bouncing little fart stopped and looked back at Cangxue, who was carrying a play box and holding another one.

“Sister, the drama box is so heavy, why don’t you throw it away?” Cang

Xue licked her lips.

The more you lick the more cracks, the more cracks you want, the more you want to lick.

Severe dehydration in the body.

“Xiaoyu, the theater box can contain your Yu Ji costume, as well as your sister’s overlord costume.

“This is the last time my father and mother came back from the cave, he specially bought it for us, and I can’t throw it away.”

The little fart boy tilted his little head and pondered for a while, “Sister, let me carry one.” ”


The ninth day of August.

As soon as the sky turned slightly white, the siblings hit the road.

The drama box is too big, and the little fart is too small.

The heels are constantly bumping and bumping between walking, which looks really funny.

“Sister, your face is exactly the same as your father in the coffin last year. Sweating

profusely and with a pale face like paper, Cang Xue smiled at the little fart child, “Sister is fine.”

Fainting, his shoulders suddenly loosened.

Cang Xue was stunned at first, and then smiled gently.

Behind the girl, the little fart clenched her teeth, and a pair of small hands tried to hold up her sister’s drama box.


On August 11, the jade disk hangs high, and the moon is as bright as snow.

In the forest, the weak and sleepy snow is drowsy.

The bored little fart looked up at the starry sky.

“These two can’t, they’re too far away from each other.

“These two can, close together, it must be daddy and mother.”

The little fart child said childishly: “Mother, it’s been a few days, why don’t you give me a dream.”

“Daddy has given me a number of them.”

“Mother, have you seen Daddy, and Wang Cai and Laifu, and our old scalper, are they all okay?”

“Mother, you ask Wang Cai and Laifu, have I received the paper money and gold ingots I burned for them?”

“Mom, I miss my father so much, as well as Wang Cai and Laifu, and the old scalper.”

“Mom, I miss you the most.” Behind

the little boy, the girl lying among the dead leaves of the forest burst into tears.


On August 13, the little fart child fell ill.

Sick as a dog.

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