I Am A Priest In The Otherworld

Chapter 164: .This cannot be measured by money

Two days after Ince left, Gallo received another letter from the Dragon Race, sent in that kind of strong pigeon.

The letter highly praised the craftsmanship of the old bishop, and the delicious mixed meat made them very satisfied.

But unfortunately, the weight is too small, and it is not very enjoyable.

At the same time, they are also surprised that the things made by the old bishop are so in line with the appetite of the dragons?

Lilian Luo sat in Gallo's arms, finished reading the letter, and said unhappily:

"Ince came here, but he didn't even look at me... alas, you lighten it, it hurts..."

Gallo quickly pulled back the hand holding her tiny feet...

As soon as the materials on the dragon side were in place, Gallo asked Messeran to find Bishop Yeck, and passed the materials to him for processing. They must be processed before they can be applied to the enchantment.

Bishop Jeck has also contacted several alchemy workshops a long time ago. Once the materials are delivered, they can be started immediately to refine the materials into various embryos that are more convenient to release energy.

After that, these embryos will be brought to the Muslim sect, and the priest will bless the magic and infuse the power of faith, and then you will be able to obtain the sacred materials to build the wall of sighs.

Of course, there are many steps in the process, which is quite troublesome, but Gallo doesn't need to participate in the refining, just smelt copper at home.

And on the day of receiving the Dragon Clan's reply, the owl of the Witch Sect also returned to the church, with a pocket tied to each of its two paws, looking very heavy.

After removing the pocket on the left paw, it was unexpectedly light, but the right paw was a bit heavy.

However, the magical effect blessed by the Owl is still there, and this load basically has no pressure on it.

He is even very energetic and wants to play with the little milk cats.

However, Gallo stopped him, and invited the old bishop to heal him in advance, and then relieved the magic.

The owl suddenly twitched, fell down with a snap, and fell asleep deeply.

If it hadn't used the healing magic in advance, it might suddenly die at the moment the magic was released...

"Thank you..."

Youlan caught it with a distressed expression on the side, stroked its feathers lightly, and untied the pocket on her paw.

The left pocket is filled with various air-dried petals and fruits, almost weightless, no wonder it is so light.

These plant materials have undergone certain processing and can be sent directly to the church, which saves a lot of work and time.

In the right pocket, there are two letters and a swollen money bag.

A letter was addressed to the old bishop. It said that these materials were given to the old bishop free of charge, as a return for his sheltering Youlan. At the same time, he also hoped that he could take in Youlan for a while until the situation improved.

The 500 gold coins in that heavy purse are counted as Youlan’s accommodation and food expenses...

I have to say that although the Witch Sect is in a bad situation and embarrassed now, there is no shortage of money. The sum of 500 gold is enough to rent a small villa for a year...

In fact, most of the sects in the world that have been operating for long enough may lack people, lack of combat power, lack of magical skills, lack of artifacts, lack of holy beasts, lack of small milk cats, but they will not lack money.

After all, religion is a very profitable business.

This is in stark contrast to a certain sect...

After laughing at the heavy pocketbook, Gallo called for Bishop Jeck and gave him this part of the material.

"The materials are all available, and I have already given you the design drawings. So far, our work is complete."

"I will leave the rest to you. If you have any questions, you can come to me."

As Gallo said, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and finally completed this important event.

And if everything goes well, the wall of sighs should be repaired before the winter memorial in mid-December.

As long as Bishop Jeck can successfully complete the subsequent layout work...

And if no one interferes...

Bishop Jeck carefully held the pocket in his hand, which was obviously very light, but it made him feel the heavy weight.

And Gallo's understatement made him even more dazed and at a loss.

This is the material that the sect of my own family has tossed hard outside for a long time without getting it...

Although it was because someone secretly obstructed it that the process of collecting materials seemed so difficult, the fact that the Miya sect was able to collect these materials in such a short period of time under the same circumstances made people think deeply.

Where did they get the materials?

How did it circumvent the blockade of the royal family and the natural sect? These resistances caused the Archbishop Atanis to be overwhelmed...

What kind of terrible energy is behind this Miya sect?

Is this the background of the ancient sect that Master Artanis calls? Is this the strength of the sect with saints?

Horrible! Horrible!

Fortunately, they are our allies...

Because Messeran didn't reveal the Dragon Race and the Witch with him, Bishop Jeck could only guess his brains, and for a time imagined the Miya sect to be extremely powerful and unfathomable.

In his opinion, the Miya sect is definitely more than just a church on the surface, it is as simple as two clergy.

This is probably just the tip of the iceberg above the water, and under the fog, there is a huge monster hidden...

But just a Gallo is already breathtaking. It's hard to imagine how much horror is hidden behind this sect.

He couldn't help but think of the reaction of the other party when he took Gallo's revised design to the experts of various formations specially recruited by the sect for evaluation.

They wondered if Shenguang Cult had invited Invoker Carl to modify the design...

Because the concepts and ideas in it are beyond their so-called experts too much, making them a little bit unable to understand...

Undoubtedly, this can only be a modification that can only be made by understanding the barrier and mastering an unthinkable realm.

They even guess that the modifier has mastered the essence of the barrier...

At that time, Bishop Jeck, who heard these words, kept sucking cold air beside him, making the temperature warmer.

He had only followed Atanis' orders and followed the advice of the old bishop. Since the old bishop asked Gallo to take charge of this matter, he naturally did not object.

Although he had confidence in Gallo and knew that he was a genius, he never expected to be such a genius...

Is Gallo really human?

When Bishop Jeck thought of this, he couldn't help but carefully looked at Gallo in front of him.

No matter how you look at it, he is still a human, a handsome guy, gentle and kind.

He couldn't feel the substantive coercion of the existence of a high personality...

He was about to continue his thoughts, but suddenly remembered Atanis' orders:

Don’t think about things you don’t understand, don’t ask more...

So he shook his head repeatedly, threw out the strange thoughts in his mind, and said with a serious face:

"The help your teacher has given us can no longer be measured by money..."

"As for the cost of this material, please let me go back and think about it. There will be a good report!"

With that, he turned his head and looked at Misseran next to Gallo.

In fact, as long as she was present before, this baby niece stood by her side cleverly, but unconsciously, she had begun to stand by Gallo habitually.

This is a change that made him feel quite gratified. Maybe the trivial matter that the archbishop asked before he left can also be successfully completed?

So he asked again:

"Gallow, what do you think of Misseran?"

Misseran on the side was slightly startled, looking a little nervous, her hands tightly grasping the hem of the teaching gown.

"She's very nice, she's beautiful and cute..."

Gallo answered truthfully.

He hasn't finished saying this, he still smells very good on his body, his hands are very soft, and it feels good when he is pinched.

I'm just not embarrassed to say it...

But Messelan was relieved when he heard this evaluation, but felt a little regretful.

She also hopes to hear more intimate comments...

Obviously these days, I feel that the relationship between the two has become closer, eating together, studying together, chatting together, and rubbing the little cat together every day.

Just a little harder, you should be able to invite Gallo to go shopping, go to the park, and hold hands.

The Wall of Sighs mattered a lot, and Gallo was very busy. She was really embarrassed to speak at this critical time.

But when Gallo is finished, it's her turn to be busy. She has to go back and help organize the manpower to carry out the specific repair projects. There is no excuse to stay by Gallo's side...

If she did before, she wouldn't worry about this kind of thing, because Gallo didn't know how to run, and would occasionally see herself so that she could replenish energy after being busy.

But now there is an extra orchid...

The strange female intuition made her feel uneasy about Youlan. Although she had seen it these days, she hardly talked to Gallo or had any contact, just stuffed herself in the room.

But probably because she is really beautiful and has a very good figure, plus the witch's style, she is still not at ease...

Should I think of a way to dress better?

Misseran was thinking wildly while being taken away by Bishop Jeck.

The construction of the Wall of Sighs must be carried out as soon as possible without any delay.

But when everything went well on Gallo's side, Youlan was not so happy.

She was a little uncomfortable being bored...

What's more uncomfortable is that she didn't bring a change of clothes because of the sudden incident...

Although I take a shower every day, and the old bishop asks the old bishop to use purification techniques to help, it is physically clean, but psychologically it is uncomfortable.

So after she couldn't help it, she applied to the old bishop whether she could go back to the nearest commercial street and buy two sets of clothes, and then inquire about outside news.

The old bishop understood her, so he asked Gallo if he could go with her.

Of course Gallo justly refused.

But let Lilian Luo and Amia go with her, that is the day Ince delivered the egg.


It should be gone at night.

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