I Am a Normal Player!

Chapter 101 Letters from the capital bring the fruits of victory

"A little saturated?" Gu Shanhai found some problems after completing the constant level 2 divination spells.

It seems that my own vitality can't support the spiritual plants, especially now that they are all level 2 spiritual plants.

In fact, it is easy to solve, the D-level spiritual root ability is enough.

"The feeding ratio of mana and vitality has reached nine to one, isn't it enough?"

Feeding Lingzhi Gu Shanhai is nine percent mana mixed with one life force. Of course, it is impossible to feed only mana. Lingzhi also has a lifespan limit. This vitality is for Lingzhi to maintain its peak and continue its life.

After cultivating the rowan tree into a witchcraft tree spiritual plant, he has a total of nine level 2 spiritual plants. If there is one more or a higher level, the vitality of each feeding will affect his own balance.

The premise for him to use vitality as nourishment is that it cannot affect himself, vitality is his trump card to save his life, so naturally it is impossible to easily move the quota.

In addition to the spiritual root ability, there are naturally other ways to improve vitality, the simplest is to strengthen the physical body.

"But Artorius should have succeeded."

It's a pity that the distance is too far, so that the tracking allies cannot perceive their distance and location, otherwise they can be located directly.

"Now, the third-level prophecy spells can only be shelved for the time being, and I thought I could play them all at once." Gu Shanhai looked a little regretful.

If he does not have enough vitality to support the daily needs of level 3 Lingzhi, then he will not have enough aura and mana to support the stability of the third-level prophecy spells. Forcing the constant will only affect himself. become a drag.


Outside the window, a falcon landed.

"There is your letter." Ying Falcon shouted at Gu Shanhai.

"Believe it or not, let's wait for a while, I just want to ask if the hawk seems to be cooing." Gu Shanhai suspected that this thing was disguised by something.

Ying Falcon retorted: "Hey, why are you bothering with these things, hurry up and accept it, even if I bark, it's none of your business."

"." Gu Shanhai felt that this thing really deserved a beating. It looked very handsome from the side, but with that low tone on the front, it made people want to know whose animal partner this falcon was.

This falcon has a constant 1-level language comprehension and 3-level eloquence, which makes it able to speak.

Gu Shanhai also took down the letter hanging from the other party's neck. The person who wrote the letter was Mafas, and it seemed that the good news came.

After he took the letter, the falcon also spread its wings and left, apparently displeased with Gu Shanhai complaining about him cooing, so he didn't even say hello when he left.

Gu Shanhai didn't think too much about it, but opened the envelope and began to check.

The general idea is that they succeeded in enthroning Artorius as king, and Grand Duke Snow Donia also bowed his head. A large number of nobles' rights were recovered and liquidated. However, the resistance from the church was very fierce. Tit for tat.

Fortunately, they had the help of Artorius. Artorius was enthroned in the name of Druid King, and he did not take an oath to the Lord to become king. Instead, he became king in the name of himself as the son of the world. to stabilize yourself.

It's just that the church's power is too strong, so they can't completely suppress it for a while, they can only fight in the ring.

Of course, Artorius also thought about killing the church in order to cut off the process of the divine right. Unfortunately, the church is too powerful, and it is closely integrated with the nobles, so it has enough power among the common people. Therefore, it can only focus on suppression.

"A lot of things have happened these days, but have I completed this task?" Gu Shanhai checked and found that it was indeed completed. Because he hadn't paid attention to it, he didn't know it was completed. He is not an official player, so it is natural to complete the task There is no reminder.

And this letter, on the one hand, is to give Gu Shan posters safety, and on the other hand, it is to inform Gu Shanhai to come to the capital to pick up his share of the fruits of victory, which is the scholar that Artorius promised him before, but Not just scholars, but royal consultant scholars, similar to staff officers and the like.

It means that Gu Shanhai is the core team member of Artorius.

"Why don't you go to the capital?" Gu Shanhai thought about it for a while, and it seems that it is not impossible. There are many druid schools and various wizards in the capital, so you can go to communicate with them, maybe there are some. Little harvest yet.

There are definitely disadvantages. As a royal consultant scholar, he is a political figure and needs to face the political and management issues of nobles, priests, and even druids of other schools.

For Gu Shanhai, this is a place where knowledge is blind.

But there are even more benefits, whether it is resources or status, they are all at your fingertips.

"Then let's go. I've reached the victory stage. If I don't dare to go there, it's a waste of my life." Gu Shanhai is not stupid, and finally chose to accept the fruits of victory without hesitation.

"Before you go, you can do a fortune-telling."

Focusing on being cautious, Gu Shanhai performed a brief divination without hesitation.

"Good luck, good omen!"

As soon as the hexagram came out, Gu Shanhai smiled, but he calmed down quickly.

"Calm down, this thing also has a chance to calculate the problem, so don't get too carried away."

Although the corners of his mouth almost reached the ears, he was not too arrogant.

"Speaking of which, going out this time is just to see if I can find a complete magic pet skill."

Soon, Gu Shanhai thought of another strengthening project in the newly created folder.

It doesn't matter if you can't find a clue, just predict and divination.

Then, a continuous GIF image appeared in his mind.

"Sure enough, it's easier to use prophecy divination now, but divination for the future is prone to lag and bugs."

I saw an old man with a hooked nose and a ferocious face performing a ritual on a dismembered magical creature in a basement.

This is what Gu Shanhai predicted the other party is doing now, which belongs to the present.

The rest of the pictures are blurry, with burning and destroyed villages, a large number of wild beasts attacking a certain city, and crazy magical animals eating knights.

"I don't know if it's accurate, but I can be sure that these should be caused by the wizard using magic pet skills."

He has already found the location through divination. It is in the north of the Kingdom of Camelot. It is not the same way as he goes to the capital, so he needs to detour for several days.

"At present, what I can confirm is that the opponent has the ability to control a large number of wild beasts and the ability to use a large number of magical animals as magic pets."

"Besides, the flame seems to be the breath of a dragon. Does the other party have a red dragon in his hand or something related?"

"These are not the key points. The real point is which abilities of these familiars are shared by the other party."

Gu Shanhai's expression is also quite dignified. The mighty power of the group achieves the great power of the individual. The strongest is not these magic pets, but the wizard who shares the power of the magic pet.

"It really doesn't look like it's easy to kill."

Not all wizards are as high-profile as Merlyn Ambrosius, and more are hiding in the forest or deep in the swamp.

Therefore, there are many mismatches between fame and strength hidden, and it is not that the greater the fame, the stronger the strength. The legend only represents the experience and fame of the other party, not the strength.

"It seems that you were noticed?" Gu Shanhai looked at these pictures seriously, and the next few pictures were immediately distorted. It was obvious that the other party countered Gu Shanhai's divination.

Wizards are good at curses and poisons, and it's not that they can't do other things, it is predicted that they will naturally.

"Gah~ so the other party won't run away???"

Gu Shanhai's first thought was naturally that he was worried that the other party had left. If he really wanted to stay somewhere and wait for Gu Shanhai, he was not afraid.

Subconsciously wanted to do the divination again, but gave up again. If you do the divination again, you will definitely not get any useful information, and on the contrary, you may be misled.

His divination ability is not invincible, it is impossible to say that it is 100% accurate, even with the assistance of Yuansuocao and Xuanweimen's Tianji magic, it can only have an accuracy of about 70% to 80%.

"In this case, let's start the journey first." Gu Shanhai planned to go and have a look first, and then, it would not be too late to follow up slowly.

There is no rush to go to the capital, just send a letter to explain it when the time comes.

"I remember that another big event will happen soon." Gu Shanhai recalled, he remembered that after Artorius ascended the throne and cleaned up the internal reasons of the kingdom, he would start the campaign.

If he becomes the King of Knights, he has the sword in the stone and gold to help him, which can be called my destiny, but now he doesn't have it.

So there may be a lot of twists and turns.

"If you have time, give him the sword in the lake, Broken Steel, and you will be safe."

The truly precious part of the Sword in the Lake·Broken Steel is not the sword itself, but the scabbard. As long as you hold the scabbard, you will not be injured.

The Sword in the Stone·Gold represents the identity of the king, while the Sword in the Lake·Broken Steel is worn after becoming a king.

In the previous life, Artorius further sought the sword of the Sword in the Lake Broken Steel after the sword in the stone and gold broke. As for why it broke, it was also very simple, because he did not abide by the virtues of knights in duels It leads to breakage, and it's a bit grassy when you think about it.

And his death was also because the scabbard of the sword in the lake, Broken Steel, was not on his body. There was a sense of fate for the sword, which seemed rather ridiculous.

The sword in the lake, Broken Steel, Gu Shanhai would only disclose it to Artorius under the guise of the prophecy, and whether he would take it or how to take it had nothing to do with Gu Shanhai.

After packing and packing the luggage, Gu Shanhai told the Waterseeker and the Banshee to keep an eye on the Hart Field, and then he took Xiaobai and left.

When he left, he conveniently blocked and hid the enchantment secret realm of Hartland. If he wanted to get in, he had to have a special way. What to do if there are thieves and thieves in this Hart Field, it's the same as locking the door when you go out.

"Yo~" Xiaobai was a little excited, he was very happy at home, and it would be even better if he could go out to play.

"Well, go out to play, go out to play." Gu Shanhai said perfunctorily.

He carried Xiaobai, and found that Xiaobai seemed to have gained a lot of weight recently, and he was thinking about the time in his heart, in about five months, he would be able to change from a young deer to a fawn.

If you just want to be a mount, it will take a while.

Recently, due to a good diet and early education and training, Xiaobai's physique has also become much stronger. If this continues, he will really not be able to carry it casually in the future. As his physique improves, it will be inconvenient to carry it.

"It's really troublesome without transportation. I just try the traveler's mount in the 1st level druid magic and see what can be summoned." After Gu Shanhai thought for a while, he didn't bother to leave.

Therefore, he could only try to summon a transportation mount, and then he fell silent.

"Co-authoring requires me to find a mount first to take effect, not for me to summon it"

The function is to make the arduous journey easier for the subject creature through encouraging words, but at the cost of its combat prowess.

"This thing is used to appease animals, charm animals, control animals, etc. You are kidding me." Gu Shanhai's face collapsed: "No wonder it only has 1 ring, I thought it was summoned for me. .”

In the end, he could only leave the forest on foot. He wanted to find one, but the big ones were hard to find, and the small ones couldn't carry him.

I could only buy a horse in a small town nearby.

This town was exactly the town where Kolia was when Gu Shanhai left. Because of the death of this big businessman, the business environment dropped a lot, and even the original order seemed a little chaotic.

Apparently it was due to the decrease in income and the recent change of high-level management. It can be seen from the prices that Gu Shanhai also bought horses here last time, but this time he bought horses, and the current price of horses of similar quality is unexpectedly Turned about three times.

Not only horses, but other things such as grain, salt and iron are also doubled to varying degrees.

‘The impact is still huge. ’ Gu Shanhai sighed in his heart, but he has no way to solve these matters, he will not interfere with these things if he is not in his position, he will just take care of himself.

This time, it was a lot more stable, and no one had an accident because of Xiao Bai, probably because everyone was a little bit overwhelmed.

Moreover, Gu Shanhai also saw people who bought horses or cattle like him and were about to leave the town, and they didn't know where they were going to seek a living.

"Xiaobai, no matter how old you are, you can only live in the pet's pocket, and don't move around, you are no longer a three-month-old deer." Gu Shanhai looked at Xiaobai who was still excited, feeling a little helpless Open your mouth and say.

Even though it has been here once, the freshness seems to have not passed, and Xiaobai still looks around curiously.

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