Hunter X Hunter: PokéMon Master, The Strongest In The World

Chapter 67: Is One Person Qualified? (22, Please Subscribe)

Just smelling this smell without letting yourself taste it is simply a form of torture for yourself, more uncomfortable than killing yourself.

So Buhara came to Lin Ke, searching for words to praise Lin Ke, hoping that he could give him a taste.

"Okay, Buhara, stop, you must be involved in this."

Lin Ke divided the roasted whole pig into plates, smiled and said, "I am still thinking hard about what words of praise I can say."

Not to mention anything else, even the smack in the corner of his mouth revealed his intention to eat.

"Hahaha, thank you so much Lin Ke." Buhara touched his round belly and thanked a little embarrassedly.

At this time, the candidates who discovered the weakness of the wild boar also returned to the venue carrying their trophies.

As soon as they returned to the venue, an extremely strong fragrance penetrated their noses.

Looking in the direction of the aroma, it was the roasted whole pig in Lin Ke’s hand!

The wrestler Tuomen who was still complaining just now couldn't help but swallowed wildly, and his eyes unconsciously glanced towards Lin Ke.

It seems that even if you can’t eat, you still want to satisfy your eyes.

The most outrageous thing is that almost everyone acted in unison with him, and the scene was extremely weird for a time.

Lin Ke and the three were ready to enjoy the food. Others ignored their own dishes and turned their attention to Lin Ke.

It's like being hit by Emitter Nen and being controlled by someone.

Lin Ke and others paid no attention to it, but concentrated on enjoying the hard-won food.

The horn-nosed wild boar brought back by Gardevoir is considered to be the largest among its kind.

Although even if you give out a portion to satisfy Buhara, it will still satisfy Menqi and Lin Ke.

Holding the large plate 517 specially made by Menqi in his hands, Buhara, who was so hungry and thirsty, could no longer control his appetite.

The wisps of meaty fragrance were like playful elves, teasing him back and forth on the tip of his nose.

Buhara suddenly lifted the plate, opened his mouth far larger than an ordinary person, let every inch of meat on the plate fall into his mouth, and began to chew wildly.

Just a few breaths after he fell, Buhara's narrow eyes, which were originally covered by fat, suddenly widened in disbelief.

My body started to tremble constantly, not out of fear, but because - it was so delicious!

Under the golden and crispy skin is extremely tender pork. When you bite it gently, the hot and fragrant gravy will burst into your mouth.

Especially with the addition of Kira red volcanic salt, this pork tastes much more fragrant.

Every bite is like being in a hot spring with the characteristics of Kira Volcano. Waves of warm currents will flow through your body, making you extremely comfortable!

Kira Red Volcanic Salt has a unique flavor and is especially suitable for mixing with pork or various barbecued meats.

It can be said that it has successfully raised the deliciousness of this roasted whole pig to countless levels!

As a gourmet Hunter for so long, even Buhara has not tasted this level of gourmet food many times.

Every chew will bring him the ultimate experience. Buhara can feel that every part of his body is cheering for the delicious food!


Under the extreme stimulation of delicious food, Buhara made a deafening sound of praise. The sound of the sound even startled Saci who was secretly observing from a distance.

Not to mention the candidates who were closer, Buhara's shouts woke them up.

I am still taking the Hunter exam!

You have to complete the "cooking" task quickly.

In their opinion, the rich aroma comes from the wild pig, and they thought that if they roasted it themselves, it would have the same effect as Lin Ke.

Many people even have the idea of ​​baking it to make themselves full...

Lin Ke's roasted whole pig successfully aroused the greed of a lot of people.

Menqi and Lin Ke's reactions were not as exaggerated as Buhara's, but they were equally surprised by the fusion of Kira red volcanic salt and bald-nosed wild boar.

The two are added together successfully to achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

Savoring the pork in their mouths, the two of them showed intoxicated expressions, and their cheeks even looked slightly red under the influence of the volcanic salt.

As if a switch was triggered, his body suddenly became active, and a numbing feeling spread throughout his body.

The flow of thought energy on the body also suddenly accelerated a bit.

The whole person seemed to be in a volcanic zone, with an erupting volcano in front of him.

As pieces of pork were stuffed into their mouths, until the knife and fork were inserted into the empty plate, the two of them realized that they had inadvertently eaten the whole roasted pig.

Not to mention the hill-like hare on the other side, he had swallowed his portion in one gulp from the very beginning.

He stayed in place for a long time, looking like he was recalling the taste just now.

"I solemnly declare that you are qualified!"

Menqi picked up the circled sign and said playfully.

“Full marks!”

Buhara also picked up the brand that symbolizes qualifications. In his opinion, this brand is not enough to express the deliciousness of Lin Ke's dishes.

It would be reasonable to have a “full score” brand!

Time passed bit by bit, and slowly some candidates completed their works.

But the effect is not satisfactory...

Leorio looked at the whole roasted pig that was as black as charcoal, and his face became as dark as it...

"How could this happen?! Why did it get burnt when it was grilled?"

Leorio put his head in his hands, crying and crying.

Because he was always thinking about finishing the roasted whole pig quickly so that he could pass before the examiner was full.

But Leorio, who usually had no relevant experience, was too anxious and forcibly increased the intensity of the flames, roasting the wild boar with the fire.

Needless to say the consequences (cdcj), naturally the outside became coke...

Fortunately for Leorio, there are not many people in as bad a situation as he is.

There are many candidates like Leorio who are smart and want to cook the exam quickly.

Basically, the outside skin is charred, and the inside meat is still half-cooked and still bleeding vaguely.

Suddenly, many candidates felt as if they were mourning for their wives, and their faces were as gloomy as their roasted whole pigs.

In their opinion, the hope of passing the exam is extremely slim!

With Lin Kezhuyu in front of them, people thought that the roasted wild pig would be fragrant and delicious, with endless aftertaste.

Comparing their half-baked works with other people's finished products, they are just like history...

I'm afraid Lin Ke himself didn't expect that his casual move would make other candidates use his own work as a standard.

Do you want to bake an ordinary wild boar with the same effect as if it was sprinkled with Kira red volcanic salt?

It's better to go to sleep, maybe it will be in your dreams.

However, not all candidates made mistakes, there were still a few who made decent roasted whole pigs.

Kurapika held her chin with her right hand, frowning and staring at the roasted whole pig in front of her.

Unlike the bitter-faced Leorio, his roasted whole pig is done step by step, and the heat is quite right.

There are still some issues, but at least the food looks edible.

What makes Kurapika confused is that his own wild pig does not have the same aroma as Lin Ke's when roasted.

Only the ordinary aroma of roasted whole pig wafts out from the front.

Kurapika's eyes wandered and she subconsciously looked in the direction of Lin Ke, where there were some pig bones on the table.

From the highly recognizable nose bones, it can be seen that it is indeed a wild pig with a big nose.


Did Lin Ke add any extra condiments?

Kurapika's guess is already close to the truth. Among the candidates, she is considered to be the group with the highest IQ, and she successfully discovered something was wrong.

Finally, after a torturous inner struggle, a warrior was born, carrying his own roasted whole pig on stage like a "work of art" without hesitation.


Menqi's forehead was covered with black lines, his eyebrows were twisted, and he firmly raised the cross sign.

Just one look at her and she was deemed unqualified.

"Based on its appearance, if you didn't say it was a roasted whole pig, I would have thought it was coal in the shape of a pig!"

Menqi criticized the "warrior" without mercy, making the man ashamed, and then carried the roasted whole pig down.

Seeing this, Buhara breathed a sigh of relief. The man took the initiative to carry it away, so he didn't have to taste it by himself.

After tasting the divine deliciousness of Lin Ke, Buhara looked at these crooked melons and cracked dates that were really hard to eat.

This can also be regarded as the influence caused by Lin Ke. Originally, Buhara would still take advantage of him even if the opponent did not do well.

Although Menqi cannot pass the test, if one of the two examiners passes, the examinee will still save some face.

Now that they have eaten Lin Ke's roasted whole pig, neither Menqi nor Buhara, who always refuses to refuse anyone who comes, are reluctant to taste these defective products.

Standing on the branch, Saci, who looked like a voyeur at first glance, secretly thought something was wrong.

Although things had some twists and turns, they eventually developed in the direction he expected.

Under the lens of the telescope, each candidate was rejected outright by Men Qi, and they were all unqualified!

Buha Ci also realizes that there is something wrong, so he will taste the roasted whole pig that Kurapika has seen before, and then give a "passable" evaluation.

Of course, this is far from the "full score" he gave Lin Ke.

The problem is that he alone is not enough to pass. The rule is that both he and Menqi must be satisfied to pass!

Lin Ke crossed his arms and stood quietly in front of his desk, taking in the full view of the reactions of the people in the venue.

As the last candidate was labeled "unqualified" by Menqi, the venue suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Just like the calm before the storm, everyone is holding a breath of anger in their hearts, like a powder keg that is about to explode.

What's more, some of them have clenched their fists and have thoughts of taking action.

The situation is about to get out of control!

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