Hunter x Hunter: Ant King Multiverse

Chapter 303 Holy Grail Questions and Answers (End)

"KING, are you here to laugh at my ideas too?" Artoria looked at Meruem with trembling hands. "No, I'm not pointing at you alone. I want to say that everyone here is rubbish! This so-called Holy Grail Question and Answer Conference itself is a ridiculous farce!" Meruem ignored the people who were almost breathing fire. With his eyes, he drank all the wine in the glass.

Was Artoria wrong? Shouldn’t a king want the people under his rule to prosper? No, that’s right, this is the path of the king. So was the Emperor wrong? No, it's also true, he is taking the domineering path of a king.

As for the glitter? It's just like the road of tyranny, but the road of the tyrant will only make the people under his rule hate it.

A royal king discussing ideas with two domineering kings? This is the fundamental mistake.

In Meruem's view, this so-called Holy Grail Question and Answer is a complete joke, a completely nonsense conversation! How could the tyrant understand what the wise king said?

"KING, what do you mean by these words? Are you declaring war on everyone present?" The emperor stared at Meruem with wide eyes.

"Even if we declare war, what can you do to me?" Meruem looked around proudly at the people around him, and a breath of horror that made people palpitate and even freeze their breaths came out of Meruem's body little by little. spread out.

Even if he knew that saying such words now would be tantamount to offending everyone present, the verbal covenant he had made with the Great Emperor would be torn up in an instant.

But as a super strong man who once dominated several worlds, even dismounted the emperor of the universe, and slaughtered several gods with his own hands, Meruem naturally had his arrogance, and he had to do some things.

Don't think that Meruem's strength has been suppressed to the extreme in this world, so he will blindly avoid it. He is proud of himself. At this time, he seems to have returned to the original "Hunter World". There is indeed a threat to his life from the rose nuclear bomb, but so what? If you want to fight, I will fight!

Means can be used, plots can be used, and plans can be deployed. However, if you want to be strong, you must have a heart that is not afraid of anything.

Meruem, who has experienced several worlds, still has more than one or two trump cards in his hand. No matter how repressive this world is, as long as Meruem's trump card does not exceed the standards of this world, it will be fine, right?

"What a powerful force this is." Even the emperor was shocked by Meluem's aura. Even Meruem saw Jin Shining put away his cynical expression and showed a rare seriousness.

"Hahaha, I was just joking. Since it is a question and answer, you can naturally raise different opinions." After all, he is worthy of being the emperor. Although he is the king of domination, his mind is not generally open-minded. "So, KING, what do you think?"

"As a king, you must have stronger desires than anyone else, be bolder than anyone else, and be more irritable than anyone else. He should be a human being that contains both purity and turbidity, and is more real than anyone else. Only in this way , only then can the ministers be impressed by the king, and only then can the people have the vision of "It would be great if I were the king" in their hearts! This sentence is indeed true, but why don't you know that the people under the King of Knights are not like this? What do you think? It can even be said that the knight king can achieve the current popularity. Aren’t the ministers who follow the knight king impressed by her magnanimity? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous to say this to the knight king? The real king is not about what you think, but about sticking to your own kingly ways! King of Knights, if you are influenced by the words of these two people, you are not worthy of being called a king." Meruem said. "The two of them are taking completely different paths from you. One is the path of an overlord and the other is the path of a tyrant."

Isn't it the wish of all people in the world to build a world where everyone is well fed, clothed, warm, free from war, and happy? As the emperor said, he did not regret that his country was divided into four and destroyed after his death. This statement that I will take care of the flood after I die is not worthy of praise. Putting myself in their shoes, I as a subject would not want to survive in that situation. Of course, Arturia also has no expectations under her rule. She puts everything on her shoulders. To put it simply, her ideals are what the people are looking forward to, but the road seems to have gone astray.

"Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it. This sentence is an old saying among flower growers, and the water in the sentence refers to the people. King Conqueror, you said that the king should not be restrained by the people. But didn't you think Have you ever thought that your charm attracts and guides the people, but have you never thought that it is the people who choose you? But one day you will not be needed. , you are just a scumbag uncle with a heroic personality. "

"Hahahaha. The people chose me? Interesting statement." The emperor said.

"King of Conquerors, you must know a lot about King Arthur's history. You have even done a lot of hard work. Everything you said before pointed directly at King Arthur's weaknesses."

"Is this really the case? King of Conquerors?" Artoria's face became a little ugly after hearing this.

"Ah, you discovered it." The emperor said honestly. Do you think the seemingly heroic conquering king is just a fool? In the original novel, the guy who didn’t change his face even after seeing the level of blood and gore at the CASTER Magic Factory is a simple fool? If you think that way, you are a fool. No one who can become a king is easy to get along with. This guy is very scheming.

"However, you seem to have forgotten one thing. Arthur's philosophy of serving the people has not been overturned so far, at least on the surface! On the contrary, your extremely individualistic road to kingship has long been eliminated by the world! This There is no longer a so-called king who rules a country on the planet. What is left are only interest groups that rule together. Only interests come first." Meruem ignored the emperor and continued to point to the center of the topic.

"O King of Conquerors, you said you don't regret that the country you once ruled split into four countries and was destroyed after your death, but those who don't know that there is something wrong with their rule are the fools. Well, they are not tyrants but fools. "

After saying these words, it also represented the complete disintegration of the alliance between the Emperor and Meluem. Well, Sakura, I really have to do something, I'm sorry. But I will never lose!

After Meruem finished speaking, he ignored the emperor who was deep in thought.

"And the King of Knights. Just because I said so much doesn't mean that I agree with your point of view." Meruem looked at Artoria's peerless face and said. "Your ideal is good, but... it is too idealistic. You are a king, but you are also a human being. Manpower is ultimately limited, unless you can break this limit."

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