"Not good! MASTER is in danger!" Diarmuid, who was teaming up with Artoria to fight against Berserker, sensed Kenneth's condition in the castle, shot back Berserker's attack again, and then retreated a few meters away.

"Sorry SABER, I have more important things to do!" Diarmuid didn't have time to explain to Artoriado, and rushed towards the interior of the castle without stopping.

"Is it Kiritsugu?" Arturia thought of the man with a cold, dead face from beginning to end. Could it be that he did something else?

"Roar!" The huge white bone sword interrupted Arturia's thinking. Now is not the time to think about this. First, we need to deal with the Berserker in front of us.

Does this guy's physical strength have unlimited regeneration?

Whenever Berserker is in a desperate situation and exhausts the opponent's physical strength, the huge flag will glow. In other words, if the flag is destroyed

However, although Berserker has lost his mind, he is not a fool. If Artoria wants to destroy the flag, Berserker will instinctively protect the flag from being destroyed. If Arturia wants to destroy the flag, she must fight Berserker head-on. But in a head-on battle, Arturia, who had an injured hand, was no match for her opponent.

This leads to an endless loop.

So. What should we do?

"Berserker is indeed here! It seems that I am not too late!" The cheerful and heroic voice came before anyone else arrived. At this moment, accompanied by roaring sounds in the sky, mixed with lightning and pulled by the sacred bull of the sky, the mighty chariot driven by the emperor galloped over.

The huge ox hooves hit Berserker, and the A+ level "Remote Destruction Dominance" was launched towards Berserker, promising not to stop until the opponent was killed.

"Roar!" Berserker, who had lost his mind and had only instinctive reaction, didn't know what it meant to avoid its edge. Wielding the huge white bone sword, he struck at the mighty chariot with one strike!

When the two met, a scene like a missile collision erupted, and a large crater was blasted out of the ground. The entire Shenwei chariot was overturned, but fortunately the people on the car were not mortals. There were no casualties, just some embarrassment.

On the other hand, the situation on the other side is a bit miserable. After all, it is an A+ level anti-army weapon and cannot be blocked simply by relying on the body. Berserker's entire body became tattered and miserable, but when the flag flipped again, Berserker returned to his previous state.

"Didn't you defeat him even with this level of moves?" The holy sword in Arturia's hand not only tightened her grip a little more.

"SABER is so powerful, hahaha. Are you Berserker? How do you like it? Are you interested in joining me?" Seeing the opponent's strong strength, the Emperor inadvertently extended an invitation to the opponent.

Instead, the answer he received was indeed a giant sword. It seemed that the answer disappointed the King of Conquerors again.

"This guy is like an irrational mad dog! Can't SABER communicate?" Although the King of Conqueror is a king, it can be seen from his bulging muscles that this guy's combat effectiveness is not low at all.

Although the Sword of Cyprus in his hand is not a powerful treasure, neither is Berserker's giant bone sword.

"RIDER, be careful!" Arturia wanted to warn, but it was a step too late. By this time, the Emperor had already fought with Berserker.

After the two huge sword blades met, his arm went numb. Not only did the emperor's expression change, but the weapon almost flew out of his hand. The strength was too great and he was completely crushed by the opponent. Then the Emperor followed in the footsteps of Arturia and Diarmuid and was thrown away.

"Hahaha, King of Conquerors, you must know how powerful the opponent is." Meruem's voice came from the sky, with a hint of gloating in it. He had long seen that Berserker's strength was astonishing, and even in this state he might not be able to take advantage. The King of Conqueror's strength attribute is only B level, so it would be strange if he is not crushed.

"KING, you have time to watch a show there, why don't you come over and help, this Berserker is not easy to deal with!" The emperor shouted dissatisfied towards Meruem in the sky, after all, no matter how heroic a person is, he is seen making a fool of himself. There won’t be any complaints afterwards.

"This guy is not fast and is not suitable for head-to-head confrontation. Moreover, the key point is the flag. As long as that flag is destroyed, Berserker will have nothing to fear." Meruem naturally also saw Berserker's weaknesses. , since we all know each other's weaknesses, it will be easier to deal with.

Even Jin Shining had to pay attention to the cooperation of the three servants. Especially one of them is Meruem.

"I will contain the opponent's actions, and SABER will assist me. I will ask you to destroy the Emperor's flag." To be honest, taking out Meruem, the God of War's Spear, is enough to contain Berserker's actions, but even if There is no need to expose all your cards in front of your allies.

Otherwise, the powerful basic attributes and weird spatial abilities, coupled with the impressive Noble Phantasm and the abilities to be displayed next will be jointly targeted by other Masters.

Although there are quite a few Masters targeting Meluem now, that's not all.

So just use part of your abilities.

"Let's try swordsmanship this time." Meruem grabbed the air, and a two-handed sword that was slightly familiar to Arturia appeared in Meruem's hand.

Huh? That sword seemed to be one of the Noble Phantasms that Archer had shot out before.

Arturia and Meruem attacked Berserker at the same time, but what was strange was that not only the timing of their jumps, but also their moves were almost the same, as if they were a specially trained duo with a clear understanding of each other.

That's my kendo this guy, this one might? Arturia became more and more frightened as she fought, but what surprised her was not Berserker's strength, because she had seen it before. She was surprised by Meruem's fighting style. It was almost like another male version of herself.

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