Hunter x Hunter: Ant King Multiverse

Chapter 202 Entering Northern Europe

""How can it be? "Eris was already so surprised that she didn't know how to speak.

"Although you already have most of Athena's divine power when you get the golden apple, it's a pity that you are still just a third-rate god." Meruem said as he kept tossing the golden apple up and down in his hand.

"Give it back to me!" Eris wanted to take back the shining golden apple from Meruem's hand, but unfortunately it was bounced back by Meruem.

Compared to Meruem, Eris without the golden apple is not as threatening as a first-rate Saint.

After all, Saints are warriors, but Eris, who possesses the power of a third-rate god, is not a powerful god.

"Is this what you rely on to come to the Holy Land?" Meruem stopped tossing the golden apple and gently held it in his palm.

Only a crisp crackling sound was heard, and a clearly visible crack appeared on the golden apple.

"No, don't." Eris also had a rare look of fear on her face, and she was wailing in pain.

"Although you are both the daughter of Zeus, your divine power is very different from that of Athena." In Greek mythology, Eris is the sister of Ares, the god of war, and the daughter of Hera and Zeus. But Eris was not one of the twelve gods.

"It seems that your power also comes from this golden apple, right?" Meruem exerted slight force again, and the cracks on the golden apple became more and more obvious.

At the same time, Eris also began to wail louder on the ground.

This golden apple has been modified. The reason why Eris was able to use the golden apple to steal Athena's divine power without seeing her was probably related to this modification.

"Meruem, give her a good time." Saori looked at Eris somewhat unbearably and said, after all, Eris is also one of Athena's sisters in name.

Along with the cracks on the golden apple, the divine power in Shazhi gradually returned. At this time, she was no longer as weak as before.

"Tell me, who asked you to come?" However, Meluem did not intend to let him go so easily. The time when Eris came to the sanctuary was really a coincidence.

"Protection Goddess!" Before Eris could speak, the undead saints who were originally guarding her couldn't sit still and launched attacks on Meruem.

"I don't know what the so-called guys are, don't bother me!" Meluem waved the trident that Eris had held before towards several people. Several powerful undead saints once again turned into ashes and returned to hell. "Saints who betray their faith do not deserve sympathy."

"Erissen I still have patience."

"I said, I don't know who he is. I only know that he is wearing a black evening gown."

"Yao Ma. It is indeed you." The golden apple turned into golden flying debris in Meruem's hands.

"Ah" After the golden apple was destroyed, Eris also fell to the ground dying.

However, Meruem did not intend to let her go. She had the body and soul of a goddess. Even if she only had the power of a third-rate god, she was still a goddess.

"Meruem." Athena had never seen Meruem with such an expression before, and she was a little worried.

"Saori, I'm fine. Everyone, come with me to the conference hall. Let's discuss the matter of the Immortal Palace declaring war on our sanctuary."

When Saori was not paying attention, Meruem winked at his own guard, who quietly took Eris away.

"The actions of the Immortal Palace are tantamount to provoking the Holy Realm. I suggest that the Golden Saints be dispatched to destroy them." Asia Oria, who was among the top ones at the oval table, said, patting the table.

The Twelve Round Tables were proposed by Meruem. Twelve golden saints guarding the sanctuary will discuss and formulate combat strategies.

At the same time, the Pope and Athena can also put forward their own suggestions and different opinions. The Pope has three voting rights, while Athena has one veto power.

"Aiolia, the fairy palace is not just as simple as it seems. It is a place ruled by the ancestor god Odin. It is not so easy for the divine warriors in Northern Europe to deal with Odin's divine power." In Aiolia As soon as Ya finished speaking, Mu raised objections.

"Mu, the Immortal Palace has already declared war on the Holy Domain. Do you think we can still remain indifferent? As for the strength of the divine warriors, I have different opinions. I think about the strength of the two divine warriors that Zhajia captured before. I have already seen it. There is also a guy who is known as the fourth strongest person in Immortal Palace. Even our Silver Saint is above them. I don't think they are much stronger even with Odin's divine power. I think only two Golden Saints can destroy Immortal Palace." Milo also expressed his opinion. Like the original work, he still believed that only two Golden Saints were needed to deal with Immortal Palace.

Of course, if there is no Loki, no World Tree, and no other elements such as Odin involved, maybe two to three Golden Saints will be enough.

The other Golden Saints also have extremely different opinions, excluding of course Tong Hu who did not participate in the round table meeting and guarded the seal at Wulao Peak; Saga who was in an awkward position and was unable to participate in the discussion; Saga who did not care about worldly affairs; Aiorus and Shion have been derailed for more than ten years.

"Everyone, things are not that simple." Meruem spoke when he saw a group of Gold Saints arguing.

"The Nordics don't care about world affairs and don't participate in the war. Don't you have any doubts about why they suddenly declared war on the Holy Land? You see, the sea area near Northern Europe is the temple of Poseidon. I have a piece of information here about the sea world. It’s not very peaceful recently. It is said that the Thoreau family of Greek shipping kings is followed by a powerful attendant. It is said that he is wearing a pair of bright brass armor. "

Images composed of small universes were displayed in front of the gold.

"Lord Meruem, you mean?" Aludiba hesitated to speak.

"No, it's not just the sea world. Don't forget, there is also a god in the Nordic pantheon.

".Evil God Loki"

"Oh, if that's the case, it might not be easy to handle." After getting a lot of useful information, even Mu fell into deep thought.

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to mention. Hilda, the current owner of the Nordic Asgard, said that if she does not see Athena in a week, she will melt the glaciers in Northern Europe. If the glaciers melt, a big flood will happen to her in Northern Europe. I can’t survive either.”

"Then it can only be Poseidon!"


PS: Ask for votes every day (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

PS2: Thanks to book friend Hu Yizhen for three rewards (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

PS3: I’ll see if there’s a second update tonight, okay? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

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