Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter 56 Witnessing the birth of a monster

"Spread out! Spread out quickly!"

"Don't confront him head-on! Go around to the side or behind!"

Eight unlucky guys in a row were blasted by terrifying supersonic arrows, which instantly made the posters realize how dangerous their situation was. They no longer dared to rush up as mindlessly as before, and began to use their telekinesis abilities to continuously change. direction, for fear of walking in the footsteps of the former.

Looking at these frightened guys, Allen immediately sneered and whispered: "You actually want to play guerrilla with a hunter? Rubes, give them some color!"


Along with the ear-piercing howl, the Wolf King instantly covered his whole body with shadow energy, and at the same time split into more than a dozen clones also made of shadow energy. He then activated his pet skill - Rush, with lightning speed. Rushed out with speed.

Coupled with the "Beast Swiftness" in the Beast King's talent, the outdoor movement speed is increased by 30%, so fast that it is almost impossible for people to react before they are already close.

The next second...

The three closest posters were bitten by more than three "Shadow Wolves" on the spot.

Before they realized what was happening, these "Shadow Wolves" exploded, releasing a terrifying shock wave of shadow energy.


When the black-purple energy shock dissipated, the skin, muscles, and internal organs of the three unlucky guys were all rotten and deteriorated. Even the blood flowing out had a pungent stench. Although they were not dead under the protection of their telekinesis abilities, , but only half a breath was left.

"Red dragon! Devour them!"

Allen, who has put himself into the role of a hunter, has no mercy for the enemy in his voice, just like a cold and sophisticated killing machine.

Just when the red dragon turned into a physical entity again, turning the three posters into cocoons and swallowing them, a poster holding a long sword with a cold light finally rushed forward and roared with a crazy look on his face: "Go to hell! Kid! One-sword style—swift slash!"

"Death? Sorry, you don't seem to understand the situation yet." Allen turned his face sideways and showed a weird smile.

The words just fell!


A large cloud of white frost suddenly covered the ground with a radius of more than ten meters. The terrifying ultra-low temperature made it difficult for everyone standing above.

What's even more frightening is that a large number of thick and tough vines grow under the white frost, locking the legs to the ground and preventing them from moving.

There is no doubt that this is the frost trap that triggered the "trap" ability in the survival talent.

"No! No! No!"

After discovering that his legs were firmly tied, the poster couldn't help but show a panicked expression. He waved the "famous knife" desperately in an attempt to cut off the vines wrapped around his legs and regain his freedom.

Unfortunately, these vines grow extremely fast and will grow back within a second no matter how many times they are chopped.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry, so I won't play cat and mouse with you..."

Allen raised his hand and made a gentle grasping motion.

Immediately afterwards, a big golden hand suddenly appeared out of thin air, grasped the host tightly in the palm of his hand, and then continued to exert terrifying squeezing pressure.

Click! Click! Click!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

Finally, along with the emotional sounds of broken bones and the painful screams before death, another poster withdrew from the battle sequence.

In less than five minutes since the war started, twelve of the seventeen building owners have died tragically and turned into cocoons swallowed by the red dragon.

Such a horrific, efficient, brutal and extremely bloody killing shocked everyone present.

好战西索此时早已经忘记了前不久才挨过一顿胖揍,开始在不停的舔着手里的纸牌,而那只拿着纸牌的手甚至都在不受控制的轻微颤抖,嘴From time to time, he would make sickly moans.

As for the bystanders, they kept a very safe distance, widening their eyes and trying to remember the scene in front of them firmly in their minds.

Especially the figure of Allen holding a bow and shooting deadly arrows, just like the god of death reaping life.

Every time the bowstring vibrates, it will inevitably take away the life of a poster.

"Teacher...Shihandai! What on earth did I see?"

Zhixi's whole body was soaked with sweat at this moment, and for the first time, the deepest fear in her heart appeared in her eyes.

Because he understood that no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to catch an arrow that was blessed with multiple terrifying thoughts.

Similarly, Yun Gu also showed horror and solemnity on his face. He pushed up his glasses slightly and responded in a deep voice: "We have witnessed the birth of a monster! That boy, he has already stood up, including me, A height that no one with the ability to read can reach in their lifetime..."

Of course, there are actually not a few people who hold such thoughts and ideas.

After all, Allen was just a hunter who was mainly a beast king and assisted with shooting talent before, and the telekinesis ability blessed on arrows was relatively simple.

But now, he has passed all three systems, and has selected the talents of the shooting and survival systems that can increase the power of long-range weapons. In addition, he has gained the telekinesis ability in the sky arena, and his own energy has continued to skyrocket. , the power of the thorium arrows shot is naturally incomparable.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining five building owners immediately gave up their original plan to surround and kill them, turned around and ran towards the woods behind them.

But before they could run too far, Yi Mi, who was hiding in a dark corner, finally appeared and stopped two of them instantly.

Hisoka, who couldn't hold back his manic emotions, stopped the other two and said with a bloodthirsty smile: "Uh huh huh! Escape is out of the question!"

As for the last one, he is sandwiched between Rubes and Baldreau.

Seeing that the overall situation was decided, Allen directly summoned his animal companions and asked the martial artist who was focusing on his opponent: "I'll leave this to you to solve, is it okay?"

"Of course! I will use this battle to prove to you that I am not a waste who will only hold you back!"

After saying that, Baldero put his hands into the inconspicuous brown leather bag at his waist and took out two huge shields with white skulls printed on the front and flames constantly spraying out from the skulls' mouths.

There is no doubt that this is the bone fire that players nicknamed the "Team-Destroying Shield" in the game. It is also the only epic-level shield before entering the team copy.

In addition to its very high armor value, its biggest feature is only a little fire resistance and shadow resistance. When it is hit, there is a certain chance that fire damage will be reflected to surrounding enemies, and a small amount of it will be absorbed from the attacker. life value.

By regularly scanning the "Three Big Books" every day, Allen unknowingly collected a pair, and not long ago gave them all to the martial artist who had just developed a new ability.

The small brown leather bag hanging on Baldro's waist is an obsolete fourteen-compartment "rune cloth backpack", specially used to hold two shields and some tools that are inconvenient to carry.

After all, carrying two strange-shaped shields while walking around the bustling modern city streets all day long is really an eyesore.

When Bodero wrapped his strengthening Qi on the two shields, the surface of the shields instantly reflected a dazzling golden light, and even the protruding bone spurs on the edges became extremely sharp and sharp.

After finishing all this, he hit the two shields hard, rushed forward, and hit the poster on the head hard.

PS: Please collect and recommend new books, thank you very much.

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