Hunter starting from Hunter World

Chapter Thirteen Dreams Set Sail

Whale Island, an inconspicuous island sandwiched in the middle of the Ulubian continent, got its name because it looks like a whale.

Due to geographical factors, this place has been semi-isolated from the outside world for a long time, so it has retained a relatively primitive natural style. Even its technological level is about ten years behind developed areas. Most residents mainly rely on fishing and hunting to make a living.

If it hadn't been for hunters like Jin Fulisi who stood at the top of the pyramid, and Xiaojie, one of the protagonists, probably no one would care about this small island.

But perhaps it was the relatively closed environment that shaped the unique characters of the father and son, allowing them to shine in this world filled with powerful people.

January 4th is a very special day.

Because he was only twelve years old, Xiaojie had just completed the agreement with his adoptive mother, Aunt Mitte, and successfully caught the huge "King of the Swamp" within the specified time, officially embarking on the footsteps of tracing the footsteps of his biological father.

At this moment, he was standing on the deck of a wooden sailboat, talking very excitedly to everyone including the captain. He exuded no concept of good or evil, just pure curiosity.

"Because you are pure, you are focused, and because you are focused, you can unswervingly implement it after making a decision, and burst out with amazing potential at critical moments. Is this your talent? In a sense, it is really scary... …”

Looking at the short and energetic figure not far ahead, Allen couldn't help but sigh silently.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that there were people like Xiaojie in the world, just like pure water without any impurities shouldn't exist in nature.

In addition, he has also met the other two protagonists Kurapika and Leorio, and they also have excellent qualifications and potential.

Since he spent more than two months on Whale Island, either staying in the wild forest or engaging in fierce battles in the dungeon, Allen looked a bit decadent, and his gray pants and clothes also had some It was tattered and tattered, and some places were even burned black.

You don't need to ask to know that the monsters and BOSS in the advanced dungeon caused him a lot of suffering.

In particular, a large number of magic-based enemies are completely energy attacks. There is no way to use the advanced skills of "hard", "flow" and "hard" in telekinesis ability to defend. Moreover, many of them have their own tracking ability, so they cannot dodge and can only attack. Rely on health points to carry it.

Once the health value reaches zero, you can only continue to fight at the risk of death, or you can turn around and run away immediately.

Of course, the gains are also huge.

In the fierce battles, Allen learned many fighting skills and accumulated a lot of experience. He was no longer afraid of close combat. He was able to skillfully use the enhanced telekinesis ability to enhance different attributes of melee weapons and armor, and then used "Mongoose Bite" and "Raptor Strike" to complete the kill on the target.

Although it had only been a year in the real world, he had spent almost seven or eight years in the dungeon, basically either fighting or exercising his physical and mental abilities.

Coupled with the infinite potential brought by the night elf blood, he is no longer the weak self he was a year ago. The "tangle" usually wrapped around his body is like a bottomless lake.




It seems to blend in with the surrounding environment!

Anyone who sees such Qi can't help but cheer loudly, because this is the proof of strength and power, the crystallization of which can be obtained after thousands of tempers.


Due to the limited level of candidates taking the hunter exam on the ship, it was a bit uninspiring. Allen couldn't help but yawned and lay down on the deck with his eyes closed to rest, and fell asleep after a while.

Anyway, there was Rubes guarding him, so he didn't have to worry about being attacked or plotted.

However, this sleep did not last long, and he was soon awakened by the sound of lightning and thunder, as well as the loud noise of waves crashing on the boat and the sea.

"Huh? Is this storm coming?"

As soon as Allen opened his eyes, he saw the ink-black sky above his head.

The originally calm sea finally showed its most cruel and terrifying side at this moment, trying to overturn and tear the small wooden sailing ship apart again and again.

For safety's sake, all the candidates had gone into the cabin to take shelter. Only he and Rubes remained on the deck, using their telekinesis to withstand the strong wind and rain.


The closed door of the cabin was pushed open, and Kurapika and Leorio walked out one after another, completely ignoring the bumps caused by the storm, and stood on the deck in a fighting posture.

Just when Allen was about to enjoy the upcoming "famous scene", the captain suddenly walked between the two people, came directly to him and asked: "You are Allen, the only candidate recognized by the association as qualified last year, but in the end you failed Refuse to accept a hunter’s license for your own reasons, right?”

"Yes, it's me. But there is a little misunderstanding. I don't think that I passed last year's exam." Allen corrected with a finger.


"This guy passed the test but was refused a hunter's license?"

Kurapika and Leorio immediately stopped their tense confrontation and turned their heads to stare at Eren, who was sitting on the deck completely unaffected by the storm, and the huge wolf beside him.

Because no matter how strong the rain and wind were, or how many waves crashed on the deck, the man and the wolf always remained clean and tidy, and even their clothes and hair did not get wet.

"Huh? Did you pass last year's hunter exam? That's awesome! My name is Jay Fulis. Is this wolf your partner? What's its name?"

Xiaojie also ran out of the cabin below at some point, asking questions with wide eyes and excitement. He even tried to touch Rubes' head, but was almost bitten.

If Allen hadn't reacted quickly and stopped the pet's attack in time, he would have ended his hunter exam this year and been sent directly to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Facing the "curious baby" in front of him, Allen couldn't help but smile and warn: "Don't touch Rubes, his temper is not very good. In addition, didn't I just say it? I don't think I passed last year's hunter exam, so I took it again this year.”

"Oh I got it."

Xiaojie showed an expression of realization, but he still didn't take his eyes away from the Shadow Wolf King.

When he was about to say something, the captain suddenly interrupted: "Okay! I don't care what your reasons are, in short, you are already qualified to enter the examination room directly, there is no need to continue to waste time here. I Someone has been notified to the review committee, and they will send someone to pick you up as soon as the ship docks."

"no problem, thank you."

Allen nodded slightly and readily accepted the other party's arrangement.

In fact, he wanted to go to the venue earlier than anyone else. It was best to understand the grudge between him and Hisoka before the exam officially started.

Unfortunately, he didn't know where the venue for this year's hunter exam would be.

In addition, I wanted to take a look at the three protagonists, so I chose Whale Island as the starting point.

"Wait! This is unfair! Why can he go directly to the examination room, but we can't?" Leorio questioned with an annoyed look on his face.

"Fair? Hahahahaha! You are so innocent and cute." The captain did not give Leorio any face, he poked his chest with his finger and said: "Remember, kid, the hunter exam is not a fair game, but to eliminate the weak. The process of selecting strong people. As for you, you can’t even feel the huge gap in strength between yourself and others, so you still dare to stand here and talk about fairness without shame? Ridiculous!"


Leorio shook his fist fiercely in the air to vent his inner dissatisfaction.

But no matter how unconvinced he was, he did not dare to resist the captain's decision. He could only hide in a corner and sulk alone.

Kurapika's attention was also firmly attracted by the sudden appearance of Allen, forgetting the previous verbal conflict with Leorio, and took the initiative to say hello, constantly making insinuations in an attempt to obtain the specific content of the hunter exam.

By the time the ship docked, Allen had already established a relatively friendly relationship with several protagonists, and then he followed the ferocious fox sent by the review committee directly to the examination room.

PS: Please collect and recommend new books, thank you very much.

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