Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 392 The effect of tickets gathers contact

Chapter 392 The Effect of Tickets × Gathering × Contact

Joey and the others were attacked by monsters the moment they appeared.

No matter how you look at it, these monsters look like they are waiting at the subway entrance to attack everyone who comes out of the subway station.

But this is obviously wrong!

When Joey's eyes swept across the battlefield in the distance, he felt slightly relaxed. Although there were many monsters, the ones that really posed a threat to them had not yet been discovered.

At least there are no such things as gold and silver ingots here. If they just rely on ordinary attacks to fight, Joey and the others are not afraid of these monsters.

So his thoughts were more about thinking about the problems with the situation here.

The passengers on the train can be regarded as citizens living in this ancient city. They were also attacked by these monsters after coming out of the underground, which is a bit abnormal.

Especially the panic shown by these things, as well as the situation where the elves transform into expanded monsters, all mean that the situation here is not normal.

"It couldn't be those guys from Kajin who did it again, right?" Leza said carelessly.

Along the way, he has been ambushed by Kajin many times, and now he is considered a thorn in the side.

"Is this the target of those guys from Cajin?" Joey only said one thing.

"Then I don't know." Leza shrugged. In other words, he didn't care even if it was Kajin's fault.

The current situation is that Kajin is overwhelmed by debts. If he is caught, no matter what he did before or the trouble he made later, it is enough for any team to crush him to death.

Anyway, at least if Joey encounters them, he will definitely attack first.

He would not give Kajin the chance to continue to frame them.

"Follow Biyang De and the others." Jin did not participate in this topic, but commanded: "They seem to have not discovered us yet, and still regard us as something else. It seems that the effect of the ticket is really strong."

"If the effect of the ticket is to allow people who have had the ticket to see different things, then what people without tickets must see must be true?" Du En touched his chin and said an idea that was not very clear. .

But Joey understood: "It is indeed possible, but there is no way to tell. At least we can still see Biyangde and the others now, which proves that what we saw is most likely the real situation, but what they saw is something else. of truth.”

"What are you talking about?" Yida walked beside Joey and didn't understand at all.

"Don't pay attention, they are some incomprehensible words." Liszt curled his lips and concluded.

Joey nodded in agreement and shook his head to get rid of the messy thoughts in his mind.

Joey and the others didn't notice that when they were in a state of siege, the people from the association on a tall building not far away had a very clear view of the situation below.

"I didn't expect all these people to be here." Qi Duo held a telescope in his hand.

Looking towards the tower through the telescope, the first thing you can see is the Cajun team walking through the streets. There are not many monsters on the streets where they are.

Moreover, Qi Duo saw clearly that the man named Brusamirko held a map in his hand.

"It seems that the cat is still useful." Crook said with a smile, and her eyes glanced at another tall building not far away.

There is a big black cat upstairs. The big cat has several black tails and looks quite imposing.

But there are many wounds on the cat's body, especially when it looks in the direction of the Cajin people, it is full of hatred and covetousness.

In addition, there is a face covered with blood on its body. The owner of the face has a pair of blood-red eyes, and there is a dark thought emanating from his body.

He is the second prince of Cajin!

She didn't know how she was resurrected by the black cat, but this resurrection should not be completely completed.

Otherwise, the black cat should disappear, the second prince's body would not be broken, and the thoughts of death should not be emitted from his body.

But even so, the thought emanating from the second prince at this time was a bit terrifying, at least in terms of its magnitude.

But neither Qi Duo nor others in the association took it too seriously.

The key reason for this lies in the second prince's ability.

As long as she is not killed, her ability will not affect others at all. As for her own ability, it is really not strong.

In addition, judging from previous contacts, the black cat does not seem to be able to attack people who have not triggered its ability, so the broken second prince alone is no threat at all.

Judging from previous contact, the second prince's mastery of nen was at the level of a very simple beginner with nen ability.

Obviously, after she mastered the ability, she did not study or practice its use, but only relied on the characteristics of the ability to use it.

It is really not too difficult for everyone in the association to deal with such a level of existence.

Especially if they are still operating in a group, they will not give the second prince a chance to attack them.

"But judging from the monsters near the station, it should be Cajin's work. These guys really know a lot about ancient cities." Milton was also observing the situation below.

"Can you find the specific location where they are going?" Qi Duo looked at Porter Bai aside.

At this time, Potter White had separated out a large number of Nian Beasts, and the Nian Beasts traveled through the ancient city and provided them with a lot of intelligence information.

Of course, the premise for Potter White to do this was that those motorcycle monsters did not find them again in the short term.

It's not that they can't be found, but that something attracts them to the subway station.

"It should be at the Iron Tower, there is nothing found elsewhere." Potter opened his eyes and shook his head: "And there are dangers in many places."

This news is actually meaningless.

After all, even if the association doesn't know the news, there is a high probability that it will track down Kajin's team.

From the information received from Biande, we can know that there was something in the ancient city that could control gold and silver ingots. So, could the location where Ka Jin is going now be the place where that unknown thing is?

"Then keep going." Qi Duo said after seeing that everyone in the team was in good condition after a short period of adjustment.

"There is always something wrong with the state of Biyang De's team." Kobayakawa, who has been observing the situation, said what he observed.

"How do you say that?" Qi Duo did not make much observation about Yang De's team.

After all, Biyangde's team and Jin's team were both caught in monster attacks, and there was nothing special about them at all.

"They didn't seem to realize that the people following them were Jin's team." Kobayakawa observed very carefully.

During the Byande team's operation, they simply looked at the situation behind them and then completely set their sights on rushing towards the tower.

"And it can be judged from their route that there is indeed a problem at the tower." Kobayakawa continued: "The question now is, should we contact them?"

Chido knew what Kobayakawa was talking about.

Biyangde's team has already fallen out with them, so if they want to contact them, the only one they can contact now is Jin's team.

In addition, someone in their team was injured, and Joey was still with Jin. With Joey's help, their pressure could be greatly relieved.

Moreover, Qi Duo and the others saw that Biyang De's team and Jin's team both came out of the station.

In this way, if what Kobayakawa said is right, then Jin and the others should know something about the situation of Biyang De's team.

After all, judging from what Kobayakawa said, Jin and the others have been observing the movements of Byande's team, and they have obvious intentions of tracking the other party's actions.

"Well, it's best to get in touch." Having come this far, there is no need to continue to avoid suspicion.

After all, it seems that the destinations of several parties should be in the same place now, so it will be sooner or later that they meet.

As Qi Duo made his decision, everyone in the association quickly descended from the tall building and ran in the direction of Jin and the others.

However, they had no intention of entering the monster group. The monsters were just spread over a large area on several streets near the station. As long as they passed through there, the number of monsters would quickly decrease.

Therefore, the association is prepared to wait for the arrival of the other party on the road that Joey and the others must pass.

In this case, they will also let Bi Yangde's team leave first, but in the process they can seriously observe Bi Yangde's team.

These people were not in the right state. This was confirmed by them after Kobayakawa pointed it out.

Biyang De's team is not weak, it can even be said to be very strong.

If their state is caused by something, there will also be a certain danger to the association.

As for the association, there were no monsters to deal with, and most of the nearby situations had been clearly detected by Potter's mind beast, so they acted very quickly.

It only took ten minutes to arrive at the location they had set before.

At this time, Biyangde's team gradually began to approach their direction.

There are many places where the Association can choose to hide, but it is not easy to avoid being discovered by the other party during the observation process.

The ability of counter-reconnaissance is very important no matter which team you are in.

However, the association is not prepared to completely hide itself. Based on the relationship between them and Byande's team, even if the two sides meet together, they will not really fight, but will just be wary of each other.

Therefore, the location of the observation was set on a nearby abandoned building.

There are a lot of steel bars in the building's construction materials, so it is still strong after countless years of erosion.

A little more than three minutes after they arrived, Byande's team appeared on the street below them.

There are a large number of monsters chasing behind them. Those monsters feel a little crazy, as if there is something in Biyangde and others that is very attractive to them.

However, Biyangde's team cooperated very well. As they moved forward, the mercenaries drove their mechas to cut off the rear.

No matter what kind of monster it is, when it gets close, it will be cut into two pieces by the ray fired by the robot raising its arm.

This kind of robot is jointly manufactured. As long as someone keeps sending thoughts towards it, it can always exert its strong combat effectiveness.

What Biyangde's team did was to take turns charging the robots, which kept all of them in pretty good condition.

The Association's peepers were directly caught by Biyande less than thirty seconds after Biyande's team entered the street.

He released Yuan in a large area, and the people of the association were not prepared to hide completely, so when Yuan came into contact with them, Biyande turned directly to look at their location.

Potter White didn't have many hidden thoughts and stood directly on the edge of the tall building, exposing himself to Biyande's view.

This can be regarded as directly informing Biyande of their identities.

But Potter White noticed that although Biyande saw him, there was no sense of acquaintance in his eyes. Instead, he was full of wariness.

Just like the alert state that appears in the eyes when seeing some powerful monster.

"It seems they can't recognize us either." Qi Duo also discovered this situation.

"Don't do unnecessary actions to irritate them." Kobayakawa reminded.

"As discussed before, let's try it out." Qi Duo turned to look at Crook.

Crook nodded knowingly, and a small bottle and a note written long ago appeared in her hand. She opened the small bottle and poured out a seed from it.

As he raised his hand to shoot out the seed, the seed quickly stretched out in the air.

The growth rate is simply terrifying, and its unfolded body resembles a morning glory.

Its flowering part is like the mouth of a beast. As its thriving body falls downwards, it holds the note in its mouth.

The speed of its fall was very slow, and it completely stretched its body during the fall, as if to prove that it was not a threat.

Just when Crook threw the seeds, Byande's team acted like a stress reaction.

The robot, which was originally attacking various chasing monsters, quickly pointed the dark hole in its palm at the plants stretching out in the air.

Flames shot out from it and enveloped the entire plant in just an instant.

But at the moment when the flames were wrapped, a sharp sound came from the plant, and the sounds were connected together to form a complete sentence.

The words became louder and louder in the flames, and suddenly stopped when they reached an extremely high pitch.

The flames dissipated in the air along with the sound, but the shadow of the plants was no longer in the dissipated flames.

Although the Byande team below appeared to hear the voice, they did not understand the meaning of the message conveyed in the voice.

On the contrary, the stimulation of this sound seemed to be regarded as provocation and attack by Byande's team. The direction of the flame outlet in the robot's hand was turned, and the flames rushed into a straight line towards the location of everyone in the association.

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