Hunter Queen: Killer Queen

Chapter 303 Collection and distribution of money are in place

Chapter 303 Collect money × distribute × get in place

When I collect money to do things, the anger in my heart instantly dissipates.

In fact, if you think about it from another perspective, Joey feels that if he discovered the other party's secret, he would also want to test it out.

It's just that there is a high probability that he will not actually do it, and will only imagine it in his mind, but Jin did it, and he had already thought of a way out for what he did.

Maybe as Jin said, this is really his bad taste.

At least after receiving the money, Joey didn't resent it because he had no loss.

After seeing Joey receiving the money, Jin's expression obviously relaxed a little, and at the same time, his topic was redirected to Cajin.

"Time cannot be turned back, so there is only one way to solve the current situation. Find Nasby Gray Guoru and kill him!" Jin's voice was decisive.

This coincides with Joey's thoughts.

But as he thought before, how to do it is the key.

He has appeared in front of Nasby several times, and he has also exposed his strongest assassination ability. In this case, the key point falls directly on Jin.

Jin's idea was even simpler: "We are not the only ones on this ship who are afraid of the ship sinking. When it comes to assassination, there should be no one on this ship who is better at beating up enemy Hakkas."

Joey's eyes lit up, Jaeger had already invited him before.

"In addition, it is impossible for other people to stay out of the matter. It is best for the association to take the lead. At this point, it has become inevitable for the association and Cajun to break up, so there is no need to continue to hide it."

When Jin spoke, there was an extra mobile phone in his hand, and Joey clearly saw a number on the mobile phone list that Jin deliberately showed to him.


"However, the manpower the association can allocate is still limited. Even if we win in the end, there will be many casualties among the people on the ship." Jin sighed: "But this is inevitable."

"Are you going to deal with Nasby? The prince in the upper level will also be an obstacle! What to do with the remaining bones, skin and eyes?" Joey raised the three biggest doubts in his mind.

"I alone am not enough. Your ability is also very important. The other people in the brigade have also been invited by me."

Jin's words immediately silenced Joey.

"Do you think the people in the brigade will cooperate with me?" Joey asked rhetorically.

Jin shook his head: "There is no need to cooperate. It is enough for them to do what they need to do at the critical moment."

"Then you think there will be no pressure if I act with them?" Joey looked at him in surprise.

"You and I are on the same team." Jin's answer was very simple, but his words revealed extreme confidence: "As for the prince's problem, there is no need to be careful. Those who want to become kings will only wait for Nasby. His death will not jump out at this time, and they will even protect the prince in the process. "

"So you've already been in contact with the princes?"

Jin shook his head: "No need, just give them the information, and they will naturally make the appropriate choice."

"What about the last skeletons?"

So far, Joey has relatively approved of Jin's arrangements.

If he, Jin, and the people from the Phantom Troupe serve as the main attackers, then the association and the ability users hidden on the ship will be the ones who resist the Cajun King's army and create conditions for them to attack.

The prince will not participate in it, but he will help them invisibly.

Because Joey was not sure whether the dead parts of the organs would appear again if the prince continued to die in this situation.

"Leave it to the gangs to solve it." Jin's answer was very firm: "They have reached a consensus, don't worry."

"When will we act?" Joey pursed his lips.

He didn't know exactly how long Jin had been busy on the ship, but judging from the orderliness of things, he should have been never idle.

"The sooner, the better. As long as we can be sure that the person who beats up the enemy Hakka will follow us, we can take action." Jin looked at Joey again.

"So you don't have the contact information of Hakka?" Joey was a little surprised.

"Yes, and they can't be found." Jin was very honest and directly spread his hands.

Joey didn't say much, just took out the phone and contacted Jaeger.

There was no appointment of a location, the matter was decided directly on the phone.

Jaeger contacted him before because he wanted to talk about what happened on the ship. Jaeger had two ideas.

One is to leave directly after the ship is broken. He has a map leading to the imaginary continent in his hand, and his ability is enough to give him the confidence to lead people to the imaginary continent safely from the sea.

The other is to judge based on Joey's situation, whether to try to get rid of the Kajin people to make the ship unsinkable.

Now that Joey told the matter, Jaeger agreed to the latter.

Being able to reach the imaginary continent in good condition is always more exciting than going through a lot of risks.

The matter was settled more easily than Joey imagined. An hour ago, he was still thinking about drifting on the sea, but now he found that things had taken a huge turn for no apparent reason.

It felt a little unreal to him.

But looking at Jin who was texting and eating fruit in front of him with a relaxed look on his face, he felt that it was a bit reliable.

Sighing, Joey simply sat down on the sofa nearby. As for his body, he had already found a room outside and entered a state of rest and recovery.

Time passed slowly in this quiet state.

When everything was arranged and all he had to do was follow the leader, Joey truly felt relaxed.

In this state of mind, his own energy could not help but recover a little faster.

But he also had some worries in his heart. Would Cajun King Nasby Gray Guoru not consider the emergence of this situation?

Joey didn't know either, but when things got to this point, it was almost inevitable.

When morning came the next day, Joey's clone Jin suddenly stood up.

Having already communicated with Jin last night, he knew what this meant, so his clone also stood up and followed Jin.

As for his true body, he had no intention of joining Jin, but was heading towards the upper level alone.

After the Aiyiyi family helped him get rid of the sense of voyeurism, Joey's movements became easier again.

It's just that he can feel that the golden experience creations he made before and left on the cruise ship are still under the shroud of prying eyes.

But this is not an accident, because when Joey was stripped of the sense of voyeurism, he found that the sense of voyeurism on the golden experience creation had also briefly disappeared.

But this disappearance did not last long before reappearing.

This should be caused by the person from the Aiyiyi family looking away from him and looking for the Golden Experience Creation again.

As for why Joey was not locked again, it was simple that he left his original position after being stripped of his sense of voyeurism.

From this point, we can also know that the peeling off of the voyeuristic feeling will not be permanent, so Joey still needs to be careful after reaching the upper level.

Besides, he still couldn't find where the eyes were.

So if you want to find the eyes at that time, you can only rely on the Cajun gang's own abilities.

Joey still has some confidence in this. The characteristic of strength in numbers is also reflected in people with abilities.

When the number of ability users is large enough, all kinds of weird abilities will naturally appear one after another.

What he needs to do now is to hide his identity and enter the upper level of the B.W., and follow the information Jin gave him before to find Nasby Gray Guoru's location and wait for the signal.

As for other things, he doesn't need to worry about it.

Along the way, Joey found that the entire ship had fallen into a state of chaos, with death and killing happening at any time.

But Joey didn't care, because these killings were not officially caused by Cajun, but were just choices made by the people on the ship after falling into fear and uneasiness.

These people who are dominated by emotions do not deserve sympathy. Those who should be sympathized with and helped are the victims who are involved in this emotion.

But Joey is only one person and has no ability to stop this.

Maybe things will take a turn for the better after they get rid of Nasby Gray Guoru!

Gangsters shuttled through the corridors from time to time. These guys who were supposed to be bad guys now acted more like guards on the ship.

Following them were the civilian guard regiments at the lower level.

It's just that compared to the large population on the ship, they seem to be a drop in the bucket.

As for the Kajin soldiers who should really be doing the work, they were all guarding the connection between the third and second floors.

They aimed their guns at anyone who tried to get close, and anyone who crossed the line would be massacred mercilessly.

The people were blocked far away from the passage. Hunger and panic filled the crowd, and the pungent stench became the main theme in the entire corridor.

After Joey observed everything from a distance, he used his weather forecasting ability to hide himself and quietly opened the ceiling until he reached the second floor.

Compared to the chaos on the lower level, the second level was quiet.

Even though the tense atmosphere could be felt, no one was attacked or massacred.

The reason for all this is that the second floor is full of rich and powerful people in Cajin. These people have a unified characteristic, that is, most of them are surrounded by guards when they board the ship.

After the king's army failed to act, these guards became a weapon in the hands of these dignitaries.

Even with the alliance of some famous people, these guards were united and organized into a guard group.

After Joey arrived here, he did not use the previous method to break the ceiling and go directly to the first floor, because when he came down from the top, he had already discovered that there was a gap between the first floor and the lower floor.

According to the information he got from Mo Laowu, when they first boarded the ship, the cruise ship on the first floor was actually the same as Wenwen sitting on the second floor, and even seemed to be integrated with the second floor.

The seawater surrounding the cruise ship looks like an artificial lake, which is designed to allow Cajun dignitaries to enjoy various high-level treatments.

But when the hull of the B·W was surrounded by black gas, the cruise ship that should have been fixed floated in the "big lake" above the B·W like a large ship with its anchor, and turned into a A cruise ship that is truly in sailing condition.

When they got off the cruise ship, it was the same lake that Joey and the others walked on.

Now if he creates a gap alone and enters the large lake, Joey is worried that eyes will be on him again.

So the best way to get to the first floor now is to wait for the people from the association and the gang. When they attack the cruise ship, Joey's chance to board will come.

The next waiting time is for Joey to continue to recover his condition.

Joey had a hunch that what he would face next would be a tough battle.

Kajin's trump card has never been exposed, even though they were attacked by weird things like organ parts on the cruise ship.

But no one can predict how much power Kajin still hides.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will find that as an esper, it is impossible for Nasby Gray Guoru not to know about the association and the espers hidden on the ship, but even so, he is still executing the plan to massacre the 200,000 people in the lower class. Then It was enough to prove that he was fully prepared to face attacks from ability users.

The sudden vibration of the phone made Joey raise his eyebrows slightly, because he saw that the person who sent him the message turned out to be Hisoka.

After being plotted by Hisoka that time, there has been no contact between the two.

However, the two of them didn't break up. At least Joey had no desire to attack Hisoka. He might even get some information from Hisoka if he thought about it.

In addition, Hisoka will also be one of his helpers when he goes to the labyrinth city.

Without knowing the specific conditions of the ancient labyrinth city, the more helpers he had, the less pressure he would have on Joey.

Clicking on the message, the message Hisoka sent was simple: "Join hands, Chrollo is mine."

"Not interested." Joey replied quickly.

Although the brigade was in disarray, there were still four people in total. Hisoka's words seemed to directly attack the other three people. Although he was confident, he was not arrogant.

The last time he was able to fight against Flaking Lev and Madge at once was because his ability was too strong against Flaking Lev.

But among the remaining four people in the brigade, no one was restrained by his ability. If a fight really started, even he would find it very difficult.

No, it's five people.

Joey touched his chin, he almost forgot about Kurt.

Mainly because Kurt had helped Joey before, so he regarded Kurt more as a person who beat up enemy Hakkas, rather than as a member of the brigade.

Besides, Kurt was originally a new member who joined the brigade not long ago.

Even counting, if it weren't for his sudden appearance and Jaeger's choice, Ilmi would be a member of the brigade now.

"Kurapika and Ilmi will each be responsible for one person." Hisoka's message came again.

Joey hesitated for a moment: "Nasby Gray Guoru is the first target."

He understood the importance clearly. Without getting rid of Nasby Gray Guoru, it would be a choice that caused more trouble than the gain.

And if Nasby Gray Guoru is solved, then he doesn't mind completely getting rid of the Phantom Troupe, which has already formed a life-and-death feud with him.

"Of course, I was invited too!" Hisoka's reply was quick.

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