Human Shackles

Chapter 196 Dark World

Luo Kai expanded his mental power and observed carefully. There are two ways for human evolution and change. One is the editing and optimization of genes in response to the outside world, which is natural evolution. The other is the combination of man and machine, which is the combination of organic matter and inorganic matter. The combination of things needs to change with the advancement of technology. The machine wreckage in front of you is a product of the combination of man and machine. Except for its brain, its body is all dense electromagnetic circuits. Maybe it can be resurrected when the power is restored.

Judging from the murals in the Broken Spirit Realm, Venus was not born as a Death Star. There should have been some powerful civilizations countless years ago, which were destroyed due to unknown reasons, and then were occupied by evil gods. It is also possible that evil gods destroyed the original civilization. .

The day and night cycle of Venus is similar to that of the Earth. Time passed little by little. Luo Kai has been trapped on this dead planet for more than two months. He continued to expand the scope of exploration, but could not find any trace of the existence of the Broken Spiritual Realm. He also I once wanted to return to Earth directly from space, but the distance between planets is often tens of millions of kilometers away. Once the planet is too far away, the gravity is very weak and difficult to use.

Since there were no traces on the ground, he had to search underground. He found a huge crater. There was a long and narrow underground fissure at the bottom of the crater. A place exuding rich dark energy appeared in his perception.

Following the perception, I walked over and saw a whirlpool completely formed by black mist. In front of the whirlpool stood a woman wearing ancient Hanfu. Her shadow was like a rising mist, giving people an unreal feeling. .

Luo Kaixin was overjoyed. The woman was exactly the middle-aged beauty who appeared when Da Xiao appeared before. She was an anti-material life, or a soul life. But no matter what kind of life it is now, since it can come, there must be a way to leave. .

Regardless of whether he was a friend or an enemy, he walked up to say hello. The woman looked back at him with a sinister look on her face, and she moved into the dark vortex.

Luo Kai hurriedly chased in, his eyes blurred, and when he regained his vision again, he came to a place filled with gray mist, and a slightly rancid air filled his nostrils.

Inside the dark vortex is a strange ecological circle, an underground forest sea that looks like tree fossils, but these fossils are all alive, and there are also many strange mist-like creatures living in it.

The sun above our heads is also gray, and the sunlight that shines down is not warm, but cold. Large black vines cover the forest tightly. In order to compete for enough sunlight, these vines work hard to reach upwards. The growth forms a large network of plants, making people feel like they are in a plant cage.

Luo Kai was surprised, feeling that the woman was right in front of her, moving at a slow speed, as if she was waiting for him on purpose.

I don’t know how long I walked, but a purple light suddenly appeared in the gap between the trees. I looked closely and saw that it was a mouse-like monster with purple skin. It looked like an ordinary mouse, but its fur was purple. Yes, very eye-catching in this black forest.

Realizing that Luo Kai had seen it, the purple strange rat immediately let out a squeaking sound. The sound was not loud, but very high-pitched. It kept echoing in the forest, and then it rushed towards him like lightning. .

Luo Kai reached out and grabbed it, and the strange rat immediately exploded out of thin air, with slightly purple blood splashing everywhere, and a purple shadow disappeared into the air in a daze.

Just as he was about to leave, his ears suddenly heard a rustling sound, and a little purple light began to appear in the forest. There were not many at first, but gradually there were more and more, and they surrounded him, all of them long. The mouse with purple fur, even its small mung bean-like eyes turned dark purple, looking very ferocious.

Luo Kai originally didn't want to pay attention to them, but he had to take action at this time. He punched out suddenly, and a layer of air waves immediately turned a group of strange rats in front of him into meat paste. At the same time, his throat began to vibrate slightly, and invisible sound waves spread, as if There was a rain of blood, and all the strange rats that jumped in front of him exploded.

The death of the same kind made the remaining rats become more restless and crazy, and more strange rats rushed forward one after another.

Luo Kai's traveling speed did not slow down at all, his throat was constantly vibrating, and layers of sound waves enveloped him, making it impossible for any strange rats to get close.

After a while, the surrounding area gradually became empty. He slaughtered all the strange rats and continued to move forward. A hilltop appeared in front of him, and black wooden buildings appeared in his field of vision.

"Human, you are amazing!" The woman revealed her figure inside the building. She looked like a human on the outside, but she was completely a mist inside.

Luo Kai frowned and said, "Where are you from?"

"When I swallow your essence and blood, you will naturally know it!" The woman laughed sinisterly, and with a sudden wave of her hand, countless purple shadows emerged from the surrounding woods and rushed towards Luo Kai.

Luo Kai's long bone sword was destroyed and he had no weapons at hand, but he no longer needed weapons. After his body solidified, his physical strength was not inferior to that of any complete ferocious beast. His fists were the best weapons.

"Boom!" He punched out, and with a loud noise like a tsunami, the purple shadow in front of him was swept away like a torrent. Now his strength has increased to another level, and Canglang Jin's power has reached another level. , truly surging like endless waves, with the remaining power even destroying those black wooden buildings.

The middle-aged beautiful woman didn't care at all. Instead, she smiled and said, "Humans, we can't be killed. All you kill are just shells!"

Luo Kai glanced at her indifferently and said to Shuyuan "Every life will die, including you."

"Hey, that's your perception. There are many powerful creatures in our world who are immortal!"

"I don't know if there is immortal life in your world, but in this world, you will all die!" This woman is very similar to the Nightmare Beast. Without an entity, it is difficult for physical attacks to be effective. A silver light appeared between Luo Kai's eyebrows. , a silver needle-like short sword flew out from it and floated beside him.

The heaven-destroying aura burst out with the appearance of the small sword, and the bright silver light quickly spread to the surroundings with Luo Kai as the center. Any matter and life that came into contact with the silver light quickly shattered, including those purple shadows.

The Blade of Severance has grown completely with the growth of his spiritual will, and is now able to exert the original power of space. Everything in the world is constructed from space, and it can naturally collapse if it can be constructed.

A middle-aged beautiful woman appeared in the void with a somewhat surprised look on her face: "Human, you are very powerful, but you are far from comparable to us creatures in the dark world. To tell you the truth, the passage between the dark world and this world has been opened. When God comes, it will be the end of the world for you. Otherwise, if you are willing to cooperate with us, I can find a powerful dark world god to protect you and protect your life!"

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