Human Shackles

Chapter 142 Mutated Locusts

After walking for more than an hour, I finally saw the road, and occasionally steam-powered vehicles passed by.

After being trapped for more than a month, they finally saw people. Both of them were a little excited. Luo Kai stopped a long passenger bus. It was a steam-powered bus. The huge front of the bus was spitting out black smoke and was dragging a long length of bus. The windows of the car body were welded shut with steel bars.

After asking the dark and fierce driver, I found out that this place was already within Changyuan County, and this bus was heading to Changyuan City from a nearby county.

They urgently needed to find a restaurant to have a big meal, then take a quick shower and change clothes. Lu Qing took out a small wallet, paid and got on the bus. Although the two of them were dressed strangely, the man was handsome and the woman was beautiful. Beautiful, it attracts everyone's attention as soon as you get in the car.

Lu Qing was used to such looks, but Luo Kai felt a little unnatural and walked to the empty seat in the last row to sit down.

The steam bus roared to restart. Next to them sat a young man and woman, who seemed to be boyfriend and girlfriend. The woman was crying quietly, and the man was comforting softly.

Luo Kai noticed that their window had been smashed, and there were still feathers and blood stains. He was a little confused and asked the young man: "What happened?"

The young man glanced at him and explained: "A large group of seabirds came just now. I don't know why they suddenly rushed towards the bus and broke the windows. Fortunately, there were steel bars welded to the windows, otherwise they would have burst into pieces. Get in the car.”

Changyuan County is located in the southernmost part of Xingma Kingdom, and it is also the southernmost human territory in the Eastern Continent. It also has a small population, and its industry and agriculture are not developed. The scenery outside the window slowly passes by. Most of them are wilderness, and the villages are very small. See less.

After traveling for more than two hours, Changyuan City finally arrived. Like Longyang City, the entire city was shrouded in black soot, and the roar of various steam engines was endless, which made Luo Kai unbearable. I feel irritated, and I feel even more reluctant to let go of the quiet life of the past month.

After getting off the bus, he looked around for a place to eat and live. Lu Qing was a clean person and had a petty bourgeoisie. She didn't even look at the restaurants on the street. She pulled the hungry Luo Kai towards a more high-end hotel in the city center and used her In other words, this is called celebrating new life, and it certainly cannot be dealt with casually.

Finally, they entered a six-story building called Mingtai Hotel. First, they had a meal and a drink, and then asked for a guest room. The moment they closed the door, their eyes collided...

"Wait a minute, I want to take a shower first." Lu Qing pushed him away and ran towards the bathroom.

"Wash together." Luo Kai salivated and followed.

After a long time, the two of them hugged each other and lay on the big bed in the hotel. Lu Qing said quietly: "What do you think we should do next?"

Luo Kai understood what she meant and said hesitantly: "I still have one thing to do. I must go to Dongyuan Shangguo."

Lu Qing raised her head excitedly and said, "I'll go with you."

Luo Kai shook his head and sighed: "No, someone will definitely come to arrest me. I probably can't beat them now."

Lu Qing bit him on the shoulder angrily without saying anything.

Early the next morning, the two of them were awakened by loudspeakers on the street outside.

"Dear citizens, a large number of mutated locusts may invade Changyuan County in the near future. From today, Changyuan City will enter a closed state. Joint prevention teams will be set up in each neighborhood. Please stock up on supplies, seal doors and windows, and do not go out at home. In case of emergency, you can request assistance from the joint defense team.

In order to ensure people's livelihood, the city lord has ordered the granary to be opened, and each person can purchase food from supply points in the neighborhood for a three-day limit...

Luo Kai's expression tightened, and he stood up and walked to the window. There was a huge flow of people outside, and a large number of ordinary people crowded around a steam truck full of sergeants, all rushing to ask questions.

But the soldiers had no time to pay attention to them. They shouted over and over again with loudspeakers.

"What are mutated locusts? If the city is to be closed down, wouldn't we be able to go back now?" Lu Qing said in shock.

Luo Kai has never heard of mutated locusts. In his previous life, there were frequent locust plagues, but they only affected food production and did not affect personal life safety. However, this is not necessarily the case in this world. The word "mutated" is added in front of any creature. They will all become different. Although they are far less powerful than ferocious beasts, they can still threaten human life.

He looked up at the hazy sky, and felt a sense of crisis in his heart. This locust swarm must be very scary, and said: "Qing'er, I'll go down and ask, don't go out while you're in the room."

"I'm coming with you." Lu Qing didn't want to leave Luo Kai for a moment, so she hurriedly put on her clothes.

The lobby of the hotel is also a bit chaotic. Most of the guests living here are not locals and come here to do business. Once the city is closed, they will not be able to leave.

The security director of the hotel said loudly: "Everyone, please don't panic. As long as you stay in this hotel, we will ensure your safety. Now you all know the situation outside. Since our store does not reserve much food, please go and buy it." Three days’ worth of food.”

Luo Kai pulled Lu Qing and walked outside. The streets outside were crowded with people. A huge flow of people was rushing towards the vegetable market. Groups of heavily armed soldiers were maintaining order.

"Luo Kai, what should we do?" Feeling the tense atmosphere, Lu Qing also became nervous.

Noticing that the tall concrete walls surrounding the main city had been completely sealed, Luo Kai frowned and couldn't leave for the time being. Now he could only cope with the changes by staying the same, and said: "Let's go get some food first."

A row of large trucks was parked at the supply point, and you could see piles of grain inside. Rows of heavily armed soldiers shouted at people to line up.

Each person is limited to three kilograms of rice and one can of pickled vegetables. This is not enough for Luo Kai to eat, but he can go without eating for ten and a half months with a full meal now.

When we returned to the hotel, the guests in the lobby had dispersed. It seemed that they had all accepted their fate and went out to purchase food. The security supervisor was instructing people to close the doors and windows. When he saw Luo Kai coming in, he shouted loudly: "Mr., there are some people here." Board, go back and seal the windows yourself."

The security supervisor is a black man, tall and strong, and the name tag on his chest reads Sean. Changyuan County is very close to the South China Sea Islands, so there are many people with dark skin.

Luo Kai walked over and took a few boards and nails and followed Lu Qing back to the room. He did not completely seal the window, but left a small hole for observation.

With his current strength, he believed that he could fight even ferocious beasts, so he would not be afraid of these mutated locusts. However, locusts were group creatures, and they must be a huge group, and their individual combat power would have limited impact.

One day passed, no one was around on the street outside, and no trace of locusts was seen. Lu Qing breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Is the information wrong? I have never heard of any mutated locusts in Star Horse Country since I was a child."

Luo Kai's face became more and more solemn. He already felt an invisible pressure. The mysterious sixth sense was reminding him that something terrible was about to appear.

As the evening approached, a dark cloud floated in the sky. The thick dark clouds blocked the sunlight, and then began to spread, completely covering the city below. The entire city fell into darkness, and invisible pressure enveloped everyone's heart, as if The end is coming.

Luo Kai's eyes lit up with stars, and he could see clearly that they were not dark clouds at all, but countless insects. They had completely separated from the original appearance of locusts. Each one was as big as a fist, with sharp claws on their upper and lower jaws. The teeth and lower limbs were like two barbed knives. As the wings vibrated, invisible sound waves swept toward the city below.

People in the city first felt dizzy, then felt nauseous, and those with weaker constitutions foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground, their bodies shaking violently uncontrollably, as if they were suffering from epilepsy.

Lu Qing's pretty face turned pale and she couldn't help squatting on the ground and retching.

Luo Kai also felt the sound waves disrupting the movement of his body. He returned to Lu Qing with a gloomy face. His mental power came out of his body, forming an invisible barrier to block the sound waves. Only then did Lu Qing's face improve, and she said in horror. : "It's so scary. Are the insects coming?"


Luo Kai walked back to the window and looked at the swarms of insects in the sky that were approaching like dark clouds. These mutated locusts had evolved terrible infrasonic capabilities. Infrasound waves were low-frequency sound waves that humans could not hear, but they could be felt by the body. , and will be affected by it. High-intensity infrasound waves can even interfere with the operation of human organs and nervous system, causing organ rupture and even mental disorder!

No wonder humans are forced to huddle in coastal areas even with their military force. The mutant biota is already so powerful, so wouldn’t the ferocious beasts be even more terrifying!

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