Human Brain Ranch

Chapter 299 The Law of the Cosmic Sloth

The world of Chang'an City gathered the entire mortal world, and all the elites from the heavens and myriad worlds were all thrown into Chang'an City to become a huge civilization gear, and it restarted crazily.

Such a speed of development, no matter how fast it is, is not surprising.

It's like in front of your eyes.

"In just over three hundred years, new technologies have been successfully researched. In fact, thousands of years have passed, tens of thousands of years? Who knows? It is said that they have already begun to try to set foot outside the Milky Way."

Zhu Zhengwei said softly, "It's just a pity that we don't have access to these high-end confidential information. And the prime minister who can know the whole process was locked up."

"I can only see how the inner self and my outer self cooperate with each other and have a tacit understanding."

Datang Chang'an City.

In the imperial study room, a group of people with the highest authority in the entire human world had solemn expressions.

A huge map of the Milky Way, and even the surrounding maps are in front of you.

"According to the latest technology of Chemayuan, we can temporarily project the rules of heaven in our special world into the real universe!"

"Although the consumption is huge, we can already leave the Milky Way. After all, the agreement between His Majesty and Zhen Yuanzi is that we can move outside the Milky Way as we please."


Another prime minister said:

"Beyond the Milky Way, it is very wide. If you travel normally at the "space speed", you need extremely terrifying resources to ignite the resources of planets to travel through. This is why civilizations outside the region call it the cosmic grave, but we Different, temporarily projecting the rules of our heavenly way, not limited by the logic of reality!"

"Next, the Tang army, the direction of travel."

"Looking around, it can be roughly estimated that there are billions of extraterrestrial galaxies of the same size as the Milky Way around the Milky Way."


The universe is that big.

The solar system is a piece of dust in the Milky Way, and the Milky Way is just a sad gravel. There are countless gravel like this Milky Way.

This is the reason why you can only sail like a snail if you use the "space speed" limit

But right now, they can't be restricted like the real universe, but surpass all speeds, and can quickly reach another civilization.

"According to the 'soul receiver', there are basically two or three civilizations around the Milky Way, and in every nearby river system, but the river system is too big, and even they cannot get close to each other."

"It's like dropping two or three ants on a planet, and the distance between them makes people desperate."

"We even discovered that they have begun to communicate with each other, using space speed to transmit signals, but once a letter is sent, it will take hundreds of years to receive it"

Listen to the returns of the ministers one by one.

"They can only communicate by letter from a distance?"

Tang Huang looked indifferent, and said lightly: "How sad, even if the speed of space is fast, it will take hundreds of years to deliver the letter! Although, they can directly use the speed of space, it is also the same hundreds of years, but their huge civilization migration You have to set your hometown on fire and turn it into a wasteland, right?"

That kind of price is unbearable!

Moreover, it can only be a one-way ticket, there is no return

At the same time, as a civilized army, I set fire to my hometown and went to the other party's land to express a friendly visit?

It's just hilarious!

You can’t go back to your hometown, you can only live in my galaxy, there must be no two tigers in the same mountain, and you will fight each other to the death, compete for resources, so you have no civilization, and you will do things that harm others and benefit yourself, and go to other civilizations as guests.

Even if it is an extremely powerful super civilization, a low-level civilization that can easily crush the opponent will not do that kind of thing, because there is no benefit, and the resources of the universe are too many.

Between civilizations, signals are sent.

Even Tang Huang was surprised to find out.

This universe is not the law of the dark forest, but the "law of the sloth forest":

[The universe is a huge forest with abundant resources. Every civilization is a sloth lying on a tree. Sloths are extremely rare and do not need to move. They are full of resources and treasures, and they will never see their companions in their lifetime. 】

[At the same time, every time the sloths jump and move to other trees, they need to spend a lot of energy and need to destroy the big tree in their hometown]

[So, sloths will not choose to move. Sloths lie on trees in the forest, look at each other from a distance, and communicate with each other by signaling. They will almost never run to meet each other. 】

Because it is almost impossible to reach the relationship between each other's civilizations, they exchange "letters" and are quite friendly.

Even, they will chat with each other, transfer technology, and make friends with each other!

The overwhelming epitaph is a feature of the letter.

"Interesting, it's so much fun."

Tang Huang showed a touch of excitement, "They were unprepared and sent signals at will. Because of the stagnation of time and space, they can only look at each other across the sea and can't do anything."

"This extraterritorial universe is simply too boring and peaceful. It's like a vast desert where a few little lizards are looking at each other. It's a pool of stagnant water. You know, the universe on my side is full of stars and wars. It's lively. Very much."

"And right now, I should also visit these foreign civilizations and let them have a good time."

Tang Huang smiled slightly.

The ghost witch doctor said beside him, "Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

"Hahaha, isn't this the matter of the Ministry of War? Your war talents and planning are quite recognized. Why don't you come to formulate a civilization?" Tang Huang laughed, "Shall we go on a friendly visit? I should also take you Go out and have a look."

Zhu Zhengwei glanced at Tang Huang.

I have really been working hard recently, but I just let my guard down, or am I testing myself again?

Go out and have a look?

You locked me up for so long and suddenly took me out?

There is definitely a conspiracy.

But it doesn't matter, where else can I go?

Zhu Zhengwei thought for a while, then pointed to a red dot on the map, "Your Majesty, we can go to a weak civilization and investigate it first. We should familiarize ourselves with the environment first, and let the other party pay tribute first. We will ascend to heaven!"

"I also have this intention." Tang Huang Longyan was very happy, "Since they like to exchange letters, we will inform them to be polite, and we will visit them later."

"Yes." Zhu Zhengwei replied, "I don't know, how will I get there?"

Emperor Tang took a deep look at Zhu Zhengwei, and said with a smile: "I can't bear to have Guan Aiqing in the palace all these years. This time, I accept that you will be the head of the envoys of the Tang Dynasty, and take full responsibility for the handover and communicate with the other party."

"After all, an omnipotent all-rounder can easily do this kind of thing. Sending the Minister of the Ministry of War was the best candidate in the past."

Zhu Zhengwei was thinking, why did Emperor Tang let me go all of a sudden?

Traveling abroad, but also responsible for the handover?

Can't figure it out.

Can't figure it out again.

the other side.

In a galaxy tens of thousands of light-years apart from the Milky Way, on a continuous land of planets full of buildings, countless colorful fairy-tale buildings stand on the land.

"Oh! My God, Oni, look, we've got a signal from a new friend!"

"Only advanced civilizations who can understand the wavelength of the soul can communicate with us. It seems that we have a new friend. Where is the other party from?"

"The signal comes from the Milky Way!"

"Is there no civilization of this level in the Milky Way? According to our space velocity detector, the strongest civilization on the opposite side is a small blue ball. We saw them as a bunch of indigenous people a thousand years ago. I don't know. How many years will it take before we can write letters and communicate."

"No, that's a previously undetectable galactic civilization."

"what is it call?"

"The signal from the Milky Way seems to claim to be Datang Chang'an City."

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