HP Approaches the Magical World

Chapter 145 Will it be Inconvenient?

When Jon watched Helga's memory of the dark wizard stripped out in the Fairy Castle, he saw such a picture.

Professor Quirrell, with a turban on his head, was arguing with someone.

At the end of the screen, Jon vaguely saw what Quirrell said.

What Quirrell was saying, Helga said, was that Voldemort, his master, was the savior of the world.

Jon didn't like this sentence very much.

In other words, he really didn't like the word "savior".

In his "that period" of memory, even Harry was only called the savior, and even Dumbledore never used this word to put pressure on Harry.

Savior - is actually a particularly ironic word.

Because for different people, the definition of a savior is also different.

Harry Potter is the savior who defeated Voldemort, and Voldemort himself, is it not the savior of some dark wizards who have been suppressed by white wizards for hundreds of years?

It's just that one is the majority and the other is the minority.

It's all about winners and losers. There is no reason for such a thing. Voldemort failed, so Harry Potter was pushed to the altar. Even if there is no Harry Potter, someone else will appear.

The world that dark wizards want may indeed be good for pure-blood wizards, but if a world that may be better for them arrives, the original world will be destroyed, and those wizards who are destined to benefit will decide If anyone should die for this new world, what need is there of a better world?

If you can't even protect a world that isn't good enough, and even if the world is riddled with holes, what face do you have to talk about a new world?

The new world can be fundamentally different from the new world.

People who want a new world have never asked those who live in the original world whether they want this new world.

So, those who claim to be the savior will be crucified.

"Choosing Harry Potter is actually because I have a little selfishness."

Jon stared at the huge reef that could be vaguely seen in the distance: "Harry Potter is actually no different from other little wizards. After you told me about this idea, I kept thinking, Where should you start writing this work of yours?"

"Hogwarts, you gave me the answer."

Joanne also looked at the reef: "But I think this answer is very good, at least in this magical world, perhaps there is no place that is more suitable to represent all wizards than a magic school."

The voices of the two people were not loud, the deck was empty, and all the voices were blown out in the wind, so there was no need to worry about being heard by others.

"Of course, after all, every wizard has to go through a period of study at Hogwarts."

Jon said calmly: "Harry Potter is destined to be different."

Perhaps it was doomed eleven years ago. When the famous Dark Lord was defeated by a child, the child would naturally be sent to the altar by wizards who didn't know the truth.

Not because of anything else, wizards need an emotional sustenance, they live in the old and old dogma, used to the life of being ruled by others, at least, they need a leader.

This leader can be anyone, and it has always been Dumbledore—that godlike man, but Dumbledore will die, so in order not to accept Voldemort's brutal rule, or to be eliminated by Voldemort , they will naturally grab Harry, who is like a life-saving straw.

Of course, only British wizards would think so.

After all, even if Voldemort really started a big war, there would be no trouble.

Britain is not alone in the world shrouded in mystery.

"He will be different because he has something to do with Voldemort, and that's where the whole story begins. We'll talk about that later."

Jon turned his head, looked at Joanne's frozen red ears, and raised his head.

"Go back and put on some clothes, it's going to be cold here at night."


The beach is cold at night.

Mr. Dursley stood pointing to a huge reef in the sea. On the reef, there was a pitifully small wooden house.

"The weather forecast calls for a storm tonight!"

He clapped his hands happily and said, "And this gentleman kindly agreed to lend us the boat!"

Harry wasn't happy at all.

It was very cold on the boat, but his thoughts were smoother than ever before.

It must be because of me that the aunt's family ran so far, and seeing how nervous the aunt was along the way, this matter must be serious.

It's serious for them.

What is there to guard against?

Obviously it is such a simple thing to hand over the letter to yourself, but you have to go so far.

Spray from the icy sea water dribbled down Harry's neck with rain, and a biting wind beat against his face. After about a long time, they finally came to the edge of the rock, and Mr. Dursley led the family towards the rickety hut.

There was a strong smell of seaweed in the room, the cold wind from outside was blowing in through the cracks in the wooden wall, and the fireplace was also damp, and there was nothing there.

And what Mr. Dursley got to eat was nothing more than a bag of potato chips and four bananas for each person.

It was so cold in here that Mr. Dursley couldn't even make a fire if he wanted to.

But he was in a good mood, and Harry could see that he didn't think it would be raining to deliver a letter in such a storm -- Harry thought so too, but it didn't cheer him up at all.


Night fell.

Jon was still standing on the side of the boat, and the strong wind rolled down heavily with dark clouds, but there was no way to blow his hair.

He's standing here practicing magic.

【Single-body defense magic · mobile fortress】, even a violent gust of wind can't disturb the air around him, that magic barrier blocks all external interference.

"Let me in."

Joanne walked out of the cabin and gathered her clothes, and Jon responded by expanding the protection range for her a little bit—this also made him feel a little bit strenuous, because the transformation from single-target magic to group magic consumes more than just mana. It's that easy to double.

"Rank asleep?"

Joanne nodded and said in a low voice, "I stuffed the page you gave me under his pillow. He is already dead asleep. What are you going to do to him?"

"A small application of memory magic, it's nothing. I plan to let him protect you after I leave. Anyway, he will stay in China to deal with the company's affairs here. It shouldn't be inconvenient for you to live together, right?" Jon described his thoughts before asking, "You don't feel inconvenient, do you?"

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