Night has come.

A roll of paper was wrapped around his leg, and it carried news enough to affect a battle.

The distance that the shadow of the beast **** has to run is much shorter than before.

Because at this time, the Kasnee fleet had already approached the city of the Sun God, and had no effort to occupy the nearest city.

Across the river, looking at each other from afar.

Kaemon took down the secret letter and watched the mouse turn and run away without stopping.

The mission of sending letters.

Open the stationery, Romul's slightly scribbled handwriting on it.

The letter said that Solan's army will quietly leave the city tomorrow night and set up an ambush in the south waterway.

Seeing the simple description, Kaimon's face darkened.

Being able to predict Kasnee's next move, Princess Solan is really not easy to deal with, but unfortunately, she did not expect her own good son who was dedicated to saving his father.

This is interesting to Camon.

Now, Camon has no doubts about Romul's news.

One of the reasons is that Romul sent intelligence not long ago, the letter stated the transportation route of grain and grass in Solancia, Camon was dubious and sent troops to intercept the grain and grass, but it was really intercepted, Finally pulled back two carts of grain.

Compared to the food and grass needed for the march, this reserve of food can be said to be a drop in the bucket, but after all, it is the first batch of food and grass grabbed from the hands of Queen Solan, the important thing is the symbolism, and how to take it Show it to soldiers to boost morale.

If Sergeant Solan hadn't acted decisively and set fire to the connected grain carts, preferring to destroy them all rather than leaving them to the enemy, the Cassneh infantry team would surely be able to grab more grain and grass, which would be delivered to the door supplies to come.

After this time, Romul did not send any other news, but asked Camon to let Horst write a sentence or two in the reply to prove that his father was still alive.

The wording was a little eager, even a little rude, but it reassured Camon that the more Romul cared about his father's safety, the more reliable the information he provided.

Therefore, Camon asked Horst to write down the words of help and gratitude, and sent it to Romul in the reply letter.

And Horst's brother Taz.

Although Romul claimed that Taz didn't care about Horst's life or death like everyone else, Camon thought he saw the truth behind-

Probably Taz also wanted to save his younger brother, but because the princess did not dare to take any practical action, he quietly disclosed the secret to his nephew, and Romul passed the news, otherwise the powerless ex Where did the crown prince know so much.

Perhaps Camon isn't headstrong and doesn't trust appearances easily.

However, before the picture is seen, who can guess whether the scene in front of you is appearance or reality?

Finally, Romul sent the really important message.

As the Kasneh fleet approached, the city of Surinia became more and more under martial law. The only way to pass secret messages was through rats, and the other spies in the city could not be contacted and could not be verified. It has been determined that this information is true.

Therefore, Prince Kasneh convened an emergency military meeting, and after some discussions, the action for tomorrow night was finally decided.

"While the Sorans are out of the city, there are not enough defenders-" Camon's fingers followed the black line representing the river on the map, from the city they were currently guarding, to the north to Surinia city.

"We will follow this route and focus on attacking this point, Klee, you lead the infantry to the south to stop the Solans from returning, and the others will attack the city with me."

General Kasnie said in unison, "Yes, Your Highness!"

The next night, the Chisneh fleet sent ten warships to cruise the southern waterways, in order to confuse Solan's army and let them not return too soon.

The main force of the fleet sailed along another tributary to the city of Surinia.

There are side elevations blocking the line of sight, I am afraid that the soldiers guarding the city will not notice until the fleet arrives in front of Surinia.

Suddenly, the fleet entered a wide water area. The river here is wide and open, the water flow is quiet, and the water surface under the moonlight is like a long azure lake, reflecting the moonlit stars.

This is the most peaceful side of the Ilu River.

There has never been such a river in Kasne. The steep mountain peaks are the birthplace of many water veins. They are also cut short and fast, with a large drop, and there are many waterfalls.

But in Kasne, the river has nothing to do with the quiet and the mighty. Because of their mythological concept, every small river and stream has a god, a vassal of the mountain god, and they are rushing, cheerful, reckless, and never quiet.

The Ilu River in Solancia is different.

This difference broke the cognition of the Chisne people long ago, and at this moment, they really witnessed it again.

Even if you don't know how to appreciate the beautiful scenery, your eyes will inevitably stop for a short time in such a scenery.

In the next instant, a sudden change occurred.

A large natural sharp rock fell down from nowhere and hit the boat hard.

Outside the city of Surinia is the largest quarry on the continent.

In other words, rich in stone.

If nothing else, the raw material is enough.

No matter how sturdy a ship is, it can't resist the stones that are added by gravity and momentum, not to mention that the warship is still wood.

The rocks are still too small relative to the hull to sink in one hit, but as more and more rocks fall, things get tricky.

The sharp ramming angle, excellent bearing capacity and maneuverability of the Kasne warships are proud of, and they cannot let them escape the stones falling from the sky.

Yes, warships are lethal, provided that there are enemies to kill.

There is no enemy ship to ram on the Ilu River, which has been waved by ships and stones;

The archers on the ship are useless, because there is no enemy army found on both sides of the strait, and even if there is, it is a distance beyond the reach of the archers.

Kaemon watched a warship not far away that was smashed to pieces, slowly sinking, and his eyes inevitably became manic and angry.

"Accelerate!" he said to the ships behind.

Things that can throw larger stones so far must be a cumbersome giant trebuchet, which is very inconvenient to move.

Since it appears here, it means that what Romul delivered is basically fake news, and the Solan people have already been ambushed at a high place—

It doesn't matter, as long as they speed up and sail through this waters, the Solan can only watch, and their fleet is large enough to withstand the consumption of a moment and a half.

Wait outside the city, the soldiers facing the desperate situation are Solan!

However, this backfired, as the oarsmen tried to make a quick dash through the water when the ghostly boat drifted from the shore.

These boats are small and inconspicuous in the night. Even if someone notices, they will only think they are small boats left by fishermen on the shore.

And at this moment, they were carrying a ship full of incendiary materials, rushing into the formation of the fleet, avoiding the sharp angle of impact on the side. Although the maneuvering of the warship can completely adjust the angle and then collide, this time difference is enough.

The flaming arrows burst through the air, but the targets were not warships, but those small ships.

From the fire to the raging fire, it took almost no time.

The flames burn smoothly from the boat to the warship. Even if there are fireproof means such as rawhide wrapping, it is difficult to take into account the whole. Those warships that are not equipped to withstand fire protection will suffer.

Under the double threat, the Kasneh soldiers panicked, and the sinking warship kept people jumping to escape, while the soldiers on other ships, even if they had the prestige of Prince Camon and the shock of the cruel deeds in the past, There was still an uncontrollable uproar.

"Withdraw, withdraw now!"

Kymon categorically ordered.

However, the waters are too wide.

"—The ramming angle of the warship pierced many of the sides of the ship in the panic.

Kymon never imagined that Princess Solan didn't even show her face, which caused a lot of losses to the Kasneh warship.

What makes him even more powerless is that until now, Camon can't be sure whether Romul was deceiving from the beginning, or whether Eleuil was aware of Romul's betrayal and spread the falsehood. intelligence.

Few people can deceive him, from childhood to adulthood.

There is also the goddess, the oracle of the goddess Pearl Luther, how...

The situation at the moment cannot describe him thinking too much, Kaimon gritted his teeth and waved the flag to command the chaotic fleet.

He was almost there.

At the same time, the stones that were in hot pursuit fell like a rain of stones.

One of the stones was slightly misaligned. It did not hit the hull position that could cause more damage, but hit the royal coat of arms of Kasneh for decoration. funny.

More boulders follow, and with their tireless efforts the ship will tip.

At the last moment, Camon jumped off the boat.

He clenched his teeth, the whites of his eyes pulled red blood, and angrily squeezed the name from the gap between his teeth.



The warriors of mankind do their best to unleash the fire of anger and hatred.

This is a big win that has been without suspense since yesterday.

And between the gods, another round of battles caused waves.

The sheep **** can't fight, but she is obviously a very competent healer. The sun **** who was injured in the battle with the Kasne Mountain **** has recovered, standing beside Amira, thinking hard Pay the bill back.

Unfortunately, Adia was too injured, and the goddess of the mind could not solve the magic of depriving the senses, so she had to stay in her own temple on the floating island and fall into a deep sleep to heal the wound.

Luodus has Toemut to tell her how to stay awake and guide her to heal herself, but I don't know if it will come in handy.

In short, the battle of gods is seven to three.

Although the number does not mean more strength, even if Solan is singled out, the strength is comparable to the single God Kasne, or even stronger.

It stands to reason that the result of this battle of gods should be the same as the battle of the world, and there is no suspense.

Luodus was indescribably uneasy.

Gods cannot predict the future, but occasionally they have a vague sense of things that involve themselves.

Luodus didn't know if the other companions felt the same way, he tilted his head slightly, and every main **** beside him looked solemn, obviously he would not underestimate the enemy.

On the opposite side of the Solan **** system, Pearl Luther raised his eyes, and the corners of his lips pursed into a smile as usual.

The mountains and rocks rose violently, and the howls of beasts resounded through the empty mountains and rivers of the battlefield.

The God of Kasneh took the lead.

The author has something to say:

Trying to use the poems of Li Du to describe the situation facing the Cassini fleet (gestures)

The moment before:

Next second:

The fire Zhang Tianzhao the sea of ​​​​clouds, Zhou Yu broke Cao Gong (?)

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