How To Wear a Goddess Statue

Chapter 156: retreat

To deal with a heavy city like Tigbia, if you want to forcibly attack it, you must pay a heavy price - just like Sanur before.

They quickly captured the city within a few days, not only taking advantage of the unprepared defense of the defenders, but also filling the road with flesh and blood, causing countless losses.

There is also a Kasne in the south, and there may be a rebellion in the territory, so Solancia naturally cannot waste its troops like this.

However, when the opponent is Sanur, the decision to siege will be especially cruel.

It might just be a deserted city.

In other words, it's no different than letting the Sanur slaughter the city.

Attack or siege is a difficult multiple choice question in this situation.

The general was arguing on the side, Eleuil did not participate.

In front of her, there were three dark brown papers with patterns.

More precise and detailed drawings of the city defense fortifications.

The stronger the wall of Tigbia is built, the more difficult it is for foreigners to capture. On the contrary, if the army stationed here rebels, it will be more difficult for the peace army from the royal city to break the city.

When designing and building the fortifications of the city of Tigbia, the reigning King Soran had an idea - he asked the architect to leave a fortification gap that could not be easily found.

Secret passages or weak points, as long as they are secretly built, even the defenders stationed here will not know.

This idea really came true. The architect tried his best to meet this requirement, but after the city wall was completed and confirmed that there was no problem, the King Solan sent him mercilessly to meet the **** of death.

And now, this drawing marked with the secret passage is placed in front of Eleuil, and she found it in the dark layer of Horst's desk.

The question is, what can a secret passage do?

But if it is to siege the city, it is impossible for the army to pass through this narrow and secret passage.

A large number of people will attract the attention of the Sanur defenders.

The number of people is small and it can't play its due role. Can you expect these dozens and hundreds of people to swarm to defeat the heavy soldiers at the city gate, so that the city gate can be opened and the troops can come in?

Eleuil stared at the blueprint, not moving for a long time.

Suddenly, the princess raised her hand and tapped her forehead, just like some priests and scribes are accustomed to thinking.

Under normal circumstances, Eleuil's subconscious movement is far less than that when she is thinking. When Luodus saw it, she guessed that she had something to say, and then floated over.

"What did you think of?"

Eleuil: "Assassination."

The tone is as light as a cloud, only Luodus can hear it.

Lotus repeated the short word, looking down at the drawing: " want to assassinate Prince Sanur?"

Prince Sanur, specifically the one huddled in the city of Tigbia.

Liu Yier has excellent archery skills, and it is impossible to shoot these guys through heavy defenses. There is not much protection around him. It can be seen that Prince Lengtou Qing has not been on the battlefield a few times.

The two who finally escaped, one retreated to Tigbia, and the other fled abroad.

The latter can't do anything about him for the time being, and the former is different.

Luodus observed the princess' expression again and found that she was actually very serious.


There are secret passages and knowing the layout of the city defense is very suitable from this aspect.

But who has seen the Lord assassinate himself?

If there is a little mistake in the plan, it will not be Sanur who will lose the leader and the leaderless, but Solancia!

Eleuil didn't insist, and took the second place: "Then change the way, as long as it can make them mess up."

She looked at Luodus and blinked.

Lotus: "...?"

The next day a line of blue herons flew over Tigbia.

Flying further north in this season is somewhat contrary to their migratory habits, but the Sanur people do not understand that there has never been such a water-dependent bird in the place where they live .

"What kind of bird is this?"

"I don't know, haven't seen it."

"It looks edible though."

The people who were talking were the infantry guarding the city wall. They did not participate in the cavalry melee yesterday. They stayed here from beginning to end, watching the battle nervously.

Although I don’t know the blue heron, this kind of big bird can always be eaten, right?

If the Solan were to besiege the city next, the more food the better, with this thought in mind, a soldier drew a bow and shot an arrow at the birds in the sky.

Missed the shot, these large birds flew higher than expected, and before the Sanur soldiers regretted, the blue heron group responded.

These beautiful and large water birds flapped their wings and uttered a high-pitched cry to the Sanur, as if extremely angry, and then flew higher and soon disappeared.

Some Sanur people don't know what this is, but the people of Solan know it!

The messenger of the Ilu river goddess, the water spirit, was offended by these aliens with arrows.

Somehow, rumors spread among the Sanur army too: invaders offend the messengers of the river goddess and try to kill them, which will cause the wrath of the deity, who will punish the offenders .

At first, not many people took it seriously, but that night, someone died mysteriously in the military camp.

The state of death was very tragic. The strange thing was that his corpse seemed to have undergone sacrifices. .

Therefore new rumors spread again, people believe that the revenge has begun, and will not stop unless the gods are angered.

Prince Sanur stayed in the city, and before he could relax, he heard these rumors, and immediately arrested and questioned the local civilians who spread the rumors, but the answer he got was only divine anger. a word.

The troubled prince climbed the city wall to refute the rumor.

"The blue heron will not have mysterious power. The eagle on the field is the king of all birds, the manifestation of the power of the gods, and the companion of the great wolf god!"

"There is no revenge of the alien gods, this must be the Solan people pretending to be ghosts!"

However, this cannot explain the cause of death of the soldiers, the city of Tigbia is strictly guarded, and it is impossible for the other party to send people in.

Prince Sanur suspected that the soldier who was killed had an enemy within the tribe, and the enemy took the opportunity to kill him, and then pushed it to God for punishment.

The same thing happened again that night.

This time the situation was more serious, and more people died, and the soldiers living in the nearby tents did not hear the slightest movement, as if- as if it was really a silent divine descent angry.

Prince Sanur had no other choice but to carry out small rituals during the day, praying to the wolf gods and vulture gods for help, expelling the mysterious power of aliens, and protecting the tribe.

This sacrifice, which was highly anticipated, did not work, and after going back and forth for several days, the Sanur army was in chaos.

Why does death continue?

Why didn't the great wolf **** stop the enemy heretic gods?

Why is it impossible to stop bizarre deaths even if you increase the inspection efforts, even if you don’t sleep all night?

If it is said that the Solans pretended to be ghosts in some way, cutting off their heads and digging out their hearts, it can be explained, what about those blood-coagulated symbols?

That doesn't look like a human can do it at all!

In such a terrifying atmosphere, the Sanur tribe, which lacked a strong leader, began to be in chaos.

The soldiers who followed the prince back to the city but did not belong to his forces, as well as soldiers from other tribes, were the first to riot.

Some people even tried to escape from the city without permission, and were executed immediately after being caught. The intention was to deter soldiers who had the same idea, but it made more people's minds float.

Finally, Solancia begins the siege.

Fighting against the visible and tangible Solan army, but let the Sanur people breathe a sigh of relief, but they lost trust in the prince, did not have a unified command to convince the public, coupled with the military spirit Unstable, the strength of defending the city is like a mess of loose sand.


Unlike the eldest brother, this prince does not speak the language of Solancia very well. He grumbled something in a shocking tone, and rushed forward with a machete, slashing and killing Solancia frantically. Lan soldier.

This was his last struggle, because the next moment, the long sword fell from behind itself, splitting his back.

Prince Sanur turned back with his last strength.

In the blurry vision, only a pair of golden eyes shine like a sun wheel.

The gate of Digbia was broken.

The Solanchian army poured into the city gate and fought fiercely in the streets and alleys.

The battle did not last long, and the Sanur quickly fled to the other side of the city gate. Although a few were intercepted by the Solan soldiers blocking there, more people rode their horses Fleeing, just like the cavalry led by another prince a few days ago, they escaped from the territory of Solancia and went to the vast wilderness.

No army can chase into the wasteland, only the Sanur people are familiar with the highland grassland, as long as they return to their own territory, they will be safe.

When the Sanur riders escaped the range of the bows and arrows, Eleuil pulled back his horse and motioned for the chasing team to return to the city.

In this incident, Luodus actively provided blood symbols to pretend to be ghosts, in addition to watching the whole process.

She looked back at the Sanur cavalry rushing away: "Will these people come again?"

It's hard to say that it's deserters, but to describe the opponent's actions, it's closer to breaking through. They have preserved the main force in the city, and most of them have successfully broken through.

The reason why he didn't continue to resist may be that he found that Prince Sanur was dead, and he didn't want to fight, or he was afraid of the so-called God's punishment, and felt that it was better to go back to his own territory first.

Eleuil nodded: "Yes, but at least for a short time, Sanur will not dare to take any action."

The highland wilderness is their natural umbrella, no matter how harsh the environment, these Sanur people can always recover.

Hamonge's last son will be the benchmark for their assembly, and then continue to watch the frontier like a pack of wolves at night, waiting for a comeback.

Sanur is annoying here.

Eleuil said with a happy expression.

Luodus looked at her silently.

The princess said slowly: "I just have an idea, I have time to ask Arsino... But even if it is realized, it will be after Kasne poses no threat."

Luodus said quietly: "Don't talk about your thoughts, why don't you look at your left shoulder and think about it again."

Eleuil looked at the sound.

I saw the armor under the shoulders split, and a small stream of blood sprouted from the crack, which was probably the injury left by a Sanur person in a desperate fight.

It didn't hurt too much, and the princess didn't care, and chased out the city gate one mile with the wound.

At this moment, being called by Luodus, Aileu paused and lowered her eyes: "It hurts, I need a bandage."

Lotus: "…"

It's better to put away the smile on your face before it hurts!

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