Hong Kong Stubborn

Chapter 141: Dominate the Asian film scene

By October 1998, Luo Junyan did not leave the Gemini Digital Company because Jobs had made an appointment in advance to come to South Korea to meet him.

IMacG3 officially went on sale in October, Steve Jobs mainly came to Asia to publicize. Luo Junyan was curious why this old man wanted to make an appointment with him, and simply stayed to chat in person.

After seeing Steve Jobs, Luo Junyan understood that this energetic man wanted to take a stake in the Korean Gemini Digital Company after seeing the samples of "Skyscrapers".

As for the benefits of cooperation, Jobs talked a lot. Luo Junyan couldn't understand any professional things such as workstations, graphics card systems, and rendering efficiency that were specially developed for Gemini.

What Luo Junyan talked with Jobs most was the issue of corporate dividends. Jobs firmly believes that companies should not pay dividends, listed companies should not pay dividends, profits should be used for corporate reinvestment, and investors' income should be reflected in the high value-added part of the shares to make it more reasonable.

Luo Junyan knows that Apple's stock has risen to more than $30, and thinks what Old Qiao said makes sense. But there are more depressed elements in my heart, and I don't expect to get dividend income from Apple Computer in the future.

As for whether to agree to Steve Jobs's personal equity participation, Luo Junyan is definitely not a fool even though he doesn't understand technology. He finally reached an agreement with Lao Qiao. Lao Qiao had to realize what he had said. After the realization, at the agreed price of 6.5 million US dollars, he transferred 25% of the shares to Lao Qiao, and agreed to no dividends within 10 years.

Old Joe left with satisfaction. Was it a loss for the US$6.5 million in exchange for 25% of the shares? Absolutely not.

Apple Computer can open up a new market for professional graphics workstations and servers in Asia. This market will grow in size and have unlimited potential.

And the current value of Gemini Digital Special Effects Company absolutely exceeds 20 million U.S. dollars. It has a leading position in the industry in Asia, and has a cost advantage compared with European and American special effects companies. The key is that Luo Junyan can provide support for the entire film and television industry chain.

Jobs believes that the Gemini digital special effects company will usher in an explosive development within one or two years, but Luo Junyan has no such foresight.

There is a reason why Luo Junyan pretends to be stupid and stunned. Technology upgrades cannot be bought with money. Although Old Qiao is a bit outrageous, he is a leader in American technological innovation after all, and can get on board. There are not many opportunities. What's more, Luo Junyan's asking price is rushing back to the original. As long as he can recover the investment of 50 million Hong Kong dollars, he will be satisfied.

After the summer file of the Xiangjiang Film Market, it was in a state of procrastination again. In fact, the summer file was baffled by those two films. Now that the hustle and bustle has passed, it makes people feel that the Xiangjiang Film Market is in a stage of revival.

In addition, "Fighting and Clouds Dominating the World" did not catch up well. Affected by the Asian financial crisis, it is difficult for the box office of other cities to make a big difference. "Skyscrapers" is a different kind of disaster inspirational film. The subject matter can fit well with the mood of the governments and people of various countries at this time, and it is inherently more than that.

October 10, 1998, coincided with Luo Junyan's 35th birthday.

He returned to Xiangjiang on the same day, officially announced his comeback, and attended the birthday party organized by Anita Mui, and improvised the song "Blooming Life" for the fans present.

This birthday party was also edited with highlights videos and live photos and put them on Yingqu.com's Anita Mui's small world. The small world of celebrities is similar to Weibo. Each celebrity can be opened with a real name, interact with fans on the Internet, publish the latest news, and there are fee items for fans to offer flowers and kisses.

This idea was also made by Brother Cheng. At present, on the Xiangjiang Internet, Yingqu's star small world is the most popular, and the money he makes is no less than the promotion of the film.

On October 15, "Skyscrapers" finally premiered simultaneously in Hong Kong and the Mainland. In Xiangjiang, it was handed over to the Oriental Cinema and Xinbao Cinema for the dual screening. This year, the theaters of Xiangjiang have all suffered losses, regardless of factional disputes.

Luo Junyan is still quite nervous. He is very satisfied with the CG effect of this film, but it is useless for him to be satisfied. In the end, the market has the final say. This "Skyscraper" compares later generations of "Skyscrapers" shot in South Korea in 2013. The visual effects of special effects are certainly not small, but it is now considered to be a super first-class level, and the fidelity is close to 70% of the later "Skyscrapers".

In the theater of the premiere, the magnificent skyscraper twin towers appeared on the screen, sweeping the panoramic view of Victoria Harbour and Kowloon City below the skyscrapers, which really shocked the audience. The subsequent crisis scenes continued to appear, like recording a real catastrophe, much more realistic than the various throwing light **** and astigmatism halos in "The Wind and Cloud Dominates the World".

After the premiere was over, Luo Junyan was relieved when he heard Brother Cong report the situation of the audience investigation. It is not that the American CG blockbuster defeated the production of Hong Kong, but the production of Hong Kong itself defeated itself. The backward production technology and a large number of shoddy follow-up films make it strange that the audience can buy it.

"Skyscraper" caused a sensation in the mainland much more than Xiangjiang. After all, this film is a Chinese own CG blockbuster, all of which are Asian faces and have unusual epoch-making significance.

Under the guidance of the media, watching a movie is a slogan to help one more disaster victim. In an era when pirated video discs have begun to prevail, "Skyscrapers" has always maintained a super high attendance rate, which is extremely difficult to see.

The premiere at the Throne Theater in South Korea was also very successful, and the attendance rate was almost full. It is difficult for the Korean people to believe that this is a CG film produced by a Korean special effects company, and Xue Jingguo's acting skills have also been recognized by an absolute majority of the audience, and his popularity has risen unprecedentedly.

Just a week after "Skyscraper" was released, theaters in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia have signed a screening agreement with Snow Knight Distribution.

Before October 30th, "Skyscrapers" will be painted across Asia. The propaganda that inspires the will of the people of Asian countries is already overwhelming, and an Asian benchmark CG production that confronts disasters and interprets human nature was born.

Luo Junyan has gained the benefits of the time, location, people and tripartite this time. A win-win win-win for word-of-mouth box office will never come out because of one or two aspects of excellence. It must be the product of a combination of many factors.

At the same time, Luo Junyan did not relax his propaganda work due to the enthusiastic market response. He still spent all the budget according to the plan. When will the 75 million Hong Kong dollar investment be left, and when will Mingjin retreat. He is worried about the emergence of competitive films at this time, including Hollywood's special effects giants.

It has to be said that Luo Junyan's luck this time is really good. There was no film to grab the limelight throughout November, so that "Skyscraper" dominated the Asian film market.

The emergence of this situation has a lot to do with the impact of the Asian financial crisis. Local productions in Asian countries can’t find investors, and Hollywood producers and distributors are on the sidelines of the Asian market. Because the box office of foreign films released in Asia this year has declined to varying degrees, people choose to remain silent.

In short, with Luo Junyan's crazy money to keep the film hot, and there is no strong competitor, the beginning of December is still "Skyscraper" standing out among the crowd, arguing in Asia.

In the Hong Kong film market, the movies released at the same time can be tragedy. No film has a box office of more than 5 million Hong Kong dollars, and the audience has been robbed by "Skyscrapers". What is this concept? That is to say, as long as the films released in the same period all have to lose money, there is no chance of making a profit.

At this time, 80 million Hong Kong dollars was spent, and Luo Junyan didn't have to go around to promote it. In 1998, it was not easy to sit down and take a breath. At the end of this month, Luo Junyan really didn't want to toss anymore. Just let the schedule for Christmas and New Year's Day take its course. Even if the attendance is not enough, it doesn't matter if you draw down in advance.

When he was free, he received a call from Luo Zhaohui. This guy also wanted to sell back to Luo Junyan the land where most of the Snowman Times Mansion was demolished, only to receive Luo Junyan's 300 million Hong Kong dollar repurchase money. .

Luo Junyan immediately refused. He doesn't care about his face, he has no shame in crying and selling miserable things. He has recounted the big book and special book about selling a yacht to make a new film. In the end, he wanted to borrow a few million from Luo Zhaohui for a turnaround.

Luo Zhaohui was forced to rush, and finally even threatened Luo Junyan to reveal his scandal to the media. Luo Junyan was really strange, he had only made friends with sister army in his life, can he remember this matter? So he responded kindly to Luo Zhaohui, whatever you want.

As a result, within two days, "Apple New Entertainment" broke out numerous news about Luo Junyan's one wife and two concubines and his lover. The article pointed out that in addition to the main house of sister army, Huo Wenxi and Hu Xin are his two aunts and wives. Luo Junyan’s lovers include Maggie Cheung, Guan Zhilin, Kwong Meiyun, Li Lizhen, Chen Farong, Wen Bixia, Yuan Jieying, Zhou Huimin, Xiao Qiang and other actresses who have worked together.

Luo Zhaohui deliberately arranged for himself to show up, and came to speak out. He vaguely confirmed the report of "Apple New Entertainment", and intentionally or unconsciously hinted that the girls had played together with them, and he also had some celestial yoga photos of Ssangyong and Shanfeng in his hand.

This has caused a sensation in Xiangjiang. Although money is not easy to make now, the mentality of the grass-minded people to watch for fun will never change. All the actresses mentioned by "Apple New Entertainment" were entangled by reporters. They all came to inquire about the details of their being played and abandoned by Luo Junyan. If you can interview some details that are not suitable for children, it will be more perfect. Up.

Luo Junyan was surprised at this kind of rumors and hype. Now the media is not as good as his time, and the professional ethics are so bad. He didn't even have a photo, so he dared to publish the news indiscriminately by name. Luo Junyan's only reaction was to prevent his two daughters from reading newspapers and magazines, because the children had no judgment.

After making a secret investigation, Qian Shouyi gave the information back to Luo Junyan.

Huang Jiadong has just returned to Xiangjiang again. This time he is the editor-in-chief of "Apple New Entertainment". It is estimated that Luo Zhaohui, who is the doggie, has come up with it. Luo Junyan is not in a hurry to clean up Huang Jiadong. He really wants to see what happens to this mad dog who recognizes his lord everywhere? And it is no longer the age of violence.

The slander and rumors of "Apple New Entertainment" must be prosecuted, although letters are used to replace names in the news articles, but only fools can't guess it.

Luo Junyan didn't plan to fight with "Apple New Entertainment", he did it himself, the more noisy, the more magazines they sell. He is now worried that the splashed dirty water will affect the attendance rate of "Skyscraper", but in his heart he hopes that the film can survive Christmas.

Before Luo Junyan could sue, the paparazzi reporter angered Huo Wenxi. The group even picked up her underwear from the trash can.

Huo Wenxi angrily announced to the public that she would go to an authoritative hospital to do hymen identification, and then bring the certificate to sue "Apple New Entertainment." This was nothing, but she added a few more words later, saying that she had been in love with Luo Junyan all the time and had decided to be a celibate, and she would not date or marry other men.

When Luo Junyan got the news, he scolded your mother angrily. You plan to have celibacy related to me. Sister Army looked at Luo Jun's face full of anger. She sat firmly on the Diaoyutai. Now Sister Army's love concept has matured a lot, and her emotions will not be expressed on her face.

Kwong Meiyun divorced last year, and the first marriage lasted only over a year. When sister army went to comfort her, she came to the conclusion that as long as a woman had hidden a man in her heart, it would be difficult for another man to enter her atrium.

So even though she was particularly frustrated, she sympathized with Huo Wenxi. This girl has the courage to speak out her heart in public, but unfortunately there will still be no results. The blame can only blame her for appearing too late.

In short, things have become more chaotic, and Luo Junyan has become more inconvenient to show up.

On the contrary, in the various entertainment talk shows of Xiangjiang TV Station, no matter who the celebrity guests are invited, the host asked about his impressions and opinions of Luo Junyan. Other messy comments were mixed, but almost all of them would give an almost identical impression: Ajun is so stingy, and apart from soda, he has never seen him give a female artist a gift.

As a result, Luo Junyan's reputation for the chaotic private life did not start, but the reputation of the iron **** was shocked.

The building in the comment area was completely crooked, and the discussion about how much money Luo Junyan had saved prevailed. Luo Junyan also decided not to prosecute at this moment. He was most afraid of others studying his wallet, so he could only squint honestly at this time.

What Luo Junyan did not expect is that many female artists in the entertainment circle have begun to re-examine Luo Junyan and pay attention to all his information. His wealth, his family, his hobbies, etc. have become these female artists. Focus.

Finally let the caring people pay attention to one important point. Luo Junyan is 35 years old and full of blood, and the army sister is 44 years old. Will the 44-year-old woman still be invulnerable in love?

In the eyes of some women, this is a rare opportunity, but it only takes a moment. They believe that they can easily defeat sister army, and it is even more important to win Luo Junyan, a normal man.

As a result, in the entertainment industry, rumors about Luo Junyan and his wife's disharmony, and the disharmonious life of their husbands and wives began to fly all over the sky.

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