Most of these things have violent and cruel personalities. They cannot tolerate this kind of betrayal. Even if it is purely for the sake of face, they must recapture the second generation Zero.

How terrifying it is to let this stupid thing bear the wrath of the evil god in person.

Unfortunately, perhaps because of the Lord of Joy's lower realm, although he sensed the activation of the resurrection spell, he was unable to use his own power freely. As a result, one of the seven shackles was missing, and the second generation Jero was unable to be captured.

This was the second time it failed.

The evil god, who was already violent, became even more angry.

At this moment, they learned another news from the Lord of Joy.

Their daughter, Rossweisse, fell into the hands of Qin Chu.

This so-called daughter has a different meaning.

Rossweisse, who has inherited the blood of the evil god, has a better physique than her mother... To put it simply, if the conditions are right, she can spread the blood of the evil god better than her mother.

They also could not tolerate Qin Chu, a humble mortal, who offended and provoked them, the gods, again and again.

The majesty of the gods cannot be challenged.

That idiot, the Lord of Joy, can't be solved by just a mere mortal.

He kept making excuses for himself, saying that the power of the gods could not be exerted due to the exclusion of the rules of the world.

As a god, if you can't deal with an ant-like mortal, you are useless and useless, and you still have the nerve to ask for help from them.

These powerful gods did not hide their mockery of the Lord of Joy.

However, the news brought by the Lord of Joy is still very important. In the Demon King's City, where the traitor is, there is another part of the father's stump, which is as important as the heart... the head. The Destiny Weaver couldn't see into Qin Chu's future, and layers of fog shrouded the man. This was definitely a bad sign for the six of them.

Now, Qin Chu already has the torso, right hand, right leg, and heart. Once Qin Chu also gets the head, the situation will become even worse.

Who would have thought that a mere mortal who didn't care about anyone could now force a group of powerful gods to such an extent... No matter what, he must be killed.

Never allow that tiny insect to continue jumping around in front of you.

However, there is a question as to who should go below to support the Lord of Joy.

Because enough power must be left to suppress the Holy Light Goddess, at most one more evil god will be selected from the six evil gods.

They had just experienced a conflict with the Holy Light Goddess not long ago, and their power has not yet been restored. The evil gods are very jealous of each other. No one wants to be with the Lord of Joy in this situation. With that guy's insidious and greedy character, no one knows what will happen.

For a moment, the void fell into silence, and there was no sound.

The communication of consciousness between them seemed to be completely broken at this time.

And this silence did not last long. Seeing that the other companions had no intention of assisting the Lord of Joy, the tall figure on the bone throne suddenly stood up.

God of blood and darkness and death!

Among the many evil gods, he is the most explosive, bloodthirsty, and aggressive.

The huge and scarlet eyes did not hide the contempt and ridicule of his other companions at all. Under the horned battle helmet, the scarlet lips split open, revealing the sharp teeth inside. A voice like thunder echoed in the starry sky:

"I come!"

Chapter 3 is delivered with twelve thousand words.

Chapter 574 The Evil God’s Ambition

(four thousand words)

I'm coming~~

Just two words, like a bell ringing suddenly.

In the void, countless meteorites were shattered into pieces in an instant.

The other five evil gods were not surprised by this situation.

The God of Blood, Darkness and Death likes this kind of killing the most... Last time, if the Lord of Joy hadn't stepped forward too quickly, I'm afraid this god would have taken the initiative to take over the task. This time, He would be even more... Impossible to let go.

When the God of Blood, Darkness and Death took over this task, the responsibility of suppressing the Goddess of Holy Light fell on the other evil gods.

This rude and majestic god didn't say much, and he didn't even wait for the other gods to respond. His consciousness gradually disappeared.

After all, it is not easy to enter the main world below from the void.

Just above the bone throne, the body of the great god is still so majestic.

The scarlet eyes seemed to be filled with light like a sharp sword and cast towards the world below... Blood was flowing deep in the eyes.

There seemed to be countless thoughts flashing in his eyes.

Qin Chu.

Just a mortal.

Although powerful, mortals are only mortals after all.

He had never worried about killing Qin Chu, and he had never regarded that humble life as his enemy in his heart.

He doesn't deserve it!

Of course, this does not mean that He will show mercy to that tiny human being.

There is no such thing as mercy in His will, so even if that insignificant being is not worthy of being His enemy, He will still crush Qin Chu's body with his battle axe, chew his soul with his sharp teeth, Taste his blood.

The sound of blood splattering and bones breaking is His favorite music.

What's more, there is something he must get from this insect-like human being.

That's right, this God of Blood, Darkness and Death is definitely not targeting Qin Chu, his heirs, or puppets this time. In his eyes, these are just trivial things that are not worth mentioning. What he really cares about is , are other beings...for example, the residual limbs of God the Father.

As the authority in charge of death and battle, no one pursues power more crazily than Him.

Although the Father God has fallen long ago, the remaining limbs of the Father God still contain endless power.

If you could integrate the remaining limbs of God the Father into your own body...

On that rude face covered with scarlet blood spots and downy hair, a twisted maniacal laughter gradually emerged.

In the cage, Lucia, the little goddess of holy light, has been huddled quietly in the corner.

It seemed that some time had passed since the last time Qin Chu appeared to provide herself with energy, and Lucia's face was slightly irritable.

She didn't understand where this irritability came from, but in her little mind, everything that happened in the short period of time when she and Qin Chu got along appeared involuntarily. Every scene was so clear, and it seemed that Will never be forgotten.

A pair of slender arms wrapped around his knees.

The white teeth gently bit her lower lip.

There seemed to be a slight blush on her fair cheeks.

She doesn't know when Qin Chu will appear next... In fact, Lucia herself knows very well that the speed will definitely not be very fast. After all, Qin Chu has just left here, and it has not been long at all.

The scene of the last meeting appeared in his little mind... After killing the Lord of Joy, Qin Chu was quite understandable when he appeared in the void for the first time.

At that time, she didn't even have the ability to draw power from Qin Chu, so she was forced to kiss Qin Chu and let Qin Chu transfer energy into her body so that she could move.

But the last time, it was clear that these were no longer needed. The little goddess of Holy Light didn't understand why she was still kissing Qin Chu.

His cheeks became redder and redder, and he became nervous. His brain was definitely cramped, otherwise how could he do such a thing.

At this moment, the little goddess of Holy Light couldn't help but let out a scream.

However, that feeling is pretty good.

All in all, this kind of thing must never happen again.

This will make Qin Chu become more and more arrogant.

After all, she is the goddess, and he is just her dependent... The little goddess of Holy Light waved her fist slightly, and made a plan in her heart to reaffirm the majesty of the goddess.

Well, this idea may have appeared dozens of times in Lucia's little mind.

After all, this place is really boring, and this is basically what I think about over and over again.

Of course, every time you think about it again, the plan in your heart will become more perfect... Just wait for the next time Qin Chu appears, and then subconsciously throw the plan in your mind out of the sky, and restart the next cycle of frustration after the family members leave. .

This time was no different from before. Just when the little goddess of Holy Light was happily preparing a careful plan in her heart, suddenly, she felt her cage shaking slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a crunching sound, like metal friction, penetrated into his ears.

This kind of sound is really unpleasant, the kind that makes people extremely irritated when it gets into the ears.

Inevitably, Lucia was awakened by this sound and was forced to get rid of her own thoughts. Some displeasure could be clearly seen on her face. Her delicate brows were knitted into a ball, and she peeped in the direction of the sound. past.

Soon, the little goddess of Holy Light understood the reason for this movement.

Just above the cage, among the chains that have become slightly sparse, a scarlet chain, like a giant python that has given up on entangling its prey, begins to slowly spread out its body.

Lucia's face gradually became solemn. She knew the origin of this chain. This chain symbolized the power of the god of blood, darkness and death.

Seeing the chains gradually breaking away from the cage and no longer restraining the prison, Lucia's beautiful eyes flashed rapidly.

What does this guy with a violent personality and a penchant for victory, who would roar from time to time even when the evil god is having a meeting, want to do?

Soon, Lucia thought of the previous time, when the Lord of Joy left the void, it was almost the same omen.

Could it be that the God of Blood, Darkness and Death is also preparing to leave the void and enter the main world below?

This thought made the little goddess of Holy Light feel a little anxious.

This is not a good thing.

After all, compared to the Lord of Joy, an evil god who likes to influence and manipulate living beings with desire, the God of Blood, Darkness and Death is a pure fighting sect, and all his powers exist for fighting. .

The evil gods that exist in the void may be more terrifying in some aspects than the god who holds the power of death and war. For example, the god of plague and disaster can create plagues that can easily cause tens of millions of deaths.

The Lord of Joy can completely corrupt the entire world in a short period of time.

The Destiny Weaver is similar to Moirai, in that he has control over destiny to a certain extent.

The evil of chaos can drive all creatures who glimpse him crazy, making life worse than death.

All of these beings are extremely dangerous without exception. If we compare them purely in terms of combat power, no evil god can surpass the God of Blood, Darkness and Death in terms of combat power.

For a god like this who is decisive in killing and absolutely powerful to enter the world below is a very bad situation in any case. If this guy is also going to deal with Qin Chu...

Lucia's mood suddenly became more irritable.

At this moment, she is still very weak, far from having enough time to recover like last time.

Although Qin Chu has now advanced to a demigod and can provide more energy, the number of times he provides energy is too small.

The little goddess of holy light now has no ability to raise resistance and attract the attention of the void gods again. She will be quickly suppressed, and other evil gods may notice her weakness and be completely destroyed.

Lucia couldn't sit still anymore. Her small body even sat up from the bottom of the cage, and walked around on the floor a little irritably, with her brows tightly shrunken.

But suddenly, Lucia stopped.

On her face, there was an indescribable expression, shock, and even joy.

Just as the scarlet chain was gradually detached from the surface of the cage, Lucia felt it.

That was a kind of existence that had not been sensed in a normal way for thousands of years... power and faith.

It came from the most devout faith of believers in the main world below.

Lucia suddenly realized that this was because the bondage of the God of Blood, Darkness and Death on the cage was gradually weakening, causing the originally perfect blockade around the cage to finally have a little loophole, and the faith below could finally gather in her body.

At this moment, Lucia let out a long breath.

She was no longer panicked, and her body just sat on the ground again, as if nothing had happened.

But the pores all over her body opened at this moment, and the little goddess of holy light was devouring the faith spreading from the main world with an almost greedy attitude.

She knew that in addition to Qin Chu, she had another way to recover her strength.

And this path, as the God of Blood, Darkness and Death evacuated, was gradually widening, from a piece of news, to a rushing river.

The crazy surge of faith even tried to actively flow into Lucia's body.

This situation made Lucia couldn't help but sigh. Qin Chu, this guy, actually created such an exaggerated faith on the Sky Continent in such a short time.

Even in the era when the divine power of the main world was the strongest, the faith of all the goddess believers in the Sky Continent and the Divine Grace Continent was far less intense than it is now.

How could Lucia imagine how exaggerated the temptation brought by bread and milk was for those poor people.

For bread and milk, offering one's faith can be said to be completely free of cost and a simple thing.

As for what Lucia thought in her heart, in the era when the divine power was the strongest, people at that time feared and believed in not necessarily the Goddess of Holy Light, but perhaps the Pope who was in charge of the divine power at that time.

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