I have to say, this is really a bit exhausting.

Qin Chu's body could be said to be made of steel, but he couldn't hold it any longer, and he couldn't help but feel dizzy when he woke up the next morning.

On the contrary, Athena looked in high spirits and seemed to have recovered a lot invisibly.

Looking at the girl curled up in his arms, Qin Chu's fingers were stroking Athena's wavy long hair. His expression was a little strange. Although he was very tired, Qin Chu had to admit that regardless of feelings, it was just about the physical fit. , Athena is the woman who best suits her.

The feeling Athena brought to her was also the strongest.

The thoughts that Qin Chu had suppressed before involuntarily emerged from the depths of his heart again.

He wanted to know why Athena appeared in the ice field.

Athena easily noticed Qin Chu's slight abnormality. She rubbed her little head on Qin Chu's chest for a while, then raised her head and glanced at Qin Chu gently: "What are you thinking about?"

"How did you know that I was in danger on the ice field?" Qin Chu asked quietly, staring at the ceiling above his head.

Athena was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect Qin Chu to ask such a question.

However, Athena didn't think much about it. She pondered for a while and quickly gave the answer: "I don't know either."

"have no idea?"

Athena moved her little head slightly and found a more comfortable position on Qin Chu's chest.

Athena liked the indulgence before, but Athena also liked the tenderness after the indulgence.

She lay close to Qin Chu's chest, listening to Qin Chu's heartbeat with her ears.

This will even give Athena a warm feeling of the blending of two souls. At the same time, Athena can even more aware that when Qin Chu faces herself, Ekaterina, and Sylph, they are all facing each other. Angelica, Big Saya, Little Saya, Antia, the subtle differences between them.

It is even said that even Anstasia, Norma, Violet, Ileta...even compared to the two monster girls Heloise and Ileta are inferior.

There seemed to be a slight gap between the three of them and Qin Chu.

No matter how close or crazy they were during their indulgence, this barrier would always exist.

This made Athena feel a little sad.

However, Athena did not blame Qin Chu because of this subtle difference.

She knew exactly where these subtle differences came from.

In any case, the three of them were all former members of the Brave Team, and they all once gathered together to murder Qin Chu.

They once deeply liked the former hero.

Even if it is said that due to various reasons, the three of them finally gave up this plan, defected to Qin Chu's side, made deals with Qin Chu, and even became Qin Chu's women.

But in Qin Chu's heart, it is very normal to have some grudges.

But for Athena, she will never allow this kind of grudge to exist forever. She will try her best to use her sincerity to melt and penetrate this thin barrier bit by bit!

Athena believes that this is not too difficult and she will be able to do it soon.

This is a very confident woman.

The second chapter has eight thousand words. Thank you for stealing 1,666 points from Arc Star. Thank you to book friend 20191206234214048 for the reward of 1,000 points. Thank you for your support.

Chapter 558 Because I love you

(Twelve thousand words)

In fact, in Athena's heart, there are also some doubts about the relationship between herself, Ekaterina, Sylph and Qin Chu.

This relationship is clearly abnormal.

The most abnormal of them all was Ekaterina.

From Athena's perspective, Ekaterina's state was as if her mind had been controlled by some mysterious force. The once heroic Valkyrie seemed to have turned into a pet in front of Qin Chu.

Athena also had a strange illusion. Ekaterina seemed to have transferred all her love for Jero to Qin Chu. As deep as Yekaterina's love for Jero once was, her love for Qin Chu is now as strong.

It would be better to say that Jero seems to have completely disappeared from Ekaterina's heart.

That person has been completely forgotten.

Athena could not determine what exactly caused Ekaterina's strange transformation.

It may be that she was tricked by Rossweisse and forced to sacrifice her innocent body to Qin Chu, which caused Ekaterina's temperament to change drastically and she became full of hatred for the original brave team. It may also be due to other reasons. .

Next is Sylph.

There is no doubt that Sylph was a teammate who was abandoned by Ai Li and Ai Lin. It was Qin Chu who saved Sylve from the monster. Although to Athena, it seemed that the time when Qin Chu appeared was too coincidental and it was simply a deliberate arrangement. of.

But Athena is not stupid enough to reveal this, after all, it will not benefit her at all.

The most important thing is that Sylph, like herself, was eroded by the evil god and has the mark left by the evil god in her soul. Both of them must rely on Qin Chu to survive.

It is very normal to have some different emotions in this kind of dependence.

Sylph kept saying that it was because Qin Chu saved her and the two parties agreed on a deal that she was not willing to be forced to become Qin Chu's maid. However, Athena could see that in Sylph's heart, Qin Chu's His status is growing day by day, but Jero's impression is getting blurry day by day.

After she deciphered the true face of Jero from Jero's soul fragments, Sylph's thoughts about Jiro were completely shattered.

As if out of revenge, Sylph put all her thoughts on Qin Chu.

Athena can analyze the situation of Sylph and Ekaterina, but what about herself?

Athena didn't understand.

She's certainly not stupid.

Instead, this woman is the smartest of the former members of the Brave Squad.

Athena knew very clearly that she had been tricked by Qin Chu.

Although she considered herself very smart, her little thoughts were not enough in front of a cunning guy like Qin Chu.

Sometimes, Qin Chu's presence even makes Athena feel scared.

It was clear that Qin Chu was just a brave man who had just been summoned to this world. He had almost no understanding of the Sky Continent, but Athena seemed to have a strange illusion that Qin Chu knew everything about this world.

At the beginning, Athena came to the imperial city just as Qin Chu was taken away by Ekaterina and Rossweisse, and went to rescue Benson, Athena and the guards near the Palace of the Warriors, as well as others After communicating with those who the hero had interacted with, it became clear that this mysterious man seemed to have been deliberately trying to win over the people around him.

He is consciously improving his image in the minds of others, enhancing his influence, and cultivating forces close to him.

Among the people Athena has come into contact with, no matter who talks about the second-generation hero, they give a thumbs up and praise him. He is really a good guy.

At that time, I should have felt that something was wrong with this man. Unfortunately, at that time, I was just irritated by the remarks of these second-generation warriors that they were better than the first-generation warriors.

In addition, considering that the second-generation hero who had just arrived did not have much strength at all, he did not take this to heart.

Immediately afterwards, the first real contact with the brave was a nightmare.

This man actually used Jero's soul fragment to blackmail him into submission, completely breaking the plan he had spent a long time on.

This move caused Qin Chu's impression in his heart to drop to the lowest point. Of course, the man didn't care what his evaluation of him was.

Immediately, a dramatic transformation occurred on this man. The lover he was devoted to was actually reborn in Qin Chu's body.

Then he actually had a relationship with Qin Chu in such a confused manner.

Looking back now, I was so stupid at that time.

Even though such a long time has passed, Athena feels annoyed every time she thinks of what happened at that time.

Qin Chu, this disgusting bastard, was obviously deceiving him. This guy was just taking possession of his body in this way. When he was pressed down and calling Jero's name, this disgusting guy The bastard must be feeling happy, right?

Athena let out a sigh of relief, what kind of bad taste is this.

Will other people's wives, fiancées, lovers, and girlfriends make him feel better?

Although I don't know how Qin Chu did it, this guy has obviously known about the former brave team's plan against him for a long time. All of this is just Qin Chu's revenge.

This guy deliberately took out the pieces of Jero's soul, deliberately acted out that his body was taken over by Jie Luo's remnant soul, and even deliberately told him about Ekaterina's sacrifice in front of him, just to stimulate himself to take the initiative to offer his innocence. body.

At that time, I was definitely blinded by stupidity, and I actually accepted it so stupidly.

After that, Qin Chu kept humiliating himself in different ways. He sometimes appeared in front of him as Qin Chu and sometimes as Jero.

I am like a toy, immersed in the endless cycle of reincarnation.

God knows how he survived the struggles and conflicts deep within his heart during that period of time.

When did you start to change?

Athena did not answer Qin Chu's question just now, and seemed to be completely trapped in her own world. Qin Chu did not press the question, but quietly stared at the girl in his arms.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Ah, right.

It seems that even in the midst of Qin Chu's almost continuous humiliation and torture, his spirit is still struggling to support himself, but his body seems to have sunk first.

Gradually, Qin Chu's intrusion was no longer so repulsive.

What makes me feel even more frightened is that Qin Chu's occasional concern even makes me feel happy.

Originally, the only man in his heart was Jie Luo, but unknowingly, Qin Chu actually occupied a position deep in his heart that could not be ignored.

The real transformation happened when he went to the snowy mountains to rescue the muse.

That was the first time that he compared two men, Qin Chu and Jie Luo.

The result of the comparison is that Qin Chu is better than Jero in all aspects... This makes Athena have serious self-doubt in her heart. Why is she so obsessed with Jero, and why is she so disgusted with Qin Chu?

Where does this strong sense of disgust come from?

He even said that he was physically disgusted with this man before he met Qin Chu... This kind of feeling is obviously very abnormal. Even if she likes Jero, it is impossible for her to have the same status as other men in her heart, but it is also impossible for her to have such a strong feeling of disgust for a man she has never met.

Moreover, he is even planning to kill Qin Chu. Normally, he should feel guilty towards Qin Chu, rather than having extreme disgust.

It was at that time that she had serious doubts about her mental state.

She wondered if her soul and spirit were manipulated and affected by some mysterious force.

She was also confused about how popular Jero was... It was understandable that she fell in love with Jello. After all, Jello had saved her once, but what about the others?

After all, if you look at it purely by appearance, Gerald is an ordinary type that would be impossible to notice if thrown into a crowd. It is so ordinary that it makes people’s hair stand on end. You can’t feel anything about Gerald at all. Characteristics that attract you.

But it is such a man who makes countless men and women crazy and obsessed with him.

Jero's criteria for selecting members of the brave team also made it difficult for Athena to understand. Except for a few people, most of the members were pathological, crazy, and even bloodthirsty and cruel, killing countless people.

It was these people who were burdened with countless sins who were naturally cleansed after following Jero.

In order to verify this, Athena even took the initiative to find Santa Monica and accepted Santa Monica's examination. It was found that there was nothing abnormal about her body and that her soul showed no signs of being manipulated.

Athena could only forcefully suppress the doubts in her heart, feeling that she was simply overthinking.

But once the seeds of doubt are planted, they cannot be easily eradicated.

It was during the operation to rescue Muse that for the first time he learned about the contents imprinted in the fragments of Gerald's soul, and for the first time he got to know the real Gerald.

However, Athena at that time also suspected that this was probably a plan deliberately arranged by Qin Chu to deceive her.

It wasn't until she personally interpreted a soul fragment that she finally understood that in Jero's heart, women like her were just tools used to breed receptors.

At this point, Athena has completely given up on Jero and no longer has any attachment.

On the contrary, his feelings for Qin Chu seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

It was Qin Chu who revived him when he was assassinated by Ai Li and Ai Lin.

It was Qin Chu who saved him when he was targeted by the evil god's will.

It was Qin Chu who ventured into his soul world again and again, destroying the statues of the evil god altar in his body one by one.

Athena knew exactly how dangerous these actions were.

If there was some resentment in Athena's heart about Qin Chu's use of tricks and taking over her body, then unknowingly, this resentment has disappeared.

Athena smiled.

That smile looked particularly gentle.

She quietly raised her eyelids and peered into the man's face.

She knew the feelings in her heart, whether she was framed or coerced, it didn't matter.

But it was Qin Chu who was attacking him before.

So now, it's his turn to conquer Qin Chu, to win this man's heart completely, to completely break the barrier between the two.

Athena's gentle gaze made Qin Chu slightly uncomfortable: "What's wrong?"

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