As if feeling everyone's doubts, Atrice's smile became even more bitter: "I know what you are thinking, but... monsters have faith, at least they once had it."

"The creatures on Sky Continent have always lived in the most comfortable circle. You probably don't know how scary the outside world is."

"The Gods Abandoned Continent and the Sky Continent are the same. They are actually a piece of land that exists in this world. They are across the sea from the Sky Continent. The weird endless sea blocks the connection between the Gods Abandoned Continent and the Sky Continent."

"According to records in some incomplete ancient books, the Gods Abandoned Continent thousands of years ago also had its own gods... Our ancestors were not monsters, but... no different from you... humans, at least some of them yes."

"But one day thousands of years ago, scarlet blood rain began to scatter in the sky, and the red rain flooded the world."

"In the rain of blood, humans, animals, birds, fish, and insects were all eroded."


Atrice's words shocked everyone. The expressions on everyone's faces could only be described as weird. Even Antia, a woman who didn't care about anything, couldn't help but be attracted to her attention.

Some of the ancestors of monsters are even humans?

This...what is this?

"Weak, unlucky creatures died at that time. It is recorded in the book that during that period of time, the gods abandoned the continent and there were corpses everywhere. There were dead and rotting corpses everywhere. The smell of corpses covered everything."

"The Gods Abandoned Continent is a landmass larger than the Sky Continent, and the number of creatures living on the Gods Abandoned Continent is also greater than here. But that rain of blood directly led to the loss of nine lives on the Gods Abandoned Continent. More than that.”

"At that time, everything I stepped on and what I saw floating on the sea were corpses. I dug up a piece of soil at random, and there were white bones underneath. The large number of rotting corpses even led to the breeding of plague."

"Widespread deaths have further led to shortages of food and supplies, all of which are gradually increasing the number of dead."

There was some solemnity in Atrice's voice. Just listening to Atrice's narration, I could probably imagine what a tragic disaster happened in Atrice's hometown thousands of years ago.

That's billions of deaths.

"I have not experienced that era, so I can only find some records from books. People who survived that era would even have large-scale fights over a piece of bread. Rivers of blood flowed, and the freshly dead bodies were even delicious. food."

"People were willing to do anything to fill their stomachs. They exchanged their children for cannibalism and killed their wives to satisfy their hunger. It was a crazy era."

"People longed for the protection of the gods, but could not get a response. Desperate survivors overturned temples and smashed statues of gods."

"The original name of that continent was the Divine Grace Continent. After that, it also became the Divine Abandonment Continent, which means a world abandoned by the gods."

Disasters always make people sad. People who have not experienced it personally cannot understand what kind of life it was like. They only know that all the so-called survivors had at that time was hunger, pain and despair.

That is the world on the surface, not hell.

But, for the people who once lived there, it was a living purgatory.

I don't know whether it's because the air around them has become colder and colder or for other reasons, but almost everyone feels creepy and has a layer of fine pimples on their bodies.

"The blood rain lasted for a long time, half a year, or even a year?"

Atrice continued: "Finally, the blood rain is over."

"The people who survived thought that the disaster would end with the rain of blood, but soon they discovered that was not the case. The real disaster had just begun."

"The blood rain contains a lot of weird, chaotic, and dirty power. All the places where the blood rain fell have been eroded. The cultivated land has become mottled and cannot be cultivated. People still cannot obtain food."

"The whole world is still shrouded in a gloomy light red thick fog, and the air is filled with the smell of blood that lingers for a long time."

"The earth is always sticky and wet."

"What's worse is that under the contamination of filth, some strange existences began to appear in the God's Abandoned Continent. Some dead corpses that had not been cleaned actually came back to life."

"Their bodies are rotting and emitting a stench. Their faces are dull and they have lost their intelligence. They will attack any survivor indiscriminately."

Fuck, biohazard?

Qin Chu's lips trembled, and his expression was extremely strange.

"And those survivors also began to experience some mutations, and their bodies began to have some characteristics that normal humans would not have, such as sharp fangs and claws, and extremely hard, scale-like skin."

"This kind of mutation has not only appeared in humans, but has also begun to appear in various surviving animals."

"The birds in the sky grew human limbs, and the crawling insects on the ground suddenly expanded."

"This is the first monster."

The origin of monsters.

Countless scholars on Tianqiong Road have been studying a question for many years but could not come up with a result, and they got the answer from Atrice.

All in all, whether there are those weirdly twisted corpses resurrected from the dead or these monsters on the God's Abandoned Continent, they were all born from pollution under the influence of the God War thousands of years ago.

"Monsters have strong bodies and terrifying strength. To a certain extent, they have the ability to compete with the resurrected dead... But this is not an easy task."

"The number of dead is too many and too exaggerated."

"In addition, the monsters turned into birds, the monsters turned into animals, and the monsters turned into insects all have wisdom."

"In some ways, that's not really a good thing."

"In order to compete for extremely limited resources, monsters from different races have been fighting endlessly. The battle has lasted for hundreds of years."

"During these hundreds of years, monsters have begun to evolve a special way of survival. They crave normal food but it is not necessary. Fresh flesh and blood is delicious, but it is not easy to obtain. Some monsters can They use soil and rocks as food, and some monsters use branches and trunks as things to satisfy their hunger..."

It sounds so desolate.

It was during these hundreds of years of torture that human nature gradually dissipated, and the demonic and bestial nature began to show itself.

"About three hundred years ago, a descendant of a human monster appeared. He possessed absolutely overwhelming strength, far surpassing all other monsters."

"Judging from the current perspective, he should be a strong man in the demigod realm."

"Using his absolute crushing power, he calmed down the conflicts between monsters of different races, and forcefully brought all the monsters together to form a unified race to jointly fight against the resurrected dead and evenly distribute limited resources. "

"That's the tribe of monsters, the first generation of demon kings."

"Under the command of the first generation of demon kings, the centuries-old struggle of the monster clan finally subsided. In order to balance the forces of all parties, he even married women of different races as his princess. This has also become a custom that has been passed down by generations of demon kings. Come down."

"The first-generation Demon King was a king with lofty ambitions. He wanted to lead all the monsters out of this desolate world that was completely unsuitable for living creatures to find a new home, where the newborn monsters and children would not Died of hunger."

"He tried to leave the God's Abandoned Continent but ultimately failed. He lost his way in the endless sea and was attacked by a mysterious entity. He returned seriously injured."

The first-generation Demon King, a powerful semi-god, was seriously injured in the endless sea.

This is a very important piece of information, which at least shows that there are existences of the same level in the Endless Sea.

"However, the first-generation Demon King still brought back a very important message, that is, he met a normal human being who was also trapped there in the Endless Sea, a human from another continent."

"This is exciting news. It at least shows that although the God Abandoned Continent has become desolate, there are still areas suitable for living creatures to survive in this world."

"That's the Sky Continent."

"The first-generation Demon King wanted to continue research in this area, but his injuries were too serious. He died a few years later. He passed the position of Demon King to one of his sons."

"From that moment on, finding the location of Sky Continent has become something that every generation of demon kings must explore."

"The first-generation Demon King also built a huge palace. The palace is even larger than the headquarters of the Holy Holy See. It is said that it contains the real secret of the first-generation Demon King's ability to break through the shackles and become a demigod."

Qin Chu's lips trembled slightly, and he had a very bad premonition in his heart: "Yes... what is the secret?"

Atrice was a little troubled and shook her head slightly: "I'm not sure...the first-generation Demon King rarely entertained guests into the palace, but I heard through some gossip that it seemed to be an extremely huge arm."


Qin Chu's body shivered violently.

Damn it, here in the Principality of Ice, the mysterious evil god’s body hasn’t even been found yet, and we got news about the evil god’s arm right away?

Is that Destiny guy really so anxious?

A little too impatient, right?

Regarding the remains of the evil god, this is a very important secret.

But they always appear in Qin Chu's ears inexplicably, even if Qin Chu doesn't take the initiative to look for them.

Could it be that this is the rhythm that wants me to abandon the mainland?

Just kidding, if you don’t go, you’ll die even if you don’t go.

The Principality of Ice, because of Anstasia, can still use two million hostages to threaten itself.

There was nothing he could control in the Shenqi Continent. Qin Chu felt that as long as he didn't have a problem in his mind, he would never go to that place.

It's time to visit relatives... Hey, I feel like I can't stop being busy right after the Chinese New Year. Fortunately, I still have some manuscripts.

Chapter 507 Mother-in-law visits son-in-law

(four thousand words)

Qin Chu was a little curious. When he was determined not to abandon the continent, how could Moilai, the goddess of fate, still force him to go?

The slightly weird smile on Qin Chu's face aroused Atrice's suspicion. She didn't understand why her master showed such an expression.

"Nothing, just keep talking."

Atrice nodded slightly: "In short, every generation of demon kings is desperately studying how to take the monsters out of the God's Abandoned Continent and go to a world where normal creatures can survive."

"Each generation of new demon kings will increase in strength within a short period of time, possessing the power to suppress other demons."

"But, the life span of each generation of demon kings is very short. It is said that there is no pressure to survive for hundreds of years with the strength of demon kings, but they often die for various reasons within a few decades."

"My father, the demon king Nag, has been considered to have lived longer among these demon kings. He is the seventh generation demon king."

"He may be the most capable one besides the first generation demon king. He already had the strength of a demigod before becoming a demon king. The sixth generation demon king did not abdicate voluntarily, but he felt that the sixth generation demon king, that is, his father, was too stupid, so he killed the sixth generation demon king and usurped the throne to become the seventh generation."

"Perhaps his talent is really amazing, or it may be that he combined the research of the previous generations of demon kings, and he quickly found a way to let the monsters leave the Forsaken Continent of God."

"Monster lair?" Qin Chu raised his eyebrows.

The so-called demon transcendence, in Qin Chu's eyes, is like a space teleportation array connecting the Sky Continent and the Forsaken Continent of God.

Through this teleportation array, monsters can easily leave the Forsaken Continent of God and descend on the Sky Continent.

"Yes, it is the demon lair." Beatrice nodded in agreement.

"Monsters worship the strong and do not hate the Demon King Nag's usurpation of power. In addition, Nag's research on the Demon King's Lair finally gave the monsters hope of leaving the Forsaken Continent, and they worshipped the Demon King even more."

"After the research was successful, the Demon King Nag quickly set about building the first teleportation entrance to the Monster Lair in the Forsaken Continent."

"On the Sky Continent, the Monster Lair looks like a huge dark purple circle, but on the Forsaken Continent, it is an extremely huge building. The construction of each Monster Lair requires a lot of energy."

"Moreover, the Monster Lair cannot be opened casually. Every time it is opened, a lot of energy is consumed."

"So, even if it is the first Monster Lair, it was actually opened a hundred years ago. After that, a new monster nest was added every once in a while, but now, a hundred years have passed, the monsters here have reproduced for several generations, and the monsters from the Forsaken Continent have not all been transferred here. "

"Because the number of monsters was not enough at the beginning, and, in the beginning, the monsters even tried to integrate into human life, but it was obvious that except for a few that were not much different from humans, most of the strange monsters could not be accepted, so the monsters that first sneaked into the Sky Continent have been hiding carefully. "

"It was not until more than ten years ago that the number of monsters reached a certain level and formed a strong enough power, and then they launched an attack on humans. "

After saying this in one breath, Beatrice stopped and took a breath.

Because Beatrice was a monster born in the Forsaken Continent, she knew something about the things there. In comparison, those things of Diaberik were all born by the Demon King Nag after he came here and his concubine.

This exchange really learned a lot of important information from Beatrice.

While continuing to chat, Qin Chu and his party continued to walk towards the capital of the Ice Principality.

The ice and snow seriously hindered the speed of the crowd. After an unknown period of time, a city almost completely submerged by snow appeared in front of everyone.

This is no longer an area where humans can survive.

The city walls have been covered with ice and snow, and there are no guards on the walls.

Any normal creature in such an ultra-low temperature environment will be frozen into an ice stick in a short time.

The city gates are even more closed, and the snow has already submerged half of it.

This cannot stop the footsteps of several people, and they can easily climb over. Inside the city, every household has closed its doors, and they can only use the walls made of stones to resist the low temperature that keeps penetrating from the outside.

The streets are even more silent, except for the sound of snow falling and several people stepping on the ground, there is no other movement.

Rather than saying that this is the capital of a principality, it is better to say that this is a long-dead city.

At first glance, it is covered in silver, and there is almost no other color.

It was also obvious that the economic and living conditions in the Principality of Ice were very bad, and most of the buildings were low, unlike the tall and luxurious Imperial City.

Smoke could be seen billowing from some roofs, and it was obvious that the house was burning a stove, although the thick black smoke would soon be buried by the heavy snow.

Antasiya's little fist clenched subconsciously, the snow was too exaggerated, even the coldest winter would not be as amazing as it was now.

After a slight breath, Antasiya quickly drifted towards the direction of the palace, where it was no longer possible to walk normally.

Qin Chu did not say much, but just followed closely behind.

The ice and snow hindered the speed of everyone.

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