Her soul has even become thinner, which is even worse than Qin Chu's. It may take a long time to recover.

In the boundless void.

A god let out a low roar, and the sound turned into a terrifying impact that spread across the starry sky. Wherever it went, the meteorites that were scattered here were instantly shattered into pieces.

The sin of desire, the lord of pleasure.

His body, which is both male and female, is far more majestic than the statue.

The limbs are slender and elegant, with a beauty that is unforgettable and enough to sink the soul.

But at this moment, this elegant, noble, and endlessly charming god was emitting waves of rage like a tsunami.

That humble insect, who had thrown his own statue into the pit before, now actually exploded the head of another more powerful statue of himself... He also absorbed his own power.

Whoop whoosh!

I don't know how far away, there is a huge body of rotten meat, bulging and bulging, and the densely packed tentacles under the meat are squirming, seeming to be mocking unscrupulously.

The huge toad-like god also made a strange squeaking sound from its mouth.

On the Bone Throne, the majestic body laughed like thunder.

The twisted human face wrapped in a ball of purple-red flames did not cover up the weird smile on the face at all.

For these beings who have been in the void for thousands of years, this is a rare joke.

The unbridled ridicule spread across a distance of thousands of miles, and the fluctuations were clearly transmitted to the Lord of Joy, making this powerful god even more angry.

He wanted to make this insect who dared to desecrate his majesty pay the heaviest price.

Orville Empire, Imperial City.

Mother Earth Cult, Santa Monica, who was falling into a deep sleep, suddenly sat up from the bed. Under a pure white gauze, there was a graceful body, and her delicate skin shone with a hazy luster under the moonlight. .

Those purple eyes sparkled like gems, staring at the boundless starry sky outside the window.

A voice filled with anger was echoing in her ears.

In the Mother Earth Cult, the eyes of hundreds of nuns and priests almost became stiff at the same time. They were like dull puppets, walking out of the room and standing quietly in the courtyard, raising their heads high. Staring at the stars above.

Within the imperial city, within the residence of Marquis Edmund.

The School of Elegance is holding its weekly banquet.

This is a formal school registered in the empire, and all the members participating in the banquet are high-ranking nobles of the empire.

In this school, the true meaning pursued by every member is how to achieve the ultimate elegance. They hate all rudeness and filth and regard these as unclean and blasphemous.

They pursue absolute unparalleled beauty, not only in body, but also in temperament and soul.

Even if a banquet was held, the scene was quiet, with only classical music bringing a soothing atmosphere... However, suddenly the more than seventy nobles participating in the banquet stopped what they were doing, and their eyes were twinkling. Purple light.

Civilian area.

In a bar where a large number of adventurers gathered, some rude men's eyes widened, with sinister and twisted smiles on their faces.

Inside the military camp...

Follow the will of the Lord of Joy.

at all costs!

Inside the bedroom.

Sylph was still performing her duties as a guard. Although the night was already deep and Sylph was a little tired, her eyes were still wide open and she was alertly aware of the movements around her.

Night, quiet.

Not a sound, not a breath of wind.

There is only the bright moonlight, without any cover from the dark clouds, covering the world with a hazy veil.

Sylph looked behind her. Athena's body was motionless on the bed. The most painful moment was over and her body was no longer convulsing.

Qin Chu, on the other hand, seemed to be very tired, breathing heavily.

Judging from the looks like this, the two of them will probably wake up soon.

When Qin Chu treated her for the first time, Sylph didn't know how long it took, but it didn't seem that long.

Looking at Qin Chu's face on the inside of the bed, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Sylph's mouth.

She could notice that she didn't hate how she was feeling.

It's like being relieved of all the responsibilities and sorrows, and gaining a short period of peace in a world full of haze and chaos. This feeling is actually really good.

Suddenly, the smile on Sylph's face disappeared.

His little head flicked and he looked through the window at the darkness outside the palace.

The elf's perception is very keen. Although the surroundings are quiet and there is almost no movement, Sylph still senses some special aura and is approaching the palace.

There was a murderous intention that could not be hidden in that aura.

Two slender fingers were inserted into his lips, and the next second, a loud whistle sounded in the palace.

Violet, Norma, Ekaterina, Heloise and Ietta, who were sleeping soundly in the palace, opened their eyes almost at the same time.

Angelica and Anstasia were slightly weaker, but they woke up quickly.

Everyone knows what this loud whistle means. Violet's body was instantly covered with a veil, the window opened on its own with a whoosh, and her tall body floated in the uppermost part of the palace.

Sensing the situation around through the flow of air, a few seconds later, Violet's voice came from high in the sky: "Everyone, get ready for battle."

"A large number of enemies are approaching around the palace."

"Where is Qin Chu?" Violet's voice entered Sylph's ears.

Sylph turned around quickly and took a look: "The consciousness is immersed in Athena's soul world, and there is no sign of awakening in a short time."

"Angelica, Antasia, you two, stay in Qin Chu's bedroom and be responsible for protecting Qin Chu." Violet made arrangements quickly.

"Everyone, get ready to fight, this time the enemy seems to be a little subtle."

Many women in the palace responded quickly, and every direction around was guarded by a master with super strength.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the enemy's figure finally appeared in front of everyone. Looking around, these women finally understood what Violet meant by the enemy being a little subtle.

The enemies in front of him were chaotic and mixed. Among them, nuns, priests, and paladins in clerical clothing could be seen, nobles in gorgeous dresses, and private soldiers of noble families. But among these upper-class people, there were also a large number of rude mercenaries, soldiers, and adventurers...

No one knew how these completely unrelated people could gather together.

But everyone could feel the almost crazy breath coming from these people, and their eyes were all flashing with strange purple light.

The faces were twisted and full of madness.

It seemed that this was no longer a group of humans, but a group of wild beasts that had lost their reason.

The number of these people was even greater than expected. There were hundreds of rough and violent mercenaries, soldiers, and adventurers, with hundreds of nuns, paladins, and priests. Even more than these people were the private soldiers of the nobles. These nobles brought all their private soldiers out, and even went into battle personally.

Even if there were only enemies in one direction, the number would probably exceed two thousand.

And there were many people with rich combat experience and strong strength among these people.

Even with the strength of Sylph and others, they could feel the looming pressure.

At this moment, Sylph's ears itched again, which made the hot-tempered elf feel a little impatient. She pressed her ears with one hand, and Rossweisse's voice came quickly:

"Sylph, bring Ekaterina and Athena to my side right now, quickly..."

"Get lost!"

Sylph turned off the message magic directly.

Damn it, at this time, who has time to deal with a saint like you?

At the moment Sylph turned off the message magic, the enemies in front of them suddenly howled, they raised their weapons and rushed over like a group of mad dogs!

Under the moonlight, the purple light in their eyes became more and more intense!

The second update is here.

Chapter 323: Lustful Believer (3)

At this moment, Sylph had no energy to deal with Rossweisse.

After turning off the message magic, Sylph's eyes fell directly on the large number of howling enemies in front of them, their eyes flashing with strange purple light.

They seemed to no longer be human, but had turned into outright beasts. They howled with wide eyes, and even those elegant nobles did not notice that sticky saliva was dripping from the corners of their mouths.

That crazy breath even made Sylph feel a little creepy.

Her slender neck moved slightly. Although some of these people were high-ranking nobles and clergymen, she could not care so much in this situation. She took a deep breath, opened her arms, and pulled the longbow in her hand directly into a full moon.

On the bowstring, the wind element quickly condensed into a sharp arrow. The next second, with a buzzing sound, the arrow instantly rushed forward.

The spiral wind attached to the arrow, leaving a long trace in the air.

In an instant, the arrow appeared in front of a mercenary.

Even in the face of the attack of the ghost archer, this mercenary, who was no more than level 60, did not have the slightest fear at all, and his eyes were full of purple light.

The energy on his body rose instantly.

The next moment, holding the huge battle axe tightly in both hands, he chopped at the arrow in front of him.



The moment the mercenary raised the battle axe in his hand and chopped it down, the arrow had already pierced through his chest. The mercenary was still too slow.

The metal armor on his body was instantly pierced, and the spiral hurricane directly tore the mercenary's body into pieces.

Just after killing the mercenary, the arrow continued to rush to the back.

Puff puff puff...

After piercing and crushing the bodies of three people in succession, the arrows dissipated in mid-air.

One arrow directly solved four enemies... It seemed to be a pretty good result, but Sylph was quite dissatisfied with this situation. The attack did not meet expectations.

In Sylph's estimation, this arrow should be able to directly penetrate the team in front of him and split the entire team in half from the middle, but now it only solved four opponents...

On the other side.

Ekaterina waved the red heavy sword and directly cut off the waists of the three paladins in front of her.

Blood splattered everywhere, and internal organs were scattered all over the ground.

But...it felt wrong.

It was not the normal feeling of directly cutting people in two. When the heavy sword slashed into these people's bodies, they felt as if they were stuck in a quagmire, with a strong sense of stagnation.

The bodies of these people seem to be harder than imagined.

The situation is almost the same for Norma, Heloise and Ietta. The average level of these people will never exceed fifty. Even the highest level enemy is only around level seventy.

For a great sage who is over eighty levels, facing these enemies is basically like chopping melons and vegetables. A single spell can directly kill a large area.

But now, these people can even withstand the bombardment of magic to a certain extent.

These girls are not fools. Looking at the weird and crazy looks of those on the opposite side and the purple light blooming in their eyes, they immediately understood what was going on.

The purple light flashing in their eyes greatly increased the strength of these people.

However, this growth cannot come without any cost, perhaps burning lives or burning souls, allowing their combat effectiveness to approach level 80 in a short period of time.

This situation cannot last forever. When their vitality or soul is burned out, they will turn into ashes and die, but before that, they condense their whole life's power into these short few hours, or even release it within a few minutes. It must be a powerful threat.


With an angry roar, a tall mercenary who looked like a brown bear roared. This was a berserker. He didn't have any armor or even weapons. His weapons were his own pair of iron fists.

With the roar, the strong body suddenly rushed towards Ekaterina. The scarlet Valkyrie was surrounded by a large number of enemies, and there were even corpses lying on the ground.

The thick blood had soaked the ground under his feet into a large pool of blood at some point.

With a roar, the iron fist smashed down from mid-air.

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