Home Has a Fairy Garden

Chapter 348: Take

Because Yun Xi and Yun Chen arrived early, both of them had studied before. Both of them adopted a natural style, which means that all the furniture in the preparation room was made of logs.

And Xiaowen also has his own ideas, and I don't know if it is because of the long-term lingering illness. Xiaowen especially likes bamboo, so he decided from the beginning that all the furniture in his house should be made of bamboo, except for the bed for sleeping.

The reason why the bed is an exception is that he is afraid that the bamboo bed will creak when sleeping, so he prefers second. Xiaowen likes bamboo very much. When he was a child, he had a chair made of bamboo, which was very comfortable, but it was a pity that it would creak over time. So this time, although he likes to use bamboo for his own space. But he dare not try.

But what he didn't expect was that when he submitted his ideas to Yunduo and Fang Zhe, Fang Zhe found that his design was very good, but he was surprised that his bed was not made of bamboo. Xiaowen embarrassedly explained the reason. In the end, things still made him wish. Later Fang Zhe made a bamboo bed for him, which was not only strong but not creaking.

The bamboo bed was made by Fang Zhe from the bamboo in the space. After making it, he dropped a few small spells on it, so that the bamboo bed had no problems.

Although Yun Chen and Yun Xi chose the log as the main color, they didn't have much innovation, but they liked the feeling. And Xiaowen's bamboo design will amaze many people who visit his room in the future. It is so creative.

And what they didn’t know was that the style they chose coincided with the design of Yunduo and Fang Zhe. Because the main house Yunduo and Fang Zhe designed the natural style, they were praised for a long time after showing them to Yunduo’s design sketches. .

When everyone was busy with their own affairs, the sisters who went back were surprised by one incident. Several people were shocked by the mouth of their own family, not to mention that they would sit next to them when they usually sit together, and the couple life at night also made people blushing and heartbeat.

At first, everyone didn't understand. They didn't realize it was right until the husband asked what perfume to use. It seems to have a bit of fragrance on the body, although it is not strong, it smells very good. But what makes them puzzled is that every time they put on perfume, and it seems to be a flower scent, or a flower that they like. A few people understood in an instant the cup of tea Yunduo gave them.

After calling each other to confirm, they found that everyone's situation was the same. In the end, everyone told the other party to bury the matter in their hearts and not to tell anyone. As if it never happened. Yunduo didn't know that when the sisters discovered these, they chose to conceal and maintain them in the first place. Until many years later, in a party. Everyone said that Yun Duo was particularly moved and felt that in this life, he had not only harvested the perfect love, but also the most precious friendship in the world.

The skin changes of the girlfriends naturally attracted the attention of others. Fortunately, they have a lot of face cream from clouds. Yunduo prepared twenty bottles for everyone. This is also Yunduo considering that their colleagues and relatives have seen their changes, and they must ask. So Yunduo told them that she and Sisi have been using this to wipe their faces, and asked them to stick to it, or give it away.

Yun Duo has accumulated a lot of facial fat in this Baihua. Some were sold by Sisi, but they couldn't stand it. Yunduo had hundreds of bottles as long as it was refined. So Yunduo doesn't care about these anymore.

And women are a very scary animal. No matter what the occasion, the first glance they pay attention to is always the face of another beautiful woman. Seeing the suddenly tender faces of friends or colleagues around me, even if I am the enemy, I will always ask how to maintain it.

And relatives are fine to say. If you can't say anything, they will say secretly that you are stingy at best. There will be no big conflicts either. But colleagues are different. If you are too out-of-group, you will be squeezed out by others, and the most frightening thing is that if you don't share good things with them, you will be isolated. And this kind of isolation will make it very difficult for you to live in the work unit. Don't underestimate the jealous woman, especially if you offend all the women around you.

Women see their faces more importantly than life, and these things are nothing in Yunduo's hands. Since they are given to the sisters, they are good for people to do to the end. I believe that those who have obtained the Hundred Flower Noodle Cream have tasted the sweetness, and the sisters will be recognized by everyone whether they are in the company or among their relatives.

Therefore, Yunduo expected that when his girlfriends returned, they would be welcomed by all the women around them, asking where they went for beauty, what cosmetics they used, and so on. In the end, everyone had to take out the Hundred Flower Facial Cream given to them by the clouds and tell everyone that it was the credit of the Facial Cream.

Seeing the faintly floral-scented facial cream in a delicate bottle, friends and colleagues asked where to buy it. This is a problem for my girlfriends. In the end, I had to say that my friends bought it for help. If you want it, you have to wait for yourself to ask.

In the end, they all called Yunduo, and Yunduo told them that they could sell it to those who needed it, and the price also told them. And told them that Sisi also sold a lot to her friends, and they were relieved when they heard that Sisi had also sold it. Knowing that Yunduo can always be provided to them, everyone can safely sell them to their colleagues and friends at the price that Yunduo offers.

The sisters each sold a lot. They gave Yunduo the money, but each bottle of Yunduo was only charged half the price, and the others were left to themselves. At the beginning everyone refused, but Yunduo insisted that if not In doing so, she would not provide it. In the end, there is no way, everyone can't offend the women around, so they have to think about making up for the clouds from other places in the future.

When the sisters left this time, Yun Duo each gave two jars of Jewel Bee's honey so that they could bring them to their mothers and mother-in-laws. But Yun Duo told them that there were only two cans in each family, and there were no more. Although there are a lot of this ordinary gem honey in Yunduo Space, Yunduo does not intend to give out too much to others.

This gem honey is especially good for the elderly. This kind of ordinary can completely improve some of the common problems of the elderly. After drinking all of the jar, you will basically not have those inconspicuous diseases for a lifetime. Yunduo can only improve the elderly in the sisters' family once, and she is not the savior, so much can be done. After all, when the elderly's health is better, the children can also relax.

Of course, Yunduo just simply told them about this effect, saying that the elderly in his family did not catch a cold last year after eating, so I went to get some for the elderly in their family, and also told them that it was difficult to make. They should not give it to others, and let the elderly hurry to eat it.

Such a can is just enough for the two old people to eat until the winter, and there is no more. Although the sisters were very surprised that Yunduo made these weird things, everyone was still very grateful to Yunduo, so they all took them home and gave them to the elderly at home.

Most elderly people still like to drink honey. People are prone to constipation when they are older, so drinking honey regularly is good for your health. There are also some elderly people who don't like to drink honey, just like Yunduo's parents don't like to drink it, or Yunduo told them for a long time before they reluctantly drink it, but just like it when they drink it.

So some sisters also met parents who don't like to drink honey, but they also have their own tricks. As long as the price of this honey is outrageous, the elderly feel distressed. What hurts, what else can it be, money. If you don’t drink it, your money will be thrown into the water, so if you don’t like it, it’s just a bite to drink.

But they are also the same as Yunduo's parents. After drinking it, they feel that it tastes good, without the taste of normal honey, on the contrary, it is more sweet and delicious. Slowly I drank this jar, and then I found that one winter I didn't even have the small problems of the previous winter, and I seemed to have a certain resistance to the cold. I thought I was getting better recently. No one thought I would drink honey. After all, I have never heard that drinking honey can prevent various minor diseases.

After Xiaowen left, Li Changtian took a clean teacup, poured half a cup of warm water, and then took out a white jade bottle from the sandalwood box and opened the lid. A sweet fragrance floated out, and the old man took a deep breath, then pointed the mouth of the bottle at the teacup, and poured out a drop of liquid with colorful light.

The colorful liquid is like a pearl emitting light, gently falling into the white porcelain cup and disappearing. When Li Changtian saw the colorful liquid, he was momentarily sluggish, but the delicate fragrance coming into his nose immediately made him come back to his senses immediately.

I quickly closed the lid, and then picked up the tea cup. The liquid was no longer visible in the cup, and only half a cup of clear water with a sweet and greasy fragrance was left. Li Changtian took a sip, only feeling a warm breath from his throat to his abdomen, and then to his limbs, his whole body felt unspeakably comfortable.

It wasn't until three minutes later that the warm breath disappeared from the body. Li Changtian moved his body and found that it was more comfortable than doing a full-body massage. Usually some obscure parts of the body seem to have disappeared, and it feels so comfortable. How long have I not felt this way? It has been more than 20 years.

Since I got older, although I haven't got any major problems, I can still feel some parts of my body. I didn't expect that just such a small drop can make myself feel smooth in the whole province. Well, Yun Duo said that he only needs to eat it three times.

Looking at the small white jade bottle he put on the table, Li Changtian thought about the liquid that was poured out just now. There were ten drops in one bottle, that is, he had 20 drops, he used three drops, and 17 drops. It is also a life-saving thing in the future.

At this moment of contemplation, Li Changtian felt a little slimy and uncomfortable on his body. Before he knew it, he had a stinky sweat. The old man didn’t think much about it, so he hurried to rinse. It’s really annoying this summer. Others are old and don’t like driving The air conditioner sweats all the time, but today’s sweat smells a bit strong.

The old man thought about it and went into the bathroom.

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