Home Has a Fairy Garden

Chapter 304: cactus

How can such a cute goldfish Yunduo be let go? Panda goldfish is also a hybrid breed. Yunduo likes this cute elves-like image. The couple will ask for the price, and Yunduo has decided to buy them. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

She has considered that the pair of panda goldfish here is not considered top grade, but the clouds are not afraid, she doesn't believe that using the water in the space to raise them will make them fade.

And the pair in the fish tank, obviously black is not very pure, there is a slight fading phenomenon, but this is also the cloud's eyes are too strong, the average customer really can't see it, of course, they like goldfish, they have a deep understanding of goldfish. The researcher is not necessarily.

Yunduo quickly locked a few pairs of colors and varieties that she liked. Yunduo didn't specifically select rare varieties. Many of her fancy varieties were common, and Yunduo only picked the ones she liked.

The so-called luxury is nothing more than "things are precious", and everything is like this. Goldfish have no distinction between high and low, they are all lovely creatures. Those who love goldfish are nothing more than its cuteness, and the choice is only in terms of size and color. This is also the most fundamental element of goldfish appreciation. And clouds are selected by their favorites. As for the luxury, the ones that like them will naturally not be missed, and the ones that she dislikes will not be bought, no matter how expensive they are.

This is a question of mentality. You can’t think that what is expensive is good. Isn’t there a saying: "It’s hard to buy if you have money." As long as you like it, even an ordinary breed is the best in the eyes of people who like it.

Of course, other people's real goldfish players are another matter. While they love goldfish, they also pursue that unique beauty. Rare is good. Every goldfish player hopes that he can own rare species.

Just like many commodities, the relationship between supply and demand determines the fluctuation of prices. When a goldfish species is sought after by people and rushed to buy, the supply is far from timely. This species of goldfish will double in value. The reasons for the rare goldfish species themselves will also have a significant impact on the market supply. The emergence of new varieties often means that the quantity is scarce, and various unstable factors have led to the production of precious.

Yunduo, who has figured out all aspects, will naturally not buy more precious varieties. She believes that space will give herself a huge surprise. As long as she wants more varieties, she will definitely gain countless.

In the end, Yun Duo chose several precious ones, which he intended to give to the elderly, and then bought some of his favorite flowers and colors, and saw that Yun Duo chose so many. The boss came here to talk to Yunduo about how to raise it. Yunduo saw that the water tanks here are all well done, so he simply ordered two large water tanks here and asked the boss to know that they can be installed on site. Yunduo simply said the request and paid the deposit. The owner of the aquarium is happy, he hasn't done a few big business after opening. Most of them are old customers who come to cheer. Yunduo is not very old at first glance, and it is probably bought for the elderly in the family. Moreover, the profit of the two water tanks is also very objective.

The boss also asked Yunduo if he wanted to deliver the fish on his hand. Yunduo rejected the enthusiastic and overly enthusiastic boss. He bought a medium transparent water tank, the one that can be carried in his hand, and collected all the goldfish he bought. inside. Then taken away.

Yun Duo held the goldfish in his hands like this, and did not rush to put it away. There are too many people in the flower market. The fish food presented by the boss was put into the space by Yun Duo through the backpack. Originally, the owner of the aquarium asked Yunduo to buy more fish food, but Yunduo refused. Just kidding, the owner gave them enough food for a while. Yun Duo thought, arrived in the space. Will these fish still eat fish food? The answer is definitely no, so don't spend unnecessary money.

It is pleasant to buy the cloud of goldfish. He was still thinking about buying a dog for the old man's house, so Yun Duo went back with the water tank altogether. First go home and collect the goldfish, then go to the pet store to see the dog, buy two if there is a suitable one, and then keep it in the space for a period of time.

When he got home, Yunduo entered the space to settle the goldfish. The goldfish in the new environment hesitated for a while, and then all of them swam happily. The clouds could clearly feel their happy mood and smile happily. After smiling, Yun Duo withdrew from the space.

Seeing that the children were not at home and did not receive a call from them, Yun Duo estimated that these children would not be back for lunch today, so he ate some fruit by himself, and then went to buy a dog.

The pet shop I went to this time was the one where Yunduo bought Xiaobai. Because it was a bit far away, Yunduo drove the car out. In the car, Yunduo suddenly remembered that the pet shop seemed to be Gu Hanyu's friend, Wang Zichuan knew. Speaking of which, Sisi and Gu Hanyu guess something is coming.

Fortunately, the road conditions today are not bad. There is not much traffic jam. After arriving, lock the car and Yun Duo went straight to the pet shop. With a clear goal, Yunduo wants to see if there are any varieties he likes.

Passing through countless small stalls on both sides, the flower market here is obviously much more lively than the flower market where Yun Duo went just now. There are many varieties here. Yun Duo randomly scanned the flowers and plants on these stalls. Suddenly, Yun Duo stopped in a hurry.

A few small flower pots were placed on a stall not far away, and inside were very common cacti. The usual cacti are cute in various colors, as if they were born to grow like this. I have seen many cactus clouds like this. It can be said that there are so many pots in the average flower shop.

The stall was a middle-aged woman, Yun Duo walked over and squatted down, holding one of the pots that attracted her in her palms. This is a white porcelain basin with cute ducks fired on it. It is very suitable for office white-collar workers. There is such a basin on the desk. It is pleasing to the eye. The pot that Yun Duo picked up was planted with two colors of cactus, one was yellow, the color was very tender, and it looked as delicate as the yellow duck on the porcelain pot, and next to it was a green plant. The thorns on his body are golden yellow, and when put together with the yellow one, they are surprisingly harmonious.

Yun Duo likes this combination very much, and she can feel that the vitality of this pot of cactus is stronger than the others. As Yun Duo admired the beautiful and tender cactus in his hand, the stall owner finally spoke. As early as when Yun Duo came over and did not hide his joy, the stall owner knew that this was going to buy something, so he didn't speak at first, and only asked after Yun Duo had observed it.

"Little girl, do you like this pot?"

"Ah? Oh." Yun Duo was taken aback for a while, and then found out that the stall owner was talking to him, and then he realized that he was dressed in a tender outfit today. Those who don't know themselves will definitely think that they are relatively small, but who knows that there is a middle-aged woman's soul under the deceptive skin. Yun Duo blushed a little at the thought, and she will change her dress in the future, so she has to make herself look so small.

"How do you sell this pot of cactus?" Yunduo asked the stall owner to ask about the price, and he would buy a dog later, so Yunduo didn't want to be here for long.

"Twenty-five yuan." The stall owner said simply, Yun Duo didn't feel expensive after hearing it. The price seems to be okay. Generally, the price of ordinary flower pots is cheaper, and this price also includes the price of cartoon flower pots, so The stall owner is fairly kind and didn't make arbitrary prices. So Yunduo didn't plan to bargain, because it's not easy to watch the stall owner set up a stall here just to buy such a small pot.

"Okay, wait." Yun Duo put down the cactus in his hand, then took out the money from his wallet and paid it to the stall owner. The stall owner collected the money and gave Yun Duo a plastic bag to put the cactus in it. After Yun Duo thanked him, he took it and left.

After entering the pet shop, the cactus in Yunduo's hand was gone. It turned out that the clouds were put in the bag for an excuse and put away. Otherwise, it is inconvenient to keep it in your hand. There were surprisingly many customers in the store today. The clouds came twice, once there were no people, and once there were not many people. Unexpectedly, there will be more people here today.

As soon as Yun Duo came in, the people in the store looked over and saw that a young and beautiful young woman came in. Everyone felt that their eyes were bright. Then I continue my own business. After all, I am here to buy pets. You can appreciate the beautiful things, and you can't forget what you want to do.

A lot of pet supplies have been added to the pet shop. The east wall is separated into wooden shelves with a wide range of pet supplies. Yunduo remembers that she didn't look closely the last time she came here. At that time, there were not so many things. It seemed that it was the latest goods added by the shopkeeper.

At the top of the shelf is the pet bag. It can be seen that the owner carefully selects it, and the color and quality look very good. The shelf in the middle is relatively wide, and all are pet chains and collars, as well as some pet jewellery. They all look very exquisite, and Yun Duo's eyes don't have to come close to see that all these little things are imported. It seems to be sold to rich people, too, there are many precious varieties in the space of the owner of this store.

The rows of exquisite ornaments make clouds look better than those worn by humans. There is also a set of denim dog clothes hung on an iron hanger by the shopkeeper. It looks so cute.

On the bottom shelf are towels of various colors, pet toys, tableware for pets, and so on. The towels were all rolled into a roll and piled up in various colors. Clouds suspected that if it were not for pets, no one would think that they were for pets.

This wall makes the entire pet shop a lot warmer, and the shop is very clean. The smell of animals is almost inaudible here. It seems that the owner has done a very comprehensive job of cleaning up pets.

Yun Duo's gaze shifted from that side of the supplies to other places. She did not forget that her main purpose was to buy dogs, so after seeing all kinds of dogs, she walked towards these caged animals.

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