Home Has a Fairy Garden

Chapter 273: Steal the teacher

From above the sixth station to the eighth station is the section that really needs to be climbed. The altitude rises relatively quickly. There are rest stops along the way for food and lodging. It is more convenient, but the price also increases with the altitude. When it reaches the eighth station The bottle of Coke has been 500 yen (nearly 50 yuan).

However, only unprepared tourists will buy it, and most of the tourists themselves have sufficient preparations. Yunduo saw that no Japanese went to buy drinking water. They were all foreign tourists. Of course, it also included domestic people.

Yunduo and the others drink the water in the space, so in terms of physical strength, Xiaowen doesn't feel tired at all. It seems that as long as they are tired, take a sip of water and feel the strength back in a while. Especially comfortable, Xiaowen can be sure that this is definitely not the effect of his heart. It seems that Aunt Yunduo has a lot of secrets, and even water has secrets.

Above the eighth station is the volcanic crater. Although it is an active volcano, there is no sign of activity at present, only all kinds of messy rocks remain. Standing on the edge of the crater, you can clearly see the eruption mouth, just imagine how powerful it takes to erupt so many rocks!

The power of nature is really not to be underestimated. Clouds can strongly feel the volcanic activity inside. The spiritual consciousness continues to extend downwards. Clouds found that the magma activity in Mount Fuji is very frequent. This shows that the volcano will be in a certain degree. Time will erupt again, but the time is uncertain, maybe a hundred years, maybe a thousand years, maybe only a few years. Can't help but look at the distance sympathetically, this eruption is about to destroy everything carefully constructed here.

Moreover, Yunduo found that the entire mountain of Mount Fuji was not stable, and there were subtle faults in many places, but these faults were hidden in the depths. If Yunduo's spiritual sense were not strong, it would not be found. The shallowest fault is under Mount Fuji, which is more than 100 kilometers long. Yun Duo carefully observed it, if there is no earthquake of magnitude 7 or higher. The problem is not big, but if it is level 7 or higher, then Mount Fuji is dangerous.

At the 9th station, I could find that there was still some remnant snow in some places on the mountain. The tourists who saw it were very excited, shouting loudly, and desperately patting the few poor remnants of snow. When it reached the top of the mountain, the clouds walked around with the flow of people. In fact, I was quite disappointed, thinking how it was the legendary sacred mountain. But now it seems there is nothing good.

The two shrines on the top of the mountain were all bustling with people, watching this situation. Yun Duo said with emotion that there are so many shrines in Japan. You will see shrines or temples, large and small, everywhere you travel along the way.

Japanese people believe in Buddhism and Shintoism, which account for a high percentage of the population. The most common places in each place are the shrines and shrines that can be seen everywhere. Shintoism has absorbed the ethics and morals of Chinese Confucianism and certain doctrines or thoughts of Buddhism and Taoism, and gradually formed a relatively complete religious system. It is roughly divided into shrines and shrines, sects and shrines. The three major systems of folklore Shinto. Believe in many gods, known as 800,000 gods, 8 million gods or 15 million gods, the highest is the sun god, called Amaterasu.

The emperor is a descendant of the great **** Amaterasu and his representative in the world. The purest bloodline among the royal families in the world is the Japanese royal family, which lasts for thousands of years. Even in the Tokugawa clan during the Edo shogunate, the power at the time was already under one person and above ten thousand people, and they did not dare to move the imperial clan at all. And not like other countries constantly changing pedigrees.

After World War II, the United States took over Japan's political system reforms. Did not dare to abolish the emperor. It can be seen that this belief is deeply ingrained in the hearts of Japanese people. Before the Showa Emperor, the royal family could not marry a commoner, so the royal families before the Showa era were married with close relatives to ensure the purity of their blood. After the war, the Showa Emperor declared that the royal family was no longer a **** in order to bear the responsibility for the defeat of the war. His son, Emperor Akihito, broke the tradition and married Michiko, the eldest daughter of the commoner Masada Hidesaburo of Nissin Flour Milling Company, and maintained monogamy, which continues to this day.

Seeing the pious attitude of Japanese tourists and foreign tourists who are purely interested, it is definitely a different attitude. Of course, there are also pious tourists here.

There is nothing particularly good in the volcano, but there are a few flints bred in the depths. Unfortunately, there is no aura on the earth. This is completely formed over time, and the quality is average, not as lucky as Sanqingshan. So Yunduo and Fang Zhe gave up after talking about it, after all, there was no need to venture down for a few stones.

When I went down the mountain, I met a lot of people who had just climbed the mountain. It was said that they wanted to watch the sunrise. Thinking about how cold the mountain is, these people are really amazing. This is definitely an authentic donkey, who can endure the cold on the top of the mountain for a night just to watch the sunrise.

Yun Duo is not interested in watching the sunrise here. After they descended the mountain, they went to the place where they were staying to freshen up. The main thing is that the whole person is a gray layer, with the cloud of their ability, it will not be enough. But you can't be clean in a group of people who are all dust, it's strange that it doesn't attract crowds.

The next itinerary is similar to the previous few days, where you see where you go, and where you eat. I bought a lot of gadgets along the way, and all kinds of Japanese sweets are also very popular. The children bought a lot, and the clouds also bought a lot of them. What makes Yunduo happy most is that every time he passes by a bookstore, Yunduo has to go in and clean up. In this way, let the cloud sweep nearly a thousand picture books, but the cloud does not stop, as long as you see it, you can buy it, anyway, I don't worry about not taking it away.

Japanese picture books are particularly famous, and they are all very beautiful. Yun Duo himself likes these picture books very much. Since he came this time, he would naturally not let it go. Therefore, every bookstore left them with large bags of books and left. And every time he went back, Yunduo would put away all the things he bought.

Xiaowen watched things disappear under his eyelids, feeling like a cat scratched in his heart, but he just suffocated. Yun Duo didn't say anything, but wanted to see how long this child could hold back. And Xiaowen's perseverance impressed Fang Zhe and the others. The child could endure until after he returned to China when Yun Duo asked him to talk to him. He had to say that his heart was tough.

In addition to buying a lot of books, Yunduo and the children must buy all kinds of food as long as they like it. The most exaggerated thing is that they eat ramen in a famous store. Using spiritual knowledge to secretly learn from someone's kitchen, Yun Duo really learned it secretly. Record every movement and every step of the master inside, even every seasoning, Yun Duo secretly checked it with spiritual sense, and wrote it down, and bought it when he met the supermarket.

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