Home Has a Fairy Garden

Chapter 160: Huangshan II

Huangshan has four unique features: strange pine, sea of ​​clouds, strange rocks, and hot springs.

Because there are many tourists in Huangshan Mountain, Yunduo's family just looked at the scenery during the day, and Yunduo didn't collect anything into the space.

Staying in such a beautiful place, how could Yun Duo let go? Yun Duo let go of his divine consciousness a long time ago and swept some spiritual things, probably medicinal materials, or even elixir.

So, when the tourists started to return in the evening, the clouds and the others had already started to repair the clouds. By the middle of the night, the family got up and set off. The owner of the inn was not surprised to see Yunduo's family go out. They often set out to go up the mountain in the middle of the night like Yunduo.

They are all for watching the sunrise early in the morning. Of course, Yunduo seems to have set off a bit early, but the boss is not too busy with his business. The family is also educated, and they all carry large backpacks, so they should be well prepared.

Yun Duo was relieved to see that no one had any doubts about their behavior. She could sneak up the mountain, but this is different from some more remote places. There are still so many people in case they notice you. Therefore, Yunduo still show their faces.

The air at night was a bit wet and heavy. After walking on the mountain road for a while, the hair got wet. Yun Duo quickly took out hats for the children and asked them to wear them on their heads. Although everyone is in good health, we should be careful not to suffer.

After a certain distance on the mountain road, Yunduo and the others went down the mountain road and went into the forest on the side of the road. The greatest benefit that cultivation brings to them is that their eyes can see clearly at night. So the four people walked forward fast in the forest.

There are certainly not many good things to rely on outside, because tourists will come during the day, so the clouds did not look carefully. When they deepened, the speed of the four slowed down, and the clouds were responsible for finding precious trees and herbs. Fang Zhe and the children are responsible for the hands-on.

What is the most abundant mountain in Huangshan, pine trees, and clouds. They have to sigh for the good fortune of nature. Its love for Huangshan has created the beauty of Huangshan. Each pine tree has its own manners, different postures, vigorous and diverse: either standing tall, or stretching green branches, or winding roots, or vigorous and mighty.

Such as the sea pine exploring the sea lingbo. The lead pine introduced into the Pure Land Wonderland is like a black tiger pine shaped like a ‘tiger’ in cursive style, like a pair of pine pine where lovers stand on each other. The bare roots of Longclaw pine that resemble the five-claws of a coiled dragon, the Crouching pine that grows crookedly and lie down, and the pine that symbolizes the unity of the big family of the Chinese nation, etc., are all amazing.

Go deep into the mountains. Yunduo discovered that the various pine trees in the mountains are not at all worse than the pine trees now advertised by everyone, and some are even worse. It is just because the place where they grow is too remote and precipitous, and ordinary people will never come here. , Yunduo and the four also rely on their own body skills to explore the secrets here.

Along the way, Yunduo collected many different pine trees. Although some super trees are great, but the clouds have not moved, the main reason is that the roots in the ground are too deep and too mixed. So they all grabbed some small trees. What made Yun Duo happy most was that Yun Duo found more than a dozen tea trees that no one had discovered.

Fang Zhe surrounded the tea trees and almost screamed, digging when he was excited. Be more careful than when digging pine trees, and you know how much he loves. For a person who loves tea. I am delighted to see good tea.

Yun Duo carefully discerned it for a while, and felt that it should be Yunwu Tea. The trees grow very far from the place, almost even on the side of a small cliff. If Yun Duo is not holding the idea of ​​searching for treasures, he really can’t find it. .

Carefully and Fang Zhe transplanted these tea trees into the space. Yun Chen and Yun Xi watched nervously by the side. Because of the steep terrain, Yun Duo and Fang Zhe were not allowed to come over, so the brothers and sisters could only watch by the side. . When Yun Duo came up, the children breathed a sigh of relief. Although I believe in the abilities of mom and dad, there is a cliff below, and the be careful is jumping "puff and puff."

There are countless treasures gained along the way. Yun Chen and Yun Xi helped at the beginning, but they were fascinated by the scenery along the way, especially the various strange rocks, which made them exclaim again and again.

Huangshan strange rocks are dotted around the magnificent Huangshan peaks and seas. They are unique in shape, large or small, competing to show off, with endless interest. Yun Duo didn't have the idea of ​​hitting these stones. The main reason is that these stones are very suitable for the surrounding environment. Yun Duo doesn't want to destroy this kind of beauty. She hopes that this kind of spectacle will be preserved.

There are many hot springs along the way, but unfortunately these are not attractive to the clouds. For those who can soak in the hot springs every day, the small hot springs here are really not worth mentioning.

Yun Duo has also harvested some exotic grasses, most of which grow in the deep depths or on cliffs. Yun Duo relies on being a cultivator and easily gathers these precious herbs. Every plant is carefully transplanted into the space.

In addition to these plants, Yun Duo also harvested some small animals. As long as they were seen in the forest and not in the space, all the clouds were not let go. At least they caught a pair. That's it. After a few hours, Yun Duo and them It was also close to the top of the mountain, and the sky began to slightly brighten.

Yunduo clapped his hands and decided to slowly walk up to the top of the mountain. He was almost exploring along the way. Originally, Yunduo wanted to find out if there are any legendary fairy cave houses, but found a few caves. Unfortunately, they are all homes of beasts. Or it's empty.

Yunduo finally found no treasures in Huangshan. Of course, Yunduo thought that there was no chance. She felt that there must be treasures in Huangshan, but she came and went in a hurry, not too deep, and there are always more treasures underground. Just wait for a chance in the future and come back.

They slowly began to approach the place where there was a mountain road. The weather at this time was like four or five o'clock in the morning because the sun had not yet come out, and the whole Huangshan Mountain was shrouded in a cloud of mist.

Clouds and fog move up and down the mountains with the air currents, and the circulation is active. The clouds and stratocumulus in the sky drift with the wind, sometimes rising, sometimes falling, sometimes turning, and sometimes stretching, forming a strange and ever-changing view of the sea of ​​clouds.

Walking in the rocky pine forest, there is a green world around you. Occasionally, clouds of smoke drift in front of you. The Yunduo family feels as if they are wandering in the sky. The clouds and mists floating around you are like pieces of veil, enticing you to dance with it.

Unknowingly, the fog spread to the distance, and the nearby scenery can be clearly seen, the farther scenery is not clear, and the top of the mountain is still surrounded by white mist. Since they were already on the mountain road, there was still a short distance from the top of the mountain, but they were also taught to see many famous Qisongs.

The black tiger pine, lianli pine, harp pine, and sea pine, all in different shapes and vivid images, also solved the regrets of the two children.

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