Broadcast reaction and ratings research

“Ah, he’s so handsome!” Jenny looked at the character who had just appeared on TV – Luke, with starry eyes.

“Hey, this is a new character added in the new season. Why haven’t I seen it before?” Nate looked at the TV.

“This boy named Luke is so handsome! Look, his hair is pure black! Look, his eyes are as blue as the sea!” Jenny started to become a nymphomaniac, “I hope this Little brother can act in a few more episodes~”

“Well, it’s not that bad~ His expression is so sad, he’s so thin, he looks like he has no strength at all.” Next to him, Nate, looking at Jenny’s infatuation, was very disgusted and cursed. , “How come girls nowadays like this one, sissy, it’s so unmanly. Tsk tsk tsk, the world is getting worse~” Jenny watched the

episode with 90% more attention than usual. Finally, at the end of the film, I did not forget to stare at the cast list carefully and look for the name of the actor who plays Luke.

“It’s necessary, Jenny. This skinny guy like a weakling has mesmerized you! Are you ashamed?” Nate was very dissatisfied with his sister’s aesthetic orientation! After saying that, he also raised his biceps, which had made some achievements in fitness, and said proudly: “A real man should be like your brother and me! Look at my muscles!” “Hey, Nate, you are so narcissistic

. , you are not an adult yet, what kind of man are you~~” Jenny was disgusted, “Don’t you think Luke is cool! Mom, you are the one to judge!” “Haha, Luke is indeed cold at ordinary times,

but he laughs occasionally It’s quite sunny up.” Mom smiled to smooth things over, but her tone still revealed her favoritism for the character of Luke, which disappointed Nate.

“Humph, I won’t tell you women anymore, you don’t understand at all!” Nate, who was in his adolescence, had his own little awkwardness, so he simply ignored Jenny and her daughter, and then went back to his room with a stiff head.

“Hahahahahaha~” The mother and daughter’s joyful laughter echoed in the living room.

On this night, there were old fans of “Growing Pains” who turned on the TV on time to contribute to the ratings; there

were also families who accidentally tuned to ABC TV, or because the plot could still be saved and continued to watch. Or it may be for other reasons, but a small number of people continue to watch it because of Luke. Maybe not much, but there is some!

This night, Claire’s system also flashed an illusory panel:

[Mission Completed], congratulations to the host for filming his first TV series. This is also a huge progress for the [Global Influence System]!

Now another core function of the system

[unlimited plot replay function] will be opened

(the host can use this function unlimited times to experience the scenes in the plot in the replay, helping the host figure out the character and enhance the character’s appeal!) Look at the notes and explanation

of the function , Claire is overjoyed! It’s a real emergency function that helps him in times of need. He needs this to help him improve his acting skills! This system is finally reliable for once.

But on the other side, Claire is also thinking about the development of this system. After all, “influence” is a very neutral word that can have either a positive or derogatory meaning. If you choose a non-positive way to increase your influence, such as doing bad things, etc., will this system open functions accordingly to help the host go to that extreme?

None of this is known, and Claire doesn’t want to experiment on herself, after all, it’s very dangerous. Forget it, let’s take it one step at a time. There is no distinction between good and evil in this system. The most important thing is to stick to your heart.

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Claire’s family members also turned on the TV to support Claire’s TV series debut.

My sister Lina has already presented a case to her classmates in class. Her younger brother is about to star in “Growing Pains”. Please give me your support.

Dad was also there to share the news with everyone.

Not to mention grandma, she had already spread the news throughout Chinatown.

During the break from filming, Claire also found the series to watch. Watching the TV series gives me a very fresh feeling. This is also my first show after losing weight and shaping my body. Although the commercials I shot before were also broadcast on TV, the TV shots are still like magic.

Claire doesn’t seem to recognize herself in the TV series. Is she so handsome and cool? Not quite like herself~

After a good self-obsession, Claire packed a change of clothes and swimming equipment, left the hotel where she was staying, and went to a nearby swimming pool.

Yes, although the purpose of swimming fitness has been initially completed. However, during this period, Claire also developed a strong interest in swimming and enjoyed the joy of swimming in the water.

Of course, there is a practical reason. The original Xu Xinrui was an ordinary person with average academic performance. He had long forgotten what he learned in middle and high school as far as the Mariana Trench. Therefore, after entering junior high school, his soul age advantage is gradually not enough, and because filming inevitably takes up a lot of normal study time, he can no longer get into a good high school just by spending time studying tactics.

Swimming is a good way to save the country. As long as you get the top eight in the National Youth Swimming Championships or the lower level California Youth Swimming Championships, you can rely on your performance to enter a good high school as a student with sports talents.

However, don’t think this is an easy shortcut. The United States is a sports powerhouse, and it is even more dominant in swimming. Competition in domestic swimming events is even more intense. It can be compared to China’s table tennis, which is a national sport.

American schools also attach great importance to the infrastructure configuration of swimming, and basically provide standard swimming pools to support students in professional training.

Claire was able to persevere because his first coach, Brother Jerry, the son of Jonathan’s grandmother’s house next door, gave him a lot of encouragement and help. And Claire also knew that her shortcomings in cultural courses could not be made up for immediately. She had neither enough IQ nor time to catch the stupid bird first.

So grab the swimming path and go for it. You might be able to surprise yourself. There are still two years until high school. If I can win a state award during this period, it will be worth the effort!

Claire finished swimming, had a sandwich after a break, and went to the set to inquire about last week’s ratings.

As a TV series that is filmed and broadcast at the same time, the crew attaches great importance to the fluctuations in the ratings of the previous episode and uses it as a reference to adjust the focus of subsequent filming. Where there is demand, there is a market. Therefore, many consulting companies have also been established in Hollywood.

This company specializes in collecting audience feedback for TV series, movies, and variety shows, analyzing the fluctuations in ratings during each period, and providing consulting reports. Of course, the price is not low.

Major film and television companies will also purchase this consulting service. This is very important and can help them grasp the audience’s feedback and adjust their strategies and follow-up plans in a timely manner to make big profits or stop losses.

Judging from the consultation report purchased by the crew. The ratings for “Growing Pains,” which premiered last week, were quite satisfactory. Compared with the weak ending of the previous season, this season started well.

The report also noted in detail that the fluctuations in ratings within an episode were combined with the development of the plot to analyze which episodes the audience was not interested in and which episodes stimulated the audience.

Claire looked at the analysis of her appearance written in the report, “As a new character appearing in the new season, many viewers were still quite curious and did not switch the remote control… According to the responses from the interviewees, there are 80% of women and 30% of men said they are looking forward to the follow-up plot direction of the new characters. ‘

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