Hollywood Road

Chapter 690 Single Day Box Office Record

The roar of the huge engine sounded, and a business jet slid across the runway in lightning speed, rushed into the sky, and quickly climbed to the stratosphere. Vin Diesel, with a bright bald head, was no exception. He unbuckled his seat belt and asked the flight attendant for a drink.

The crew of "Fast and Furious 6" is going to Europe for publicity, and the distributor, Universal Pictures, specially provided this business jet for the crew.

The space inside the plane was not too big, but Vin Diesel occupied the best four opposite seats in the front cabin by himself, and everyone else sat in the back, and none of the actors could sit with him.

Vin Diesel heard the muttering of the people behind him, and looked back. Dwayne Johnson, nicknamed The Rock, was joking with Michelle Rodriguez, but after seeing his averted eyes, he temporarily Shut up.

Vin Diesel is quite satisfied with the reactions of these people, because he is the real boss of this crew and this series!

He doesn't care if the rookies in the back think they are domineering. What are those young actors? This series is about to be killed. If he hadn't returned like a savior, the "Fast and Furious" series would have the current results? Count on such rookies? What a joke.

The most important thing for the crew under his control is to carry out his will.

Vin Diesel knows that he is very domineering. Others in the crew are very dissatisfied in private, but this is his style. A chance for a major role?

The cabin was unusually quiet. Vin Diesel picked up the wine glass sent by the flight attendant, took a sip, and suddenly heard that today is Saturday. At this time, yesterday's box office statistics should have been released, and someone sent another Laptop, opened his mailbox.

Sure enough, among the newly received emails in the mailbox, there was an email from Universal Pictures with the title North American Friday Box Office Express.

"There should be ten million dollars in a single day..."

Vin Diesel was suddenly a little nervous. The box office of "Fast and Furious 6" in the first weekend was more than 97 million US dollars. Even on average, the single-day box office of the three-day weekend was more than 30 million US dollars. Yesterday's single-day box office was 1,000 US dollars. If it falls to 10 million US dollars, it is already a big drop. If it falls to 10 million US dollars, it will really be a cliff-like drop.

He is very clear that the nervousness is the strong oppression from Murphy Stanton's "Dark City".

After a day of screenings, this black crime movie became a hit with word-of-mouth and became a super masterpiece among movie fans. Even professional film critics who have never been used to commercial movies lost their shame and knelt down to worship one by one. These feedbacks When it comes to theaters, there is a super-high screening rate and attendance rate.

Others, including "Fast and the Furious 6," which opened fairly well at the opening weekend, can only tremble in the shadow of "Dark City."

Vin Diesel moved the mouse and opened the email. The email was presented in a multi-page format. The one that appeared on the home page was Murphy Stanton's "Dark City". The most important thing is the box office of the film. The box office of "Dark City" on Friday was as high as 102.6 million US dollars!

The single-day box office exceeded 100 million US dollars!

This is not a three-day weekend, but the box office results of the first day of release! This surprised Vin Diesel. It is also an action commercial blockbuster with a huge investment. "Fast and Furious 6" only received more than 97 million US dollars in three weekends, and "Dark City" exceeded 100 million in just one day... …

"People really can't be compared with others." Vin Diesel shook his bald head, "Compared to Murphy Stanton, what is my crew?"

Fortunately, there is only one Murphy Stanton in Hollywood.

He is very clear that "Dark City" is completely different from "The Avengers", which was a big hit last summer.

The role of the director is limited, while "Dark City" is a complete director's work. The former may succeed without Joss Whedon, and the chances are not small. If the latter does not have Murphy Stanton, It is impossible to have the current box office and word-of-mouth explosion.

Vin Diesel couldn't help but read some introductions behind the film's box office. The theater audience of "Dark City" scored A+ on the spot, and IMDB currently has a score of 9.7. Because the number of rating users is sufficient, it has already entered the TOP250 and is currently at No. 1. One; the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is 97%; the authoritative media comprehensive critics' media scores, the average score is as high as 89 points...

Seeing this, Vin Diesel's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly remembered something. The first-day box office of "Dark City" seems to have broken the record, right?

He hurriedly opened the webpage to check, and it really looked like this. The first-day box office score of "Dark City" was 102.5 million US dollars, which not only broke the North American record of 92.1 million US dollars created by "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". The single-day box office record also logically created the highest Friday box office record in North American film history, and it was also the first single-day box office film in North American history to break through the $100 million mark.

There is no doubt that Murphy Stanton has engraved his name deeply on the film history!

Vin Diesel sighed, knowing that he could not compare with Murphy Stanton. If he kept comparing with Murphy Stanton, he would definitely lose his confidence.

He dragged the mouse and clicked on the next page. Although he already had a bad feeling, he still had to read it after all. After all, "Fast and Furious 6" hadn't seen the box office yesterday.

Turning the page, "Fast and Furious 6" ranked second on the North American box office list yesterday, which made Vin Diesel heave a sigh of relief, but he was still a little disappointed when he saw the box office numbers behind.

$8.95 million!

This is the single-day box office of "Fast and Furious 6" on Friday, which is a little bit more than "Dark City"...

Vin Diesel frowned. Under the strong impact of "Dark City", the North American box office of "Fast and Furious 6" seemed to have a cliff-like drop.

Fortunately, with a certain amount of psychological preparation, he was not very depressed.

For the box office statistics of the following films, Vin Diesel didn’t bother to watch them, so he turned off the computer, closed his eyes, and prepared to go to sleep. He always compared his films with Murphy Stanton’s works. I'll be better off getting a good night's sleep.

Saturday is a day off, and the major theaters in the United States are crowded with people. The attendance rate of the theaters showing "Dark City" has reached two-thirds, and nearly 200 IMAX theaters are all full. Had a great time.

However, IMAX has been prepared for a long time. First, they have full confidence in Murphy, and second, the crazy publicity has also increased their confidence.

As early as a few days ago, IMAX Corporation decided to increase the screening of "Dark City" at six o'clock in the morning on Saturday.

In North America, when popular movies are released, in order to maximize revenue, theaters often arrange screenings at "abnormal" times. Early and midnight screenings are now a tradition for summer box office blockbusters.

Nowadays, the popularity of online ticket sales makes it possible for movie tickets to be sold out in advance. In order to meet the upcoming "Dark City" craze, except for IMAX, there are more than 3,500 movie theaters in the United States that do not open until after 10 am on weekdays. The cinema welcomed its first guests at six o'clock in the morning.

And the number of this group of guests is quite large.

"I'm here to see James Franco's magicians."

"This is Murphy's film, of course I want to watch it."

"The rating on IMDB is very high, isn't such a movie worth watching?"

People who walked into the theater early in the morning had their own reasons, but bought tickets to support "Dark City".

The staff of the theaters in the bustling areas have also entered the busiest stage. An IMAX theater manager complained about the popularity of "Dark City" when interviewed by media reporters.

"I worked until three o'clock in the morning last night, and I got up at five thirty this morning, and I didn't even go home." He pointed to his dark circles, "I didn't sleep well at all!"

"The attendance rate is very good?" the reporter asked again.

The theater manager smiled and said directly, "The evening show last night was not only full, but there were also many people who didn't have tickets and refused to leave. We had to temporarily add more than a dozen chairs in the theater."

He sighed, "This has never happened in an IMAX theater. The company should have found Murphy-Stanton to cooperate earlier."

However, the attendance rate of "Dark City" dropped significantly on Saturday, and the advance show and the one-day screening on Friday consumed too much audience enthusiasm. This is a very normal market law.

And as the number of audiences coming to the theater increases due to the spread of word of mouth, some bad reviews cannot be avoided.

"Sixty points at most, if it's not a movie by a super Hollywood director, I don't think it's worth even fifty points. I really like "Iron Man" and other movies, but this "Dark City" is too impressive. Disappointed, who likes those gloomy and desperate content? And it’s not refreshing enough, the chattering magician is annoying.”

"It's not interesting at all. It's just that motorcycle. It's a boring movie that plays a beautiful woman and a handsome guy crazy. It's really ugly and scary."

There is no movie in this world that can satisfy all audiences and movie fans. It is normal for a movie like this dark style to be hated by people, and then have bad reviews.

Besides, such bad reviews are rare among many movie audiences.

Like Murphy and 20th Century Fox, they didn't pay attention to these at all, because the number of bad reviews was so small that it was completely negligible!

Compared with the very few negative reviews, "Dark City" has not only been recognized and praised by the vast majority of fans, but some partners such as IMAX are also preparing to urgently mobilize resources to fully support the film.

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