Hollywood Road

Chapter 564 Box Office Suppression

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Although it is clear that this is not the awards season, the film reviews of professional film critics have little to do with the actual market box office, but when Natalie returned to the hotel, she felt so depressed that she was called a middle-aged aunt by some film critics. Before I knew it, when did she, who was a majestic Oscar queen, turn into a passer-by aunt? Can't compare to the little actor Kat Dennings? It's just...

Natalie Portman made an instant decision to put pressure on Marvel Studios through her agent Martin Miller and her agency William Morris to prevent Kat Dennings from participating in the "Thor" post-screening promotion !

In the early hours of the morning, just as Natalie Portman fell asleep, the phone rang suddenly.

She held back the impatience in her heart, glanced at the phone number, frowned, but she got through, "Is there something wrong, Darren?"

The caller was Darren Aronofsky, the director of "Black Swan."

"Is the child okay?" A concerned voice came from the receiver.

"Child? Don't mention the child to me!" Natalie Portman hurriedly stood up from the bed, "I told you, it's my child with Benjamin Millepie! It has nothing to do with you!"

She emphasized again, "That child is not yours!"

After finishing speaking, Natalie Portman hung up the phone directly, but the last sentence had no confidence at all.

A few years ago, the conflict between her and Murphy Stanton directly affected the future. In order to change this situation, she went back to Jerusalem for further studies, so as to please the Jewish forces in the circle, and finally returned to the mainstream of Hollywood bit by bit. .

But Natalie Portman is very clear that in order to achieve the original goal, she must win the Oscar for Best Actress. Under the planning of William Morris, she hooked up with Darren Aronofsky , successfully won the heroine of "Black Swan", and made Darren Aronofsky fascinated by himself, saying something like "Black Swan" was prepared for Natalie Portman ten years ago Advocacy words like that.

This is extremely powerful for her to win, but Natalie Portman discovered that Darren Aronofsky hooked up with her friend Mila Kunis in the crew, and in the split with Mila Kunis At the same time, she used the ultimate killer move and successfully conceived a child, putting Darren Aronofsky under control temporarily.

At the same time, she caught up with the famous ballet master Benjamin Millepie, not only let the other party advocate for her from a professional standpoint, the two also successfully got engaged, avoiding the pregnancy becoming a scandal, but becoming a favor of the Oscar judges Tool of.

In the end, she defeated all her competitors and successfully crowned Oscar queen.

Of course, Natalie Portman will never admit this, even though there are many rumors in the circle.

Looking back now, she is very proud of herself. The plan she personally made and successfully implemented is simply perfect. If there is a suitable role in the future that can win the Oscar for Best Actress, she can definitely get pregnant again.

Those Oscar judges always have a good impression of pregnant women, but they don't know that it's never difficult for her to spread her legs.

Thinking of her masterpiece, Natalie Portman was in a better mood. Compared to her Olympic strategy, Harvey Weinstein's public relations methods can definitely be said to be simple and crude, and have no technical content.

At this moment, the phone rang again. Natalie Portman picked it up and connected it. After hearing a few words from the person inside, she immediately felt better!

"What's the word-of-mouth of the film critics?" Natalie Portman walked to the window and looked towards the south hillside. "This is a summer commercial blockbuster, and the only thing that matters is the box office!"

It was just a call from agent Martin Miller, informing her of the latest advance box office results. The precise statistics have not yet come out, but the approximate figures are already available.

The early box office of "Thor" is about 6.5 million U.S. dollars, which is much higher than the 3.4 million U.S. dollars of "City of Chaos".

And the gap between the two sides is still huge.

Natalie Portman's good mood was directly reflected on her face. She came to the wine cabinet with a smile and poured herself a glass of red wine. Well, even the early box office of "Fast and Furious 5", which was released last weekend, can't match it.

In addition to these, Martin Miller also told her a piece of information. Based on the early box office results, Walt Disney made a certain estimate for the performance of "Thor" in the first weekend in North America. It is expected that the first-day box office of "Thor" will be around 28 million US dollars, and the box office of the first weekend has a high chance of reaching 70 million US dollars!

According to this ratio, Natalie Portman also estimated the box office of "City of Chaos" in the first weekend, and the figures made her smile.

$35 million! This is her best estimate, Murphy Stanton's new film...

With a production cost of US$150 million and only a box office of more than US$30 million in the first week, Murphy Stanton will definitely suffer a big fall.

On the Upper East Side of New York, in the large bedroom on the top floor of Murphy's luxury apartment, the poor Wonder Woman was hanging on two hanging soft ropes with her arms outstretched, and was being brutally ravaged until she let out a loud cry. Screaming, the big devil standing behind her stopped sprinting.

Gal Gadot almost completely collapsed, leaning on Murphy's body, the front of the battle armor was ripped open, revealing the waxed chest.

"It's been a long time..." She turned her head and whispered in Murphy's ear, "It's been a long time since I've had this much fun."

Murphy bit her white earball lightly, "Do you want to try something else?"

Hearing this, Gal Gadot was a little tempted, but knowing that his body had reached its limit, he quickly shook his head, "I don't want it tonight, let's wait until next time."

She turned her head and glanced to the left. On the oak table on the left, the candle that was used just now to add to the fun was still burning. Under the light of the candle, the other tools piled up on the table gave off a kind of fear that made her fearful. An unbearable strange feeling.

Gal Gadot is very clear that from the initial role-playing to the current tools to add to the fun, she not only did not reject, but gradually developed her body, and became more and more fond of and even obsessed with these games.

Her eyes flicked over a few of the bulbs and she got goosebumps, maybe try these plugs next time?

The two took a shower, and it took a long time before they returned to normal. Gal Gadot ignored the hot feeling in his chest, sat down at the computer desk, opened his notebook, and entered his Mailbox, just glanced at the latest email, the previous excitement disappeared without a trace, replaced by a slightly sad expression.

"What's the matter?" Murphy put a nightgown on her curvy body, "Is there any bad news?"

"Very bad news."

Gal Gadot stepped back a little so that Murphy could see the entire screen clearly, and said, "The North American box office of "City of Chaos" was only 3.4 million US dollars in advance, which was suppressed by "Thor"!"

Murphy glanced at it, not in a hurry, and asked again, "Where is "Thor"? How many are there?"

"Around $6.5 million!" Gal Gadot scratched her straight hair, "Nearly twice as much as ours."

She is no longer an outsider, and has been in the film industry for a long time. She knows that such early box office figures usually mean tomorrow’s first day box office and this weekend’s three-day first weekend box office. The box office results of "Thor" It may be twice that of "City of Chaos", or even higher!

Such data is indeed very pessimistic. If this situation develops, the box office of "City of Chaos" will definitely fail miserably in the first weekend!

But Murphy is also very clear that this situation is not unexpected, and it is also a real reaction between original types of films and adapted films with an audience base.

"Any other emails?" Murphy asked again.

Gal Gadot knew what Murphy was asking, and shook his head, "I haven't received it yet."

She looked at the time and said, "Go to sleep first, I'll wait here, and I'll call you when the mail arrives."

"You should go to bed." Murphy looked at Gal Gadot's flushed chest, "You are exhausted, go to bed early."

"I..." Gal Gadot bit her lower lip lightly, "I'm not tired, what I just did will only excite me."

The notification sound of the arrival of the new email suddenly sounded. Gal Gadot ignored Murphy, picked up the mouse, moved the pointer quickly, and clicked on the new email sent by 20th Century Fox.

The email was sent by Kara Firth, which was just obtained by 20th Century Fox, a piece of data that can better reflect the market trend of a film.

Kara Firth clicked on the email, and said to Murphy while reading it, "The latest statistics show that "City of Chaos" has an 'A+' score from the theater audience, and the public's satisfaction with the film in advance exceeds 90%. ! "Thor" received a 'B' rating from the audience in theaters, and only 66% of the pre-screening audience thought the film was wonderful..."

Seeing this, Gal Gadot's heart was relieved just now.

Murphy nodded lightly, and didn't say much. Because of time constraints, he only had rough statistics on the two films and hadn't made a market forecast yet.

"According to the accuracy of past predictions." Gal Gadot analyzed himself, "Our film may not be as good as "Thor" in the early stage. After all, this is an adaptation, but "Thor" should not have enough stamina!"

"Okay, go to bed." Murphy pulled Gal Gadot up.

The two were lying together, but they didn't fall asleep immediately, especially Gal Gadot, leaning on Murphy's arms, looking at his phone.

"It turns out that none of the above is false."

Looking at the unsightly descriptions above, she thought to herself, "Some people really like these games."

She propped herself up and asked Murphy, "You bought the copyright of this novel because you want to act in it yourself?" ()

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