Hollywood Road

Chapter 397 Find Yourself

"It's hilarious to make a superhero movie so dark and heavy."

In the front row of the lobby of the New York State Theater, Stan Lee still had a disdainful smile on his face, and said to Kevin Feige who came together, "Does he think he is making a crime documentary?"

Kevin Fitch just smiled. Marvel Pictures has developed a relaxed and funny line for its superhero movies, which is biased towards younger ages. This is a commercial film model that is relatively easy to succeed. He had some doubts about the dark route he chose, but he knew what type Murphy Stanton was best at. As long as the opponent could combine Superman with the style he was good at, it was hard to say that "Man of Steel" would not be successful.

And judging from the response of the test screening, it seems that the evaluation of this film is quite good in all aspects. Even though there is a lot of water mixed with Warner Bros., the low proportion of negative reviews can always explain some problems.

Even if he hasn't seen "Man of Steel", Kevin Fitch feels that Marvel's superhero movies may face extremely fierce competition in the future. The Avengers who lost the X-Men and Spider-Man may not be able to win. The full lineup of the Justice League.

"What is Spider-Man?"

In the back row of the audience, a young boy excitedly said to his companion, "You guys didn't watch the trial screening of "Man of Steel". Not to mention anything else, the action scenes alone kill all superhero movies in seconds."

The other boy next to him didn't believe it, and curled his lips, "Doug, just blow it!"

More and more people entered the lobby of the New York State Theater. There were many colleagues from the industry in the front row of guests, hundreds of media reporters and well-known film critics in the back, and the largest number of ordinary audience in the back.

Not surprisingly, the nearly 3,000-seat New York State Theater was packed.

At the same time, "Man of Steel" is still being screened in 3,500 theaters in North America in advance. After today, tomorrow Friday comes, and it will be expanded to 4,250 theaters in North America.

The attendance rate of all premiere shows in North America is not low. Theaters in popular commercial locations in some big cities, such as Manhattan, Santa Monica Business Center, and Hollywood Boulevard, are still full.

Just like what Murphy said, after all, this is the superhero that ranks first in the world without any suspense in terms of fame and qualifications. Superman will never lack fans, even if it is the failed "Superman Returns", the initial attendance rate It's not low, it's just that there are problems with the film itself, and serious highs and lows cannot be avoided.

For the sequels of those summer blockbuster movies, the impact of word of mouth is not particularly great, but the "Superman" series is definitely an exception. The previous failures have brought superman scars that cannot be healed. If there is no box office and It is difficult to eliminate the negative impact of "Superman 4" and "Superman Returns" when the word-of-mouth exploded at the same time.

Since the premiere was held in New York, Daisy did not attend the premiere, but stayed in Los Angeles, and organized a discussion group with nearly a hundred members to watch the movie together at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood.

In the New York State Theater, many film critics took out their notebooks and pens. This is their professional habit. Compared with the previous "Spider-Man 3" and "Shrek 3", "Man of Steel" is more popular with film critics. world attention.

"Murphy Stanton is a very thoughtful director."

In a manor on the outskirts of Chicago, Roger Ebert, who had just recovered from a serious illness, sat in his private theater and said to Richard Rope next to him, "Although this is a summer commercial film after all, you Think he's just going to do a normal popcorn movie?"

Richard Rope shook his head without thinking, "Murphy Stanton has outstanding personal style and is a very ambitious director. How could he just shoot an ordinary commercial film."

Roger Ebert glanced back. Two staff members from Warner Bros. were making final preparations before the screening. He turned back and looked at the screen in front of him and said,

"The answer will be revealed soon."

Because of his recent poor health, Roger Ebert was unable to go out, but his reputation and status are here, and countless producers will take the initiative to send the film to the door.

Although there is a very obvious time difference between the east and the west of the United States, all the advance scenes of "Man of Steel" were selected to be released at the same time.

On the big screen of the New York State Theater, the titles of Warner Bros. and DC Comics flashed, and the film officially kicked off.

Under the black sky, a group of people walked onto the land being developed by the metropolis. One of them had a bald head that was very eye-catching. They took the elevator and descended to the bottom of the trough, and then a dark gray spaceship appeared.

The bald head is naturally Lex Luthor. In a few simple dialogues, the film confesses that he has a strong government background and is researching a project related to human genes. This mysterious spaceship is extremely important to his entire group.

Lex Luthor opened the spaceship and found a woman in black armor inside...

Ascending to the ground, Lex Luthor ordered the people around him, "Build the new Lex Luthor Building here."

At the same time, a bright light suddenly flashed in the sky, as if a meteor appeared. Lex Luthor raised his head to look, and the screen switched to his first perspective. A stunningly beautiful woman on the terrace.

Tall, slender, glamorous, sexy... After seeing her, Doug burst out a series of adjectives, as if seeing Aphrodite walking down Mount Olympia.

The tall, dark-haired woman stared at the shooting star flashing across the sky, and seemed to see something unusual in it.

"Miss Prinz..." A waiter came up behind her, "The art auction is about to begin."

A short line revealed the double identity of this woman, but anyone who knows a little bit about DC knows that this is Wonder Woman Diana Prinz, and her identity is an art dealer.

Diana Prinz walked into the auction house, and when she came out through the door, the scene switched in a timely manner, turning into a black colonel in military uniform walking into the boss's office.

"We detected the entry of a meteorite into the atmosphere," he reported, "but we did not detect its fall trajectory."

Meteorites are composed of very complicated materials. This kind of situation was not uncommon in the past, and the boss didn't pay much attention to it, but just regarded it as an ordinary meteorite.

In the dark night of Kansas, a fireball suddenly fell from the sky, breaking the tranquility of a huge farm. An ordinary couple found the crash site and found a small dark spaceship. When they opened the spaceship, Inside the spaceship is a baby, and next to the baby is a set of dark blue clothing. On the upward side of the clothing is a huge "s"!

The picture went from far to near, and finally turned into a close-up of "s", and then the title of the film appeared - "Man of Steel".

Not much can be seen at the beginning, but the amount of information conveyed is enough. Superman descended to the earth and was discovered by his adoptive parents. The villain of the film must be Lex Luthor, and the beautiful Wonder Woman made a stunning appearance.

Not much content, but enough to attract people to continue reading.

This film is about the origin of Superman, and the first part naturally takes Clark Kent from incognito to becoming Superman as the theme.

In addition to being extremely strong, the first Clark Kent appeared ordinary, no different from ordinary people, but the things he did kept reminding the audience that he was not an ordinary person.

Encountered a burning building, saved people with his own strength; was bullied by a truck driver in a bar, and when the truck driver came out, he found that his truck had turned into twists and turns...

These are all reminding the audience that Clark Kent is different.

And whenever Clark Kent does these shocking things, his first choice is to leave, and leave as soon as possible, because he knows that his existence will cause fear and distress to most people.

Where does this perception come from?

Clark Kent went all the way north, and every time he did something, he would be interspersed with a childhood memory.

In any case, this is not a literary film. In order to make it easier to watch the film, Murphy deliberately uses color to distinguish the past from the present.

The sky is now a completely overcast, dark blue hue, and the sky of Clark-Kent as a child was full of sunshine.

Every episode of childhood memory appears, the sunshine of the next childhood memory will be significantly reduced, and the sky will become gloomy accordingly.

"Use the color tone as a metaphor for the world of Clark Kent." Roger Albert nodded, "Murphy Stanton is really smart and sophisticated, and Clark Kent was also full of sunshine in his childhood, instead of hiding like he is now. Why? What is the root cause of all this?"

Not only Roger Albert, but ordinary audiences can also feel this. Daisy can easily judge that the source of Clark Kent's predicament comes from his unique ability. Every time this ability appears, The way people around him look at him will become even weirder.

But he was unable to get rid of this situation, so he could only keep covering up and evading.

The camera followed Clark Kent all the way north, he helped others time and time again, and left in a hurry again and again, he showed differences every time when he was a child, and even saved a whole school bus of classmates from the river...

However, what these received was not praise and approval, but panic.

The schoolmates were afraid, which caused him to be encouraged and withdrawn; the teachers hated him, thinking that he brought only disasters; the parents feared him, worried that such a monster would harm their children...

Apart from adoptive parents, Clark Kent couldn't get any equality and kind treatment from those around him. As he got older, he began to doubt and loathe his differences, but these didn't help him.

After rescuing his adoptive father from a tornado, the panic of the people around Clark Kent reached a peak. After the father-son conflict suddenly broke out, Jonathan Kent told the story of Clark Kent and took him into the The barn where the spaceship was hidden.

Clark Kent got a set of Kryptonian costumes that came with the spaceship, and a key with the family emblem. Since the information displayed on the spaceship shows that the spaceship was launched at an extraordinary time, the content of the records is limited , he needs to find a spacecraft with a life origin chamber launched by the Kryptonians to the earth tens of thousands of years ago, so as to solve the mystery of his own life experience.

The confused Clark Kent is on the road, he needs to find his true self. (To be continued.)

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