Hollywood Road

Chapter 362 Little Golden Man

In order to boost the ratings, the organizing committee of this year's Oscars has tried their best. For example, Jon Stewart's jokes have been opened to a larger scale.

"The Oscars are where you can meet as many celebrities as possible without donating money to the Democrats."

"Don't watch the pirated version! Look at these celebrities, you are stealing their things by watching the pirated version! And look at those female stars, they are so poor that they can hardly cover their own penis, you still have the nerve to watch the pirated version?"

"Hundreds of millions of people are watching the Oscars live ... and half of them are waiting to be adopted by Angelina Jolie."

Politics, female stars, and the recently popular Angelina Jolie have all become the object of ridicule by Jon Stewart. Adopt children from Cambodia, Ethiopia, etc...

But these jokes are significantly less effective than Billy Crystal's solo opening show in the 1990s and early 2000s. These are most directly reflected in the not very loud laughter and applause in the theater.

Also, the organizing committee was once again the first to award the weighty Best Supporting Actor award, probably hoping to use the heavyweight award to arouse the emotions of the audience.

The first person to be on the podium was George Clooney, a famous male vase in Hollywood. After directing and starring in "Good Night, So Far", he finally ushered in a turning point in his career and was recognized by the Oscar.

"Good Night and Good Luck" is only the second film directed by George Clooney, and like "Gone Girl" has been nominated for multiple awards including best director and best picture. But in the final analysis, George Clooney's reputation is more in terms of actors than directors. The academy gave him the best supporting actor, which almost means that he has no chance of being the best director in the future.

George Clooney also understands this, so the first sentence he said on stage was that since I won the best supporting actor, I must miss the best director statuette...

This sentence seems to be the best portrayal of this Oscar awards ceremony. The tone of the awards and egalitarianism in the following awards is extremely clear.

Best Supporting Actress went to British actress Rachel Weisz, and the film is "The Immortal Gardener", which is the only award for this film.

Peter Jackson's masterpiece "King Kong" last year was considered to dominate the technical awards, but only won three awards for best sound editing, best sound effects and best visual effects. Disney's "The Chronicles of Narnia" and Dream The Factory's "Memoirs of a Geisha" shared awards for best makeup, best photography, best costumes and best art direction.

Nearly halfway through the awards ceremony, Murphy's biggest thing was to watch the excitement.

The biggest highlight during this period was Jennifer Aniston. Although Jon Stewart kept teasing Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, she couldn't mobilize Jennifer Aniston's emotions at all. She had disheveled hair, Dressed plainly, he read through the list of nominations with no expression on his face. After silently awarding the statuette of the best costume award to the costume designer of "Memoirs of a Geisha", he quickly stepped down.

She was definitely the most miserable presenter on Oscar night.

Since "Gone Girl" has only four nominations for Best Editing, Best Original Screenplay, Best Actor and Best Actress, according to Oscar tradition, these awards are generally presented later, halfway through the awards ceremony Many, Murphy and the entire crew were basically watching other people fight.

Next, in the best editing awards, the name of "The Lost Lover" appeared for the first time, but it could not avoid the fate of running with it. The best editing statuette was won by the crew of "Crash" without any suspense.

"According to you," Gal Gadot whispered to Murphy, "the film that gets the best editing has a very high chance of winning the best film."

"Best Editing is a recognized indicator of Best Picture.

"Murphy nodded slightly, ""Crash" has already taken the lead in the best picture competition. "

Gal Gadot asked again, "Brokeback Mountain has even less hope of winning the best picture."

Murphy whispered, "It's normal that it doesn't get the best picture."

According to the normal operating rules of the Oscars, it was an accident that "Brokeback Mountain" won the best picture.

In part, Brokeback Mountain's value lies in its timing, a film that strikes an appropriate theme at the right time this year, and there's little to complain about if it wins.

However, according to Oscar's consistent aesthetic standards, "Crash" is more pleasing than "Brokeback Mountain".

The Oscars have their own criteria for judging. It does not mean that the audience thinks that the award should be awarded, and the film will win the award. Otherwise, the best picture statuette has already become a box office blockbuster that is popular with ordinary audiences.

Scarlett Johansson walked onto the stage with a large envelope, stood in front of the microphone, and said loudly, "It takes a lot of talent to create a great story and turn it into a great script."

Just like the writing of scripts for mainstream Hollywood movies, Oscar also has a large group of screenwriters who will divide the labor to write the lines for each link of the award ceremony, and the lines spoken by the award presenters are also part of it.

Stringing words is by no means what you can say whatever you want. James Franco is also one of the award presenters of this Oscar. When participating in the rehearsal before, the producer hired by the academy clearly reminded all the award presenters that they would Prepare your lines, rehearse them if you accept them, and quit early if you don't.

It's the Oscars, and there's never a shortage of people who want to show their faces.

Those who think they are smart and humorous, but suddenly change their minds on stage, and act according to their own ideas, will only be blacklisted by the Oscars, and it will be difficult for them to serve as award presenters in the future.

James Franco once told Murphy that the producer of this year's Oscars, accompanied by the chairman of the academy, clearly told some big-name awards presenters, including him, that if the live broadcast starts at that time, Now, you backtracked and started talking to yourself, so you don't want to be a guest at the Oscars in the future.

In Murphy's opinion, James Franco may have added embellishments. The Oscar organizers should not say it so directly, but they will also warn the award presenters in some cryptic ways.

Standing on the stage, Scarlett Johansson said unhurriedly the string of words prepared by the organizer, "Few people have this kind of talent, but this year there are many excellent screenwriters who have presented wonderful stories on the screen. superior."

Saying that, she turned in the direction of the big screen, "The nominees for Best Original Screenplay are Paul Haggis and Robert Moresco for Crash, George Clooney for Good Night and Good Luck, Cyrina Stephen Gaghan, Baumbach in The Squid and the Whale, Murphy Stanton in Gone Girl..."

Murphy looked at the stage. This is the only award for "Gone Girl" that can hit the statuette, but it is also very difficult. After all, "Crash" has an absolute advantage in terms of subject matter.

But hope is not impossible, his popularity is far greater than that of Paul Haggis and Robert Moresco, and the names of stylized directors and screenwriters have always been very famous. "Crash" also spreads resources and votes to awards such as best picture and best director, and the gap between the two is not as big as it seems.

Scarlett Johansson opened the envelope, looked down, and turned her gaze around the front rows of the auditorium, and finally landed on Murphy, "I am honored to announce that the Oscar winner is Murphy Stein "Gone Girl."

The audience was silent. It seemed that no one expected this result, and many people looked towards Murphy.

Especially the "Crash" crew, who looked over with obvious puzzlement and anger.

This was a small golden man they were sure to win, but it was taken away by the people who came out halfway, and no one would be willing to replace it.

However, this is the Oscar, and the film itself is always just the most basic condition for winning.

Regardless of that, everyone in the "Gone Girl" crew immediately stood up, especially the team members who had followed Murphy for several years, all raising their hands in celebration. Starting today, they are also an Oscar-level team!

"Congratulations, honey!"

Gal Gadot stood up and was the first to hug Murphy. Murphy patted her on the back lightly, then turned around and hugged Bill Rossis on the other side.

"It's finally done!"

Bill Rossis also seemed very excited. After several months of fighting, he finally enjoyed the sweet fruit of victory. Since then, he has also become a veritable Oscar-level agent!

"Dude..." James Franco walked over, and before Murphy could say anything, he slapped Murphy on the arm, "Good job!"

Murphy held out his hand, and James Franco patted it hard.

The two clapped hands to celebrate!

Later, Murphy hugged Charlize Theron and others one by one, and then walked onto the Oscar stage.

Scarlett Johansson was already waiting above with the statuette. After Murphy came on stage, he handed over the statuette, "Congratulations."


After receiving the statuette, Murphy and Scarlett Johansson hugged politely. From such a close distance, he could see a large number of scarlett johansson's nose, lips, brow bones and ear cartilage. puncture hole.

It is not difficult to imagine that the Black Widow of Girls' Generation must be wearing rings all over her body.

Because of the former Black Widow, Murphy took one more look at Scarlett Johansson, quickly looked away, stood in front of the microphone, and took out a note from his pocket seriously.

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