Hollywood Road

Chapter 349 Harley Quinn

"You don't know me anymore?" The blond girl standing opposite tilted her head to look at Murphy and shrugged, "The great people are really forgetful. [Gate of the Mysterious World]"

Although he didn't recognize her the moment he met her, but after taking another look at her, Murphy already remembered who this girl was. Even though she had grown a lot taller, she took off the shabby jeans she remembered and put on a body-shaping casual suit. She became a big girl with bumps and bumps, but the outline of the face and the long golden hair didn't change much, enough to remind him that this was an old friend from Australia.

"You are David's sister, Margaret Robbie." Murphy said with a smile, "Maggie, you have grown up."

"I'm only fifteen years old." The little girl corrected suddenly, "My name is not Margaret now, I changed my name according to the American pronunciation."

Murphy frowned and thought for a while, "Margot Robbie?"

"Hmm." The girl shrugged again, "You can continue to call me Maggie."

Glancing at her again, Murphy shook his head slightly, probably because of his age and the fact that he didn't pay much attention to it before. He really didn't see that this little girl was Harley Quinn.

Even though she took off her denim clothes, the impression she left on Murphy was still that little girl riding a galloping horse.

"Why did you suddenly come to Los Angeles to study acting?" Murphy vaguely remembered that when she was filming "Sin City", she was not very interested in acting, "Don't you want to be a cowboy?"

Margot Robbie blinked, "I saw my role in "Sin City" and found that acting is quite interesting, so..."

It's normal for little girls to change their interests, and Murphy didn't find it strange.

Murphy raised his hand and looked at his watch. Those who were familiar with him knew that this meant the preparation was over, but Margot Robbie didn't know it, and still stood in front, with no intention of getting out of the way.

"Maggie," Murphy could only say, "Is there anything else?"

"No," Margot Robbie scratched his face, "it's okay, I haven't seen you for a long time, and I want to chat with you. [Indestructible Dragon Emperor]"

She talked a lot, "The last time I saw you, you were still a small director, but now you have become a famous director all over the world, even that idiot David is famous, I am curious how you did it .”

"Can we talk later when we have time?" Murphy pointed to the stairs, "I still have work to do."


It seemed different from when she was a child, Margot Robbie actually showed an embarrassed expression, "Sorry, Murphy, I didn't know you were busy."

With that said, she quickly stepped aside.

Murphy nodded to her, "Goodbye, Maggie."

"Well..." She smiled and waved, "Goodbye, Murphy."

Going down to the first floor, Murphy met an agent from AA. Due to Grace's relationship, he chatted with him for a while. The other party also had a client who participated in this audition, but the role of the audition was Arya Starr. gram.

Of course he wants Murphy to give the green light to his client, but Murphy will not make any decisions and commitments without seeing Seth Rogen's suggestion and audition video, even if the agent hints The parents of his young client are super-rich from the UK, who can provide a lot of convenience to the crew in Northern Ireland, and even sponsor part of the expenses.

When he sent the agent away and came to the audition area, today's audition work was over, and it happened that Seth Rogen was also preparing to ask someone to find him to participate in the audition discussion later.

For major roles like Sansa Stark and Arya Stark, the final choice of actors can only be decided by Murphy.

The temporary filming room was pitch black, and the audition videos of the young actors were played one by one by the assistant. When the screen dimmed again, Murphy and Seth Rogen, who were sitting near the window, opened the thick black curtains and opened the film. The room is back to light. [Fights Break the Sphere]

There are only four people in the office, except for an assistant and Seth Rogen, they are Murphy and Kara Firth.


Auditions are always hosted by you. "Murphy looked at the big fat man with a simple and honest appearance, "tell me what you think. "

"I think there are two outstanding candidates. You can focus on them." Seth Rogen stood up, walked to the projector, adjusted it, played a video of a young actor's audition, and said, "This girl is called Cara Delevingne, from London, England, was born in 1992..."

He pointed to the picture on the big screen in front of her, "She has a very strange wild temperament, very similar to Arya Stark."

Murphy looked at the audition screen and nodded slightly. The little girl was not very beautiful, but she looked quite confident. In this young actor like Joe Osment.

Throughout Hollywood, such young actors are extremely limited.

"There are also two young actors, which are similar to Cara Delevingne's audition effect." Seth Rogen knew that he was not the decision maker, but just repeated the actual situation as much as possible. He pushed his glasses and said, "But I Cara Delevingne is recommended."

Murphy looked at Seth Rogen. He said that, it must be that the other party's conditions are very suitable for the needs of the crew.

"If we decide to use Cara Delevingne, her parents can provide a lot of convenience to the crew in Northern Ireland and provide a lot of sponsorship fees." To a certain extent, Seth Rogen is also contaminated Some of Murphy's style, "This is incomparable to the other two actors."

Hearing what Seth Rogen said, Murphy immediately thought of the AA agent he met before, and found Cara Delevingne's information to look through, and it turned out to be the small client the other party mentioned .

"What do you think?" Murphy asked Kara Firth.

"This sponsorship has reached seven figures." Kara Firth said naturally, "We have no reason to refuse, isn't there?"

Both she and Seth Rogen looked at Murphy, waiting for Murphy to make the final decision.

Such a decision is not difficult to make. After watching Cara Delevingne's audition video and personal information again, Murphy thought about it for a while and said, "Then make sure, Cara Delevingne will play Ai Leah Stark."

He turned to Seth Rogen and said, "Have someone notify Cara Delevingne's agent as soon as possible, I need her to prepare for this role as soon as possible."

The actors for the other starring roles have already been determined, and they have also received their own scripts. Some of them even went to Belfast to start rehearsals in advance. The remaining actors, Murphy, also need to make decisions as soon as possible.

Seth Rogen made a note in his notebook, and then said, "Sansa Stark's casting candidate, I recommend Margot Robbie..."

Having said that, he added, "Maggie is really good, and the audition results are definitely a surprise."

Kara Firth asked curiously, "Is it David Robbie's sister?"

Seth Rogen nodded slightly, "It's his sister. She once played the girl Nancy in "Sin City."

I just watched Margot Robbie's audition video, it's really good, very suitable for a pure vase role like Sansa Stark, plus David Robbie's relationship here, she is almost the best suitable choice.

Although David Robbie is not as strong as Robert Downey Jr., he can be regarded as a good partner and a good friend. Since Margot Robbie's basic conditions are suitable, Mo Fei will not give up her and use other candidates.

Just like Steven Spielberg's godsons and goddaughters, getting roles based on relationships is a very common phenomenon in Hollywood.

"Does she have an agent?" Murphy asked again.

Seth Rogen thought for a while, "It seems that there is, it should be the same agent that David used."

"That's good." Murphy stood up, "You also inform them as soon as possible."

The last two actors have been confirmed, and the crew has made final preparations before going to Belfast. The rest of the work can be continued on the set in Northern Ireland.

November 2005 had just arrived, and Murphy led the main cast and crew to fly to Northern Ireland on a chartered plane to make the final preparations, and then strive to officially start filming before the arrival of December.

The plane landed at Belfast International Airport. Unlike other cities, this airport is located in the center of the city. When taking the car specially picked up by the airport to the hotel, Murphy saw many famous attractions along the way, such as the Queen of Belfast The university and the museum of the Titanic, where the ship was built a century ago.

When he came to Northern Ireland, Murphy did not take too much rest and adjust to the jet lag. He devoted himself to work non-stop, especially gathering Philip Raschel, Helena Espora, David Robbie and others to shoot on location one by one. Went around and discussed the difficulties that may be encountered when actually shooting.

The main shooting location of the crew will be the oil painting hall of the Titanic studio in Belfast. Bran’s bedroom and the meeting hall of Castle Black to be filmed are actually built in this huge film studio. And this used to be the factory building of Harland and Wolff Shipyard, which has enough wide space for the crew to carry out scene transformation.

In addition, Murphy also took people to Glasgow, Scotland to inspect an ancient castle here.

This ancient castle called Doon is located 40 minutes away from Glasgow by car. It was built in the 14th century and will be used as the exterior of the Stark family's residence in Winterfell in the future. It is also the first location in the plan.

Although post-production will use a lot of G compositing technology, as long as the shots can be shot realistically, Murphy will try his best to shoot realistically.

The preparatory work is going smoothly. When mid-November is about to pass, part of the preparatory work has been completed, and Murphy is also ready to start shooting at any time. The rest of the scenery and costume production can be done while shooting. (To be continued.)

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