Hollywood Road

Chapter 305

A taxi stopped near the gate of the warehouse on the outskirts of Venice. Gal Gadot got out of the car, took out a suitcase from the trunk, and pulled it into the warehouse. ≧ 1 novel ≧ ﹤\u003c≦≦\u003c≤﹤\u003c≦≦≤≤≦≦

"Hi Gail."

As soon as she entered the warehouse, the staff on duty greeted her at the door. Gal Gadot smiled and waved to her, "Long time no see, John."

She walked in all the way and met many people, whether she knew them or not, as long as someone greeted, Gal Gadot would respond enthusiastically, and the smiles on most of them were also very sincere, although they were not members of the crew, But her popularity is obviously very good.

"Gail, why are you back now?"

When I met Paul Wilson in the office area, Gal Gadot stopped and said, "There is something wrong with the club's plan, and the funds are not enough, so I can only return to Los Angeles ahead of schedule."

She pointed to the front, "Murphy is in the office?"

"Yeah." Paul Wilson nodded, "You go over there."

Before arriving at Murphy's office, Gal Gadot knocked on the door lightly, and waited for the familiar "p1ease" voice to sound inside, then opened the door and walked in.

“Visual effects are an important part of the post-production process.”

In the office, Murphy was communicating with the person in charge of the digital field who provided special effects services for the project, "I have 200 post-production special effects shots that need to be produced..."

Seeing Gal Gadot coming in, Murphy nodded to her. Gal Gadot had called before and came here directly instead of going back to school.

Gal Gadot waved to several people in the office, and said with a smile, "Go on."

After finishing speaking, she dragged her suitcase to the glass wall of the suite, opened the door and walked in, trying not to disturb Murphy's work.

Closing the glass door, Gal Gadot put the suitcase away, took out the Nokia mobile phone that Murphy gave her, and flipped through some photos taken in San Francisco. side.

The sound insulation here is very poor, and the outside voices come in clearly, almost all of which are Murphy talking, while others are listening.

"We'll be shooting on film throughout."

This is Murphy explaining something to Phil Raschel,

“To a certain extent, the mystery presented by film is the reason why I love it so much, but at the same time, digital photography can indeed reduce the technical problems that film will encounter in developing. Maybe digital will not surprise you from time to time. But it is undeniable that it will reduce a lot of risk, it can let you sleep well, don't have to wake up at 4 am and call the flushing room to ask if he needs to deal with some conditions today; but it does not mean your work It will be less or easier, you still have to put the lights in the right place and make the right choice."

Putting down the phone, Gal Gadot raised his chin and looked at Murphy blankly through the glass wall. The two had been dating for more than a year. As time went by, not only did the fiery passion not fade away, but it became more and more intense in her heart. The accumulation is getting thicker...

"Okay, let's stop here for today."

The meeting outside broke up, and when the others left, Murphy called out to Jonah Hill, who thought it was interesting, and came to the crew to act as an assistant director, "Jonah, wait a minute."

Seth Rogen patted Jonah Hill on the shoulder, "You will be reused by Murphy."

"I'm going to be exploited by this black-hearted capitalist!" Jonah Hill muttered deliberately.

He had just finished participating in the post-production of a comedy film, and he had nothing to do for the time being. In addition, Seth Rogen and James Franco were both here, so he simply joined the crew.

Unlike Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen left the office, immediately found Paul Wilson and an assistant producer, walked out of the warehouse door, and prepared to go to the location together.

Outside the warehouse gate, it was no longer the quietness when Gal Gadot came. Suddenly, many paparazzi and entertainment reporters appeared. Paul Wilson couldn't help frowning when he saw them.

"Why are these guys here?" He was quite puzzled.

The crew has always been very low-key, and because of the needs of publicity and marketing, they have always implemented the strictest confidentiality system, and have never attracted the attention of the media.

The target of those reporters was not the crew. When they saw Paul Wilson and Seth Rogen walking out, they just glanced at them and ignored them at all.

Seth Rogen shrugged, "We were ignored. What are they waiting for? Are they waiting for Murphy and Gale?"

Obviously, these reporters and paparazzi are here specially waiting.

"No." Paul Wilson shook his head. In the direction he was facing, a red Ford sedan was really driving slowly. From the front windshield, it could be seen that the driver was a very familiar picture of a celebrity. face, he said, "They should be waiting for her."

The Ford parked in the parking lot on one side of the warehouse. A petite woman with light makeup and plain clothes pushed the door and walked out. The paparazzi seemed to have made an appointment, and surrounded her in the middle. Do not press frequently like money.

"Natalie Portman..." Seth Rogen certainly recognized this woman, "It turned out that Queen Padmé Amidala arrived, no wonder these reporters and paparazzi are waiting here."

Paul Wilson withdrew his gaze, not interested in this kind of drama that was obviously self-directed and acted, and reminded, "Let's go, don't waste time, we still have several locations to see."

Although most of the film's storylines took place in Missouri, Murphy did not plan to go to Missouri for on-site shooting because he could not get tax rebates and other related preferential policies. The crew would basically stay in Los Angeles to find a suitable location.

Seth Rogen took one last look over there. Natalie Portman, who got out of the car, was already surrounded by reporters and paparazzi, but the order of the reporters and paparazzi was very good.

"Miss Portman, director Stanton's new film is being prepared here."

A reporter put the microphone in front of Natalie Portman and asked loudly, "Are you here now, do you intend to cooperate with Director Stanton?"

"Murphy is a very good director." Natalie Portman praised, "It is an honor for every actor to work with him, and the heroine of his new work is really great, I have never met such An outstanding character, I came here to discuss the possibility of cooperation with him."

Another reporter asked, "Can you reveal something?"

Natalie Portman shook her head, "Sorry, I can't do this until the crew officially reveals it to the public."

A script is often widely circulated in Hollywood, and may pass through the hands of many people. It seems that the specific content can be circulated at any time, but in fact it is rarely produced. There has long been an unwritten consensus within the circle, and no one will take the initiative to share If you really do so, the consequences will be very serious and you will be rejected by the entire circle.

As an actor, especially a well-known actor, he can see many scripts. If the content of one is revealed to the public, what will the crew who want to cooperate with them think in the future? When actors are given character scripts, there is bound to be doubts about whether they will leak the secrets to the outside world.

Natalie - Portman is a smart person, of course, will not do things to become a public enemy in the circle.

"What do you think of this cooperation?" The reporter asked the question, as if the two parties had already cooperated.

"I will try my best." Natalie Portman smiled. "I admire Director Stanton very much. His style is so unique. I dream of working with him."

Turning around, Natalie Portman walked towards the warehouse gate. The reporters and paparazzi not only did not block her, but also gave way to both sides, watching Natalie Portman leave like a queen sending off.

There was no one in front of her anymore, and the enthusiastic smile on her face disappeared in an instant. Natalie Portman hooked the corners of her mouth, using the media to create momentum, which was also her usual method for obtaining roles in the past. Everyone said it was suitable, plus the following Carefully prepared, isn't the role of Amy easy to grasp?

She can handle famous figures like Luc Besson and George Lucas, let alone a young director like Murphy Stanton?

She also did some research before coming here. From the analysis of the news, it is not difficult to see that Murphy Stanton is not the devoted boyfriend in the eyes of that silly girl of Gal Gadot. Before dating Gal Gadot, I also dated an English girl, and it seemed that Jessica Chastain's intervention led to a breakup, and then it was revealed that the relationship between Jessica Alba and him was unclear...

Of course, Natalie Portman knows what the Hollywood circle is like. Ninety-nine percent of such rumors are true.

"You are...you are Padmé Amidala..." The person on duty at the door was wearing a Star Wars t-shirt, and seeing Natalie Portman's eyes straightened, "No, you are Miss Natalie Portman."

"I'm looking for Murphy." Natalie Portman put on a warm and friendly smile.

The person on duty immediately said, "This way please, Director Stanton is in the office."

This face completely became a pass, and Natalie Portman found Murphy's office with little effort, and then lightly knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Hearing this voice, she pushed the door open and walked in. Murphy was sitting behind a simple desk, talking with a fat man with his back to her.

"Hi, Murphy." Natalie Portman waved to the other side. Murphy didn't expect it to be her at all, but nodded, "Hi, Nat."

Jonah Hill turned his head and glanced, and waved to Natalie Portman, turned his head and winked at Murphy deliberately, and stood up, "Come here for today, I still have work to do Busy, let's go first."

After speaking, he smiled at Natalie Portman again, and walked out of the office quickly. (To be continued.)

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