Hollywood Road

Chapter 269 Love Movie

The North American theater chain is still expanding and building. The current number of theaters and screens for "Deadpool" may be compared with that of ten years later. The North American box office of that film still cannot be compared with it. (Bayi? Novel Network \u003e]}

Indeed, compared with before, the cost of watching an ordinary movie in North America has not increased significantly, and the price of ordinary tickets will not rise much in the next ten years.

But that doesn't include 3d!

Don't forget, the number of 3D screens ten years later, and the ticket price is generally one-third to one-fourth higher than 2D, not to mention the higher ticket price of IMAX.

This part of the situation is not because Murphy chooses to turn a blind eye, it does not exist, and the impact of this objective condition on the film cannot be changed by one person or even a film company.

How many 3D screens are there in North America now? Even if you add up the ones used for experiments or teaching purposes, you may not be able to make up two hundred yuan.

Judging from the word-of-mouth of the trial screening and the effect of actual publicity, Murphy is very confident in the film "Deadpool", but also maintains enough reason.

After the preview, "Deadpool" entered the sprint stage of pre-screening promotion, and 20th Century Fox also began to make a fuss about the word-of-mouth of the preview.

Many messages and comments from the audience were widely disseminated on the Internet.

"They have completed a super invincible and exciting "Deadpool" movie, it is so different." - An ordinary audience named Lucas Singer said so.

Another big boy named Eddie Biddle put it this way, "Deadpool is just so damn good.

The compliments signed by the audience are endless, ""Deadpool" is awesome! So absurd and funny, it may become one of my favorite movies."

The trial screening of "Deadpool" was also passed on to Xingfang Revolution and Warner Bros., which released "Hellboy" the previous week and "Catwoman" the following week.

The former is just a small company in Hollywood, unable to compete with 20th Century Fox. Warner Bros., one of the Big Six, is always paying attention to the dynamics of "Deadpool". The next weekend of this film happened to hit "Catwoman" On the weekend of 2020, both films are still superhero movies, and there will be competition both in the audience and in theaters.

However, the competition among the six major companies has long formed a tacit understanding, and will be maintained to a certain extent, and most of the methods used are reasonable and legal.

without a bottom line.

For example, on the media and the Internet, there are some negative news about Murphy and Robert Downey Jr., saying that the two are not only friends, but also drug friends. One of them and so on.

Obviously, after the private investigations against Murphy failed to obtain any evidence, they turned into gossip in the tabloids.

"This kind of news won't have much effect." Two producers who are actually in charge of the production of "Catwoman" walked into a conference room of Warner Bros., where several senior executives of Warner Bros. were already waiting. Here, they first saw Bruce Rosenblum, the director of the television department, and then Bruce Berman, the CEO of Warner Bros.

Seeing Bruce Berman waiting here in person, the two of them are not surprised. "Catwoman" is a project that Bruce Berman pushed forward regardless of internal opposition, and it is directly related to whether he can secure this position.

"Sit wherever you want." Bruce Berman nodded to the two.

This brief meeting will begin here.

"What's in our favor right now is that we're still some time away from release," said a middle-aged man to Bruce Berman's left.

He coughed, "Unfortunately, the trial screening of "Deadpool", which was released a week earlier than ours, has a very good reputation. Its box office and film schedule in the second week may affect "Catwoman."

The meeting room was quiet. The word-of-mouth test screening, the actual situation will definitely be different from the publicized situation. For example, Warner Bros. made some efforts for the word-of-mouth test screening of "Catwoman", but the negative news still spread. In this day and age, it is impossible for film companies or even any media to completely block the bad news of their own films, nor to exaggerate the good news without limit.

From this point of view, the word-of-mouth reputation of "Deadpool" is at least 70% authentic.

Everyone's faces are a little serious. It's hard to say what the effect of "Catwoman" will be after the re-editing and adjustment. In case "Deadpool" is as big as its pre-screening reputation, "Catwoman" can carry it. Live it's shock?

"Can this be done?" This time it was the person on Bruce Berman's right who spoke, "Let's think of ways to make "Deadpool" finally be rated as NC-17 on the MPAA rating. "Basically there is no threat."

"Absolutely not!" Bruce Rosenblum suddenly retorted, "We are members of the MPAA, and so is 20th Century Fox, and they have been in the MPAA longer than us and have greater influence. It is difficult. accomplish."

"Well," Bruce Berman nodded vigorously, "This is the worst choice, not to mention the scale of "Deadpool", what if 20th Century Fox also tampers with our film?"

The man just now closed his mouth in embarrassment.

All eyes were on Bruce Berman, waiting for his decision.

"Do a good job of the second editing of "Catwoman," Bruce Berman said without making them wait, "Actively contact the theaters to strive for more opening theaters and film scheduling rates for "Catwoman", so that its The media further hyped Murphy-Stanton...""

At the mention of this name, Bruce Berman frowned, and said, "Hype the negative news about Murphy Stanton and Robert Downey Jr."

These are all conventional ways of competition. Bruce Berman is well aware of some rules of the game in Hollywood. The six major companies are both competing and cooperating. In a big way, they are still a community of interests that jointly suppress emerging forces. They cannot be vicious without limit. Competition, this will not only lead to competition between each other, but may also drag the group companies behind both parties into the quagmire.

The atmosphere in the meeting room was a bit cold, it seemed that everyone lacked confidence in "Catwoman".

Bruce Berman stood up and said loudly, "Everyone! I think you should all be clear that word of mouth doesn't mean everything in the trial screening. The first audience for the trial screening of "Deadpool" must be comic fans. This is a minority. Crowds, their reactions may not represent the market. Film critics, heh, they exist apart from the audience, and Murphy-Stanton’s niche style is favored by projection critics, but it is not the style that mainstream audiences have always liked. "

His eyes swept over the faces of everyone in the conference room, and he said confidently, "I firmly believe that "Catwoman" will be successful, suppressing the box office of "Deadpool" in the second weekend, and becoming one of the best commercial films this year. "

"That's right!"

"That's it!"

There was a echo in the meeting room.

Bruce Rosenblum was also laughing and echoing Bruce Berman's words, but he was sneering in his heart. From the word-of-mouth test screening of "Catwoman", he had already seen the possible crisis that Warner Bros. and DC Comics might face. These people clearly had the opportunity to revive DC's superhero movies, but they passed the opportunity to 20th Century Fox in vain.

That's fine, he only has a chance when Warner Bros. is in crisis.

Warner Bros. invested hundreds of millions of dollars in "Catwoman". Of course, they didn't want to see any surprises in the film, and then stepped up their publicity efforts. Make up your mind and count as much as you can earn.

Twentieth Century Fox also stepped up the promotion of "Deadpool" before the release, even if the film rating was released.

"A few days ago, the superhero movie "Deadpool", which was released in half a month, was officially confirmed as R-rated! Since the shooting of the film, the rating of this film has always been a hot spot of attention. Today, mpaa finally made a final decision. Deadpool, the superhero known for his dirty jokes, can finally play cheap on the screen..."

This is not over yet. Due to the clear positioning of the target audience, 20th Century Fox also pulled out the MPAA rating comment on "Deadpool" as a promotional material.

"The American Motion Picture Association believes that "Deadpool" has a lot of violent behavior and language, sexual content, and direct adultery, and officially rated the film as R-rated (viewers under the age of 17 must be accompanied by their parents or guardians to watch. )”

There is no doubt that "Deadpool" is mainly aimed at male audiences over the age of seventeen, but the female audience group cannot be ignored. Hollywood has conducted targeted surveys, and men rarely go to women's movies, even if some people do. Very low, but women can often watch male movies...

Twentieth Century Fox has also produced commercials for films specifically aimed at female audiences.

The form of the advertisement is similar to the previous one. Deadpool greets the audience meanly to the camera, but this time with roses, it is specifically aimed at female audiences, "You may think this is a department-level hero movie, but this handsome guy tells you , you're in luck, this is actually a love movie!"

Later, there is also a special shot of Deadpool and Vanessa being intimate for a year shot by Robert Downey Jr. and Jessica Alba. The love scene is definitely exciting and hot enough.

After intensive publicity and 20th Century Fox's rigorous preparations, April moved forward step by step, and finally arrived at the second weekend slowly.

Like most films shown in Hollywood, the North American screening of "Deadpool" was held at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. (To be continued.)

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